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Thanks @cimmanon for your lack of helpfulness. And no, stackoverflow.com/questions/20535869/… does not solve the issue. The issue is that it has worked fine for everyone else except me and I made no changes. Thanks troll. — JDillon522 2 mins ago
@cimmanon lol
> The issue is that it has worked fine for everyone else except me
so typical
ive seen worse. what did that guy call me last week?
pretty sure he called me an arrogant twat or something like that. pretty classy for a guy with 37k rep
some people are weird
than again - I've seen guys with 30k rep and questions only
so go figure
man, he was so pissed about me closing his question as a duplicate of a question from like 4 years ago
started ranting about how my opinion isnt the only one that matters and that there might be other ways of doing things. thats great, they can post their opinions/new way of doing things on the original question.
lol, he updated his question
I just dupe voted that
one vote and question closes, boom
@easwee aah that me and @Sippy do all day in CS :p
fps doug was epic
ssup with you btw
finishing some major refactoring task of 3 weeks
what a colossal douchebag.
realized almost noone in our company knows how to work with canvas element :D
had to do a lesson on it for our team
haa, I've seen many getting excited that hey, html5 has canvas, but hardly they knew that they can do nothing with html tag alone
@Rvervuurt aah, sweet bro
@Mr.Alien noone get's context in the first try - so I told them to think of it as if canvas is a table and context is a white paper on that table
also noone thought that you actually have to redraw each frame if you want an animation
@Mr.Alien thanks!
they mostly thought that they are manipulating the canvas dom element instead of drawing on top of it
@easwee yea clear and redraw
well you don't always redraw, but mostly you do
that confuses the starters, why the fuck it renders above the previous one
Today is my 25th birthday
and then we got to the animationFrame
not sure whether to celebrate or cry
@TylerH get drunk and go on - that's what I do each year
I'm in a critical year - if I don't die of drug abuse this year I will be spammin here forever
@TylerH please apply to self
@TylerH you are just 3 months elder than me
@TylerH Happy bdae bro!
@Mr.Alien respect mah authoritah!
@TylerH btw - happy birthday
thanks :-D
our dev lead has bday today too
@easwee you suck, you didnt wished the guy instead you are getting him on the wrong track
@Mr.Alien I know I'm a bad person
my gf always says that I have no empathy :P
cool trick for double digits in js ("0" + number).slice(-2);
!!> ("0" + 33).slice(-2);
@easwee "SyntaxError: expected expression, got '>'"
@easwee "03"
@easwee "33"
yep works
@easwee yes she is right...
!!> ("0" + 0.33).slice(-2);
@Mr.Alien "33"
@Mr.Alien for that you need to improve it
I'm already flooring all numbers :P
needed to do a countdown
so whats wrong with 1--
!!> ("0" + 0.33).slice(-2) + 0.33 - Math.floor(0.33).toString().substr(1);
@easwee "ReferenceError: dec is not defined"
@easwee 330.33
hehe lol
well something like that but really don't have the nerves for decimals now
@Mr.Alien lololol
I gotta do a scrim tonight
Gotta pray to CS jesus that I land lots of insane headshots
you in a clan?
team m8
scrim = between team mates no?
And friendly games vs other clans
It's more like a friendly.
@Sippy yest was playing from my smurf account, had gold novas, they were in T side, was a pistol round, all 3 were on d2 A base near boxes and all 3 were shooting a guy on as, I went on the ramp and killed all 3 from back like was playing with silvers
get your ak on
have fun playing as a smurf
I'm literally gonna warm up in DM for like an hour lol
i just ruin their game
Just gonna run round 1tapping people
Had to do a bloodhound mission last night to get SMG kills, went 30-6 running round with MP7 xD
we should play one weekend, just we friends
I hate smurfing and I hate smurfs :P
pats has a copy, so do @RonaldUlyssesSwanson and he plays with dual berettas
Cos I get rekt by supreme smurfs cos they never miss.
@Sippy fu
Anyone who plays with dual berettas is a n00b.
he is a noob
Haven't played in ages
I have knifed him in his ass many tims
One of my teammates has said he will only play with the deagle tonight rofl
used to play a ton of cs
what's a smurf in CS?
high rank player rolling a new character to nuke newbs << smurf in general
Someone high ranked who plays in silver
@Rvervuurt high rank guy playing with low rank users
For e-peen validation or something
I get bored smurfing cos I don't die :(
And I get bored against smurfs cos I don't frag :(
@Sippy but I get mgs all the time, they cool down me 24 hours after every 2 game to measure the ranking
@Mr.Alien That only happens until you've played 10 games ..
yea reached 7
Ah right
I made a smurf account, smashed the first game and second game went against LEMs lol
the moment i take heads and they are like you are an hacker, u have less play hours blah blah
I can play against LEMs but I have to concentrate like mad.
