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any idea what why git would be marking a move as a delete/new? exactly the same content
well thats technically what a move is :D
@cimmanon I was using the GitHub app and was moving a folder. For some reason all the files were getting marked as a move except one.
@joshhunt not sure what to tell you, i just use the command line
fair enough, I assume it's just a bug with the app
@Abe I do. Pretty much only formality you need to do is subscribe, and you get a verification email at most. And I know what you're referring to - it's a problem I've had on several occasions
Full on HTML & CSS noob here but if I put a div inside a div can I make it so that inside div conforms to the width and height of the container div every time?
@tokyo0709 have you tried anything?
I was thinking that maybe you could do it with 100% on both width and height but then I thought would that push it to just the container div or the whole page?
try it and find out?
haha ah ok
Alright, sometimes I don't give myself enough credit. Thanks :)
It worked
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
hey guys i have a question
so i have a page with a form and whenever i refresh the page, the web browser asks the user to confirm if he/she wants to resend the information. How can I make it so that when a user refreshes the page, that dialog does not show up and a new version of the page shows up?
the form is html with a PHP search function connected to mySQL if anybody is wondering.
Hi ppl, a quick question, i want to select every li except some placed in a <span> tag
Why does this selector does not work :
`ul li:not(span)` I tried `ul:not(span) li` but its not working neither..
Ok get it just had to do li :not(span li).. pretty simple in fact --'
Ha well
not the good answer in fact this also erase the modification to the other li.. :(
@AndrewHu this is what you need to learn about: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post/Redirect/Get
@Baldráni you should try to avoid making complicated CSS rules, because someone (who is likely to be an older version of you) might have to maintain that crap
@tereško Well I'm trying to do a duplicable theme so I indeed try to do as simple as possible, how do you think I should do ?
.wrapper .feed .feed_post{
	background: rgb(0, 0, 0);
	height: 180px;
	float: left;
	width: 50%;

.wrapper .feed .feed_post .feed_content{
	box-shadow: 0 3px 9px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
	height: 100%;
	width: 100%;
	margin: 5px;
if you have no control over HTML, then there isn't really another way (all you can do is add comment explaining that rule)
Isnt there any way to margin just the feed_content without affecting te feed_post?
but if you can control the HTML, I would just make a custom class on that <li> which would indicate what it contains
@Maurize float ?
@tereško So you suggest I do not wrap any li into a span ?
@Baldráni yeah I want to show 2 posts per row?
whait WHAT
you cannot wrap <li> in a <span>
@tereško Hum k It worked well but I'll change that right away if you say so
<li> can only have <ul> and <ol> as containers
you really should run your HTML through a validator
@Maurize Have you got any example ? a fiddle or online content, i dont really get where is your pb
@tereško Look there, jsfiddle.net/h9zs62da/24
Its working well :/
I just want some space (5px) between the 4 elements
that code is INVALID
try it with that.
@tereško Ok I'll change it :)
I need version 1 become version 2 but the childs must change their size instead of moving in next line.
@SomeGuy that looks interesting, thanks, will have a look into it
@Baldráni please learn to use W3C validator: validator.w3.org
@tereško Yeah I generally use it after I've finish to work on something.
would be great to do them all, but first I'll probably need to read a book on time management :D
@Maurize jsfiddle.net/Baldrani/1ywvnoat/3 there is some kind of space
you want to separate them ?
yes. Have a look at box shadow. It says nope-
le professional drawn image
@Maurize I remember read something about that let me 5m
I saw this on codepen already. Can't figure out how the dude is doing this.
@Maurize I think the best way of doing it is by position your block in absolute
The problem while be that you'll need to have a different pos for every one
Or you do 2 col
There must be another way.
So the childs just affect themselves
And not the parentdiv
Not sure this is waht you want
No this is not what I've meant.
Hm, let me get you an example
this is it
Hum why not taking it and cleaning it if you already got an example :)
Because I want to do it on a simplier way - No row div. There must be an easier way
.wrapper .feed .feed_post{
	height: 180px;
	float: left;
	width: 50%;
(back to 50%)
hmm, seems like a way
thank you.
@Maurize Pleasure if it can help you, still probably not the best way :/
I remember doing this with table-cell or stuff -> as I've used margin it affected the element self...
will be a nice app :)
@GNi33 Haha yeah
I don't plan on doing all
Some of them are fairly basic ones
But it makes for a nice list
@Kitler i blame u, u ruined this chat!
it's so empty now :(
just random crabs and some guys
He took 'er chaaat!
