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@Kitler wtf, it works when I put a 4 in, even though it's the first child that fits those class-names...
@Rvervuurt if you want to replace even it's 2n+2
not 1 or 4
otherwise not sure what you expect the output to look like
@Kitler I don't want to replace even, I want to target the first div that meets those criteria in class-names (.thumbnail-event.divider.grey)
you mean :first-child?
Yes, but I've tried that one and it doesn't show up
Am i missing something
and if you want to do it with nth-child remember that it's 0 based
wait it looks like I m missing something :P
@Kitler yea, haha
newest first 50 php question has total score of -21 :D
when I change it to pink or something, it doesn't change
It's weird
kk you just want to color the first child that has .thumbnail-event.divider.grey
@Kitler Yea, and then I'll figure it out afterwards how to apply the exact styling with ::before
but for now it seems replacing first-child with nth-child(4) is the only thing that works
and I don't get that, since it's the first div that fits those classnames, not the 4th
(or 5th, if it's 0 based)
the pink one needs to be grey?
@Kitler no wait, I'm not clear apparently.
i m lost :P
add text inside the one you want to target
The one that's pink, has to be pink, but I can't use :nth-child(4), since it's possible there are more than 3 divs above it
A: CSS selector for first element with class

BoltClockI felt this was a good place for a canonical answer as the question is general and quite clear, but the original accepted answer isn't quite right. I explain why the accepted answer is flawed in a later section, but first I'll cover how to do it the right way. The :first-child pseudo-class, intr...

bolt to the rescue
I had it wrong
> :first-child represents the very first child of its parent. That's it.
well shit
he does give you an answer though
yea, reading :)
with answers like those, I like to read it all so I understand it. Not just copy/paste like those rep-whore answers where you can't learn jack-shit, you just know it'll work
@Kitler jsfiddle.net/unmrj6nj/6 Guess that'll be the best way
Yup much haxs
such css
so weird, have always thought :first-child worked completely different
I keep forgetting that it works only on the first element, I even have a question on SO about it :P
well shit, I just found another solution
Since I know the div I'm trying to target is always after graphics.divider, I could just use the +... -_-'
.graphics.divider + .thumbnail-event.divider.grey
ah yeah could do that
ah well, thanks for the help!
+1000 rep
woop top tag is now js
@kitler wtf is heat signature
did ya click the link?
@easwee How's the situation with refugees in Slovenia?
@Kitler yeah but too lazy to read through his shit website
there are videos
@Sippy @mikedidthis UK lays the smack down on weed petition.parliament.uk/petitions/104349
how I read it
> We the people want weed!
> We the government don't give a shit.
I'ma sign it because I agree
But I don't see the government giving a fuck lol
weed is harmful to your health yo, but rampant alcoholism in the UK is perfectly fine.
Was that sarcasm?
inb4 the NHS has to deal with an extra 50,000 cases per year of extreme paranoia lololol
> David Nutt sacked
also, taken in moderation and in a safe surroundings, E is safer than alcohol (from a health perspective).
I have no idea about LSD
both are.
It's incredibly difficult to overdose on ecstasy
It'd be far more intelligent a move to educate than police imo
but it is incredibly easy to use it chronically and fuck yourself up
Most people die on E from doing stupid shit
i have heard of ecstasy overdoses
I haven't heard of marijuana overdoses though.. take what you will
I know a lot of people from HS who ten years later are still e-tards
Yeah they're not impossible.
But you have to take a fucktonne.
If you can overdose on E then that's natural selection tbh.
The problem with making it legal and widely available is that it'd be a gateway drug, probably.
Weed I don't think really is.
weed is a gateway to munchies and crappy comedies
@Sippy if it's a dirty pill you're kinda fuck either way
@Neil Marijuana overdose === sleepy time
@Kitler Oh totally.
Another reason to legalise vOv
idk, in my experience when you smoke too much weed you just give yourself a headache and sober up
The worst I have gotten after an evening of some cozy smoking, is a dry mouth
alcohol is not dangerous.. the reason why so many alcohol-related deaths and car accidents happen is because A) It's legal and B) most people "use" it
worst I v had from smoking too much was cold sweats
well, relatively not dangerous I should say
@Kitler like, paranoia and fear? Or just literally cold sweats?
if everyone used lsd as much as alcohol, pretty sure shit would get worse
@Neil Day after: Nationwide productivity rises with 90%, reason unknown
@Rvervuurt literally cold sweats
@Neil def
@Rvervuurt heh, smbc
@Kitler I hate cold sweats
same here, only happened to me twice in the past ~10 years
!!google smbc joker amfetamines
yes, that one @Neil
drug debate === boring
politicians are only worried what their voters think of them so they say what they think they should
since we pretty much all agree here :P
If most voters were drug users they'd be touting that legalise shit all day long
fuck politicians.
fuck them all.
This rules out nebraska for me :P
But hey, riding on horses that have evolved to walk on two legs is fine!
horse was high
That's just a warning image.
This is crazy:
@TeslaMotors @elonmusk #P85D setting new world record in #hypermiling driving 728.7 km/452.8 mi on a single charge http://youtu.be/Z5W4LJ5zL9g
no radio, no airconditioning, no 4WD and low speed
but still, wow
@rlemon welcome to the UK.
i'm making braids with my beard. just for you to know. pictures are 100$ each
@rlemon yeah, I just scanned it.
@mikedidthis "David Nutt Sacked"
you don't need to scan it
that is the funny part
So he was just hired to confirm the government's ideals and ideas, but when he actually did his job, he got sacked?
@rlemon wow I totally missed that as well.
Someone definitely did that on purpose ..
look at the url
David Nutt or his brother Deez Nuttz?
I hope deez nuttz wins
Do you like deez nuttz @Kitler?
I love em
What do you guys think of this article spin.atomicobject.com/2011/04/10/…
I think it's retarded
Yes, that article clearly has sub-average intelligence
if (!number) {
  number = 0; // eslint-disable-line
Eslint looses it's shit over things like this
number is a function param
why you would provide a default parameter value for the 1st parameter passed is beyond me
you know !number is true on 0
can't set a default directly on it since it's destructured from an array
@rlemon does it matter?
var number = 0;
if( !number ) {
  number = 0;
fine i ll check for undefined x.x
javascript kinda has its own way of dealing with unpassed parameters that works perfectly fine
that's not the problem I m calling toFixed on the number
so if it's undefined app blows up
export function formatNumber([number], {precision}) { <<< can't set number = 0 as a default here.
anyhone returning N/A when undefined, skipped the reassignment
@Mr.Alien yeah saw that one a while back :)
@Kitler so you want to assign [number] as [0] ??
yup yup
export function formatNumber(number=[0],{precision}) {}
ember stuff, gets passes as params
number = params[0]
yea I know nothing about ember
I was just thinking es6

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