my husband is trying to teach the dog to go fetch his slippers.
the dog does not understand how to play fetch. so he's at the point where he will go pick up the slipper, but he flings it around instead if bringing it back right away.
in general when creating an AngularJS directive that looks for elements, is it better for me to do this: <testElement /> or <testElement>EMPTY</testElement> or does it just depend on if I want to actually put html between the tags. For instance input elements are self closing. Im not sure what the standard is on this.
there's some shitty thing, when you click somewhere in a contenteditable, and then do range.getBoundingClientRect().left it gives 0
just because the range is collapsed.. it's stupid, because I need the precise left and top values, even when it's collapsed, and it works when it's not collapsed, that's shitty..; width and height should be 0 when it's collapsed, nit left/top
Is there any file parser or such that can scan JS files and provide a report on browser compatibility? Like if it finds getElementsByClassName it will say IE9+ or do I just need to test the code in each version?
@easwee imagine you have two nodes, one at 0,0 other at 4,4. i add them to selection and drag them to 5,5. so the first will be at 5,5, while the second one at 9,9
distance between the nodes in the selection will be kept
In a past application, we ran all of the test suite for our app (around 10k tests) on 7 different browsers, as part of a the push hook, took around 1 minute total to run
@Wes well, i dont have illustrator, so i am stuck with inkscape for now. one thing i do like that i dont think illustrator has is "spiro spline" for bezier curves
the one thing i absolutely hate hate hate is that inkscape insists on using the transform property whenever you move things, and it is exceptionally difficult to get it to not do that
that plugin seems to display the path a lot nicer when youre making it than how inkscape does it. i just put down a bunch of random nodes in the general area i want and nudge everything into place afterwards
after tried so many things i tried get the label value
but substring was not happening
function sub_string() {
var firstName = document.getElementById("name");
firstName.innerHTML = "Mahadevan";
var result = firstName.textContent;
result.substring(2, 4);
var output_text = document.getElementById("output");
output_text.innerHTML = result;
@Madara for example, I don't understand a word here.
ESLint uses Espree for JavaScript parsing. ESLint uses an AST to evaluate patterns in code. ESLint is completely pluggable, every single rule is a plugin and you can add more at runtime.
@Madara why would someone use node.js on their machine instead of running the code and finding where the bugs are thrown in the console? What are the advantages of node?
891:25 error Found unexpected statement after a return no-unreachable
891:25 error "foo" is not defined no-undef
891:31 error "bar" is not defined no-undef
✖ 3 problems (3 errors, 0 warnings)
@Polyducks Because that's not what eslint does.
ESLint prevents you from writing obvious bad practices.
For example, this will work just fine in all browsers:
do you guys started making characters you use in logotypes by your own? i start with a font text, then basically i make a completely new font out of it (unless i'm making a very shitty site of course)
i find extremely hard that a type fits a logo, so i make a new font every time
@Wes I tend to use a font. It means that you can have consistency with the rest of the branding. You can embelish, of course, but you might have trouble later.
@Madara thanks so much for that. One more question - why do people use Node.js? What is it used for?
I have seen performance comparisons where NodeJS runs faster than PHP. Things like gaming and chat
When I ever understand this I'll need to write a 'how to' on NodeJS because it's been a really long and arduous climb to understand what I understand so far.
if its a spiro path, the path wont be where it looks like, so you have to kinda move your mouse around (or temporarily disable the spiro effect) to get the path cursor to show up
oh another thing i hate is if i am interacting with the xml editor, it brings up some sort of text/search box whenever i try to use a keyboard shortcut for another tool
zzzzz damnit, why isnt it switching to the zoom tool?
speaking of zoom, i hate how zooming out is done via right mouse click. it only works if you click on an empty space. if you do it on an element, you get the right click context menu instead >.>
ok i have listbox control and i wanna make a clicked item change color to classic blue into my choosen color. When i do select>option: hover it change ok? How can i change color when checked and NOT selected?