How does it feel in that eagle's nest now, @Kitler? Don't get too comfy, now we're coming for you, seeking revenge!
seriously, I can be there in about half an hour
right outside of town :D
lol, are you in lebanon?
nah, I'm talking about the real WW2 one ;)
yep, Google Maps says 35min by car
and the fun part is, in the 27 years of my existence, I've never been there. God dammit
are you talking of auschwitz right. sorry i'm not paying much attention :P
no, about the Kehlsteinhaus, dubbed "Eagle's Nest" by the Allies at some point
didn't even know it existed
no actually, i knew it :P never been there too
@GNi33 would be a cool place to meet :D cc @easwee
haha, not sure if that would really be the best place :D
but Jägersee, not too far from it is awesome, and Berchtesgaden is a beatiful town in itself too
idgaf of hitler. it's cool
without having to go up to 1800m
Salzburg is astonishing too, if you're into it (biggest medieval fortess of central Europe, oldest restaurant of Europe and so on)
there's actually a lot to see in a relatively small area around here, all possible in a short time if you have a car
ah, scrap the Jägersee, Königssee is what I meant
yeah been in salisburgo :P great place
i didn't visit the castle though
let me know if you're ever in the area again, I'll show you around ;)
sometimes i don't even the time to pee. and the bathroom is 10m away from me :(
Why don't you join us on slack
because it's a private club
It's open to everyone
Auto invite and such
@SomeGuy yeah, I'll probably focus on the Math and Algorithm courses first
+ Paradigms and Architecture, Crypto and Security after that, should be a pretty good list
@GNi33 Neat. Let me know when you start any!
yeah, right now I'm doing the one on Coursera
Oh, I'm planning on doing nand2tetris soon
it's interesting, all stuff I've learned but forgotten, so it's pretty good
Well, "soon"
After my semester exams
yeah, that's an interesting one
although I'll focus on some that will help me out immediatly at projects and the job
Ah, fair enough
I'll probably never build a computer system anyways :D
but it's definitely interesting and will give you a lot of useful background info
Not with that attitude you won't
haha :D
@GNi33 How's the ML course been going anyway?
it floats along ;)
due date for the algo course is in about 1.5 weeks, so I'm focussing on that one for now
What are the assignments like?
whenever I get time I either do the ML course, or screw around with Android Dev
Oh, neat! I'm trying to learn more of the basics for Android dev too
I got some books if you need them
currently I'm reading "The busy coders guide to Android Development" and I think it's really good
others suggested the "Nerd Ranch Guide to Android" or something like that, but I haven't looked at it
@GNi33 Oh, yeah, that'd be nice. Are they recent ones?
Do you have my email?
I'll have to look when I'm at home
Well, it's amaan.cheval
At google's provider
I think the Busy Coders Guide is some months old, it covers up to Android 5.something, so it's not the newest
he updates his book at a crazy rate
That's good enough
but my OPO only has Android 5.1 for now, so I don't mind
the basics are there
iirc the Nerd Ranch one is the newest version
yeah, I have the 2nd ed
people seem to really like it. I'll ping you when I'm home tonight
Awesome, thanks
Any specific reason you're looking into Android dev?
Or is it just general curiosity?
Oh, btw, I've got "Data Science from Scratch" if you want that
It's a good book
general curiosity, getting the basics right
then I want to write some basic apps for myself that I can use on a daily basis
mostly a time planner / todo-list app that I can easily adjust to my liking
I've been using Java (forcefully) at college
@SomeGuy Do you hate it?
and a podcatcher, because I like podcasts and I think it would make a great exercise/challenge to get this thing right
I'm using Java atm and I can't deal with how shit it is compared to C# lol
So I figured I could just learn a little more and make Habitify using it as well
@Sippy I do kind of dislike it
It's so bland
I don't hate it quite yet, though
@SomeGuy yeah, I did too. didn't like it back then, but with Android it seems to motivate me again
I miss things like null coalesce and extension methods lol
null coalesce is bae
@Sippy u wot, m8?
You fools won't even get my drift cos you're not C# nerds.
I also miss the var keyword
I love var
I know all these operators, I rarely find me using them though
I like null coalesce cos you can chain it well.
Reading about null coalesce, I came across this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elvis_operator
Good for defaults etc
Chaining ternary makes me feel sick though
@SomeGuy I do use that one
TIL it's called elvis operator
nicer than the js pendant I think
Totally calling it the Elvis operator from now on lol
Well the Elvis operator in JS is && isn't it lol
Chump front end devs can't read it because they don't understand the inner language mechanics :P
boolean && function(); sends most front end devs running for the hills :/
for defaults, it's var x = x || {};
@Sippy Pretty much
@MadaraUchiha Do you use it?
@Sippy Sometimes
Usually in places like
obj && obj.method();
If I'm unsure that obj is a thing.
Yeah that's smart.
yeah, but that won't work for a variable, or can't I just wrap my head around it right now?
It'd work for an instantiated variable.
really? var x && {} would work?
Not sure.
because I really don't think so
that's why ?: is so nice in PHP
That doesn't actually make sense.
