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Any mod here? I need some clarification on bounty process, but don't know if it is the right room?
@JonClements lemmy catch up
I was doing work.
surprising I know.
@Abhitalks plenty of posts regrading that on MSO - just put "bounty" in the search bar
@LuluthoMgwali okay, so you want to autoplay="false" on the <audio> element, then in JS select the element and just .play() it on button click.
@RizwanAhmed sounds to me like you are not submitting the form via ajax. There are many many guides on how to do so
@JonClements sure. #nowitchhunt right
@rlemon : Is there any tutorial out there ? I googled it but couldn't find the appropriate tutorials
@Sino right to free expression is for public stuff, it's completely private around here
@rlemon trying to work myself - but flags and all that blah blah blah
@JonClements ahh, the joys of ♦ life
@RizwanAhmed got a sample audio file on the web?
I'm lazy
got one
audio file ?
I dont get u buddy
@JonClements Yeah sure, I misspoke I wanted to say the right to flag offensive post against me
@FlorianMargaine I agree, I have no ax to grind with anyone.
Are we still talking about this?
Grinding axes makes me want to play some old school RTS
@FlorianMargaine when are you moving to the US so we can be neighbors?
or MS Axe Murderer Simulator 2015
@RizwanAhmed you said you wanna play an audio track on button click right?
@rlemon : No
actually I have a html form
and I have to record the responses from the form
I pinged the wrong user
and send it to the user email id
@Loktar do you want me to scream my right to free expression to your face?
you need to google "submit for via ajax"
after sending it it should display me the thank you messsage
I googled it and got about php but it redirects to another page !
@FlorianMargaine I just want you to be free in my arms.
@Loktar awww
@RizwanAhmed you need to intercept the form submission (form.addEventListener('submit',fn)) and send it via XMLHttpRequest, then cancel the original event.
seriously. There is hundreds of tuts on this
I am not going to repeat them with yet another demo of it
thousands probably
oh okay thank you i will find it
I remember it was all the rage in 2008
> You can submit without a refresh
> OMGGGG head explodes
haha yea it was probably more around there
so... 10 years ago
most of your kids weren't even born
I remember using ajax for all the things.. like updating arbitrary numbers, ect.
@FlorianMargaine actually... most were :P
just one wasn't
why should I care about SEO? ajax ALL OF THE CONTENT!!!
I thought your kids were 13-11-9-7?
my kids were born from 2002-2006
13, 12, 10, 9
@FlorianMargaine ages.map(age=>age+1);
isn't the oldest 14 this year?
no, he just turned 13 this year
thats next year :/
If you want to scroll to an element, do you have to use scrolltop?
ahh well. I suppose it would be creepy if we knew this much about your kids
my oldest who lives with me plays football now, and is in 7th grade
@Sippy for smooth scroll.
so crazy to me man
or just navigate to the hash
I remember thinking I was king shit in 7th grade.
I remember playground pimping
good times
Can you navigate without the ID?
@Sippy iirc 'name' still works
aight cheers
!!tell Sippy examplepls
or use scrollTop
@Sippy Could you please give us an example on jsbin.com or jsfiddle.net, with the minimal amount of code necessary to reproduce the problem?
I think someone bound an event on scrollTop globally
So when I use it, it's fucking with what I'm trying to do.
what are you trying to do?
Scroll to an element :P
@Loktar football? who does he aspire to be? Zidane? Cristiano Ronaldo?
It's not scrolling to the location of the element, exactly. Always like 60px out
Which is the height of the menu when it collapses
@FlorianMargaine I dont know who those people are, but I meant American Football
this pussy's sport
I don't know any American Football players either though lol
good for him, I guess
@Loktar OJ
he's gonna be popular at school :P
haha I hope so, would rather that than the alternative
omg, @Loktar, fuck with his coach. put in his bag a bunch of black leather gloves that don't fit.
@rlemon lol
Get your son to play rugby.
I played HS football. that was fun.
he said his coach yells a lot, but he said I yell worse so it doesnt phase him
It's like American football, except not gay.
@Sippy same seasons
can't do both (at least here)
I was like "See man, I knew yelling would come in handy!"
then we high fived
heh, my coach was into the chew
@rlemon Canadians play rugby?/
and he was a short bald fat man
Why you not on world stage?
@Sippy we prefer lacrosse
@Sippy rugby seems brutal
It is brutal.
Really brutal.
might as well just do MMA
I've seen more injuries playing hockey and football vs rugby
I think because kids with padding think they are invincible, Rugby guys were aware they had no padding.
(I only played one season, then switched to football :D )
@Loktar but if he gets into MMA you have a chance of meeting Ronda
might be worth it
haha right!
that would be badass.
He also wrestles so idk we will see how far he makes it
This tackle was fun to watch
The french went mental hahahaha
ohh I used to love wrestling in jr high
> The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
wow I don't see that every day
sad they didn't continue it in HS
@Loktar ...
like, no HS's around here have a wrestling team
!!youtube hockey biggest hits
there we go
That tackle was so painful to watch lol
Ouch wth
also why do some of them wear little bonnets?
Protect their ears
ah ok
And their heads actually
Skin gets split sometimes.
second hit in the vid I posted
50mph impact on skates
No one wants that
haha yea
you see tons of fighters with it
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
M, the Facebook personal assistant
@rlemon I don't know if you noticed but in that the button stays disabled in that piece of code
jsfiddle.net/7arrpe7s it is however still inactive
@LuluthoMgwali works for me
button enables, click it, plays the sound
@rlemon, oh thats odd..
Thank you for the help
@mikedidthis woah i.imgur.com/66iSzbY.jpg looks like most of those accounts are now deleted.
wonder if it was all the same person playing the system
@rlemon the link to the audio was a blocked link.. the code couldn't reach it lol.
ahh, that makes sense.
it was in my cache because I listened to it on their site first
so I didn't see it 404
but your problem is sorted now?
you see how I listen for the button click and .play on the audio resource?
Yes, very nice
but its not exactly sorting my problem out because im calling my audio from a database
that is my fiddle
or rather let me give you the link to a question i posted
how do you 'call the audio from [your] database'
lol i know..
Q: Audio not playing back after publishing webisite on school server

