Someone has an idea why outline behave differently on Firefox? (should look like Chrome/edge/ie), else on Firefox, I'd have to set a outline-offset to get something similar
oh.. can do with border, since it's absolute it won't put extra space
Hey wanted to thank everyone here for all the great help I have received. I just finished up with the start of my very first webpage and would love some constructive criticism "not to rough now lol" on what I can do better code and design. Thanks Again everyone.
well thx... but... this is not exactly what I try to do... What I try right now, is to set some kind of "minWidth" to columns... but not perfect anyway :/
in my example, if id is "2" name is "myNameIs Something" and address is "I live sooooomewhere in a country with a loong naaaame" (long data) then if I set minWidth the data overflow is hidden instead of new line, so it's somehow "unusable" on small screens
@MethodMan well, this is a fact that I could build my table template with bootstrap classes and angularjs built-in ng-repeat functions, but ng/ui-grid extension seems powerful and code can quickly look pretty messy without such a plugin :/
real problem is that the ui-grid generates tons of divs instead of building a real table :/
Agreed. Mine is based on a massive SQL back end with pure JQuery/bootstrap front end. This was around 3 months ago before I knew how to use angular efficiently...
I don't really want a framework that when I find out a feature, I'm like "oh, that is clever", because they're usually the same things that make me want to pull out my hair later
the thing we needed to cater for was slow internet connections in northern Africa so we used sql to limit the amount of data coming back aka 20 records and did the pagination based on that. Just a hint
I cant really help since this is all proprietary software :c
Well here in my case this would be different. Idea is to get a list of people, only "main" data. And later, when user chooses a person then app gets the whole data about this person. So since it's only id, name & addr (text) even with slow connection I can retrieve many records...
this is how I would try to do with dataTables but plugin seems to fail with angularjs scope... looks like it does not detect that there is data in the table
Currently working on calculating the year using jquery. This was working perfectly as expected but I want to add one more function into it. If the user enters a wrong value for example 121212 it should say "You have entered the wrong format. Kindly enter the correct format".
@djsmiley2k why are you changing code in an accepted answer that hasn't had a comment about the code being wrong in the 1.5 years since it was posted
@kitler I have been developing in Javascript for years so don't need a guide. It's this particular datepicker that is the problem. — jezzipin4 mins ago
said the guy passing a function instead of it's result
Guys, is it possible to make border color the same as background color of a different class? I have this: <span class="w0 b0"> and w range from 0 to 9 while b go from 0 to 2. Ws always have the background property and bs only have either "top" or "bottom" property but no color. I want to keep the borders where they are but make them inherit colors from ws. Do I need separate span tags?
@crl hobo a hobo is an itinerant worker, a career which sprang up during the depression. A hobo, unlike a bum or a tramp, is more than willing to work, but mostly for a short duration, as their main impetus is travel, the love of the journey above the actual destination. A bum is stationary, feeding off of those unfortunate enough to cross his path; a hobo merely travels from town to town, finding work when he can, bu(snip)
The issue is that I have 10 background colors for words (word1, word2,...) and only two border types: bottom and top. I don't want to make 10*2 separate styles in CSS to make those border colors the same as word background colors.
Right now they're black and they should be red, green and that color in-between. Automatically.
@ЗахарJoe you cant do what youre asking for. border color is inherited from the font color by default. you have to generate extra selectors. why do you need the border color to match the background anyway?
now if you can explain exactly what effect youre trying to go for, theres probably something that can be done that would look the same without extra classes
Okay, I'll try to do my best. So there's a search engine where you type in parts of words. You can specify whether that part must be the beginning of a word, the ending of a word or anywhere. The beginning would be marked with a top border, the ending with a bottom border and if the position is not specified then there's no border at all. And we have 10 separate fields for those word parts. Each part is preassigned its own color and inside the text they're highlighted.
I have a PHP code that generates those spans, it was somewhat tricky to program but it works. Naturally I cannot use overlapping spans because HTML but I found a way around that by generating spans with overlapping classes.
The border is probably going to have the same color but will be a little bit darker to make it visible.