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better for earth in all aspects
not a bad idea, yeah
what are the effects of burning wood on the environment btw, compared to fossil fuels?
@Abe you have a reason why that would matter?
@CSᵠ how would we live without sculptures and kitchen counters
@Kitler just fine thanx, how about you?
@Kitler Fake marble
I think we'll manage
@Kitler That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: 3, d, y, ^, !, π, ?
what will the future us do when all fossil materials will end. there aren't many alternatives as versatile as wood
@Kitler more importantly, how would we live without any sweet skate spots like this i.imgur.com/CiiCjay.jpg
according to my formerly skater brother, the best thing that can happen to a city in terms of skating is the olympics
fossil fuels are misused, it's liek burning money
because everything will be all marbled up
@Abe surprisingly, I completely agree with you
you act so dumb sometimes guys. i mentioned marble because i know it will finish in relatively short time. but you know, bricks are made of rocks too
future us are fucked regardless of what we use
bricks are also made of mud
what about plastic. wouldn't be better using wood instead for 99% of stuff that we use every day
@Abe: I'd like to see you make a shopping bag out of wood
Or disposable cups / cutlery
I m just saying hemp can replace most of our wood needs
Or anything that requires transparancy
well you can make a shopping bag out of cannabis
Which will be significantly heavier
clothes, paper
weighs more but is durable
hemp could be of so much use
Paper clothes? I don't mean to rain on your parade, but how'd you make those waterproof (Or even resistant)
you got hemp cloth wrong
it ain't paper
Hemp, sure
and bamboo, it's a grass you know..
bamboo is great too
I got a pair of hemp pants
They be comfy
and that grows fast
and a note regarding disposable cups / cutlery, we're too damn lazy
that's wrong also
It's a convenience thing that generates huge amounts of trash
So, what about a club that uses plastic instead of class to serve it's drinks?
They could get the thick plastic cups instead and just fucking wash em
why would they do that?
have you seen how plastic cups get after washed some uses?
@Kitler I mean those
What would you replace those with?
We v had some of those for ages
just use glass... that is another fully recyclable material
Just use glass... in a club that has 3-4k visitors on a good night
visitors aged 17+
Do you have any idea how much of that glass would break on a single night?
account for a glass breaking in the drink price and you d be fine
we're talking about a 10$ that costs the pub ~3$ to make
Not a pub. A large club
With competitors less then 10km away
a plub
Raise the costs of a drink, and your customers will just go elsewhere
on large quantities we're talking about less than 50 cents the price of a glass cup
use paper cups then
don't raise anything
say you break 3-4 dozens a night, you v already made much more to cover the cost
It'll still cost thousands on a night
3-4 dozens?
More like 500-1000 glasses
doubt a large club would be serving drinks in plastic
I have 3 3-4k clubs in the neghbourrhood
at least that's how it is here
They all serve drinks in hard clear plastic
clubs/pubs everywhere serve you in glass
if it's in plastic then the drink price is usually very low
Yea, it's not
there is some kind of plastic that is almost entirely recyclable though
If it's not they are just being cheap and maximising profit
some of it gets lost in the recycling process (same goes with glass though, and metals, but way less)
These plastic "glasses" have the same shape and thickness as normal beer glasses
They're extremely durable
As in you can jump on one, without it breaking. (Trust me, I tried)
Ah so they aren't disposable
they don't just throw it out at the end of the night
that's fine :P
we were talking about disposable cups/plates/cutlery
The club has an inventory of, say, 8000 of those
as in single use
> While the appreciation is undoubtedly appreciated, this is a comment, not an answer. – Cerbrus 2 hours
I wasn't
@Cerbrus we don't deserve such shitposts
let alone appreciate them
Fair enough
So, Kitler, That misunderstanding out of the way, do you see how replacing those plastic ones with real glass could be... problematic?
Or costly, at least
> People Give Me Negative For Answers – Ali Jamal 2 hours ago
pEOPLE gIVE mE pOSITIVE fOR aAnswers. – Mr_Green 1 hour ago
@Cerbrus yup totally, my main problem is the throw away ones, durable things is another discussion
@BoltClock top kek?
