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@Abe this is called landing into cross winds and pilots actually do it pretty often
that guy's just having some fun with engines throttled back nearly to the redline and flaps at full
@RonakBhatt Hello
i am android developer
want to learn html css
need some basic to start
any help aprriciate
@Lakhan u should start from w3school.com
it is best way to learn html, css, js and many
@Lakhan w3schools
yes . this is very helpful for beginners
right @MdAman
thnx @HimanshuVaghela
welcome bro @MdAman
@Abe Look at this sexy car arstechnica.com/cars/2015/11/…
eeehhhh, a tt :/
I will kick you from the room, TTs are sexy
Considering the 2016 TT is only like $50,000 fully loaded, you'd be mad not to consider it
posted on December 08, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@TylerH :( I earn in Rands and the car import costs are 100% here. So Im looking at close to $100k
easily. plus then insurance which is mandatory which is another $200+ a month
Wouldn't recommend working in this country at all...
come at me
Anyone have any experience with Angular optimization? Any pointers? Im close to complete with my app so I think now would probably be a good time to start optimizing everything and get it ready for prod
I have this problem with flexbox where when i use it the whole object moves down by the amount of space it occupies. Haven't been able to find an answer.
Here's my jsfiddle it's down at the bottom I have problems jsfiddle.net/0eccdumy
@Abe when's the next episode coming out
@MethodMan a bit, what's your question?
also paging @DennisJamin who ought to know a bit or two about that as well
Well I've completed the functionality and layout. Im just having a few issues with very big models taking a while to populate. For instance:

