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the fact that he has 8k makes me face palm
274 questions :(
@easwee I like it
Hello, people!
Please, help who can or share this link. I would be very grateful!
@VINTproYKT dont post answers unless you are actually answering the question
Issue is in other question: what's wrong with .big button?
@VINTproYKT answers arent for posting questions. if your question doesnt contain enough relevant information, you edit the question, not post it as an answer
Got it. No help? :(
busy and there is too much code there to sift through (really, it takes all of that code to reproduce the problem?)
@cimmanon removed out of shame
Created new question (-7 lines of code in CSS): stackoverflow.com/questions/32262392/…
Please, help me with this big Paste button. It's breaking layout.
@VINTproYKT if you create a minimal example I'll take a look
@joshhunt minimal CSS? or HTML?
@VINTproYKT not even clear what you mean by 'It's breaking layout.'
the least amount of code you need to replicate the issue.
@DanieClawson Actually, this button makes next ones to overlap layout. "Run snippet"?
@VINTproYKT Yeah, that doesn't work for me for whatever reason. Looking at your cp I do see what you mean.
@DanieClawson Oh, yeah, cross-browser issues. I'll try to make this example cross-browser. Actually, I adopted it for Node-Webkit browser
@VINTproYKT Flexbox is gonna make that really difficult. There are huge inconsistencies even between latest versions
I'm giving it a real honest try but I'm having a lot of trouble understanding your css.
@SomeGuy I'm sad you didn't ping me in that
I thought we were friends!
@VINTproYKT dont repost the same question, revise your existing question
@VINTproYKT also, questions asking for debugging help must contain code
@cimmanon Revise? But there's other answers, I just can't stay it. Or you think that moderators do their work little bad? :)
@TylerH I figured that you'd see it on my Twitter!
I was busy lately on Twitter
I posted something about the news reporters who were shot during a broadcast hoping that we as a nation would be able to learn a lesson from it, a couple people were trolling the hashtag and auto responding to any message with "guns are fine, responsible gun owners don't kill people, there's nothing we can learn from psychopaths with guns, are you stupid"
@TylerH That's annoying
Luckily, I haven't come across any of those kinds of bots
@SomeGuy Yeah, it's like they read "guns r bad ban them all" or something
oh, they weren't bots, they were real people
just being douche bags
Even worse!
such is Twitter
Source: rlemon
@SomeGuy spookiness as in quantum entanglement?
Y'all wanna help me choose a logo/provide advice from these drafts?
@TylerH Yeah
Anyway, I've got to go. See ya!
@DanieClawson I like D1 the best
A2 reminds me of Steam
Oh shit lol
Trying to convey something totally different but...damn...now that you point that out they do look really similar to Steam's logo >_<
Also Prefer D1 or C4
you need to show your brand name clearly
C2, C4, D1 are ok
B4 is ok but a little distracting with the solid dots
A4 likewise
c1 is best
@TylerH Good point. Thanks for the perspective :]
leaning towards d1/c2 ... the only difference is that c2 has a perfect circle vs d1's original typeface character... any thoughts on that?
What exactly is the difference between D1 and C2?
missed your last line
It depends on the branding; if everywhere is gonna show the logo, go for C2. If there are places where they will use just that font to show the brand name, go with D1
Another great observation. Thanks!
1 hour later…
@joshhunt yeah thats about the only way
actually that is the only way
There must be another way! There is no other way
Move, Jesus, you're in the way. I am the way
Name that movie
@StephanMuller lol
Insert Jaden Smith tweet here: "Isn't It Crazy How There Wouldn't Be A Bible Without The Printing Press"
How would you differentiate a "maximize" icon from a "fullscreen" icon? The actions they represent are so similar...
If you just want to load a simple image via http from the browser and add it to the DOM, what is the way to do this nowadays?
Using jquery?
Or just plan JS?
and how do I do http get using plain js anyways?
@DanieClawson you could copy YouTube
Why is it called xmlHttpRequest if I just want an image
and I can also just set the src property of the image
then it will load
Happy Friday guys. ;P
which to choose?
@Nils Sorry I work with svg so much I just jumped to that, IDK if that's right for a regular image, and you're right. You should just create a new Image in js, set src, append on load
thx :)
lol someone made the first level of the original Wolfenstein in pure CSS and it's actually kind of playable..ish html5gameengine.com/games/…
!!> "Ba" + +"Hollaback Girl" + "aS"
@StephanMuller "BaNaNaS"
!!> Array(16).join([]/[]).replace(/NN/g, 'N').substring(0, 30) + ' Batman!'
@Cerbrus "NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNaNa Batman!"
jsfiddle.net/vnqoB1rk Guys, please look at that for a minute. I have issues fixing it, I have described my problem in comments on it.
@HassanAlthaf: I'm not gonna fall for that twice
@Cerbrus You failed once then I believe.
I don't click Stephan's links on Fridays. ;P
@StephanMuller I hate your guts
I trusted you guys...