Lulutho MgwaliI am a 3rd year IT(Software Dev) student and im currently developing my final year project. The whole success of my system is based on how well the system's audibility interacts with the user (3-10 years) as they are not yet able to read. I am developing in MVC 5, i use a webservice method to r...

function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
XMLHttpRequest shouldn't be used as a name here
just a comment
@LuluthoMgwali can you see anything in the network monitor? the file does actually download to the client?
also is type json for an audio stream really correct? seems wrong
can you see anything in the network monitor? the file does actually download to the client? ?
look in the network monitor and make sure the audio stream is being received by the client.
I don't use c# for web, but I see no where that is returning that stream to the client
@rlemon what the actual fuck?
i don't have a network monitor install, the audio is not played back.
It runs locally because what actually plays the audio is the C# code through the System.Media.SoundPlayer object and not the browser, but apparently if i want everyone else to be able to hear the sound with their browser then i need to use the <audio>
@LuluthoMgwali yes you do. your browser
you need to send the audio stream to the web client.
@mikedidthis dude, strange right?
also I'll be home at a decent time tonight if you don't have wife/kids/soccer
@rlemon even stranger that all my flags were declined.
yea, they are cracking down on flag reasons
@rlemon sadly I can't do tonight, will google hangout the why another time.
I've had a flag declined because I picked the wrong reason
post was still deleted
Yes the code you showed me does work on the server.. but im struggling to point it to the database
honestly, I wouldn't store an audio file in a db
store it in the filesystem
if you need, store a reference to its location in the db
i have 3gb worth of audio data already stored in the db lol
stored as varbinary
A: What is the best way to store media files on a database?

Mark BesseyEvery system I know of that stores large numbers of big files stores them externally to the database. You store all of the queryable data for the file (title, artist, length, etc) in the database, along with a partial path to the file. When it's time to retrieve the file, you extract the file's p...

