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I will trade it for a knife after a month
Lol fu
currently its 37$, it goes as high as 200$+
best combo in the game: 0/2 egg + void creature
better still, 0 / 2 egg + the +4/4 that causes it to die at end of turn + void creature
you get a 4/4 and 7/8 for like 6 energy spent :P
@Sippy I thought I got overpass first than I was like fuck no.. its cobble stone
@Neil Demo is too dirty
if I open and if I get lore, you will b so jelly
@RedBreast what demo? demons you mean?
@Neil neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee‌​eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee‌​eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee‌​eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee‌​eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee‌​eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee‌​eeerd
@Mr.Alien idgaf
you won't get lore and I don't awp :P
@Sippy Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!
@Neil nerd.
@Sippy You're just a big meany head! *runs away crying*
@Neil meant Demonist. Every demonist decks are trash.
@Sippy :s
@RedBreast I made a demon deck with swap-o-bot and that 3/4 that swaps demons
want the pack for your shitty 2cent knife? xD
It wasn't the best, but it did lead to some interesting matches for sure
8 Ball Pool ftw.
@Mr.Alien HAH
@Neil Demon zoo, demon handlock, hunt face, shaman murloc.. etc all the same.
twitch says I'm watching VP vs. Immunity on Cobble, I'm pretty sure I'm watching dust.
@RedBreast I hate the fast murloc and robot decks because they shouldn't work
Sometimes they do though and that pisses me off even more
yup currently its d2 ... king vs imm
Kill it with fire!
they are showing cobble to troll you
Wonder what my knife is worth currently
baring in mind it has a shark tooth on it
cos it's fucking sick
I already priced it few mins back
Apparently this one is worth $35,000
Not sure that guy understands OPskins
@Neil But still the rush meta. Lot's of face rush decks. Just build your decks in consequence and spam the sorry emote. That's how I deal with those nerds. >:D
@Mr.Alien Not on market
It's underpriced on market
@Sippy dont worry, I'll hack your knife soon
I could probably sell my knife for $500 right now
There's like 6 slaughters on OPskins and they're all shit.
nope, more
than that
@RedBreast yeah, lots of wipeout cards
@Neil explosive sheep > *
@Mr.Alien you reckon?
What are you guys talking?
csgo and hearthstone
@RedBreast yeah, nice cheap way of doing it
@Sippy around 800... unlisted items are way more than 400
woah, kinguin getting rekt badly
Oh which channel?
see the odds on csgolounge.. 87 : 13
holy shit
oh damn
Oh yeah
Wait wtf
87 - Kinguin.. fuck, I should have betted on immunity
LOL I thought I was watching a rerun
immunity might throw though
its live
I don't think so
@Kitler Aaww yea, terminal is looking good!
It is a T map tbh
@Rvervuurt found the preferences menu?
nope, if you play well d2 is more like ct
@Kitler Yea, thought I had to set the font some other way :p
Then I thought: huh, maybe it's just in preferences
CT have 0 mid control on d2
@Sippy my fav spot is behind mid door
I don't play d2 much anymore
played yesterday and there was a hacker, as always
@Kitler I was using green text on black background until today. Never set it up like that, but wow it was crap!
I have played too much, 400+ compi
@Mr.Alien Here it is. The dirty nerd who camp behind the mid door with P90.
I want LEM but matchmaking is so aids
pro'ed up that map
@Rvervuurt btw setup a keyboard shortcut to toggle iterm
I have it on option + space
@RedBreast lol yea if the ping is fucked up so yes, I still p90 their shit out.. have aced with p90 once
@RedBreast lol
to toggle it?
toggle it over everything else at any time
aaah that's cool
@Mr.Alien just once?
p90 ace is ez
got aced by a negev yesterday ://///////////
anyway afk need to get some things done
@Mr.Alien Shame on you. :<
@Sippy p90 once yap, else have got more than 10+ aces.. bloodhound record is around 4 5 + and 48+ for 4 kill rounds
@RedBreast stats bro, if you see my stats my fav weapon is awp
@Mr.Alien Still. Now I know you'r the kind of dude who rush long spreading P90 and headshoting all the shit.
@Sippy throw is real
@Mr.Alien Damn that game is amazing yeah? I wanna buy it so bad, but it doesn't work for me.
@HassanAlthaf Cool, enough kids on this game.
@HassanAlthaf using celeron?
@Sippy aah your kd is good
@Mr.Alien I tried buying it through PayPal.
you are in sri lanka.. get it using a debit card
"Hostages rescued 8462" what a nerd
As if I would ever play hostage gametype
he goes to those idling servers and get his stats better
Office still fun sometimes but who the fuck cares about hostages
i still love assault
It's ok
I like trolling
Make them shoot their hostages
very kappa
If you use the hostage for cover and get them to put a clip in one, rip economy lol
Even if you die it's still totally worth
Eureka! Finally got my background example working. Had to use a <canvas> tho..
