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can someone please help me with angularjs?
4 hours later…
posted on February 11, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@bleykFaust sorry its late. If you need something I MIGHT be able to help.
Any of you guys have issues with parsing non english characters before? The servlet is converting russian cryllic characters to "?????"
@MethodMan That's basically what my mind does as well... Seems accurate
D: Siigghh, is breaking everything tho :c
I'm afraid I can't be of more help :P
@MethodMan can you help me with this?
Q: Error: [$injector:unpr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.4.8/$injector/unpr?p0=NaNnvalidProvider%20%3C-%20%24invalid%20%3C-%20Ctrl

bleykFaustI have this code in the controller app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope, $invalid, $location) { $scope.upd_check = function() { console.log($scope.MyForm); if($scope.MyForm.$invalid){ $("#modal_traffic_incorrect").modal('show'); } } My html code i...

it works fine in my plunker but when I put it in my app the console.log value is undefined
the controller, modal, and html page is of different files
Take this out of the top: $invalid
you dont need to inject that, also you should be doing that validation HTML side.
give me 5 minutes
@MethodMan codez man codez
@bleykFaust can you make me a jsfiddle
but when I remove that on the top its shows the typeError $invalid undefined something like that
this is my plunker
it works fine here but when I made it in three different files for controller, modal and html its not working
lord gaben has spoken
@BoltClock stackoverflow.com/questions/35331530/… please tell me there's a way to ignore users on main
I m really close to snapping at that guy
Q: Ignore Users Script

SampsonIMPORTANT - Read before using... This script is not meant to be a solution for bad behavior on Stackoverflow. If you feel somebody is violating the rules of this site, please contact the proper authorities ([email protected]). Remove any instance of a particular user or group of uses fro...

Salvation :O
!!tell chirag examplepls
@chirag Could you please give us an example on jsbin.com or jsfiddle.net, with the minimal amount of code necessary to reproduce the problem?
In above example i want to set width as a fixed, i mean instead of january if someone enters 100 character value then also width should be fixed
Ok, @CapricaSix 1 min
In above example if someone enteres vry long string then it is getting spoiled
What i want to do is if user enters 1 character or 100 charcter size should be same
Can help
what happens when someone enters a long string?
As in what do you expect it to do?
Width should be fixed,
@bleykFaust Can you explain to me what you want to do with the page and why you are doing the validation in the controller instead of in the page?
irrespcted to the number of character in td
Id just like to understand your logic before changing it
@Chirag but what happens to the text
it should come down,
do you want it to wrap or do you want an ellipsis (3 dots)
Anything, but width should be fixed
it would be better if you can suggest something for ellipsis(3 dots), i think it will look nice,
@MethodMan because in my app, all the js code is on a different file and I have one major controller for all the functions in my page
give me a second to look things up, haven't dealt with tables in ages :P
The best way to do it is to have a controller per page/functional part off the app.
Ok, Thank you so much @Kitler
@bleykFaust you can have the validation in the page directly with no js.
how can I validate without js and then popup the modal? @MethodMan
@bleykFaust is the modal supposed to pop up if you enter a correct number?
Oh.. @Kitler
Thank you, Thank you so much
@MethodMan if the user inputs a data which is in incorrect format, when the save butto is clicked, the modal that says that the specific input is incorrect should popup
yah it works fine there but when I put it in my file its not working :(
Thats strange. Maybe you have an issue with the actual project setup?
Do you have ng-app? ng-controller?
have you got the <script> importing your controller and main app.js?
yes but wait a minute i'll try it again
@MethodMan It shows this error
angular.min.js:107 TypeError: Cannot read property 'number' of undefined
at r.$scope.upd_check (http://localhost/newDevelop1_18/setting/angularjs/controllers/networkCtrl.js:92:25)
at fn (eval at <anonymous> (http://localhost/newDevelop1_18/angularjs/main/angular.min.js:213:110), <anonymous>:4:223)
at e (http://localhost/newDevelop1_18/angularjs/main/angular.min.js:254:74)
at r.$eval (http://localhost/newDevelop1_18/angularjs/main/angular.min.js:133:313)
at r.$apply (http://localhost/newDevelop1_18/angularjs/main/angular.min.js:134:17)
Thats not very helpful, since I cant follow the stack through my browser :P Although it looks like you arent naming your form?
<form name="name"> <input name="number" ng-model="things"/> </form>
it cant find number of undefined. Aka it cant find your form
make sure you are saying $scope.formName.number?
no i named my form "myForm"
I understand that, mines just an example. I dont think I'll be able to help since it seems like a project setup specific problem.
hmmm.. thanks @MethodMan
sorry man. :( Very difficult to debug over the internet...
im a she btw haha
thanks btw
hope i can ask other questions some other time :)
Any time also I call everyone man... No discrimination here
Hay :D
i needs to implement sql formatting functionality using jquery
can you help me guyz? plz
@Gugan there is more than one type of SQL
What type of sql are you looking to target
that would be a good start
You need to be a bit more specific. What does "mysql formatting functionality" mean? What have you tried yet? Where are you stuck?
             _ - * - * - _
                             _ *               * _
                            *                     *
                          *        .                *
                         -         |>>               -
                        *          |   .              *
                       '          /#\  |~              '
                      :     /\_  /## \/#\ .   /\_       :
                      *    /'./\/_   _\uu\|~ /._/\      *
                      :   /._/' U U U U  |.\/'_/'.\/\_  :
@Kitler I'm glad I added that command, y'all seem to like it
@Kitler noice
tis awesome
@StephanMuller i have implemented it by using sql formatter plugin, but now i the requirement is the user can format the query by using intent and highlight certain text in query while entering on textarea.
So here i would like to display the query that was entered in textarea with formatted look which was made by user in alert box.
i.sstatic.net/fblTT.png @StephanMuller
Should edit that so it tags him/you too. :P
nah no one box if you do that
Oh thats a good point...
@Kitler thief :P
gah I wish I could have done that jsfiddle.net/crl/rq55obqa
someone can explain me this rejex /[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b(\/[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)?‌​/gi;
i have just learned regExp from w3schools but this rejex is so complicate
@Phoenix that regex summons satan
or santa
Try it out on regex101.com

