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@TylerH I just randomly happened across your chat room from ^ by being nosy ... weird.
@Sippy the empty one or the one me and that moderator were talking in?
@TylerH that laugh ><
Hey this problem is annoying me how do you horizontally and vertically center a absolute positioned div where the parent is unknown width and height.
@TylerH You and the mod lol
I found the thread and then was like oo a chatroom
@Sippy yeah, I'm gonna write up a meta question after dinner
Hadn't seen your name on it until then
srs bsns
of course I'll have to abide by whatever the meta consensus is for that community but frankly I think the moderator's reaction was way overblown and personally that her stance was incorrect
dang dude
I'm so much better at JS than other languages school makes me do
just did 70% of a project on first compile after like 10 mins xD
I tried doing it in Python for like 3 hours yesterday and didn't get anything working haha
Python is grim
I liked programming with Java in uni
It was straight forward made more sense than javascript lol
Java is not the nicest of things to use
I much prefer it to Python though.
ffs I need to sleep
what am I doing with my life
@Sippy not sleeping
3 messages moved to Trash can
Please don't post the same question in multiple chats at once.
Is there a semantically correct way to have something like this but keep h1 and nav next to each other?
I think currently this is semantically incorrect due to the fact that nav is not unique to this document?
@joshhunt you are allowed to have multiple navs in the document, but youre really only intended to have 1 nav per sectioning element
I think with main you aren't supposed use content that isn't unique? developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/HTML/Element/main
as in <nav> shouldn't be part of <main> because the same nav is used on other parts of the site
main is supposed to contain your main content
but your main content could contain an aside that is an image gallery with the pagination inside a nav element
How can I seperate two search box input? from filtering with the same column?
<label>Date From :</label>
<input class="search" type="search" data-column="0">
 <label>To :</label>
<input class="search" type="search" data-column="0">
but if I used that aside again on another page then technically it shouldn't be inside main right?
When I type text on the first search box, It copies the text to the second search box
why not? i mean, your main could contain an article that contains sections or asides that each have their own nav elements
@Micaela No it doesn't: jsfiddle.net/51ervfte
Yes it does
"This content should be unique to the document, excluding any content that is repeated across a set of documents such as sidebars, navigation links, copyright information, site logos, and search forms (unless the document's main function is as a search form)." Source
$.tablesorter.filter.bindSearch( $('#cLoanOut'), $('.search') );
cLoanOut is my table's id
@Micaela change the class then? I'm not sure how you expect anyone to be able to help you when you don't even have an example that demonstrates the problem
Yes I also changed the class
like this
@joshhunt yeah, thats just a really verbose way of saying "everything that's not the chrome for the site"
<label>Date From :</label>
<input class="Search" type="search" data-column="0">
<label>To :</label>
<input class="search" type="search" data-column="0">
$.tablesorter.filter.bindSearch( $('#cLoanOut'), $('.Search') );
$.tablesorter.filter.bindSearch( $('#cLoanOut'), $('.search') );
still the same
it inputs the text from the first search box
@cimmanon hmmm ok, in my situation the <nav> is a sub-nav that is used by a couple of pages. Do you still think it's ok in this case?
Q: Are class names in CSS selectors case sensitive?

Sachin KainthI keep reading everywhere that CSS is not case sensitive, but I have this selector .holiday-type.Selfcatering which when I use in my HTML, like this, gets picked up <div class="holiday-type Selfcatering"> If I change the above selector like this .holiday-type.SelfCatering Then the style ...

@joshhunt yes
But when I change the data-column its correct
ok, thanks for your help :)
but I want to show search boxes on that column
@Micaela Demo
I also put an Id on two inputs but still the same
@Micaela we do not debug via telepathy. make a fiddle or go away
@Abe watch the youtube video I posted
it's hilarious
mountain view...
some Google developer eats huge burritos
user image
@Abe the irony
@PraxisAshelin o/
@Abe didn't got :|
@Loktar Was not active these days... belated Happy bdae :D
@Abe aoe tonyt
@TylerH so you litter your comments everywhere xD
@Abe fo
@rlemon so I have an array of ~17,000 objects in JS. They are sorted by their time stamps and the time stamps come in 33ms intervals. But sometimes there are multiple objects with the same time stamp and sometimes there are none. Have any ideas on how to efficiently iterate through this type of structure in JS?
