Yeah there is a bit of misconception that RTL applies to compounds, but it makes no sense for .class:last-child to be slower than :last-child.class just because the class selector is on the left
I have the following code for playing a video and show its subtitle track,
<video id="vTest" class="playr_video" controls preload="metadata">
<source src='upc-tobymanley.theora.ogg' type='video/ogg'>
<source src='upc-tobymanley.mp4' type='video/mp4'>
<track label="Engli...
Is it bad when you mix px and em in the same css rule?
@m59 Why would you need non integer flexGrow?
start at flex: 5 if you need to be able to go down, but that makes sense to restrict them to integers since they are for layout, not for a pixel-precise width
@crl I'm not following... 0.5 is for 50% as in my jsbin. There's no other way to do that in React Native. Unlike the browser, the element will take up 100% of the width unless it has a sibling, then the 0.5 is considered.
@SomeGuy trying to keep my head above water at work :-P
half the team I joined left so we have been pretty swamped and having to support a bunch of existing applications like an analyst rather than writing new code
I started working here because it was a web development position, and when I was part time I was doing that, though I was also taking care of some non web development stuff
now that I'm full time I'm doing almost no web development stuff, which I don't like in the long run
I had this idea I'm really excited to get around to eventually, perhaps, maybe, someday. Make a Lisp interpreter in C. Make a C compiler in Lisp. Chicken and egg; build both with each other