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Moving text shadow for loading indicator: codepen.io/joshhunt18/pen/vxMKJb
Was fun to make but I'm sure there is probably a better way to go about it.
1 hour later…
great that chrome replaces missing glyphs of monospaced fonts with glyphs from other fonts that aren't monospaced -__-
4 hours later…
posted on April 05, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

3 hours later…
:() whats the solution of cssgridgarden.com lvl 21?
3 hours later…
@RaisingAgent grid-template-columns: 50px repeat(3, 1fr) 50px;
fr is a unit. It needs an amount
Thx a lot @Cerbrus I just tried something like 0.3fr, 0.3fr, 0.3fr and the same with '/'s
@RaisingAgent: Note that the numbers are relative to other frs in that line. 1fr 1fr will render the same as 45fr 45fr.
Likewise, 1fr 2fr is the same as 20.5fr 41fr
@Cerbrus could you explain this line^ to me? 50px top/bottom, repeat how?
@RaisingAgent repeat(3, 1fr) is the same as 1fr 1fr 1fr
So 50px repeat(3, 1fr) 50px; is 50px 1fr 1fr 1fr 50px;
okay, but what do the 50px do? 50px left 1fr 1fr 1fr 50px right?
@RaisingAgent 50px on the left, 50px on the right, the rest of the space is divided by 3 elements with the same width.
Similar to flex: 1 for flex.
Guys, position: sticky question
thx, ^^
MDN describes position sticky as "It's relative, until you scroll to the specified threshold, then it's fixed"
But I noticed that there's another constraint
The element can't leave the constraints of the container
i.e. if you scroll beyond the element that contains the position: sticky element
It sticks to the bottom of the container, even though the top: threshold is met.
Is there a detailed documentation for this behavior somewhere? MDN is insufficient
cc @BoltClock @ZachSaucier
@MadaraUchiha what does you container look like? I seems to work for me, codpen. I have a div container and it moves only inside the constraints of that container.
@RaisingAgent Yes, that's the behavior I'm seeing
But it's not documented in MDN.
There is a lot of docu there, look at the 'examples' section for 'sticky'
@RaisingAgent That is taken directly from MDN, which is lacking.
really? lol
Always refer to the spec for details like this
(Unless it's a vendor-specific feature, of course)
Hi guys, sorry if this isn't allowed here. But how would this be created in css/ jquery?cdn.dribbble.com/users/2532/screenshots/2639562/animated-ui.gif
The search area ^ sorry.
@BoltClock @MadaraUchiha I should probably update my circa-2015 sticky demo... jsfiddle.net/TylerH/gv9ugaw9/4
god, jsfiddle demo nostalgia jsfiddle.net/TylerH/f06k8a1y/3 (swapping between the question and discussion tabs)
2 hours later…
the navbar of this website is not at same level for all three pages, i tried adding position:fixed but that didnt work, link
follow our room rules if you want to get help
I am unhealthily bothered by the fact that is plural, for whatever reason
can't you change that?
Sure I can...
I can't see why people would be against it
1 hour later…
I think it's interesting that people attempt to end arguments with "F*** off". To me that seems like a concession
Guys do it in soccer all the time when they foul me and I talk to them, saying it's useless and that we're just playing IMs
@ZachSaucier I treat it as such
This is a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/40264773/understanding-css-float‌​, except with a much better title. I'm conflicted. — BoltClock ♦ 58 secs ago
it seems pretty common though

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