Can I achieve this effect using only?
@Mr.Alien I wasn't watching
Who won
What I want: Have the image stay in center at all times no matter the screen size. Crop the sides. Keep the center in the middle of the page.
ffs the guy talking in the blue suit
Fucking scary looking
@Schoening dude, are you ignoring my background-position: center or what?
I tried it. It did not work.
I can re-try it.
@Schoening <canvas> just for a background-image ? o_O
> Total score 126,790 80,021
@Mr.Alien How the fuck
!!tell Schoening examplepls
@Schoening Could you please give us an example on jsbin.com or jsfiddle.net, with the minimal amount of code necessary to reproduce the problem?
@RedBreast just so show what css effect I want
remove center on line 5 and see what happens
you know, you could've said it didn't work, so I could've helped you with solving it... Instead, you use canvas to center a background image... :x
@Rvervuurt this way I could make it very obvious what I want to do.
Why am I asking who won when I'm looking at the kinguin captain
such throw gj immunity
@Schoening I don't get that sentence
@Schoening Did you remove the center from the fiddle? Did you see what happens?
@Rvervuurt I made the canvas thing to give a visual explaination to what I am trying to do in css. Yes. It still does not what I want. I don't know if its my browser, I can check other browsers. What I want is both sides of the images to get "cropped" and the image to stay in the center even when the browser window is smaller than the image dimensions.
let me check in FF, who knows, perhaps my chrome on linux is broken :)
@Schoening Set up a fiddle please, instead of writing down your problem. Make an example that shows it doesn't work and let me have a go at it.
allison.house/tv Jeez' I love her work
give me screenshots of the fiddle before and after removing center
@Sippy king...
@Sippy wut
Math is hard
@Sippy Aiming snipers killed 1442 | 6192
@Mr.Alien I'm not dumb enough to peak snipers lol
actually these stats are not updated i think, I've broke many many windows
I have killed them, you haven't bitch
I don't get killed by snipers lol
Very rarely
Damn, PayPal fucked me over. I can't access my PayPal anymore.
stackoverflow.com/10m in case you missed the notification
Is it possible to change the CSS of a page without using Javascript? Can there be formulas/math involved in CSS, which modifies the values after page load?
@Keval what are you trying to do?
@Keval calc()
but you are limited
I am debugging an issue, I cannot see any external scripts which could probably modify the CSS
So I need to be sure that the script we used isn't causing it
just exclude your script?
so remove all scripts?
@easwee you got this.
right, okay, will see
everyone should take a course of debugging without dev tools
when I started IE6 was industry standard, that was fun
Holy shit
Mike you look young
and debugbar was cool lol
mustache pic
kitler posted it yesterday
show me?
yeah, that's a few years ago.
Like how many lol
I would say 5. That's the girls old flat.
You look 19 there not 27 :P
Just a sec, calling a meeting with my boss
@Sippy not everyone looks like a drunken smoker at 27
I'm gonna look 15 at 27
Okay, looks like the code we provided to the customer is good. Looks like the issue is on their end
I am 27 and have to grow beard so people sell me beer
@Keval friday saved!
I can't even grow a beard
first world problems
how's the mustache these days, @mike?
@Sippy a more recent one: i.imgur.com/htyaMBe.jpg
@Sippy I haz none. I got an electric razor.
Haha, yes, @easwee
@Sippy I still get asked for ID even now.
aight, see you guys around
@mikedidthis You are quite youthful.
@Sippy act like a kid, grow like a kid.
Mate I thought you were gonna look like most 32 year old men from Blackpool.
Which isn't a good image ..
You look quite well adjusted xD
Yeah like that
With a tear drop tattoo by your eye
cheer up, at least it's not essex
Essex is better than blackpool lol
cc @probablybest
you know nothing pat snow
@mikedidthis was waiting for her :P
@mikedidthis huh?
@probablybest we slaggin essex off, init.
haha essex is better than blackpool any day of the week :P. We aren't northern for a start :P
^ all I know about essex :P
!!youtube ali g staines
youtube let me down.]
@probablybest nowt wrong wit bein northern.
@Kitler I think he has a high level spoiler
not sure
@Rvervuurt I tried your example again and it does almost what I want! Thanks! But it does not "exactly" what I want. Have a go at it if you still want to :)
What it looks like: http://jsfiddle.net/zv0fpctm/
What is should look like: http://tinyurl.com/oouuvt9
^ go watch this like right now
cc/ @Loktar since zombies

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