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TIL <a href="localhost:3000/potato">potato</a> doesn't work, works on refresh, turns out it needs http://
@StephanMuller Thanks man, you're a champ. But, I have an issue. I have images with two different heights. It looks like the width is the same for all images, but the last ones height is not equal to the other 3. Is there any workaround for that? prntscr.com/89umb7
Is that for your personal website?
@Sippy Yes.
That's a tough problem. if you want to resize all images to the same height and maintain ratio and stretch the images to fill the entire width, you'll need to do some calculations to decide exactly how tall and wide each must be
don't think that'll work without js
I have an idea for css-only I might try but I'm too busy for that now
You don't see it as darkly ironic that you're advertising your skills in web design and development and you're getting other people to fix it?
@StephanMuller oh okay.
@Sippy In my opinion web design = photoshop designs
@Sippy In my opinion web development = PHP, JS.
I dont take HTML CSS jobs
@HassanAlthaf no, thats "web decoration"
@cimmanon Oh okay..
@Kitler how odd
Q: Push message for Windows Phone (WNS): Blocked channel URL

Roel van UdenI have a Windows Phone application running on a Windows Phone 8.1 device, and I am using Windows Push Notification Services (WNS) to deliver a push message to the device. Delivering push messages has worked for approximately 8 days, until I received WNS headers in the responses similar to these: ...

