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@Abe animations for old people :)
I didn't even understand what that is at first
then slooooowly clicked
i like it.
eh... hi there!
can anyone help me with something?
@Zignd btw, did you read the room description ? >>>>
yup, i've read but i little courtesy is not going to kill anyone xD
my issue is the follow, i'm writing a blog with support for markdown in its post form and i'm having some issues with one of the formatting buttons, just like the post form in the stackexchange sites, i'm going to create buttons for bold, italic, etc.
the thing is, i'm trying to grab the selected text from a textarea, but it doesn't seem to be working for some reason that is not making much sense in my head
@Zignd there is nothing courteous about "help plz" with no context. people are usually too busy to bother to respond to useless help requests
it's probably because of my lack of knowledge in a specific subject, but here is what i achieved so far, as you can see the button is not wrapping the selected text with the ** as it should on my perspective jsfiddle.net/ru5vvL67
@cimmanon sorry @cimmanon, i'll add my courtesy to the and of my help request next time.
@Zignd that's actually a fine question, worth posting on the main site
@CSᵠ thanks, i'll post it there.
but that might be you just have to prevent the default acxtion
hey m8s
angular vs react vs backbone
!!doge angular react backbone
so angular react backbone
@dopatraman you can use react with angular or backbone.
LOL this commodore games title screen is amazing!!
lol there we go.
@CSᵠ o/
posted on September 08, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

its over :P file closed
you've ended the internet!
huh listening to Dream Theater after a long time - forgot how wicked solos they have
should have cved as asking for a tutorial
I did
I meant me
dunno why I went for opinion based
because it's early
overslept, jsut got to work
@Kitler Well you'd be on time if you were in my time zone
@easwee I know right
ever seen them live?
@probablybest o/
| o_o |
 \_^_/  \\o
heil me
I m just happy my cat stopped going in heat every other week :P
@StephanMuller yes - they often visit slovenia
I saw them live last year, one of the best shows I've witnessed. Can't wait till they come here again
@Kitler heil kitler
I've seen them when I was 18
hmm that's 9 years ago now lol
man you got to see Portnoy, I'm jealous
although I must say I'm impressed with Mangina so far
his tryout video was awesome, those jam sessions look like so much fun
yeah I saw that video
> Congratulations!
Your submission to the js13kGames contest, Balls juggle!, has been accepted! Your game is now available at this link. Go ahead and start promoting it to win bonus prizes!
I remember that game x.x
modified the demo I had
and made it into a complete game
10$ says someone complains that it's too misogynistic
I tried few other games yesterday and except having more graphics they run terribly
I don't even know where to start with js games vOv
that reversed platformer is best made
my canvas foo is nonexistent
requestAnimationFrame is your friend
Morning o/
@easwee You should make a "HARD" difficulty, called Hitler
you'll get only one ball.
Asked a question with a bounty. Got the same amount of rep back from the question. Win
@Rvervuurt if I add that I will be hated by everyone, not only feminists
you mean armstrong
@Kitler The sax-player from Green Day that went to the moon?
Nope the skydiver that jumped from space
He wasn't called armstrong, was he?
Felix Baumgartner
Just remembered the Felix
the guy who attempted suicide from highest altitude
you'd have so much time to overthink your choice, it'd be horrible :')
I used to call him Felix "'murica" Fuckyeah, or Mr MyBallsAreBiggerThanYourHead.
I just call him idiot
had he hit the ground the impact would have killed us all
gigantic balls and all
@easwee vOv I would love to jump off the edge of space
well go ahead :P
don't need that kind of thrill
It would've been funny if they accidentally let him float too high, and when he jumped, he just hung there mid-air
(I know it's not possible, since even the ISS is constantly falling)
But just like: Ok guys, going to jump now! *jump* Eeeh, guys, I'm not falling.
Or more like "oh.. shit that's high, nope nope, bring me back bring me back"
Didn't know he brought his cat
How many cats did he bring?!?!
1 message moved to Trash can
Please keep the oneboxed images in the room SFW.
even cartoons :O
meh, people get offended by anything these days
@Neil It's not that it's offensive
It's that I'm in an open space full of people, and a gigantic nutsack splattered on my screen is a bit awkward.
It was what, 200x400px or something? I'm pretty sure hardly anyone will be able to see he's sitting on a nutsack
@MadaraUchiha I wasn't implying that you were offended, but that others might be
in any case, I can't think of an instance when something would be awkward and completely unlikely to offend
@MadaraUchiha Well, sorry if you considered this nsfw, but you definitely should watch this episode of South Park. :>
@RedBreast No doubt. Not while I'm at work though :D
@rlemon doucheknozzle
@MadaraUchiha o/
Hail hitler!
@Katler \o
@Kitler How you doing comrade
all gooda
I just had this :D
That monster came up when I googled monster manhatten O.o
@MadaraUchiha You are the epitome of NSFW!