>load page
>click button to open modal and populate dual list box
>wait 1+ seconds for it to populate
>once dual list box has populated I cant click on the DOM for about +- 1 sec
Because Im not sure how to do that with angular. I guess I could do an ajax call on input but the user will still need to wait for the data to be retrieved. I guess you have a point. Let me try that. Although the dual list boxes will start empty then... I might as well just use a dynamic chosen and I was requested to use a dual list box :(
Dont worry I will stop complaining and just do it :P
Can't you extend the dual list box?
And does your api support pagination
extend? As in modify or as in "bookings extend dualListBox"
As in modify by adding on top/overwriting properties and functionality
how does a dual list box fetch the model
also it does. Im already using pagination. We have a table that displays all items in the database each page is populated on request so the user doesnt have to wait for our whole database to be sent to them.
Also its this:
The trick here is to paginate the list's elements
fetch n at a time and when you hit the bottom - 50px or so fetch another n
no idea how angular does it's thing
you might want to start off with a repo that has more stars
is it infinite scrolling? :/
You want to infinite scroll that list
>repo with more stars
>angular dual list boxes
choose one :P
why not both? :P
@Osmond: Eventually, your scroll wheel will die, or your computer's memory will fill up. Is scrolling ever really infinite?
@Cerbrus Nice analysis. XD
Don't you guys have something similar to emberaddons.com
unfortunately not.. At least I havent found anything similar yet.
never mind
apparently theres this: ngmodules.org
it looks ugly :P
@Kitler never heard of ember.js before. What's it?
just what you asked for XD
https://www.google.si/search?q=hot+female&biw=2511&bih=1355&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjD74eV88vJAhWBtBQKHZK8BgsQ_AUIBigB#tbm=isch&q=hot+female+developers #flame
@Osmond it's a toaster
@easwee wat is dis and y u no nsfw
why would that be nsfw?
it's no naked
page full of hot chicks in swim suits, totally office material :P
dunno we share this all the time
@MethodMan I didn't ask for anything
we even have a group on mailing for hot chicks
called boobs and asses
@easwee Plus @Kitler is in an arab country where I think its a little less acceptable than western countries
'hot female developers'
@MethodMan lebanon ain't no arab country :P
like, wtf
At least, thats what Im going to assume
@MethodMan you know shit about lebanon
@easwee brofist
@Kitler Please son :P My cousin lived there for like 6 years. Shits intense. She was there in like 2006/7 when israel started attacking peeps
@easwee btw awesome chill set soundcloud.com/radiozora/masterminded
@MethodMan we were chilling in the mountains didn't give 2 fucks :P
Shit was cray I guess doesnt count as arab buutttt yeah Im bad at geography
Yeah man, should have taken my cousin with q.q they had to evacuate and come back here via syria
foreigners panic easily :P
just like those UN "peacekeepers"
lol na they were less that 1km from a blast so they decided fuckit
Why were they in the south in the first place
@Kitler Peacekeepers. With fully-automatic rifles.
@Kitler because easy money :/
@Kitler that's just what I needed
"This gun fires 60 freedoms per minute!"
@MethodMan you gotta head up north towards the middle and up the mountains, that's where it's at
@Osmond emberjs.com
@Kitler ...I asked that a year ago.
did you manage to find google during that time?
uuuh, kinda XD
goes away before getting rekt more further
@easwee what is it with israel and psy music
I was born on the wrong side of the border
they have the best psy atm
watched a good documentary on why
they have 3 years of obligatory military service
oh nice link
which is very strict
and young peeps when they finish it kinda want to chill a bit
and they find the right chill in psy culture
soundcloud.com/master-minded << the dude we're listening to atm
@Kitler can't find it was on youtube
kinda old documentary
15+ years
but very good
@StephanMuller any ideas ^
15 wat?
@Osmond don't know what years means?
@Billy did you get that map sorted? I have an idea
Did easwee mean age restriction?
or wut
lol Osmond get your morning coffee
context nigga
kinda old documentary
15+ years
@easwee 3young5coffee
lul kk
@Kitler just use a iffe should work but I was too lazy
iffeq not sure what you call them...
what are you talking about :P
Billys' map problem
first music I started listening to that was anything other than metals was infected mushroom. Shit was DANK
thats the one.
@Kitler uwotm8
I almost wanted to bang that guy's head to a wall.
I m surprised you answered :P
but nice theme
@Kitler eh, it took more than that to arouse my anger. and thanx
Can I have it for free?
I only have goats to pay with
Yes, you can pay the support for 21 USD and get my theme for free.
slightly used
Wrong room
wrong goat :/
oh lel
The goat is in another castle.
anyone kind enough to tell y are there so much 'goats' here? .-.
@Kitler What about "The princess is in another goat"?
@MadaraUchiha would you like to answer that one? ^
@Osmond @Kitler's ex is a goat.
He still sees her every once in awhile. His current GF (surprisingly, not a goat) doesn't know.
pssst we goat engaged :P
@Kitler Congrats!
Did you invite the goat?
goat* engaged
goat of honor
@MethodMan Seriously considering editing his message to say that :D
@MadaraUchiha cough doit
there ya go
ayy lmao
Heh, I wasn't the one who did it.
I did :P
was too good to pass up
or maybe you were, has @Kitler looked at the moon lately?
I know. :P
I think the other room admins will be concerned when they come back and all of the top starred are about goats
Man, Hebrew folklore is crazy too...
@MethodMan You should try reading Shinto.
@MadaraUchiha cant say I ever have. But I wouldnt mind. Im not religious but I find the folklore and ideals of different people/regions really interesting. Peoples mindsets are so strange.
@Kitler I could have, but I needed to test why the hell my messages were pushed under a different user
/late as fuck
I could not be arsed to rebase all the things once they left my client.
also: sup
@MethodMan Any pointers? Stop finishing your app and make sure you know what to optimise while building, stop optimising afterwards.
Optimising afterwards within angular is a bitch :>
Oh damn, okay thanks... Sigh im busy optimising now, I cant really unbuild :P Although Im kinda of having to change a lot of stuff. At least I have a base structure and a visual goal to work back to.
@DennisJamin hallow
When creating emails, what was again the way to write css? right after the <body> tag ? I thought there was a service skipping custom CSS wrapped in the head or body tag right?
@MethodMan try to minimize the number of watchers as much as possible, which is a start
Use oneTime binding where you can (and where data does not change throughout the view)
Start using the ng-stats snippet you find on this repo: github.com/kentcdodds/ng-stats
That might give you an idea of the number of watchers and the length of the digest cycle within makepayment.
Thanks a lot man, Im currently using AngularJS Batarang which is showing me the reason my process is taking so long is because of the amount of users in the dual list box. So as @Kitler was saying I've modified the sql procedure to send back n users at a time and I will experiment with that.
@JelloDude you jelly m8?
I'm Jello dude !
@DennisJamin it looks like that ng-stats is very similar to whats built into batarang already. Thanks for the read though. Im trying to change all of my bindings now and make more frequent ajax calls with less data as opposed to few calls with mass data.
Q: Congrats on 1m [javascript] questions!

CerbrusI thought it'd be nice to write up a celebratory post, in honor of javascript passing 1,000,000 questions! My thanks go out the the massive community active in the tag, asking, answering and otherwise contributing to all kinds of interesting questions. On to 2M! var c = document.getEleme...

99% of those are junk :"P
Quantity over quality
I really don't get how this guy is still allowed to post questions:
Jelly Mate is my cousin
@Kitler that guy activates my almonds...
@Kitler Your flag will most likely get rejected
It's not obvious for someone who isn't familiar with Ember that the two are duplicates
can't cv as dupe, no answer on any
> I mean does Ember have access to any object A from any other object B
Do people handling the flags not read the questions?
Same exact content, except one doesn't have the dojo code
@Kitler Remember, mods handle hundreds of flags a day
Flags which are ambiguous or not obviously right (especially on posts), are likely to end up rejected.
Flags on comments usually err on deletion, rather than retention.
:( This makes me angry.
@MethodMan What does?
Say a flag comes up on a question
None of the mods know common lisp.
How do you handle it?
you read through the content to find out if it's an obvious dupe
@Kitler It's not always obvious.
Unless the exact same wording or code samples are used, we usually have very little indication.
that's what I was referring to as obvious
@Kitler That question was not obvious.
same wording, same code example
It was obvious to me as a JavaScript developer who knows a bit of ember
But it would not be obvious to someone who is not.
So flag goes ignored?
@Kitler No, I validated your flag
yup but what if you weren't the one to handle it
if you were asleep
what's the protocol
@Kitler Either the mod inspecting it would skip it in hopes of another moderator with more proficiency in the language comes along
how do mods deal with flags that they don't understand
Or they reject the flag.
@Kitler If technical knowledge is needed to handle the flag, it's most likely to get rejected.
Isn't there a middle ground for that?
Spam is spam everywhere, hate speech is hate speech.
Rejecting on the basis of technical knowledge seems a bit off
But I can't determine whether a question is too broad or a duplicate if I don't know the language.
Should be a way to "transfer" the flag down to the 10k peeps or something
@Kitler Do you have a better solution?
@Kitler There is.
Almost all of the flags never even reach us.
They almost always go to the review queues.
Even the ones that I used?
"In need of moderator attention"
Custom flags and red flags are the exceptions.
But NAA flags first go through the review queue, for example.
VLQ as well.
Do you guys have the ability to send custom flags to the queue?
@Kitler No.
Does it happen often? getting a flag that requires technical knowledge of the subject
@MethodMan Yea it is, but opening development tools on Chrome have quite the influence on performance. In my experience ng-stats does not. Not that much anyway :)
@Kitler Yes, it does sometimes.
Q: How to prevent image listing in google search results

