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@TylerH that's quite possible with negative margins though
also hi
how you guys doing? cc @ZachSaucier
i'm neglecting this room too much
@Wes oh yeah
I even tweeted about it tonight
it's a fucking surreal scene lol
So it's not even that you're restricted from using grids for whatever reason, but simply because you're convinced flexbox is the one-size-fits-all solution and you simply refuse to use grids for something they were made to do? — BoltClock ♦ 8 secs ago
@BoltClock lol exactly
@Wes aren't we all
hey bolt \o yeah this room needs some love
This comment appeared about the same time as a downvote (a few minutes apart) and I have no idea what the guy is so salty about. I guess he felt personally slighted by the remark he's referring to?
Wew, someone just became a statistic
@BoltClock SO is toxic. recently i've asked a question on programmers.SE and got it downvoted and closevoted almost immediately. so i raged and deleted the question. a moderator told me "it's normal" and that i shouldn't have deleted the question. then a guy even contacted me on twitter asking what happened to the question. i understand that moderating such a large community is a hard job, but the rules have become so strict now that the appeal to new users is basically nonexistent
Yeah there can be quite a bit of toxicity, but what gets me is when that toxicity spills over to questions that aren't blatantly disrespectful of the rules and community guidelines
@Makogan: I understand. It is a shitty situation for well-meaning askers to be in, especially considering that post bans were intended to discourage those who don't want to improve. It feels to me that people downvote too often for the wrong reasons and not nearly enough for the right ones (if there's no documentation on something, you really shouldn't be downvoting a question that clearly says so, because that's absolutely not the fault of the asker at all - and by them asking, they're actually trying to help create it, albeit unofficially). — BoltClock ♦ 10 mins ago
if you read the php tag questions, it would be like this:
"how do i do x y z? i am following a tutorial about PHP and this is the first lesson"
and in the comments you get stuff like "your code is vulnerable to sql injection" "you are doing it wrong" "please don't use the deprecated library"
It would be nice to be able to ask a question and get it answered without having to worry about anything else, except then you have to add the condition that the question hasn't already been asked a gazillion times before. And people are willing to jump through dozens of mental hoops to show that unrelated question A is a duplicate of your question that has in fact only been asked once or twice in the last several years, and expect you to jump through those same hoops
do you think one at the first php lesson is interested into knowing what sql injection is?
@Wes tbf the sql injection part can get someone, or many people, into serious trouble
this kind of noise must stop. it's killing the community
We moderators get flags on questions where people pasted real, personal information (medical records, bank accounts, etc) in SO questions
Like, not placeholder info. Actual info that can be traced to real, living people
It's frightening af
SQL injection is a real problem, so I can see why people freak out over someone who doesn't know what they're doing trying to wrangle SQL
The "don't use this deprecated library" one, yeah. Sometimes you don't have a choice but to use it
only sometimes tho
If they're following a tutorial... yeah probably not much reason to freak out. I mean, I guess you could assume they're not going to take the tutorial code and push it to production?
Problem is some people do :/
In an ideal world, people would know exactly what they are doing...
i don't think SO is the place to learn about SQL injection. every comment that goes "your code is vulnerable to SQL injection" is redundant with the hundreds of thousands that already exist
Then again I've ignored php for a long time so it's not like I'm seeing 20 of those comments every day. Maybe I should force myself to read php again
And then I'll say, yeah, Wes was right :p
also another thing. it's basically impossible to build up a rep these days because all the answers about popular stuff were answered in the past
so the people that want to build a rep do it the remaining ways, like close votes
do you gain rep with that, right?
i don't think people should be encouraged to close vote
instead they should be encouraged to fix a question in such a way that is useful to anyone
perhaps even by changing the original question a lot
I swaer to god
I have had nothing but trouble trying to install microsoft products since going to windows 10
First I had to use the damn 'automated phone' activation method which made me speak to an Indian guy before sending me back to a computer
Now I have tried to install Office like 10 times and it has not worked once, even with the automated phone activation
Trying to install totally different version of Office now and it is not even getting to the install part before erroring.
in general i think that anything that generate negativity (directly/indirectly) should be avoided. for example twitter and facebook don't have the "dislike" button, only "like" and that's for a very good reason, "-6" makes me angry compared to reading "0 likes"
posted on December 20, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

