I have a design template php file that has a dropdown that targets to another page. now on that targeted page how do i clude the design template php file so it doesn't mess up the data table that i have in the targeted page :(
I have an admin design template page and a datatable page with no design just the actual design of the datatable. In this admin template it has the code <a href="QuestionBank.php">Second Level Link</a>. QuestionBank.php is my datatable page and I want that to be on the design of the AdminTemplate.php
prntscr.com/e499yb here is the picture of the template. I want it to be like when I click on the dropdown, it will redirect me to QuestionBank.php(Datatable) but it will just appear on the white space on the right @ZachSaucier
I'm trying to fin the quickest way since i got a deadline for school. @ZachSaucier Can I just paste the questionbank.php code in the admin template code?
Lottie * UX Smells * Using HTTP/2 Responsibly * Typefaces * Alpaca Peck * Data Humanism * Luxbar Collective #286 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.
My the content within my container div adjusts with the size of the browser window, however, the image that I'm trying to use for a background banner does not. I set the image position to relative, width is 100%.
@tereško yeah, I know that now, but the whole project is that way at this point.
@ZachSaucier The project is structured like views -> components -> some-component. If you're working on some-component, it's styles are like .some views .some-component div { }
So, if I'm writing styles for some-component in some-component.scss, and then I want to do something different if the browser is firefox, the body has a .firefox class....
I can't write that style in some-component.scss since it is scoped inside of .some-view
I went back to the top level and did body.firefox .some-view .some-component { } Not great.
the image now fits within the container perfectly! if I use z-index, the content covers the header (the image), and if I don't use z-index, the image covers the content.
but I think i can tweak the code a bit and figure it out.