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wow this noise is fun.
"Uhhh.. Heuston, we have a problem.."
I just got an email from someone at work
the topic was "Re:"
the body was "Help!!!"
it started!
go help him
posted on July 23, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Ltmatos */

@RonaldUlyssesSwanson I <3 duke 3d
also who are you? Kitler?
@Feeds ow
@Loktar Wes
the crazy Italian
ahh ok
That hurts
@Loktar have you tried playing it multi?
no actually
you mean the rerelease right?
I mean I have on the original, but not the rerelease on the pc (just on my ps vita)
i heard there was a new release but i probably have the previous one
steam right?
@rlemon thanks bro you solve all my probs
at least the dumb ones :-D
@TylerH now design me a interface for cam2gif!
what interactions do you want
@rlemon omg that chick is the luckiest bitch in the universe.
That thing would've taken her head clean off lol
that dudes reflexes
Can't stop watching
It's like the size of her head
mamma che culo
I want to start tagging my commits by affected parts of the site, for example css changes have own tag, javascript changes by another, and server side fixes as the third. What can be one-word tags for each of it? English is not my native :)
css and html are very interconnected so i would just use "gui" or something
same for js, i guess
hmm, UI seems ok
What's wrong with CSS/HTML/JS?
Well, it's just too specific. HTML & CSS usually go side by side
good point
backend sounds more like admin interface or something
6 billion years in the Goldilocks zone.
we call it UI dev here
it HAS to have life @Sippy
so any changes in html/css/js are ui updates
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson yea
it came out like a year ago I believe?
@rlemon goldilocks is probably pretty saggy by then
@rlemon omg if they find remains of civilisation on that planet I will cri
@Loktar i'm buying it again because i have the atomic edition :|
remains of civilization
how would they do that?
you'd have to send a probe
it would be faster to send a radio wave blast aimed directly at the planet and see if we get one back
yeah I think thats the rerelease @RonaldUlyssesSwanson
you guys hear about the funding that was given to SETI?
/me finds article
@TylerH It would but 6 billion years, they might have had their time and killed everyone
@Loktar latest is the megaton
As humanity is bound to
they will be able to operate as much in a day as they did in a month
@Sippy well they wouldn't be humans there
Doesn't mean they wouldn't suffer the same problems as our sometimes idiotic race :P
@Loktar that's good but SETI is sort of a big joke in the science community
most planetary scientists and astronomers/physicists don't take them seriously, last I heard
@Sippy we will likely not be able to visit other solar systems in our lifetime
did the audio feed die for anyone else?
NASA all the shit you can do and you can't do a proper webcast
come on
they should have just streamed it on twitch
or youtube
can get high res pictures of pluto, can't stream audio ~ NASA
can land a probe on a comet, can't parallel park my car for me
well that one's not true anymore
There are a couple car models that can do that apparently
my bosses car automatically slows down and speeds up in stop and go traffic
perks of being a boss
@Loktar month -> year, reading that article
pretty cool
Any one use Word Press?
@rlemon Nah you're right.
@TylerH oh damn, yeah that is really cool
someone wants to play duke nukem 3d?
Even if we could, I doubt we'd live to hear the result.
@Sippy stasis bro
What song is that?
someone wants to play duke nukem 3d? <ins>**it's free**</ins>
Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley
fucking MD
@TylerH Thanks!
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson at work dude
@rlemon not in this very moment. are you willing to play it?
lol awesome
installing steam is dangerous
guys I've read about prefixes...but in current versions of browser they seems not needed
@FrancescoDS does everyone use the current version?
I'm going to solve differences that I see in my browsers / emulators and real mobile devices
mobile devices?
yes cimmanon
the problem is about responsiveness of website
a lot of older mobiles, you cant upgrade the system browser. there is a 99% chance that those browsers still need prefixes.
Probably a dumb question, on elements or in what scenarios do use height: 100%, verses using flex to grow to the max height?
@Austin you cant use height: 100% on flex items unless they also happen to be flex containers. just a little quirk with flexbox
or are you talking about column orientation?
@cimmanon ok, I know that it is impossible to render good in all browsers of all devices
I guess I am trying to figure out this, sometimes you tell a div to be 100%, but it won't grow. Is that because in its mind it is 100%? whereas flex isn't saying to grow to 100%, but rather grow to the parent flex container?
if that makes sense..
@Austin can you make a demo?
@Austin If you use 100%, it'll take 100% of the width that it can, whether it has to expand its parent or not.
I think..
@Sippy thats not entirely true with flexbox.
but I only would like to know why the emulators does not work with the fiddle given, where I would like to change the current divisions and have each div under the other...now I have two divs at the same y position (or distance from top) in module-top and 3 divs at the same y position in module- bottom. I would have, from each module, the divs as in column
@FrancescoDS we dont debug via telepathy
Damn she pretty
flexbox has weird rules where the parent element's height always counts as 0 when youre trying to specify height in percentages on the child elements
@cimmanon awsm
a stupid question: if I change the size of the result frame in jsfiddle page, does it change its visualization accordingly to media queries given in css frame?
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@cimmanon probably a bad example: jsfiddle.net/kzbbb/67
@FrancescoDS you understand that unless youre using an up to date mobile version of chrome or firefox, mobile browsers dont support the current version of flexbox
btw, search "Rachelle Lefevre" canadian actress from "under the dome" (cc @rlemon)
... she's 38
@cimmanon I've the last version of Firefox on my laptop, and I need to understand why the fiddle does not take the css given
maybe the main problem is about the usage of percentages in width rule
@Austin i dont have an exact answer for you, but it looks like it's because you dont have an explicit height on the parent container for the 2nd example
but if I set a fixed width to parent div, for example 500px; when I resize the screen the inner div does not change its size
@cimmanon So if I don't have specific height, children can't use height 100%? By this logic then, if I have static element heights I can use height 100%, but if I have containers that responsively size I need to use flex?
@Austin you can, but it looks like you cant when the child elements are inline-block. like i said, i dont have the full answer on that
you could use display: table-cell
or one of those more archaic techniques like having huge margins+negative margins (never used them myself)
Right yea I use the table-cell route at the moment
Having some trouble with those dumb slickgrids
Hi Guys, I am new to the whole HTML5 to Wordpress branche, but a friend of mine asked me if I could transform his downloaded HTML5 template into a wordpress 3.0 template, has anyone have experience with this?
@Sippy far from her peak there
big clash of colors
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson she looks like she could be Michele Trachtenberg's mom
@cimmanon Its going to be hard to code this question, just seeing if anything may pop into your head. I have a parent positioned relatively that flex grows 0 1(from a navbar to the page bottom). I have a child of table (slickgrid), when I click add line, it adds a row to table. Now this works fine.