when a question is closed there should be a positive way out for the OP, like "this question is opinionated, discuss it in chat" and if you do discuss it with the OP, then you'd have your rep increased
or "this question has a duplicate here but the OP didn't find it satisfying" and then a link "suggest an improvement for this question" with a tool where other users can reformulate the question in such a way that it would fit the guidelines
@Wes Yeah I'm lucky I was a relatively early adopter (active since 2010)
@Wes no close votes don't contribute to rep whatsoever
At best they may get you a few serial downvotes from really angry people
yeah. i think that should be avoided by design. if something is wrong it should be collectively fixed, not ignored. ignoring it just makes OP severely crossed, as you know :P
@TylerH Which version of Office? I can imagine how support for older versions might be lacking
I've had no issues activating my Office Professional Plus 2016 product key
only because it's not phone activation
Never done phone activation, it makes me uncomfortable
@Wes I know. On the other hand people close things so quickly because we don't always know the intentions of the OP and you know someone is just going to FGITW it in hopes they guessed right
@BoltClock I was trying Office Professional Plus 2016
that sort of worked after phone activation but then it kept complaining about an office365 proplus verification every time I tried to open it
which I don't have
Now I am trying to install Office Home and Student 2013 which I purchased in a store two years ago
I don't have an O365 subscription either. I used to have a free one that was given to me by the OneDrive team, but I never entered my credit card details
but the installer got part way through the preparation and then ran into error code 30102-11
there's not much info on that so one Q&A in Microsoft Answers indicates it could be download/bandwidth kinks
so I just finished downloading the 2.1GB ISO to mount and try that way
@TylerH This kb suggests you're low on disk space. I'm going to assume that is not at all what your issue is
Oh it suggests it might also be an OS issue. I dunno
yeah this is a fresh install of Windows 10 Pro on a Samsung 960 Pro M.2
436GB of free space
Q: What will be the future of WPF in 2018?

passion labsAs a WPF programmer I have to know about it's future. And have to think about to switch the technology.So give me good advice. Thank you

Hmmm, in the crystal ball I see a series of downvotes, followed by question closure... — rub a dub dub 53 secs ago
It's a tired joke, but it works, I guess
@BoltClock Grids are easy to work with, then why should I refuse to use grids? But I am using react-native, where I cannot use css grids as it does not support css grids, so I have to rely on flexbox. — Vishal 21 secs ago
So he is being restricted?
He said he didn't want to use grid, now he says he can't
React-native doesn't have built-in support for css grid, but that doesn't mean you can't use react with css grid layout properties in your CSS file
in fact css grid is the same kind of declarative grid system that react-native's own grid system uses
(I should really get myself up to speed on these frameworks, shouldn't I?)
I have no idea about anything with react
I just googled that
Frameworks are such a draaaag but it's what people use because surely they must be useful. I dunno I just find them such a drag for some reason
the key is to only use the ones that are useful for you
like react, it does things well, but other things not so well
But then again I probably have clouded judgement thanks to Angular
Yeah angular isn't really a framework it's more of a... cesspool
My friend uses Angular at work and I have no idea how she feels about it
Get Off My Lawn, Minneapolis, MN
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9 hours later…
any1 here good with AMP-Validation for textarea?
what is AMP validation?
If I want to make a default selection in a radio button, shall I use checked or checked='checked'
If you're the kind of person who likes to self-close your tags with />, use checked='checked'. Otherwise use checked
It makes no difference, but consistency is king
@Wes doing well! Unfortunately I've not had much time for dev related stuff, but I should have some free time in the next couple weeks so I'll be around a bit more
What's the best book to read to advance from the basics?
@BoltClock I self close but never do checked=
@I'mjustacoderforfun build stuff that's new to you
@ZachSaucier Why?
Why would you do one but not the other
I'd like to read as well. If I build something, I'll end up doing what I know.
old habit, but I think it originated out of self closing for my own clarity but never having trouble with attributes being explicit for clarity
Fair enough
@I'mjustacoderforfun not if you choose not to, lol
Hm.. You make a point.
@BoltClock But that doesn't make any compatibility issue, right?
No difference. If you can't decide, go with checked
Great, thanks
I don't like Windows Workflow Foundation
Everything is drag and drop, except there's no way to have a workflow wait for inputted data

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