When you have a parent element and a child element, and the parent element is display: table, the child element is implicitly display: table-cell. (Technically the child element is wrapped in an anonymous table-cell box and the actual child element itself doesn't change, but in this specific scen...
yo @rlemon Is there a way I can edit the extension manifest from the JS? I want to run a JS file for a list of site domains but allow that to be editable by users
What is the difference between
public static void Main()
private static void Main()
in a C# console application? Specifically as it pertains to the Main() method (I understand the differences between public and private).
> marked as duplicate by TylerH, Andrew Arnold, Steve, Peppered Lemons, kolossus Mar 17 at 15:10
... how is it a dupe?
@TylerH OK turns out you were the one who added the "Specifically as it pertains to", so I'm guessing you didn't cast a dupe vote. Maybe somehow the other four close voters all agreed it was a dupe
yeah ok four idiots saw someone else's comment and figured it was a dupe. Wonder what your close vote was
3D Touch * The input story * Object-Oriented UX * Project Cards Template * Resume Builder * Simple Lightbox * Simple Icons Collective #191 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.
Hey all. Just wondering, is there a way to check whether a style is set in css via scss? Sort of like: @if background { background:white; } @else {background:black;} OR @if background == black { background:white; } @else {background:black;}
I feel like I just don't know the appropriate terminology to find an answer; but in any case:
How does one fill the holes in a selection in Photoshop?
Consider a donut shape. You use the wand to select the donut shape, but the hole of the donut remains unselected. Is there a tool or sequence of...