However, once I reach the bottom of my viewport/window and hit new line, it adds a row and moves my screen down, BUT the parent doesn't grow with it (cuts off to where the viewport was before adding the row), so the child visually looks hidden. But when I interact/click back on the DOM it refres
or the girl from Brave
@Austin you can't make a demo? sounds like you have some heights set that need adjusting
It's in a big app...it would be too big of a fiddle :/
you can't make a fiddle of that behavior you just described though?
some empty divs with some placeholder text/images or whatever... with those css properties
I could try I guess.. just don't know if a found solution will help in the real thing though
@BoltClock reading further it looks like they're wanting to implement it for CSS before it can be called in querySelectorAll
twitter.com/StackOverflow SO just got ownership of its own Twitter handle
@BoltClock yes I read them in order
They are aware that there's a greater demand for :has() with styling than for use in JavaScript
@rlemon are you suffering the 1 year goal as i am?
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson rlemon is afk: mri
because jQuery already does the JavaScript part
(because you should totally load up an entire selector library if you want to use :has() in a script)
i'm like "since i defeated cigarettes for a complete year, i will award myself with a pack of cigarettes"
basically the rational me and the drugs addicted me are fighting hard
@Tyler_Hibbard @StackExchange @ecnepsnai http://t.co/cMr7lIp2js
Q: Warnings when using certain tag combinations

SiguzaNote that this is not the same as this question, which proposes retagging suggestions for replacing multiple tags with one, such as replacing bootstraptypeahead with bootstrap-typeahead. It is also not the same as this question - I'm just using the bootstrap example because it's a really good one...

how come this never got any support?
10 PRINT chr$(10)+"Hello, Tworld."+chr$(10) 20 PRINT "With <3," 30 PRINT "Stack Overflow" 40 GOTO 10 50 PRINT "hahaha, no one will see this"
@cimmanon Developer apathy
Not bad
@TylerH doesnt explain why the community didnt care about it
@cimmanon There was probably one or two other questions that were hot at the time
the snap-framework tag misuse drives me nuts, its like they didnt read what they were getting at all. someone could have snuck in a tag and they would have happily used it
followed by a holiday weekend in the us
@cimmanon /agree
it's annoying when users unaccept your answer with no explanation days after they accepted it
@TylerH Then they accept a carbon copy of their friend's creation
Anyone kno word press well?
the answer is still no
Please don't repeat yourself/meta-ask a question.
Well your only one person and you can't speak for everyone. Well I'm gonna ask anyways. So my website is running off WordPress and On the Home Page the home tab is not displaying but on other pages they do display. Is this a setting on WP or something I may have done wrong?
Also there is a issue with this chatroom. the button and Text is all messed up.
@Tarson that's most probably a user issue
@TylerH With Word Press or chatroom?
Regarding your chatroom issue
You can hover over a message that begins with a little grey arrow to see what message it was in response to
I'm using a Mac Book Pro on Safari
@TylerH huh. good to know
This is the only chatroom that does this though.
Try pressing F5 then
didn't work
take a screenshot
What version of Safari are you using?
Version 7.0.5. I don't like Yosemite, they need to work out the issues before I ever update
Safari is Version 7.0.5
And no other chatrooms have that issue?
Nope. I'll even take a pic to show ya
it looks like the styles just aren't loaded or you have some custom stylesheet for this page
the links are supposed to be orange
F5 should clear your cache so if the problem remains after that, it's probably a userscript or custom css declaration for this URL
I'll try
It's not that big of deal cause it works but still it doesn't look good that a Web Developer chat is bad.
The Web inspector/inspect elements show no errors at all
Well it's not the web developer chat's fault
it works just fine for me, for example
my first recommendation would be to try in a different browser
I know its fine on Windows Chrome
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson brill
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
For a Few Bytes Moreā€¦
all that code for hello world
@rlemon What time is the hangouts
@Kitler rlemon is afk: mri
he ok?
for the wrist i believe @Kitler
didnt' he hurt that like three months ago
Aren't MRIs for brain scans?
they can be
it stands for magnetic resonance imaging
you can get an MRI of any part of your body
ah kk
they're the really loud machines that you can't wear metal into
they bombard you with magnetic particles and use magnets to pull them through to create the image or something
hardcore stuff
yeah people were looking at xrays and said "we can go more hardcore than just sending x-rays through the body"
"what else can we send through the body to make an image"
"penises" "no john, shut up"
magnetic penises :O
@rlemon nein, but can do tomorrow night, the girl is busy.
@mikedidthis rlemon is afk: mri

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