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The css I have there is customizations on Wordpress's Twenty-Fourteen
Could you please suggest a way to fix this?
there's your problem, it's wordpress
not use wordpress
But I have my other site, which uses the same theme with no problem
that's why I'm confused
Unfortunately it's a little too late for that :)
you should be using % not pixels for layout
remove all the style tags
it's probably in one on the base layout
@acoder I removed all my styles
Check it now. It's still not working
I mean there's still this huge horizontal scrollbar
a % should be a px
but i gtg
I don't have control on any other styles... it's all in the theme, which is working on the other website
Thanks though @acoder
3 hours later…
@StephanMuller reduce is just another name for fold. if youve ever used map, youve essentially used fold.
@StephanMuller also, a function to get the sum of all of the integers in your array would be a fold: foldl (+) 0 [1, 2, 3] == 6
3 hours later…
posted on March 07, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Hello, I've used WordPress in the past and I'm looking to start a blog now, what's popular and trendy CMS that is developer friendly rather than user friendly? By developer friendly, I mean that it is easy to implement new features rather than simply display features that the CMS has.
Hi I am new to web design. I found a nice looking template here. I liked the feature dine to their headings but don't know what is it. It's sort of underlined but when i checked their HTML, I could not see it, I checked CSS but came up with nothing. How do we come up with that feature in Bootstrap or CSS, HTML? Below is the image
2 hours later…
@ZachSaucier :O oh look another Singaporean developer
(the Engrish gave it away... it's a very local strain of Engrish)
It's not nearly as bad as what you see in China but there are obvious bits here and there that don't sound right
I'm occasionally guilty of some of these, but I hold up better most of the time
1 hour later…
@HarrisonTran I'd still say Wordpress
"A full-stack developer is one who can add technical debt to any layer of the application" -My coworker
2 hours later…
'If you're done being pedantic, we should get dinner.' 'You did it again!' 'No, I didn't.'
1 hour later…
Hello ! I have this : jsfiddle.net/atomtm/DTcHh/17804 however when the page gets shrinked , DIV2 gets overlapped by DIV3 . What might be there the problem . Thank you !
Hi, how can I have a nice division on my page like this one?
The way it is done on services
1 hour later…
@Giovanrich view source and find out how they did it?
@BoltClock So can we merge css3 as a synonym of css yet
2 hours later…
@StephanMuller var myPosts = [{points:-21, title:'How does jQuery work?'}, {points:32, title:'access foo in bar with js'}]; var totalPoints = myPosts.reduce( (acc, post)=>acc+post.points, 0)
// or
var tree = [{fruit: 1, children: [{fruit: 5}, {fruit:2, children:[{fruit:1}]}];
var countFruits = node => node.fruit+(node.children?node.children.reduce((a,n)=>a+countFruits(n),0):0);
var totalFruits = countFruits(tree);
// var tree = { ... };//not an array
Ah yeah the posts one is a nice example. I ended up going for a shopping list, see github.com/picodealion/fun-with-arrays/blob/master/data/… and github.com/picodealion/fun-with-arrays/blob/master/src/case3/…
(and yeah the groceries are in Dutch :P)
Who’s wrong?
4 hours later…
is graphic design apart of full stack development
like creating images for a website
@HarrisonTran what do you mean by full stack development?
I never considered graphic design as part of full stack development
Maybe minimal capabilities required to go from a PSD to a web page, but not much more than that
what does that even mean though? Isn't any project that is completed "full stack development"?
I was thinking more in terms of the job title "full stack developer", being a developer that works on all sides of a project, ranging from backend to front end.
but i can see how graphic design could be considered as part of that
it is such a broad term that IMO means nothing. A "full stack developer" is someone who understands all parts of a project yes? So the skills of a "full stack developer" depends on the project. And how much skill is required in each part?
"full stack developer" usually excludes graphic design.
yeah sorry, I meant full stack developer, is there a term for a full stack developer with graphic design skills?
some one who can develop every part of an app from code to content
like making animations for a game app
the only phrase i have ever seen is "designer/developer", but i cant say that ive ever seen any job ads use it

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