How can I put the map and the Form next to each other?
When you are trying to make a 2D game in 3D engine for the first time. #gamedev https://t.co/GMiRfpikAM
@Phoenix Two to 256 alphanumeric+special characters, followed by a ., followed by 2-4 lowercase letters, followed by a letter, followed by 0 or more alphanumeric+special characters
the last (optional) part is captured in a group to use later, I think
Can someone confirm my suspicion that this is a bug with sass? jsfiddle.net/h9s0qz0n/1
@Billy you wrote the selector poorly :P
nvm. Ya, seems like a bug
holy mother of cryptic classes :P
// Isn't this
  &__one & {
    > &__two {}
  // The same as this?
no, it's not
The & after &__one refers to the parent selector. It says:
.pfx2__one .pfx2 > .pfx2__two
good call. Too early in the morning for me xD
time zones, huh
If you guys ever need a list of movies to not watch, I can help you out. My lit & cinema class assigns them to me one after another
Have you seen <---> yet?
Name me some not to watch, I might have seen them anyway :D
Throne of Blood, An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, Grand Illusion
Nope. I'll add them to my 'avoid' list :P
@StephanMuller but &__one & { &__two {} } -> .pfx2__one .pfx__two
@Billy dont use jsfiddle for debugging sass. sassmeister.com/gist/91c3399dbec7a601b1f3
@cimmanon Cool, thanks :D
as stephen already said, its not a bug. when you use &, you're altering the default behavior of how nesting works. so by default one { two {} } is treated as one { & two {} }.
so if you move the ampersand to a different position in the nested selector, the default behavior stops happening
BEM: causing more problems than it solves since 2012
^ strongly disagree
BEM is so ugly
who cares about ugly, it's code
ugly is a word for humans
not machines
BEM was made for humans
machines can parse css any way
Yes, but what does ugly mean for code? The word doesn't make sense to me.
Is it not readable? Not maintainable? Not performant?
Or do you "just not like to look at it"?
iMagine_I went- typING_LIKE# this
comment your code if you don't know what a class does
you don't see people doing BEM in any other language
BEM only applies to CSS...
and it's silly
my opinion
Nope, it's a good way to organise your css imo
no its' not
comments are a way better thing to organize your code
and way more discriptive
@easwee That's not what BEM looks like though
@easwee That's not only what BEM was made for
and don't require the dev to learn some silly concept just to udnerstand your code
@easwee That's a shitty argument
@easwee Comments in your HTML about your CSS structure?
Very simple concept, for us, __ means it's an element, -- means it's a modifier
@easwee The whole idea of code conventions is "learning a silly concept just to understand your code"?
whatever I won't change my opnion about BEM ever
also saying - MY opnion
I can understand not liking it, personally I think it's a great convention to manage large scale front-ends, it's just that your arguments are bad. It's okay if it's your opinion, but you should try to use some proper rhetoric when saying things like that
@easwee And honestly, no offense, that is a very bad attiture in IT if you ask me
"BEM is so ugly" looks pretty good rethoric to me
That's the problem :D
I explained what I use
so don't attitude on me
Sorry, I shouldn't have replied in the first place. It just irks me when people diss something that I strongly feel is a very good methodology with bad arguments. Ignore what I said.
2 years ago when we started the project I still work on we considered BEM
saw no real benefits over just commenting code nicely
then we went with sass anyway
and as much as you feel strong about it I feel bad about it
sry can't always agree
@easwee You haven't been using bem :P
you v been using a bastardised version of it :P
block-name__element-name__modfier-name__modifier-value this is what we've been following
if it's a bool you combine the last 2
and we only ever go to 1 element name for sub elements
so you don't end up with block-name__element-name__element-name
sup guys
oups sorry modifiers are 1 _
I hate deadline.
@Kitler no -- between modifiers?
I'm naming my next dog dog__labrador--brown
in ~1 year of beming I haven't once used multiple modifiers on 1 class
Me neither, I actually think it's a possible sign of bad architecture
I meant -- between Element and Modifier, actually
i dont know what you guys consider "large", but the largish sites ive worked on, the problem with maintainable css has never been caused by style collisions (cascades). so for me, BEM does not solve anything
@cimmanon It's not collisions/cascading that it's solving for me, it's just making it a lot easier to see at a glance where in the scope of things a certain element / selector belongs
but it is how BEM is being sold to people, along with all of those dirty CSS injection libraries via JS
css injection libraries?
@StephanMuller WOAH
probably they got inspired by google page insights who says to inline all your css/js and inject in head
That's a joke repo obviously, got a lot of flak from the sexism in tech movement
I swear I read DICKSS
thats not the only such library i have seen that does that. there is a more reputable one floating around somewhere
isis.js :P
@Osmond that's what's intended
@StephanMuller JSX*
but react will accept anything - from plain inline css to classes to objects when using in combination with JSX
did you guys hear about meatier
Does DICSS work with LaTeX?

