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this bounty expires in 2 days, new ideas are welcome:
Q: Bigger fonts on smaller screens without @media queries or javascript?

freestock.tkIs there an alternative for @media queries to accomplish font-size inversely proportional to the screen size? (e.g.: opposite effect of 2vw, where the font gets smaller on small screens); My first try was divide a value by a viewport width increment, but font-size: calc(10vw / 2); works while fo...

@freestock.tk dunno why you need that in the first place
I am sorry, nvm.
8 hours later…
@Loktar it can't be that happened what they want us to think it happened, right? it would be basically killing 50% of the show
@ZachSaucier finally found, look at this: mjml.io , it will answer why I need to use dialect.
@MadaraUchiha I need an adult! Or rather, ShaU is at it again on SO
Also, there really needs to be a better way to get in touch with mods :(
I have developed a text online shopping cart in Wordpress, used Woocommerce plugin, used a PayPal Sandbox account for test purposes. i am able to purchase the goods, and the order is shown in Woocommerce --> Orders, I process it, Actions - complete order. But when I check the number of products in inventory, it doesnt change. Any solution, tips?
@Gemtastic Custom flags or contact-us, but yeah, pinging in chat is the quickest way.
@MadaraUchiha For future reference; how do I flag a rejected edit? This is a kinda specific case dealing with a know troll
@Gemtastic Custom flag the post.
Which post?
Preferably with a link.
@Gemtastic The post on which the edit was suggested and rejected
Should I flag my own answer?
Hmm.. Feels a bit rep related
I can't see that things have been rejected, this I can only see because it's mine
Also really, how are you supposed to guess that you're supposed to flag your own answer, which is and looks perfectly fine when you see it on the question so that you can flag the rejected edit?
@Gemtastic Again, Just use a custom flag, and explain what's wrong
I'll try that in the future
I know it's a bit counterintuitive.
I will start a spa project and will populate the dom with data from a rest service, What language/framework do u guys recommend for a REST service, I was thinking to go pure php, any sugestions?
@Gemtastic you can see any rejected edit if you have the review URL
2 hours later…
@Feeds If elected President I will outlaw bread with holes in it.
@TylerH There are bread types with holes in them?
Using bootstrap table and when the window width get's smaller certain cells have their content broken into two lines. There's one particular column with data like '14-234' and '14-141' Bootstrap, or something, breaks that cell on the hyphen. How can I make it so that '14-141' etc.. doesn't get broken but rather the other cells break first?
@MadaraUchiha yes
whats worst is sandwich bread with holes in it
holes are more or less a staple of leavened bread
@TylerH Oh, that kind
The kind that's 95% air
I hate that. I will vote for you.
\o/ freedom! and bread!
and no IE < 11
Seems like a good platform to run on
1 hour later…
@ZachSaucier Those are formally called presentational attributes, and there are some errr nonexhaustive lists around
OK the HTML spec contains a list, so that's nice. I presume it's exhaustive w3.org/TR/html5/obsolete.html
It doesn't actually say which attributes are presentational, but that looooooooong list of attributes which says "Use CSS instead" should be it
The rest are either presentational elements, or nonpresentational attrs
Thanks a lot!
I'll try to make a function for it
Note it doesn't include things like width and height on img elements, because those aren't entirely presentational
I'll try using this and see if it covers the majority of cases
Or rather because of the nature of the img element
If the page contains an image that is known to be 300 by 200 units, then it makes sense to say <img src=example.png width=300 height=200>
It approximates how browsers map presentational attrs to CSS, and how an author can emulate said rendering using their own HTML/CSS
Is it appropriate to ask apache compilation questions here ? I've been trying to compile this software for a week and would really like to know that I'm not the only ass who struggles with it's compilation.
not really, no
Ok, thanks :D
I'll make a formal question then.
@Wes should shot I bet
no way can he be dead
if it was game of thrones though.. he would be dead lol
@Loktar I'm so ready for this season to start
3 4 weeks!
hell yeah :)
same here man, can't wait
@Loktar character you're most anxious to see?
you hate arya right
or was that someone else
no that's someone else
I <3 arya
oh good
I want to see Snow eff everyone up
<3 she's my fave
Come back and just slaughter all the blokes who stabbed him
and then quit the nights watch and go kill ramsay
lol Ramsy.. screw that guy
I forget about so many because the break between is so long lol
yeah a whole year
I hate that
I have all the books... I need to read them
I want to as well
I hear they are past the books in some instances now
friend of mine who read them was telling me that
Yeah Season 6 is completely new stuff
and they've strayed in some areas
for once people who've read the books won't be able to lord over us TV watchers :-D
haha yeah makes me happy
those smug book readers
but yeah lots of people who've died in the show are still alive in the books
@BoltClock lego answers
Q: Meta Stack Exchange's logo shows up as "3D"

Ben NThis just started happening on non-meta sites: Meta Stack Exchange's logo in the "Featured on Meta" section seems to have been replaced with some site's logo. Mousing over the icon does produce "Meta Stack Exchange" as normal, and the link works. It even happens in the reputation and inbox dr...

@TylerH The funny thing is, I'm still on the first page of users by rep after all these years - I haven't contributed anything substantial since its first few months
Huh, they changed mods
One of them anyway
My favorite sets were the Exploriens series
is it just me, or is stackexchange.com messed up?
please support ^ :P
@TylerH Damn. I only knew UFO and Insectoids
if you like retro computers at all
(from that era)
Lego Pirates forever.
I still have my Black Sea Barracuda and Eldorado Fortress built
My favorite? Rock Raiders
I've yet to see if the game will run at all on Windows 10
I also have the first few generations of Bionicle. I could probably fill two trophy cabinets with them
I loved UFO as well
had a couple Insectoids ones
would always piss my parents off by pressing the sound button on one of the insectoids builds
The Space theme went to shit pretty much after that. Until the movie happened
argh, 9 points away from 1k rep on MSE
@BoltClock which one
I also liked the Jedi sets and the medieval ones
dunno the specific names
There were tons of medieval themes too. The original Castle theme, followed by the original Knights' Kingdom (also one of my faves). And then it went to shit after that
^ half of my sons Lego collection
was a bitch organizing all of those
they were lucky though and got to start with my collection as well
Latest one is called Nexo Knights. I still don't understand what it's trying to be
Lego Castle Fantasy Era I think is what it was called
@Loktar nice room, plenty of space for epic adventures
no, maybe lego Knights Kingdom
this guy will always be my king!
Looks like that site doesn't like hotlinking
Better link to the product page
Dunno it
Just got it from google image search
You can click on "visit page"
too late
already closed the tab :-D
Is he King Leo?
I don't remember
!!afk lunch
Original Knights' Kingdom King Leo
I had every set except the Bulls' battering ram and the castle. Ugh
@TylerH yeah it's up for sale currently
@Loktar Are the kids included?
haha depends on the day :p
!!summon partyvan
@MethodMan I will appear in that room after 1 more invocation(s)
5 hours later…
!!summon partyvan
@StephanMuller I will appear in that room after 1 more invocation(s)
dunno what partyvan is, just helping out

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