@LuluthoMgwali so time to correct that before you get 6gb in there :D
lool. im presenting my system on Monday and i have a fully coded content manger :'( the must be another way.
@Abe tell them, who's your daddy
@LuluthoMgwali your problem right now is nothing is being sent to the client correct?
the banter about the DB and such is moot. you are doing it wrong, but that can be solved later I suppose
okay, you need to figure (go on google and look) how to "stream audio to a webpage from c#"
once you get the stream sending to the client, I can help you hook it to a button
Alright (y)
@mikedidthis damn fine movie.
anyone know mikes address?
Just send it to Mike, Blackpool, England
@Sippy and let the postman work it out, right? :p
@JonClements Exactly!
howdy @Kitler
I'm fairly sure we've got a new "postie"... as my neighbour and I are swapping posts
DNS records
got his address
@mikedidthis I'm sending you poop
Lol for real?
@JonClements sorry about earlier
@JonClements Can your postman not count
Or read
@mikedidthis you haven't moved recently have you?
@Kitler Huh... what about it?
the useless drama :P
I was mainly being an impatient assdouche
oh that - waves paws in the air - nothing to see - move along blah blah
> Even just the thought of organizing a CD-burning turns me on."
so I google street viewed @mikedidthis's place
looked up
ofc it is overcast
fucking blackpool
@Sippy do you guys ever get sunlight?
2-3hours a year
@Sippy do you know mikes phone number?
@rlemon 1-800-I<3cock
you guys suck
toll free
border-top: @standard-sized-light-grey-solid-border;
border-bottom: @standard-sized-light-grey-solid-border;
border-right: @standard-sized-light-grey-solid-border;
border-left: @standard-sized-light-grey-solid-border;
oh man I so miss my old coworker O.o
// Border variables
@standard-sized-light-grey-dotted-border: 		1px @gray-light dotted;
@standard-sized-light-grey-solid-border: 		1px @gray-light solid;
no wonder his less files are all huge
same one?
too bad he hasnt been back in the room since he was let go :/
this week has been so shitty fixing his bugs
I got 9 assigned to me today, so dumb
mostly simple shit, just makes me angry.
good thing he hsan't come back
next new person who comes in Im doing periodic reviews with them, like weekly
you would just bitch at him
or every other day idk yet lol
@rlemon haha yea
@Loktar hire me I don't suck :P
I know all of the htmls
I should add that to my cv :P
@Kitler if you were in the US I would for sure :p
Well I do have a greencard :P
idk how all that works
I can ask my boss though
basically I can fly over anytime and it's legal for me to work there
we have a lot of people here on working visas
yeah I don't need one
I m a permanent resident
wow I didn't know that, thats awesome
need to stay there for 5 years to get a citizenship
you want to learn/use react?
or do you already
but anyhoe don't go through the trouble, I m not heading to the states for another 2 years
ah lame
you got me all excited man
unless war breaks out :P
well I guess thats not funny
but yeah I hope that doesn't happen
kinda is :P
as for react, don't think it would take me a lot of time to pick it up
well if shit goes down and we havent hired someone yet let me know
My contract is up in september depending on how things are might not renew it and start planning for the states
@Jhoopins and I would interview you, but I'm sure you'd destroy it
fuck that!
@Kitler move to the US
then when I visit Loke I can visit you
need to get married and apply for papers for jo
can't do it atm
she's short
smuggle her in
lol she ain't short :P
She's taller than me
but you are short
so by proxy, so is she
shut up okay! I was trying to make a joke!
I m 168 cm she's 173
so far the only person from the chats I've actually met was @Mosho
fly over to SA
in december
we ll hit up @Katler
@joshhunt o/
return rows[0]; // null
return rows; // [{the fucking object I need. rage-quit}];
I'm getting so fucking pissed off right now
fuck you code, just work dammit!
that's weird
it doesn't make any sense
are you manipulating the array along the way?
it is a return from a db call
I log before I send
sent value for [0] is null
but the log contains the object
and if I send the entire data return I can see it on the other end.
		db.store(registers.reads).then(function(rows) {
			if( io ) {
                console.log(rows); // always logs what I expect. [{...}]
				io.emit('graphPoint', rows); // this works
                io.emit('graphPoint', rows[0]); // this doesn't -_-
actual code ^^
excusing the double emit.
rows.forEach(console.log.bind(console)) << what does this give you
@Sippy did you ever do any of the content they added to guild wars after eye of the north?
@Kitler this is attached to a live system
I can only test that emit every ten minutes
and I leave in 5
btw where is @darkasheling or someting name she had
so I'll figure it out tomorrow
heading home?
@easwee its praxis somethingorother now
Last time she was here she was talking about being a part of threesomes...
oh yeah
er last time I saw her in here.
Was weird as hell.
nope that was it
hard to get
I jst played one song she share in jam exchagne
wierd stuff
@Loktar the best part was she expected us (the guys) to get all turned on by her stories.
yeah.. I just felt bad for her honestly
we were instead just all like "glad you had fun." and that was it
because she said she was doing it because her BF wouldn't marry her otherwise..
she didn't tell me that
if that is true, what a douchebag
Jul 22 at 9:31, by Praxis Ashelin
He said "if we have a threesome I will marry u" so I was like okay
was she really serious about that tho?
that was the discussion I was referring to. idk was really weird/inappropriate imo
@Sippy did you ever hear this?
she got us on IRC and gave deets about it all
that was a little strange. :P and funny
i remember that comment being in the star list for a while
based on that it seems like she was serious

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