@Kitler The throw away ones get used a lot at events here
And result in a massive mess
plastic dishes are bad for health, check out some research on the topic
I think that's the same everywhere
@CSᵠ Sauce?
They get abused here
once the event is over the entire venue is usually littered
And who gets to clean up the mess? Bar staff...
for realz?
Where I worked, yea
that sucks
we had cleaning crews to take care of that
all you have to do is deal with your bar
worked a few events when I was in uni
Employees were responsible for making the area presentable
Including toilets
in other words management was cheap :P
So the cleaning crew could do the detailing work
It was
@BoltClock: If a comment is flagged, is that visible on the comment itself?
@Cerbrus no
Unless you're asking if it is visible to mods, then yes, mods are the only ones who can see comment flags
Yea, to mods I mean.
<button class="uk-button-dropdown uk-button" data-uk-dropdown="">
    <i class="uk-icon-font"></i> <i class="uk-icon-caret-down"></i>
    <div class="uk-dropdown uk-dropdown-small uk-dropdown-scrollable uk-dropdown-bottom">
        <ul class="uk-nav uk-nav-dropdown">
            <li><a data-wysihtml5-command="fontImpact" href="javascript:;" unselectable="on"><span class="wysiwyg-font-impact">Impact</span></a></li>
            <li><a data-wysihtml5-command="fontTimes" href="javascript:;" unselectable="on"><span class="wysiwyg-font-times">Time New Roman</span></a></li>
Is a button ok there? I mean is it ok to make it contain a shit load of things?
it was a outer div originally, but I had some issues (losing text selection with it) and it works with a button, but I'm afraid it's a bad html usage
its not doing many buttony things. Maybe its better to have a styled div?
oh yeah. That makes sense....
I dont know.
thing is jsfiddle.net/crl/foafka4a/25 in the toolbar the A is a button, the T is a div, if you have text selected below you lose selection with the latter
@crl That HTML makes the inner purist cringe.
@Cerbrus ah I see
It also seems to work if I replace button with div for the font selector
ahaha people are so retarded:
now I can add this to my pi collection
that feeling when you move last sprint ticket to "done" area in jira
@easwee man. Best ever. Its like taking a pee after being stuck in traffic for half an hour
my team got wiped out for a week - all ill - I have to carry on solo :D
last mna standing
@easwee they didn't lie 5 !== 9
like amagad
yeah... lol
I need to get one of these D: Ill go check today... South Africa is a little slow though...
Maybe only get them next year
There was a movie about a holographic 10$ computer right?
@MethodMan was lookin for a pi on this side of the world, they only had the first model and it was 100$
I told them to go fuck themselves :P
hahaha :P We have a shop if you want to get one while here. www.pifactory.co.za
theyre around R500 which is about $40
I get there on the 29th and leave on the 9th of jan :P
it's a sign
Aw shiieet man.
There are other shops thats just the cheapest
every time I see you that song gets stuck in my head
meh tis all gooda
@rlemon awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww shiet
me no know it
need to listen now
@MethodMan they are far cheaper here
@easwee youre lucky maann
@rlemon shits real dawg
anyone heard their new album? I heard they were only selling it to one person or something?
Im talking about Wu Tang here not Method Man
!!youtube da mystery of chessboxin
still probably my fav
it's hard to decide
@MethodMan model B you can get for 30€ - that is 12€ less then on that page if my conversion was right
hahaha. Really is man.
!!youtube Wu Tang Clan - Wu Tang Clan Ain't Nuthin' To Fuck With
@overexchange you would do well to read and consider all the comments and the answer. Here is your fiddle updated with a z-index. Now you can see that the element is 'stacked' on top of the another-pos element. — shennan 17 secs ago
I feel sorry for these guys
I m almost convinced that he really is that clueless
my point is simply, why don't you just try to see what happens? i could grasp literally everything about css just by trying out all the values combinations, almost without reading anything
that question should be closed
@easwee @MadaraUchiha DO IT
After closing this:
Q: Feel happy after solving this :)

Rahul DavdGoing through an online test for JavaScript on http://www.javatpoint.com/directload.jsp?val=227, I found these two questions, which I was unable to solve. Anyone solve this. Number("1")-1===0 What will be the result? And what is the meaning of this? and: "1"--"1" What will be the result? And...