@mikedidthis o/ Hello Guv'nor
@Katler Looks delicious.. I'd change the name of the restaurant though
@Katler Sup fuck face.
@Neil I like it :D "Hey gents, lets go to Sausage Saloon, I hear they have HUGE Russian Sausages" :P
@mikedidthis I read that as "Duck Face"
!!google duck face
!!urban duckface
@Katler Duckface A term used to descibe the face made if you push your lips together in a combination of a pout and a pucker, giving the impression you have larger cheekbones and bigger lips.
@mikedidthis \o
haha you guys educating your selves on the duck face?
@probablybest \o
Who removed me as room owner? I WILL CUT A BITCH!!! cc @mikedidthis @Kitler
@Katler o/
It was @Sippy wasn't it??? Pompous douche
@Katler How so?
@Katler your question answered its self.
@MadaraUchiha I didn't expect a follow up question :D
jk :P
^ This is why I hate you guys
@Katler What's up with you?
How's life?
Holy shit, waterworks broke in an area in Amsterdam, looks like the end of the world!
@MadaraUchiha Its good hey, jobs great, lifes sweet at the moment, going to start studying next year :)
Looking into VM's and Server Management...
@Katler Noice!
That might be the same picture from the other side
@rlemon Canada is in a recession?
@MadaraUchiha But right now, i am too busy getting drunk and fucking up my life \\:D//
hue hue hue
@Katler You should ask Cap on friday
@Rvervuurt Does she even know what year it is?
@Rvervuurt vOv
@Rvervuurt Netherlands and flood problems. \o/
@RedBreast Crazy to think this is perfectly drinkable water. Or well, was...
ah, you're already reading :)
@StephanMuller Dumpertwaardig!
hahahahhaha ad placement ++
@Rvervuurt Oh, I missed your sentence about the waterworks broke. Thought it was related to sea level.
@RedBreast Nope :) We know how to keep the sea out :D
sudden water works breaking? A bit more difficult than just putting your finger in a dyke :P
(not the lesbian kind)
the lesbian kind might be dike instead of dyke?
@Rvervuurt Say that to your ancestors. :D
@RedBreast Our ancestors conquered the seas, and many countries on the other side of them too
@StephanMuller I know that, I was more talking about the ~20% of the country under the sea level and the sea floods in general.
If a cat lives with a smoker, can it get lung cancer? If not, why not?
If a cat doesn't live with a smoker, it can still get lung cancer
If a lung cancer lives with a cat, can it get a smoker?
@Katler Fuck off cunt :)
@Sippy we buying the tickets next week
Was probably kitler he likes cleaning
29 december till 10 jan
If smoker can lives with a lung, cancer get a cat?
@Sippy "flagged"
you gonna be around more?
I am now
@Sippy doesn't want me here though
He is angry that the Boers beat the Brits
And that the Americans beat the brits
and that the pirates beat the Brits
Fuck you guys have been beaten a lot :/
@RedBreast After that one, we never had it again. Really, you should see some of the systems we have set up at our coasts.
The first one is in the north (afsluitdijk), the 2nd is in the west (oosterscheldekering)
we can literally close off the seas :D
@Rvervuurt fjdhekjr
I can type random keys on my keyboard too, tyvm
@Rvervuurt Close off the seas? We're really closing off the lakes and rivers :>
@FlorianMargaine: vind je het vervelend als @Rvervuurt besluit Nederlands te praten?
Just don't.
@DennisJamin uga, jancok mati banget, sing ngerti
@DennisJamin So, the "Flevopolder" was always a lake? Nope.
Nee man, te veel fokken deutsche, net engels asseblief julle
@Rvervuurt Yup, I spend 4 years of study watching documentaries being stone with my roommate. A few of them were related to Netherlands and how they deal with this, or just documentaries about barrages in the world and stuff like that. Pretty interesting subject.
nie almal kan deutsche verstaan nie
@Rvervuurt I remember this one! Not the name, which I'll forget again in less than 10mn.
Fair enough @Cerbrus, but I wasn't making any statement it was, did I?
You kinda implied we never closed off a sea
We closed off black people, don't see us bragging
I was switching context, as it's really the land we are cutting off from the sea. It's a matter of perspective.
We isolated the "Zuiderzee" from the North sea.
I'd call that closing off a sea
I'd call it closing off the Zuiderzee ;-)
Again: nothing more than a matter of perspective though.
I don't really see how
@Kitler Gonna be in America then lol
@Sippy You pom scum!
@Katler Are you ok? Lol
@Sippy Am I ever ok? :P
@Abe morning o/
I dunno man haha
@Sippy \\:D//
Why would you go to that Ebola ridden country
when you could come to beautiful SA and get eaten by a Lion?
@RedBreast dude that's ancient history
> Watersnoodramp, literally "flood disaster"
That is the most hilarious word for something awful.
how is that hilarious
your face is hilarious
also even more literally it means water urgency disaster
water distress disaster*
Urgency literally translates into noodzakelijkheid, not nood.
