He said his research is in the "semantic web". I have no idea what the freaking heck he does in research because he literally doesn't know about semantic elements like <main>
dunno what he usually teaches. He's ~45-50
it's been 3 days since I emailed him saying we were missing an asset we needed for a project but he hasn't responded...
i'd really like to know what else he teaches. I definitely didn't think much of the professor that taught the multimedia class I took (flash, web, photoshop, video). The great thing was that class attendance wasn't mandatory or even really needed. It was marked as a 'hybrid' class. Which is great, cause it was a saturday.
Only time I went to class was the first day when he told us we'd learn really cool things like what 'http' stands for. He asked if anyone knew and was impressed when I did. woot
What I found out from my afternoon investigating my intended DDR setup: hard dance pads are hella expensive (like $350 a piece), creating your own is about $100 for 2 but a good bit of labor and such, Stepmania is great but I feel like configuring my XBox 360 pads to work with it is going to be a pain
I think it'd be fun to create a project that generates steps based on music being played. Could use it at a party or something for entertainment and music visualization while other people are dancing
really?? i disliked most anything involving lots of freeze holds. But I felt like most of the songs were done well at least on DDR Max and DDR Max2
rhythm and police was my JAM
probably would have been able to do it on heavy if I was able to train on a hard pad. After like 20 seconds of that song on heavy my pad would be underneath the couch
the skip sections in that song are SOO much fun
i'll probably get a hard pad some day when I don't live in an apartment or at least am on the first floor :D