I can't think of a nice js pendant instead of OR
var x && {}, x is always gonna be the same.
So it will always either eval or not.
I think this would result in a syntax error
oh, of course not when I already defined the variable before
It does error.
it doesn't work either way
if defining it -> syntax error
if having it defined -> still undefined
Null coalesce doesn't work that way in C# either I've just found
It's only for assignment
Which is a bit annoying.
but stuff like x && x.doThisIfDefined() is incredibly helpful
@Sippy crabface
@Eirinn uwot
We don't live here anymore btw.
yeah we do
just waiting around till people are sick of slack
@Sippy wat?
@StephanMuller I'm guessing you're already sick of slack? :P
@Eirinn most regulars moved to a slack.com chatroom
@Sippy yeah, what brought me here was SO
I wish this chat was better.
@StephanMuller aw
It's adequate.
@Sippy like you!
we already had an incrowd kind of thing going on here, and without fresh blood from random visitors it's becoming even more incrowd
I don't like that
so I'm just going to stick around here and help noobs when I feel like it
Doesn't help if you bring in people like me who's already inbred
Having jQuery silently fail on purpose feels dirty
That is dirty.
I have spent the last week trying to fix something that was failing silently.
Fuck silent failures.
I'm doing a .remove() without checking if it exists because jQuery latently checks itself before running anything
what do you mean by "dirty"?
normally it'd be up to the programmer to check if an element exists before removal
@StephanMuller ^
@Eirinn object && object.remove();
free null check
yes but I don't understand the word "dirty" in this context. you mean it's hard to debug?
@Sippy wait that works?
yup. yay for loose conversion
@StephanMuller dirty just means that it works, but it's not pretty
excellent :D
what do you mean by "pretty", it's code
should code be pretty?
Code is art
it should be functional, readable and maintainable imo, artistic opinion has nothing to do with it
then again, I think code is the exact opposite of art
Making code that is perfectly functional, readable and maintainable is an art form because it takes skill and experience to do it properly.
You can make shit code that works fine
No what I mean is that it's just a coincidence that jQuery handles existence checks and it could be seen as bad practice in general hehe
Or you can make great code that works fine
But I guess that's reason enough
You can be artistic in anything.
@sippy I'm not saying you can't qualify code, I'm just saying terms like functional, readable and maintainable are actually relevant to code whereas matters of taste aren't
art is taste is not quantifiable
@Sippy that's how special olympics started
@StephanMuller I disagree but I see your point of view.
@Sippy so anything is art?
I agree to a point.
It is entirely relevant to code, but your code can still be ugly or beautiful.
Which is entirely up to the person reading it to decide.
if it was a smaller and less standard library I would do the existence check myself, but jQuery is a monolith so I'll let it do its job... that and Object && object.remove() is just too sexy to not add so I'll plug that in there
@StephanMuller No, the process of doing anything can be artistic.
I get your point of view as well, but I feel like using words like "ugly" makes people dislike certain aspects of code without being able to explain why. If you call it "unmaintainable" at least you have a definition you can debate about
it's just a barrier check which should always be done.
ugly is a matter of taste, it's personal and you can't communicate it to peers
you can't stick it in coding guidelines
@StephanMuller it can be unmaintanable and pretty at the same time imo
@StephanMuller Well
There is one thing that's universally ugly.
@StephanMuller ...i inadvertently backed up you argument, that was not the point
your mom?
That no single ray of light can be found in it, and no one can say it's artistic in any form
@Eirinn haha, no problem
@StephanMuller zing
you'll get around
@MadaraUchiha Vantablack is pretty
@MadaraUchiha AAAH GET IT AWAY
@MadaraUchiha Heh, agreed
MultiPla > Nissan Juke > Qashqai
@StephanMuller Meh, I agree with that. Depends on your forum/audience as to whether or not it matters though
anyway, I do get what you guys mean but I'm working on a presentation about this very subject and I need ideas
Juke looks like someone wanted to draw a hippopotamus, but inadvertently drew a car
Ah hahaha
Then yeah, quantifying code beauty comes down to how usable it is in my opinion. Usable for programmers, so code usability would encompass the ideas of reusability, maintainability, readability, conventionality, etc etc
@Eirinn are you blind?
@GNi33 we seem to have an owner here
@Eirinn great car
or does > mean worse in this case?
I'm not saying it's not great, I'm saying its butt ugly
i have seen worse
gmorning, what is the way(s) to show an .avi in a web page?
well yeah, the multipla is listed^
@Abe Shut up, all Italian cars are things of beauty.
The only good thing with this car are the 3 front seats.
I don't know what drugs that designer took and I have no idea what the hell the guys that agreed on this were on
Otherwise it's so ugly. Probably super short deadline / super drunk designer.

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