I'm going to forward every future cv pls @MadaraUchiha from now on
you alraedy closed it
heh I'll be hitting 14k close votes next week
I really think he's doing this on purpose
@Kitler how much free time you need to have for that? also, how much endurance
because if i was trolling, i'd gave up months ago :P
do you know KenM?
kenM is awesome
I stumbled on him organically
ahahahah this guy is fantastic
"this guy" :D
it's not a guy?
it's a lot of guys
Inbefore "Ken" is short for "Kendra" or "Kenishiriqua"
and gals, probably
@GNi33 that makes it less awesome :P
hehe, yeah, it kinda does, but it was pretty clear from the start that it's not just one old dude sitting in his rocking chair posting shit on yahoo answers all day
on most of the screenshots you can actually see that the guy that took the screenshot was the guy posting, as he can edit or delete the post
I have no idea who manages the facebook - account though, not sure if that's a collective too
So he completely changed his question from 3D to 2D
@Cerbrus and plugged his previous question
@GNi33 Old, but recently I've been playing this on loop constantly youtube.com/watch?v=YDJCXuQ56So
> do you have tiny chairs
A: How float and position work together?

BoltClock How float and position work together? They don't. An absolutely positioned element cannot float. A floating element cannot be absolutely positioned. When an element is specified to both float and position: absolute, the latter takes precedence and the element does not float. Though unrelate...

How'd you guys find Ken M?
How did it start?
I saw something about him in a chatroom
I think @Rvervuurt shared a buzzfeed article on the slack channel and that's where I saw em
@SomeGuy I actually found him in a comment section one day
clicked on his profile, saw a shitload of posts.
Haha really?
found him on google / reddit, forgot about him until now
yea I always read comment sections
they make the post 18% better
he's epic :P
The second last comment
He's hilarious
@MethodMan I sleep ~6 hours a day
@ZachSaucier I don't believe you, "Zach"
@ZachSaucier and at night?
let me guess, another 6
lazy bum
kk enough chat gotta work :P
yeah dammit they are too many
ken M
my lover
also damn son, work went from 'Fuck Busy' to 'You could lose your job at any second' in about 2.5 seconds
today is turkeydayUSA
we sell mostly to Americans
today is slow
shit son. Youre kinda lucky...
No floats to displace? top-left-pos has float property — overexchange 13 mins ago
@overexchange yes, and it also has position: absolute, which causes the float not to work. You should really pay more attention to what people are explaining to you. — Stephan Muller 12 mins ago
@BoltClock youre making me want to bash my head in with a rock
We just "code freezed"
Which means I don't need to do anything for like 4 days
@StephanMuller so much for trying to shoehorn it in after the fact
note I didn't post the answer for his sake but for everyone else's (and @Kitler's)
@Sippy I'm free till monday - it's something
so I appreciate the votes :3
last thing to do is to deploy to staging tomorow morning
I'm reading unity tutorials all day :)
procedural level generation is a very interesting topic
@rlemon myVar is getting overwitten in every loop. setInterval.length is 1 - unlikely what you mean. I have a feeling of what you are getting to, but can you describe what you are trying to do at a higher ? (source)
damn dom
I wish people could vote to Q ban a user
I still have to come to work for some reason but yeah
@ZachSaucier Id make QBan botnets :D
@ZachSaucier +1
Zues would become Quez ;D
not even sure how to pronounce that
overexchange literally asks every problem he runs into on here
no problem solving skills for himself..
I've noticed theres a group of users that keep asking dupe questions and just repack an old question in those to get community upvotes from users who don't know the question was asked before
> how does a <div> work internally. with regards to the layout engine.
that is really lame
and such people should be stopped
@rlemon HAHAHA, who givesashit?
