@VINTproYKT answers arent for posting questions. if your question doesnt contain enough relevant information, you edit the question, not post it as an answer
I posted something about the news reporters who were shot during a broadcast hoping that we as a nation would be able to learn a lesson from it, a couple people were trolling the hashtag and auto responding to any message with "guns are fine, responsible gun owners don't kill people, there's nothing we can learn from psychopaths with guns, are you stupid"
It depends on the branding; if everywhere is gonna show the logo, go for C2. If there are places where they will use just that font to show the brand name, go with D1
@Nils Sorry I work with svg so much I just jumped to that, IDK if that's right for a regular image, and you're right. You should just create a new Image in js, set src, append on load
> Roman candles are illegal to possess and set off in the U.S. states of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Florida.[2][3]