@Sippy Also, I solved this problem before, but it was a mess, so I just deleted those stuff off.
If anyone has used WNS, Roel could use some help :)
@cimmanon what?
what is your definition of web design?
web design = html, css
!!define web design
@Kitler web design The trade of a web designer; the creation of web pages, especially in terms of layout and presentation rather than functionality.
what is html and css?
do they provide any functionality?
what does 'creation' entail? I think that definition is very broad and ambiguous
just because some people design in photoshop as opposed to the browser doesn't make photoshop = web design
Depends how you define functionality
@mikedidthis << he be a designer
just because some designers also know some html and css doesn't mean html/css == web design
mockup is a mockup
well my defintion is broader, a design is not a mockup but a finalized representation of the product that should be developed
but design is not development if you ask me
and html/css is more dev than design, imo
I would stay away from advertising my skills in web design altogether and try to represent the skills I have in a different way
Because clearly, everyone defines it in their own way
vOv in my opinion html and css aren't dev
Does anyone else have issues to get body to fill the entire window?
@JohnSnow Get a smaller window, duh
I'm thinking it might be a bug when you're using vh and vw
@JohnSnow html, body { width: 100%; height: 100%; }
html and css is akin to paint and paint brushes. if you dont know how to use paint and paint brushes, you arent a painter.
so how can you be a web designer if you dont understand the basic tools of web design?
@cimmanon but is it web dev or web design?
I'm a web developer but I suck at html and css lol
I got a designer for that :P
@cimmanon what a dumb comparison
@Kitler Yeah, that doesn't work for some reason. It still only wraps to actual content
!!tell JohnSnow examplepls
@JohnSnow Could you please give us an example on jsbin.com or jsfiddle.net, with the minimal amount of code necessary to reproduce the problem?
@mikedidthis nothing now, you wanked off and didn't give me your tele
@Kitler Working on it
@StephanMuller how is it dumb? i used to work with print designers who designed web pages
@StephanMuller who?
@HassanAlthaf Native is dying :)
@rlemon guess
@rlemon wait, what?
@StephanMuller I can think it starts with an H?
@Sippy Meh, I read that as "Hassan is dying :)"
@cimmanon first of all, a designer and a painter do different things. A painter as in an artist designs and produces his own work. There is no difference between what could be compared to 'designer' and 'developer' in web terms anyway. An artist designs and creates at the same time
Huge amount of text incoming.
second, a shitty painter is still a painter
even if he doesn't know how to handle his tools
@mikedidthis I NEED YOUR TELE
@DennisJamin Are you guys seriously sitting that close, you can hear each other type? :O
he's breathing down my neck atm
give him a lick
@rlemon He's not a horse
@rlemon as in, my televison?
don't be a wanker.
!!urban tele
@rlemon tele hotel, motel
the fuck?
ha, you were saying?
telephone number
Oh good
@HassanAlthaf that is just bollocks.
a 15yo
2 messages moved to Trash
I used to watch red dwarf with my older brother, and it was the first time I heard the term "wanker" used, and I asked my brother what it meant, and he turned all red and said "Uh.. it means like a jerk.."
@StephanMuller no matter what the medium, your going to be better at designing for it, if you understand how that medium works.
@HassanAlthaf an artist is creative and makes something, a web developer wears out ctrl + c + v keys in a year.
I didn't really understand his embarassment until later :|
@StephanMuller Ew
@mikedidthis Oh I agree, we had that discussion a lot of times
@HassanAlthaf Which you would know how
but that still doesn't mean that "a webdesigner" is "someone who writes html and css" per definition
@Neil "It means like a jerk" which is also a synonym for wanking
you can just shut up now
@HassanAlthaf Please be quiet.
@StephanMuller correct.
Guys, put him on ignore!
@Rvervuurt that's probably how the word jerk came to be, but it was an appropriate definition because I didn't know that meaning of the word "jerk" either
Stephan is trying to help your argument and you're making him look bad by saying stupid shit now.
just cleaning up the trash
@rlemon tele aside, what was your plan?
@HassanAlthaf some kind of art, like, realism, requires decades of training
@Neil "You know, wanker is like asshole, cunt, dick, prick"
such a helpful brother I'd be
you know, art is not just abstract childish-looking stuff
+1 for tele
Wanker is
an english word
@Rvervuurt heh, with a brother like you, I doubt I'd need to ask ;)
@rlemon youuu sonafabichhhh
Go google it for more info.
Why the fuck did you need 3 messages to say that
@Sippy It's called talking in verse.
Is it.
@rlemon <3 I got the 99p for that :D
On one hand I'm so happy I'm not getting his messages, on the other I only get 50% of a lot of shit today
@mikedidthis FINE!
@HassanAlthaf I would suggest chilling out for a little, otherwise you will be put into time out.
also, @mikedidthis, why are there three rusted out satellite dishes on your house?
@rlemon that isn't my house, its on the corner.
Blackpool sounds nice
The building with the red estate isn't even there anymore
Mario maker is going to be so fucking epic!
@mikedidthis there are 4 corners :P
@mikedidthis inb4 rob thinks estate means building
@Sippy it isn't?
inb4 hassan thinks state means electronic state
@rlemon google thinks it is number 6. goo.gl/maps/Gu2SS
@Rvervuurt not the way Mike meant it
Mike means a type of car lol
well estate also means property
so don't be a wank-nutt
Sunny as ever!
@mikedidthis OHHHkay, so the nice house next to the shit hole.
That was more a dig at mikes use of estate :P
good, now I can make fun of the house to your left
k back to work now
let's do this more often
@DennisJamin hey
