I dont think its possible for me to do it another way. Ill have to use either. Since I have input-groups and not every input group needs to have that margin/space/br.
I'm going to use the div.spacers. Its what I was using previously. I was just wondering about actually just making a <spacer/> since that would be shorter than div.spacer.
I don't have a Facebook account but I have to add social media sharing to a FB page. Just a simple link. Is it possible that I am unable to view the content because I don't have an account?
Sorry, this content isn’t available right now. We have implemented additional security features that require you to log in to Facebook to view this page from Belgium. Learn why.
Anyone know why this line is causing that error? I know sessionStorage stores as a string, and I read you have to stringify arrays/objects before storing and reverse when fetching. I haven't slept for over 24hrs so I'm sure I'm doing some silly mistake as usual.
Hi, I need some help in jsp, javascript, css. I have a webapplication which gets data from database in the form of numbers. The data would be either numbers or zeros. What all i wanted to do is make non-zero numbers in bold. How do i do it Following is the piece of code where am trying to make the numbers bold
<INPUT class="inactive" readonly="readonly" style="font-weight: bold;" id="${ordType.aCode}_${conRes.conCode}_order_count" type="text" size="10" value ="">
in the above code, id is the one from which i get the result. have an idea that i can apply conditional stment but not sure how to do it. <%$(id!=0?"<b>"+id+"</b>":0); %>
when I take Id in the conditional stmt, it says id cannot be resolved to a type
I'm looking for a link, and after googling it on Bing for the past 20 minutes, I'm starting to wonder if I dreamt it.
It was basically a list of @supports queries that targeted specific browsers - it may have been a GitHub gist, but I can't be certain. Does anyone have any ideas?
@cimmanon Absolutely. And yep, I know they're called feature queries - tried searching for that too, but nada
It's actually for a site that's only going to be around for 3-6 months, so future-proofing it isn't a huge concern, but they're testing it on older browsers, so I want to make sure I catch anything major... because they ALSO want all of the whizzbang
feature queries are not intended for UA sniffing. the fact that you think you need to use them at all for this purpose is a pretty good indicator that you probably shouldnt be using them.
Hmm. Okay. It's not actually for user-agent sniffing per se, but noticing that a feature doesn't work in IE9 & 10, and appears to have limited support in an older version of Safari (unsure what version)
Re: Modernizr - a couple of reasons: a) it's not really my project; client thrust it in my direction after original developer left for 2 weeks and they needed some 'minor' bugfixes
...so I'll be handing it back, and I've only assigned a couple of hours to nail the thing down, rather than re-do someone else's project for them, with the addition of a new framework (and no source control)