^ This oke has a plug in his butt
Let's have a debate about it.
@StephanMuller Yup, that's why I said "ancestors". I'm aware about those dutch barrages facts, especially with @Rvervuurt reminders. Don't take this as an offense.
@Sippy instigator :P
@Katler hehehehee
Dutch people are so agro
@Katler You seen Chappie?
@Katler Lol :D
@RedBreast none taken, don't worry
just trying to heat up the argument for no reason
@Katler fite me irl
@DennisJamin ah that's a better word, yeah
@FlorianMargaine Je bent zelf een neger
@Rvervuurt dsej teng nigj qiod bahe
@FlorianMargaine <3
@FlorianMargaine I read your name as Florian Migraine :D (until now, that is)
please take a look at this fiddle, I want just its header be draggable, is it possible ?
@Rvervuurt That's my favorite thing ever
They would have made some money if it was like $10
Yep, I'd like to protect my image for 5-10 bucks
not for 500
then I'm like: whatevs, everyone watches porn
Yeah at $500 I'd just be like 'You can show my mum if you want, your mum has seen it already yo.'
@Sajad Like changing $('#b') by $('.header').. ?
@RedBreast no, it is not good ! it causes just .header be draggable, I want just .header be draggable and moves $b
Goddamn Hipsters... http://t.co/HMy4uSyDWJ
@Sajad changing $('#b') by $('.header') is a first step. If you really have an idea about what you are linking, the solution is fairly easy.
HI all, Good afternoon
@RedBreast ok, what is the solution ?
@RedBreast do you know what I want ?
@Sajad You say "I want A", Redbreast gives you A, and then you say "I don't want A"
so I guess the answer is no
@Sajad Isn't it the fun part of the code, finding the solution instead of copy pasta and link a fiddle? I'd rather want a clue to resolve my bug than the direct solution.
Oh wait, I guess I understand after re-reading 43 times. You want the whole div to be draggable, but it should only be triggered when the mouse is on the header?
Having a bit confusion can someone please guide the usage of this attribute ?
like a window in windows?
look, when you want to flag a post in the stackoverflow, and when you click on the "flag", a new window will be open, right ?
@Rvervuurt yes
Having a bit confusion can someone please guide the usage of this attribute ?
Please have a look into above SS
!!tell lakshmi google radio-button html
@CapricaSix : I have gone through stackoverflow.com/questions/18347682/…
@lakshmi Your question is really unclear. What do we have to guide you with?
here I can't understand this statement meaning
I just don't get the point to only repwhore and only linking copy/pasterino issues without even thinking about the solution for a minute.
Yes @Rvervuurt
@lakshmi what don't you understand?
> Compost Bin: This is a great bin. My wife can fit in quite comfortably. Would recommend to anyone with a small - medium sized spouse.
@RedBreast Or just, you know, Google...
In my SS under div element we have two buttons elements
@RedBreast ow thanks buddy ! I wanted exactly this !
@lakshmi First of all, don't share screenshots...
but go on
@Rvervuurt : Ok. These two buttons wrapped with "data-toggle="buttons-radio"
What it means ?
@mikedidthis Lol
<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons-radio">
    <button class="btn btn-default" value="1" type="button" >1</button>
    <button class="btn btn-default" "value="2" type="button" >2</button>
@Sippy \o
@RedBreast just "this;" have replaced with "document.getElementById('b');" ?
@lakshmi Oh god, go google dude. This is just HTML.
@lakshmi Go find out what radio-buttons are. then return if you still don't get it
@Sajad Yeeep. And changing $('#b') by $('.header').
@RedBreast ah ok ! tnx again
Ok RedBreast. Thanks. Am doing that.
@lakshmi Me not redbreast. Me rvervuurt.
@lakshmi you idiot? ;)
was wondering who you were talking to
either way, be nice
@Rvervuurt :A big sorry'
It's alright. But seriously, just read up on what radio-buttons are and you'll understand what the HTML means.
how a div is vertical center when shown (position: fixed;) and then when I scroll the page its position will be changed (position: absolute;) ?
like this:
error ype 'website' is invalid because a required property 'og:title' of type 'string' was not provided.
@Sajad what have you tried?
@winresh24 what?
@mikedidthis error on open graph
what was it?
@mikedidthis I set its position on fixed in the CSS and then I changed it to absolute when I show it in jquery
but it does not work
Seriously people?
!!afk unclear questions are unclear.
@Mike Good idea, stop before aneurysm
sorry I got that error when I tried to debug the site using fb debug cause I'm trying to put an open graph
far from done
Still fairly cool
his repo.
Back with the dev excuses: "This is working on my machine, there is probably a problem with your git repository" said my teammate 5mn ago.
"ok, I know what's the problem" right now, looking on his machine. ahah
The floodings in Amsterdam have led to the complete evacuation of a hospital :O 500 patients

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