My current thinking is have a var to store the last checked, keep going until the next time stamp is in the future then stop, saving that new time. Once the draw function is called again iterate from that location until the next time stamp in the future is reached
is there a better way with JS that I don't know of?
@ZachSaucier is it a map? more details
i can helpz :P
I'm currently storing the data like so: [{timestamp: n, id: n, ... }, {timestamp: n, id: n, ...} ...]
so I need to efficiently check which need to be drawn based on if their time stamp has happened since the last draw
the only way I am thinking of it saving a "last-location-used" type of variable
why can't you remove timestamps in the past?
or at least move them to another array
is that very efficient?
seems like more work
actually depends on how js arrays are implemented internally
still seems like more work than updating a var :P
they probably are just C arrays
which means that pop() is fast
like remove them iterating in reverse order
from last to first
@ZachSaucier that's a solution but don't be afraid to explore other possibilities :P
I'm not afraid
just lazy
it's a school project, haha
@TylerH You know what those people make me think of? Word filters. It's like these people are walking word filters
so you have an array which is sorted by item.timestamp, correct?
But you know, who am I to judge
what would you do for each iteration without considering performance?
not sure
will you need timestamps in the past later?
@Abe yes
@Abe not according to the requirements...
also, how do you sort the timestamps? are them sorted already when you insert them, or you are using .sort() ?
they're already sorted in the files that are inputted
@joshhunt Put it this way: is this a site-wide nav? If so, outside main. Is this a page-specific nav? If so, inside main is ok
A good example of a main nav is a table of contents (which, apparently, isn't tabular data, despite what its name might suggest)
so the solution looks could be simply inverting the order of the array @ZachSaucier then iterating with for(x = arr.length - 1; x > 0; x--) and remove old timestamps in order using array.pop()
* x >= 0
@ZachSaucier will you need random access on that array?
if you need to just iterate over it, you could use a linked list
Does JS have that natively? I thought not
it doesn't but implementation is trivial
function Node(value){ this.value = value; }
var element1 = new Node('one');
var element2 = new Node('two');
element1.next = element2;
element2.previous = element1;
... and continue
i haven't checked it
though inverting the array order would probably be faster
zachsaucier.com/walking-ants.html now I have to figure out how to add a walking path where they traveled without showing previous ant images...
maybe a second canvas underneath this one? I think that'd work
they look a bit epileptic :D
and i see lots of spare artifacts
As seen in this example, basic advantage of applying selectors based on relationships, is to avoid the need to specify class or id attributes on so many tags in your document. Is that correct?
only condition is that the attribute id(say) has to be added to its containing element, Is that correct?
@BoltClock yep, I agree. But we will see how the Parenting community wants to proceed
@Mr.Alien no place is safe!
(not making a dig at this specific mod btw, just people in general)
@overexchange wat?
not sure how long it will take to get responses on meta though
that site is not very active... there's like 1 meta question per three days there
@Abe I mean, this example would not work, because attribute id is not added to its containing element table or tr.
you don't say? how can that possibly work lol
check again what you wrote...
That's not the only way to specify a relationship between elements..
check again what I wrote in my previous comment
@BoltClock don't confuse him :P
@Abe Dammit, too late.
what have you done :D
@overexchange jsfiddle.net/2ksLodLp
@BoltClock your example did not require adding id to containing element.
@Abe ^
I could not see such syntax #data-table-1 + table td:first-child { } in MDN
probably because you're in the getting started section
(but it is there, look at the table)
@ZachSaucier nite
@overexchange ignore the "+" for now
check my example
@ZachSaucier i probably see it different from you
@ZachSaucier OH GODDAMMIT I thought you were referring to the marquee effect on the outline
The marching ants effect is an animation technique often found in selection tools of computer graphics programs. It helps the user to distinguish the selection border from the image background by animating the border. The border is a dotted or dashed line where the dashes seem to walk slowly sideways and up and down. This creates an illusion of ants marching in line as the black and white parts of the line start to move. Some prefer the term marquee selection, as the effect resembles the chaser lights of a marquee, and this term can be considered a synonym. Popular graphics programs, such as the...
they look a bit drunk
@ZachSaucier You should make them follow brownian motion
Brownian Motion (seizure warning)
Isn't Saudia Arabia the same country that was allowed to be the leader of the human rights council?
posted on October 02, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Did you mention ants?