@DennisJamin what's up
@StephanMuller did you hear those pings?
naw we both have headphones in
Dennis heard them though
Keep doing it
@StephanMuller so conclusion is html, css = webdesign
@Kitler yeah and painters are horses
or something
Oh cool.
Wait what
and ctrl-v lick my neck
no that's sarah jessica parker
yo lick my neck, my back, my cloaca and my egg
@StephanMuller well.
look at my hooorse
my horse is amazinggg
give it a lick
!!give me a lick
@rlemon Mmmm! you taste just like raisin
mmm tastes just like raisins
hmmm, it tasted just like raisin
ouu that's dirtyyy
do you think so
I didn't hear them.
damn it now I need to listen to it
headphones are on the desk :>
@d @d @d @d @d @d
I wonder if that counts as 1 or many
I wonder if it pings dennis.
@DennisJamin PINGBOT!!!!
no you had to do it like this
@Sippy hai
yea, just edit the shit
new ping every time
Stop pinging me @Sippy, yer getting me all hot and bothered @ work
@Sippy don't stop
@mikedidthis google.co.uk/maps/… so is his camper like right into the fucking wall?
@rlemon ha, yeah. Never been moved.
@rlemon believing?
@DENNIS We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin')
And we're jammin' in the name of the Lord;
We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin'),
We're jammin' right straight from Yah.
!!youtube rapping with jesus
Oh god.
!!youtube rapping with jeans on.
mike why do you live in a trailer park
"He's the son of the original G"
@Kitler white trash
looks like mine :O
soooo hangouts tonight?
@CapricaSix please.
"Just makes me wanna jerk"
Are fucking kidding me
I can't watch a 13yo boy sing that.
@Kitler can't :(
fuck you internet xD
@rlemon sadness
my fucking SSD crapped out yesterday
I'm actually quite upset over it
o snap
1 year old
that's 500+ ei?
the fuck happened to it
no clue
didn't care to find out last night
got drunk instead
500$ is what 10000 canadian doubloons?
laptop's ssd or desktop?
nahh the drive was on sale for like $300
@Kitler gaming desktop :/
that sucks
Canadian doubloons rofl
@rlemon was it used?
thank god for steam save game syncs
@Neil no, tigerdirect was having a sale
they don't last as long as normal disks, but they don't die after a year usually
yea I'm not new on ssd's :P every pc I have has one or two in it
this however is hte first one to die on me, and happens to be on the pc I use most outside of my work laptop
read: I have more money than I know what to do with
nahh, get em on sale.
get a 1tb one
@Kitler firing shots all day long
@Kitler I'll take some off your hands if you like
i would avoid the large capacity ssd drives, because in a year's time it's going to cost half as much for the same capacity i'm guessing
does everyone smoke the hookah there?
@rlemon because all their moms are hookas too
are they all smoking weed or actual tobacco ?
inbuilt CSS-colors are weird
got a joke going around saying if hookah ran on electricity we would have had a revolution a long time ago
@Rvervuurt rebeccapurple
@StephanMuller Is that a thing yet?
most browsers support it nowarays
@rlemon what do you guys do when it snows that much?
still waiting for rebeccablack though, they talk about adding it here
stay the fuck indoors
work from home?
yea seen that before
but it is true.
fuck snow
worst is when you spend 2 hours shovelling, then the plow comes by and walls the end of your driveway
@rlemon :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
this kinda shit
fuck you plow driver
ah, snow
not looking forward to that time of year
well last winter I was in the apt
and the landlord was a douche and the guy he got to plow came at 11:30 at night
because it was cheaper
so we ended up having to shovel it ourselves, and it was a big triplex parking lot
hence why it's cheaper
less work to do for him ;)
fat cat :D
here is the pic I was looking for
I am not sure if background-color has something to do with CSS3? it comes from 2.1 but is also specified in the CSS3 right?
yay, flash ads are dead!
no more music / noisy ads
well, you can still do that with HTML5
i browse with plugins disabled all the time, with only youtube whitelisted as being allowed to use plugins
@Kitler yes, I know they exist
that specific one
@riemon, think it was already specified in 1.0
god fucking dammit
@mboeckle it goes back a ways.
are you having issues or just curious about it?
just curious ;)
@StephanMuller you would have got me, but I was already listening to it
in JavaScript<ball pit>, 4 mins ago, by Loktar
@FlorianMargaine @rlemon Never forget! Never SUrrender! Because its Friday!
if @Loktar or @FlorianMargaine post it on a friday, I sit and listen to the entire song
!!caniuse transform
@riemon @riemon @riemon @riemon @riemon @riemon @riemon @riemon @riemon
@Sippy You know that only pings him once, right?
or not at all
Oh, haha
Yeah, no pings.
do you guys ever tried to counter-attack to phishing? was thinking to bomb a phishing page with million of randomly generated username and passwords. why shouldn't i do that?
Go ahead
because you have work to do :P
it's a simple user script :P
can make it in 10 min
fill up their dbs
4 hours ago, by easwee
that's why model is failing
ooohh neat, css border-image
how's support for that?>
!!tell rlemon caniuse border-image
basically crappy
What a masterful setup
holy shit
@rlemon I m impressed
yep, I tip my hat
you got me there
var visibleItemCount = '<%= VisibleItemCount %>';

filter += ':nth-child(-n+' + visibleItemCount + ')';

visibleItemCount += <%= VisibleItemCount %>;
"Why the fuck is it displaying everything instead of in increments of 16?"
hi all
types visibleItemCount into console
double your pleasure, double your fun
woo I'm stupid
works now
anyone know if chrome is particularly slow in recognising the css transitionend event?
yea but I was sleeping
Shit, they started sending spam my GF can really not see...
@Rvervuurt Is she blind?
I get it
Guys can some one explain this to me: jsfiddle.net/q2qe0zu2 Why is the first circle broken off?

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