I have answered a similar question here.
I know you have already said position: absolute; is inconvenient but it works. See below for further information on fixing the resize issue.
Also see this jsFiddle for a demo, although I have only added webkit prefixes so open in Chrome.
You basically ...
EDIT: As of Chrome 34, the construct below will be rendered correctly as expected. From this follows that it actually was a bug in ealier Chrome versions and that this relatively straightforward CSS simply works.
So I just discovered viewport-percentage lengths and I thought they would go grea...
There is not enough code to really do testes but this could work :
if(($('#sideArticles').children().size()) > 10){
var del = $('#sideArticles').children().eq(0);
my husband rants about it all the time. apparently there are women out there that do shit like consent to having sex, change their mind in the middle of the act, then accuse the guy of rape
In feminist theory, rape culture is a setting in which rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality.
The sociology of rape culture is studied academically by feminists, but there is disagreement over what defines a rape culture and as to whether any given societies meet the criteria to be considered a rape culture. Behaviors commonly associated with rape culture include victim blaming, sexual objectification, trivializing rape, denial of widespread rape, refusing to acknowledge the harm caused by some forms of sexual violence, or some combination of these...
I believe that FireFox (esp. the Developer Edition) does not respect the width: auto; CSS style.
In every other browser, width: auto; shrinks/expands so that the container is snug-fit with its content, however in FF dev edition and latest FF public release version width:auto; sets the container ...
@BoltClock Surprised? I've been using it that way for almost a year now, ever since I read somewhere that width:auto will adjust to its containing content. But I think I know what the problem is now: the containing content is defaulted to 100% width I think, so the container is actually expanding. Just a theory, but I think that's what's happening here. Any suggestions to get a div to shrink to its content? — popshuvit37 secs ago
Can I say that this code has the meaning of adding property align-content:space-around; only after saying flex-wrap:wrap;?otherwise it does not require to use align-content in this code. am I correct?
argh. html/css is messy sometimes. this would be so much easier if i could force breaks in adjacent table-cell elements with css: codepen.io/cimmanon/pen/YyaNPw?editors=110
I can imagine, but I have nothing to see (I haven't even seen sempai, who knows why he won't notice you... Well apart from that it seem he can't find you)
Also, that's why I like writing my own backend and telling the server what errors to send >_>
I want to make uploader where users can upload a video e.g mp4 and then the uploader would turn the video into a circular shape video and play it. Anyone have any ideas how would it be done?
Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to do. Though I decided to skip the uploading part for the time being and see how I would convert the video to circular shape.
thats why you need to break down your steps. its a lot harder to ask google a single, large problem than it is to search for a smaller task like "css circular video"
sooo much more work rewriting code than it is to write new code ><
twitter users are crazy. i noticed people start following me and if they don't get followed back in very short time, like, few minutes, they unfollow me