Ok. It does, just confirmed it.
was fully expecting dickbutt to be drawn
@Neil Hah, that'd be awesome
@Neil: You can play around with those ants a bit, here: rossscrivener.co.uk/projects/langtons-ants Try to nest 2 growing squares so they grow > collapse > grow -> repeat ;-)
1 hour later…
!!> true + 1
@StephanMuller 2
!!> true * 10
@Neil 10
I don't know what I was expecting
@Abe Been using 7z for ages now :)
I like that it is simple and stupid.. no hassles
good man :D
honestly there's no much difference after all
7z gui is just as good as winrar's
winrar has this countdown if I'm not mistaken
my boss has been using winrar so long, it takes him 30 seconds or so before he can use the program..
I think it is a prestine example of human conditioning
i sincerely doubt he would have used the program if he initially had to wait 30 seconds to use
2 hours later…
unbelievable that someone is willing to wait for 30 seconds multiple times per week at least (or so I assume) instead of paying a few bucks
if you can bill a customer $100 per hour and you use winrar once a week it'd already be more cost efficient to just buy the damn license after 8 weeks
or just .tar.gz everything
@TylerH I'm just reading their positions/rotation from files :P
I bought winrar just cos I love it
best archiver <3
hi, I have been thinking.. for a responsiveness instead of lets say setting the margin-top in px explicitly for different screen sizes.. can the px be written in terms of em/rem and then for different screen sizes I only adjust the body font-size's?
here, What is the issue, if I add one more property color:blue in #first selector instead of adding new rule p { color: blue; }? This is what, that came to my mind to solve that question
because id will be used for one element in the document.
tag selector p can be applied anywhere in the document
i guess you can do that ... they have said "possibe solution" ... if the style color blue is applied to p then the style from #second can be removed .. since p > #second precedence ..
p < #second
The ID selector has priority over the class and tag selectors.
hm.. I see.. then I don't know..
oh I got this tottaly opposite ... tag < class < id .. bah .. my bad
css is hard
I think it is about writing rules(using cascading). a new thought process, for a CSS beginner.
u are right, i mean i can learn a new programming language like say javascript scala etc.. but i find it very difficult to process css.. :P
For me to learn javascript(excluding OOP), it took less time, because I do python functional programming.
To just understand protoypical inheritance, it took two weeks github.com/shamhub/Javascript_Programming/tree/master/… as am a slow learner
yeah thinking object oriented way is a little more difficult than it appears to be..
in javascript although I like the prototypal thing .. but its easier when I don't think everything the prototypal way .. Object.create simplifies a a lot of thing
what is with functional programming ... all I see is functions for everything ... and they say it was inevitable for multi core processors .. but how so?
functional programming is thread safe as there is not state change for any given activation record(function stack)
so you can invoke such code using multiple threads(each may can run on a CPU core)
Any LESS wizard can point me in the right direction on how to put the ".zmdi" selector that appears on each line in a variable or otherwise optimize this code?
.nuke-icon {
    &-domain           { .zmdi; .zmdi-globe; }
    &-dns              { .zmdi; .zmdi-dns; }
    &-nameserver       { .zmdi; .zmdi-center-focus-strong; }
    &-urlforward       { .zmdi; .zmdi-square-right; }
    &-emailforward     { .zmdi; .zmdi-square-right; }
the idea is that i'm getting a bunch of classes called ".nuke-icon-foo" which inherit from .zmdi and one other .zmdi-foo class
@Sippy @Sippy
div.menu-bar ul ul { } Does it mean, Any ul element that is a descendant of an div element(having menu-bar selector) and ul element(that is: ul a child, or a child of a child of div or ul)?
can someone show me their tight code?
!!> "a".replace('s', 'l')
@StephanMuller "a"
see, still a
dank meme bro
On hover action, display:inline element starts on a new line here. but document says display:block element starts on a new line.
On hover, I am expecting the new elements to come on same line, Is that wrong understanding?
hi there guys
I'm trying to use z.index on a div with an image inside, to let it be on topo of a menu bar that has z-index = 10000
I've given a value greater for my div but it does not work
@Abe stackoverflow.com/q/32911324/2065702 asking for a friend...
nvm, cimmanon got it
Is there any point in jQuery's :selected, at all?