Yes, but it takes longer.
a 'more powerful' fork of meteor.js
just learn js end of debate :P
@TylerH can't find the fork
I saw it on hacker news
@easwee *haxer :P
Dependancy Injection Content Style sheet?
Do you guys know why Waldo from Where's Waldo wears stripes?
ohh directly injected
Because he doesn't want to be spotted
that hurt...
dear pinterest, eat a dick.
Anyone bored and good at doing faceswaps?
I just wasted like half an hour trying to do one at work but clearly I suck
Why is this all of a sudden a thing
Faceswapping is pretty old... it's funny :P
wouldn't a <link rel=".." type="text/css" scoped href=""/> be great too, because scoped styles could be large...
1 hour later…
@cimmanon epic
ew, that needs machine learning, mathematica or matlab ones is cheating :), .. huh the one making an image search.. even worse
1 hour later…
@Feeds lol
mansplaining, lol
i dont know how she can sit there and assume that he is treating her any differently than he would treat a male politician, especially since politicians have a reputation for evading questions
what a poor excuse for a public figure
No doubt
"the popular term" ehm, ew
Pretty sure derogatory slag is "the popular" thing in certain areas, but no one is getting a free pass using the N word or K word in public office
K word? Whats that in North America?
I guess asking here probably wont get me an answer.
Kike is becomming a pretty popular derogatory term
it is the N word for jews
Oh wow. What does that even mean?
urban it, might give you an origin
might also give you aids
50/50 shot
Im from africa please increase that to 80/20
@MethodMan 80 you have it and know, 20 you don't know?
either way man. u ded
Oooo fire that moron
if only we could fire senators
"It's only sexist if it's against women" is the funniest thing I've ever heard
shit, I think that pretty much increased it 100 thanks @rlemon
Because sexism against men isn't "institutionalised"
So apparently therefore isn't sexism.
moron feminists gg.
sorry I hate feminists.
all idiots.
@Sippy In South Africa we have "its only racist if its against non whites"
I cannot remember what country, I think it is in the UK, you cannot rape a man. legally speaking ofc.
Yeah think you're right
the law actually states penetration must be made or something
It's more specifically that a woman can't rape someone though
yea, sorry that ^
Which is bullshit lol
That rustles my jimmies
humanity is stupid as fuck
It's best to turn the internet off and do your best to ignore things until it all goes away
don't blame us for the UK fuckups :P
Cos morons be morons
we broke off Britain's dumb asses in the 1980's :P /s (about the dumb part... kinda)
@KevinB ACON!!!???
!!youtube mouth for war pantera
Oh yay racist band music.
oh yay, a band whos frontman may be racist but has never openly admitted to it. their music is clearly a reflection of one mans (possibly misinterpreted) actions
also, rich coming from "Method Man"
We are one motorized-generation away from being the humans seen in WALL-E. https://t.co/E4Uqo5MqwN
that's how it was supposed to be ridden
@CapricaSix !!youtube pantera - cowboys from hell
nvm, you failed not her
@Sippy that was the prevailing thought in the US as well for a long time
and "it's not rape if you're married" lasted even longer
they may even still be some local or state laws around that say that
probably on the south
ohh now there is "just because I said yes doesn't mean I consented"
the world went from crazy to opposite crazy
yeah legally you can change your mind at any time
and a drop of alcohol means you can't legally consent