@ZachSaucier he got told off last week
@ZachSaucier I have him on ignore already for some time now
yeah but just in this chat room
The problems start when people like that start working on your application.
i havent seen him back
I agree that he should qualify for a Q ban
@cimmanon not on this room
but he'll be back sooner or later
we should make a board - DO NOT ANSWER THIS USERS
hes not cut out for this profession. thats not something anyone should be ashamed of, but its annoying as fuck for the rest of us
Sigh I worked with a guy like him in my first job...
today the base skill for any dev is to use google properly
man it made me want to suicide
"99% of all answers are on google, if they're not it must be a bug"
depends on the topic
@MethodMan I mean, if it were someone working on a layout engine, that's a perfectly normal question to have. But he's not
LOL, yeah hes probably just wondering what a div does. How does he even know about the layout engine. I mean. The other day he was asking about the layout of physical and visual pixels in this group
WHY WOULD HE NEED TO KNOW THAT, hes not making screens FFS
when youre working with someone else's library, it can be fairly common to not be able to find "how do i do x" with it. you could argue that the source code is there, its just a matter of digging through it to find your answer
there is a supermarket chain with cheap food here - from next week they will also be selling iphones
if anyone is german or from austria I know they are from somewhere there - do they sell them there aswell?
Buy now, cheap food + expensive Iphone. Save on food and have a nice phone.
most of our popular grocery stores sell that crap
but it's true - those who have the least money all have best phones
@easwee +1
they mostly all have a mobile phone 'booth' and housewares / clothing now
hehe yeah
same here
@rlemon same here...
but I thought apple had a policy of some style
this is really a low budget store :D
@easwee not sure about the iPhone, but they do sell a lot of electronics for quite a while now here
@MethodMan one of his earlier questions in this room was why border: 5px none doesnt take up any space.
yeah they do sell those Medion since begining
but I wonder - how you get Apple in such a shithole of a store :D
in Austria, they have their own mobile carrier too
they are so greedy already?
haha, yep, they sell the iPhone 5s
just looked it up
@cimmanon HAHAHA shit that cracks me up...
turbocapitalism at it's best
"uh, I'm gonna buy this 0.10€ piece of meat instead of a nice steak so I can afford an iPhone"
i suck at code golf. i keep focusing on writing more efficient code than writing smaller code ><
@cimmanon that's much more valuable
@easwee lidl and aldi have been doing the same for years here
maybe not iPhones but I've seen laptops, motorcycle helmets and lawn mowers there
@ZachSaucier i know. ive been working through the homework for a university course on haskell. one of the assignments is to solve 3 problems in the smallest amount of code
one of the problems is to take a list of numbers from 0-9 like [1,4,5,4,6,6,3,4,2,4,9] and get this for output:
    * *
 ******  *
@Cerbrus :p
are there other than the following english suffixes for something pretending to be / appearing to be something else? something like "foo-like" or "foo-able" "foo-ish"
@StephanMuller yeah it is same here - but I'm surprised about Apple only
@Abe not that i can think of. you could always try asking the english language SE chat
(in some cases)
i hate naming
they were doing the yearly fire alarm tests in our building yesterday (replacing smoke detector batteries, making sure the alarms worked in every apartment, etc.)
normally, the dog doesnt freak out, but he was acting super weird for about 7 hours while this was going on. i had him jump in the shower with me twice (he hates getting wet).
must be some bad smoke, they are hyper sensitive (I'm like that too, viscerally hate cig smoke)
anyone have some time to think about how to do something on a project of mine?
what kind of project?
jsfiddle.net/0ygq1kxu/1 I'm trying to figure out how to do the middle comment part - randomly generate a type's behavior to its environment but only do it once and have the actual effect be determined by the other agents around and with some variability added in
Hi all. I'll have a subscription page for users where they can choose from 6 subscriptions: they can choose all 6/at least 1, or anywhere inbetween. What would be a decent UX-approach to this? Seems like the bootstrap tokenizer plugin is a bit buggy. Autocomplete dropdown/combobox is an okay approach but I would like to hear some opinions.
@DnfD checkbox
Yeah that's not too bad...jeez that didn't even cross my mind O_o
I suppose I should start by hard coding a couple behaviors
then maybe I can come up with how to randomly generate it but keep it the same
Home time, peace Monikas

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