MdermezMy website is all about images. Even though I've disabled some features that would allow the average user to download my images I want to prevent them from being indexed in Google search results (I guess this is the same with preventing hotlinking?) . I don't know if I have to do this using .htac...

Wow 16 min no answer!!!
hey now, to be fair it seems urgent. Imagine if someone was able to access an image on the internet.
hotlinking is a serious issue
@Kitler Sort of.. working on it now.
I don't understand the downvote. Was my question bad?
@Kitler lol
I didn't think people still replaced images.
Can't you just bypass most hotlinking protections using a querystring? I see a lot using $ at the end of the extension, so doing ?x would bypass that matching rule, no?
@Mdermez why do you have www. twice?
oh that was a mistake :(
Are there way to test if my email will work responsive on a device
@Mdermez also remove the () around the s, it should just be s?
Thanks for your help
found this in the end:
google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(map, 'idle', function(){
    setStyle($this, map);
async strikes again
@Duikboot I've designed newsletters and I can only tell that emails behave differently on each device. So you have to test it. Foe example Your email won't look the same in a android device with a gmail client with an iphone device :)
can we use owl slider as per screen height?

I'mean it can take height automaticaly screen height
@crypticツ my coding knowledge is limited since I am a graphic designer. I do mistakes from time to time :)
@crypticツ No
Since I can reject a request based on the referer.
Query strings will bypass an idiot's hotlink protection, yes.
Although, an idiot's hotlink protection is highly effective vs idiot hotlinkers.
moral of the story, being an idiot is ok
@Kitler Depends if you're among idiots.
Have you seen idiocracy?
not sure
see what I did there?
even the smartest idiot can become a president, democracy!
explains trump
Hey guys
@crypticツ No it should be http(s) because it's not always a https .. it could be just http
@Mdermez no, https? will match http and https
you don't need to put it into a capturing group
Do you guys believe that a robot.txt file should be sufficient?
(to prevent image hotlinking)
that only prevent search engines that obey it from indexing it
it has nothing to do with hotlinking
ok. So I add the .htaccess code too? btw I used a generator for this and that's why I got http(s).
I have a problem when dealing with css width issue, when i wanna make a line with 3 divs , in which I set the div 33.3% for each div, but i never make it because the divs will break into two lines. Is there anything i am misiing?
float left
yeah,this can work. BUt how to do this using widht
3 divs with equal width , that is , i just make the one line into three equal parts
@Mdermez yes use .htaccess as well, and the code generator is crappy. Use what I told you to use.
  <div class="inside">test</div>
  <div class="inside">test</div>
  <div class="inside">test</div>
.inside {
  float: left;
@Billy did you see my optimisations because the code was pretty messy :(
yeah, i know that way
I guess I was just being picky..
so what's the problem?
I wanna use the width only
@Kitler thanks, so I can be an idiot :D
instead of div use span
but then you have to use fixed width .
If you want to use percentages I guess you have to use float
.container div {
  display: inline-block;
Floats are more flexible :)
yeah i set div to inline-block
and set each div to 33.3%
but not succeed
i trid many times in my project . and every time i end up with using float
I donot know what i am missing @Mdermez
I want to build in a concept that will allow users to chose for how long they want to stay logged in. I give them two option to chose from. Remember Me > 30 Days and For 1 hour. If they are inactive I auto log them out.

I m a newbie in PHP, I found this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20516969/automatic-logout-after-15-minutes-of-inactive-in-php

Will it work on my concept?
I think you can't use percentages this way
HTML code:

` <label>Remember me for:</label>
<select name="cookielength" id="cookielength">
<option value="30days">30 Days</option>
<option value="currentSission">This session only</option>

@Mdermez, I wonder what's the reason we cannot use this way, It seems resonable for us that you set three div to 33.3% and get a 3 equal parts in one line. Just this hauting me for a long time ^_^
but it's all right.maybe it just cannot. I will be more careful next time ^_^

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