@rlemon have you been following the jian ghomeshi trial?
by 2020 we'll be filling out consent forms
you havent watched the last season of south park, have you? :p
the PC frat boys all had consent forms they had to have their partners fill out
@cimmanon just did a quick google
and no I don't watch TV
netflix / youtube
@cimmanon I don't even see that being a bad idea in the US lol
these men should counter sue
> yea well, I was drunk too. ASSAULT!
I actually wouldn't put it past some morons to think that regret is the same thing as rape.
that is probably the case I would think
unless these women are idiots or just like ruining peoples lives
in a lot of cases, its revenge
I don't like talking about it tbh
Society done fucked up yo
worst I've had is an ex say I hit her, to a cop (never filed a report) because she stole a bunch of my shit and didn't understand why I wouldn't let her back into the house to "check for anything she left behind"
with that situation, cop said had she filed a report she would have been arrested, there was no proof and no indication I was violent
I need to find my next ex girlfriend lol
@Sippy that's a jaded view, lol
@TylerH my mom isn't getting married again until she has saved up the money for the divorce
quick question: a � symbol indicates the string is encoded in utf-8, what encoding does the  symbol belong to?
Great, 0.4 + 1.6 + 10 isn't 12 for Bootstrap
If I make columns with those sizes, the last one gets pushed to the new line
people still use those inflexible columns things? </troll>
are there other way to interact with a text selection other than mouse, and keyboard (and let's say touch for mobiles)?
@albru123 example?
@joshhunt give me a second, it may be only my environment thing
@rlemon wuhh
@TylerH rlemon is afk: home
just get married in a state where you split assets halfway on divorce
that way she only has to save half as much
@albru123 are you using javascript at all? one of them might be the wrong data type
oh wait you're just talking about margins n stuff
@TylerH That's a dumb way to split assets lol
@rlemon yup - thought I could reply and invoke command
@easwee rlemon is afk: home
enjoy free time
@Sippy and yet it's the most common on here in the states
though some states like California has laws that are opposite
That makes me sad
I plan not to get married anyway
Humanity kinda ruined it for me
@TylerH lawyers, actual divorce cost, etc.
it isn't about possession, it is about the cost of getting divorced.
there is a minimal cost incurred, it is over $1000
but if she divorces someone in one of those states she gets half their stuff
so she can sell that
home time
Putting the caret at the beginning of an auto-focused input field seems pretty annoying, am I missing something?
that does seem odd. i would have expected it to select the text too
@joshhunt didnt we have this discussion before? different browsers do it differently (at least opera presto does)
wait did we? maybe? gonna search my history
do you use Opera?
how do you feel about it being sold?
indifferent, its just a chrome clone now anyway
so you would switch to chrome or something else? or stay with opera?
i am still using the old opera, so i dont know what i am going to do when it is completely unusable
ah right
@cimmanon ohhh I think we had a similar discussion about why clicking the top border of an input puts the caret at the start
might be what you were thinking of
you sure?
though actually you didn't say anything there
but I can't find anything else similar in my history

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