Other than the fact that it's basically option:checked, but why would I ever want to use :selected or :checked by itself if I cared what sort of elements were checked/selected?
I would post a question, but I've probably had more than enough questions picking apart jQuery's selector quirks already
@BoltClock maybe check the jq code, it should make sense only as a normalized selector...
"checked": function( elem ) {
// In CSS3, :checked should return both checked and selected elements
// http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked
var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return (nodeName === "input" && !!elem.checked) || (nodeName === "option" && !!elem.selected);

"selected": function( elem ) {
// Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
// options in Safari work properly
if ( elem.parentNode ) {

return elem.selected === true;
Does this mean :checked is buggy in Safari??? That workaround is completely absent in the :checked impl
(Not that any version of Safari supported by jQuery doesn't already use the selectors API)
Oh, right, Selectors API becomes irrelevant once the entire selector string is invalidated by a jQuery selector. So we can continue assuming selectors-api is not used
@CSᵠ What is a normalized selector?
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Can you you sit in? There’ll be technical questions
For that matter what's the point of :checkbox, :radio, :file, :reset, :submit...
and :parent
@BoltClock I meant a single unique selector to handle multiple variations, not sure if that made sense...
@CSᵠ You mean like how :button handles button, input[type=button]?
but it seems checked also grabs selected so...
@BoltClock yeah, is there a term for that?
dunno lol
jQuery calls it shorthand. Because honestly, that's what it is when you're talking about CSS selectors
> the ring to rule them all
But I seriously wouldn't consider :checkbox a good shorthand for [type=checkbox]
what's up with the jQ hate bro? :P
cleaning jq from the css tag?
No, I'm a CSS person not a jQ person
And I think it's silly that jQ has all of these nonstandard features that you can't even use anywhere else
that's good, coz jQ persons are non-human persons anyway, kinda like dolphins but a level below
Features that are useful, like :hidden and :visible, sure. But :parent? It's so misleading, unlike :not(:empty)
good afternoon
so, has anyone dealt with the html5 file input a lot?
@Jesse file input has been around long before html5
sorry, i misspoke
anyway, i need some help with sending a file as a stream to javascript and then through to C#.. is this the wrong room to ask that? :P
try the javascript room
Some days I just want to say shit like
> Judging by your profile I'm finding it easier to believe you have a habit of asking first rather than researching first, than to believe you couldn't find the duplicate question using any three of the keywords css, class, selector, without, space.
@BoltClock the curse of being a moderator? :p
@cimmanon Can you tell me if you see an edit link here? stackoverflow.com/questions/32712415/…
on my deleted answer that is
@BoltClock yes
@cimmanon Try editing it
brings up the edit dialog
Submit an edit. I wanna see if it generates a notification
i had someone edit an answer of mine yesterday, but i didnt get a notification
Hmm, weird, because I see an "answer edited"
Waiting for someone to flag my answer wondering why you edited it for me
Apparently another mod asked a similar favor of someone else and the edit was flagged as suspicious
I have a question regarding deployments.
I've been working with a lot of frameworks, but, until recently, I've faced ASP technologies and cloud development in different SAAS and PAAS services.
Nodejs is a great tool for a server and web applications.
Play Framework is good too.
Ruby on Rails is excellent.
Django es pretty cool.
ASP looks like ASP.
But, a question came to my mind. Isn't there any sort of automated tool to render the content onto a static website?
Call it, mere Javascript and HTML.
No server side, just plain and static content for the user to interact, thus, publishing the website, and polishing the elements that truly need server side, like logins and queries.
This is something that came to my mind due to automated HTML tools and extensions like Jekyll, Scala or Jade.
Scala is not an extension or an HTML tool
Oh, I see.
So, what I'm referring to is Template Engines?
i wouldnt know, i never used it
Scala is integrated with Java in Play Framework to build the MVC pattern.
But I had the question regarding this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_template_engines

Now I know the term.
i know what Scala is.
Programming language. But it looks so simple, I'm amazed.
yes, i know. i programmed in it for a while.
user image
@Sippy tyty
@PraxisAshelin Hangouts!
2 hours later…
@Mr.Alien thanks man
Hi guys !

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