But never trust this room on friday, I guess
@Kitler I love your guts
wait, that sounds wrong
I love this room on Fridays.
send me your spleen
@HassanAlthaf Such a shame :P
10 messages moved to Sandbox
fk it lmao
@Cerbrus Done.
@HassanAlthaf nice you closed the link
@Cerbrus fake, links are cut off with an ellipsis
try harder
@NullPoiиteя Which link?
@StephanMuller: Yea, I realized that a little too late
\o/ got paid! no living under bridges for 1 more month!
@Abe gmornin
@TylerH what the flying fuck :P
> Roman candles are illegal to possess and set off in the U.S. states of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Florida.[2][3]
Yet you can open carry in delaware
@Abe morning
@Abe woop
no more ramen
Open carry is terrifying :S
@Abe amen
@Kitler ramen is a banned word
I just had jack in the box for the first time...omg... fast food shouldn't be allowed to taste that good
never ate that
i ate noodles though
Hey guys..ssup?
@DanieClawson where are you at?
I told my mom: "sup", and she said: "No son, no soup today. Rice for dinner."
Haha...soup...with noodles
Knorr Soupy noodles?
well ya lol...@Hassan Seems you like knor sour
@AkshayJ I don't live in India to have it. I've seen it on TV. :P
Dish laga dala tho life jingalala.
Haha..where r u frm buddy?
From your neighbouring country..?
hahaha..got it
Let me see if you can guess.
@AkshayJ Tell me what you got? :P
@Kitler Ha yeah i'ma try that tomorrow I just found out theyre here...thought that was a cali thing
iirc they opened in austin in the past year
so sort of recent
they're also in nevada
@AkshayJ I'm from Sri Lanka. ;P
@Hassan I have got everything u want trust me on that
@AkshayJ No cuz it doesn't make sense.
Drug dealing going on here?
@Rvervuurt Morning.
Yeah man.
hell ya....lol
stop being stupid
it's too early for this
I'm so happy with the ignore function right now :D
Having a corner of shame is so much better than just deleting lol
there anyone?
if you came in here to hit on girls you're in the wrong place
Shit, 4 moves to Corner of Shame before it's even 10 am...
hahaha..jst kidding bro :P
@Rvervuurt a lot of stupidity going around this morning
@AkshayJ Write English please, we're not some sms-service
Well on a serious note.....Lets Discuss about WEB DEVELOPEMENT
Damn, had a long day yesterday! :O
@AkshayJ Ok, please describe how an SSL connection works. Ty
Damn, forgot that already. I studied it just 3 months ago.
@AkshayJ No
much better
@Rvervuurt ...Please dont tell me what to do..mind your won business buddy
@Kitler Too tiny.
@Kitler permission to kick?
no no
just ignore
stupidity isn't a valid enough reason to kick
He said I should mind my own business...
ah well, ignored
soon they have this group for themselves :D
@Rvervuurt Cheers man :)
@Kitler Do you, by any chance, remember the piece of JS I got yesterday for embedded YT vids in the chat?
I have difficulty finding it
It was either rlemon or easwee
ok, just going through the transcripts :D
Got it!
!!Youtube I'm surrounded by idiots
Hmm, plugin doesn't work yet
Kitler thanks
9 messages moved to Trash
Hi Kitler
simple story: campaign is model with pages attribute(hasMany relationship).
@user2224250 emberjs.com/api/classes/Ember.Route.html#method_modelFor << at the bottom you can see a section that says Returns
modelFor doesn't return a route
It returns the model of that route
as in the model property
Yes, It goes to parent route and picks the model
so the model is an object and you can get/set properties
makes sense?
@Kitler is it me you're looking for?
@DennisJamin I can see it in your eyes
@Rvervuurt the fuck?
you kicked him because he said "mind your own business"?
No, I didn't
oh ok
I asked @kitler what he thought
anyway, I didn't even know there was an ignore option
now the problem here is, page model data is creating automatically when this function is calling return this.modelFor('campaign').get('pages');
the room definitely looks better now :P
Used it on the hassan guy a while ago, but now the other guy was just doing the same shit
@Kitler I can see it in your smile
lol wat, your*
don't make me kick you rvervuurt
you are wrong.
hello kilter, could you answer my earlier chat
!!youtube bacon is good for me
@user2224250 sec making another room
@Rvervuurt LOL
@DennisJamin Sound effects pls, I can't here what he's saying.
@HassanAlthaf don't tell me you do not know that scene :(
I seriously don't.
@DennisJamin LMAOOO
Is that from a movie or something?
Weird, my Chrome plugin works (as in, the alert pops up), but it doesn't want to run the oneboxing
Ah wait
found an error
@HassanAlthaf ... What rock have you been living under? :D
It's from The Office UK
@DennisJamin I don't watch english movies.
The Office US*
@HassanAlthaf you gotta be trollin
I watch Hindi movies.
My parent's don't know English..
Stop changing the subject @Rvervuurt, it's you're and UK.
@DennisJamin bakkes
ja ernie, opbokken met je harses

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