Guys, you are talking about the wrong CS version, you've to talk about CSS -_-
Get back in C# you!
@Sippy Oh :(
do what you want it's not my internet
thats my smurf ac
Also yeah we should play
I have a TS so, whenever you guys want, really :P
What are your normal ranks?
I'm MGE, soon to be DMG
But going on the people we play against on ESEA/Faceit, I'm more like LE
I finally reached rank 3, didn't play since that update...
Ooh oke
When I play well, that is. I'm still quite inconsistent which is why my rank is low.
Ohhh you meant that rank
Like 14?
I was GN4 <_<
Noo, the MM rank
but since that update I couldn't play MM
I almost have my gold coin for bloodhound lolol
Didn't buy this op
It was like £4 so I didn't think much of it
hi all. I am trying to get my header tags on top of my divs, and for whatever reason they are falling off
i am using css only
for the animation
@Mr.Alien Buddy i got job, salary is 25k .. but city is costly
@Sippy totally why
@NullPoiиteя i come from staten island. totally agree there
@Skullomania position: glue;
@Kitler When I'm good, I'm LE good. When I'm bad, I'm gold nova bad. :P
@Kitler in the h6 block?
The difference between MG and LE is consistency.
MGs can pull off LE shots etc
This other team picked the map for this match tonight and we're ok on it but we don't have many plays
Gonna have to make something up xD
@Kitler I added it and it is still not inside jsfiddle.net/za13trox
try position: super-glue;
@Kitler What rank were you when you used to play?
Only played 1 ranked game iirc
used to play 1.3
u old
yup yup
I didn't even play 1.6 vOv
I scrub now
I have so little to do today I have just sat and read 9gag for like an hour.
@Kitler stahp
@TylerH I sorry I sorry
can't help it
It's my inner nazi jew
@Sippy I have tons to do this morning but I'm busy reading an ars technica article on the F-35 losing in a dog fight to an F-16
and why F-35 developers are complaining about it
no shit, your $1.5 trillion dollar plane program fails against a 40 year old plane
I'd be upset too
lol rekt
What's the reason for replacing F-16s?
"It wasn't designed for dog fights so it doesn't count"
@Sippy well we have long since replaced a lot of them
@Kitler thanks for the trolling
F-18 Hornets and Superhornets are the standard now
domestically we have lots of F-22 Raptors
which are boss
the F-35 is just the current generation (6th generation) "fighter" under development
supposed to be super high tech, has a weapons chamber that can rotate and fire in any direction, super stealth, VTOL, alien looking helmet, fire from hella far away, etc.
Has a real "take me to your leader" vibe
Looks like a master chief prototype
When the software is complete they will be able to just target stuff with their helmet
look at the enemy and pull a trigger
also the JSF is probably going to be the fighter that has lasers installed on it
when DARPA gets those combat ready
along with like, C-130 and stuff
imagine Call of Duty missions where you get the C-130 and it has lasers
max pew pew
people who are bad at it will be called storm troopers
The combat C-130 is called an AC-130 btw
Without the A it's just a Hercules :P
Someone made a gunship mod for GTA5
Was hilarious
can I get some assistance with my labels. For some reason, I cannot get them to go inside of the divs correctly
imagine how scary that'd look with lasers shooting out of it
@Sippy yeah I have a big model C-130 Hercules with my army men set
I know a hercules pilot ^_^
@Feeds lol
@Skullomania its the absolute positioning thats killing you, a clearfix wont help with that
@Sippy oh yeah? Well, I know Hercules!
thanks I will try to move a couple of things around
dont use absolute positioning unless you absolutely need to
@cimmanon badumtss?
@TylerH ggwp
Also @-moz-keyframes hasn't been used in like 2 years
just saying
@Sippy it wasnt meant to be a pun :p
@cimmanon it was quite punny.
@cimmanon there is only relative positioning.
technically you don't need the @-webkit-keyframes either
since Chrome users should be on the latest version or they're Chroming wrong
@Skullomania .skill-item looks absolutely positioned to me
Gotta love it when people go on the defensive after a cv stackoverflow.com/questions/31186120/…
its probably sitting on top because you forgot to set the z-index
also capitalized selectors won't work
A, A:visited etc.
the tag is a, not A
well, at least classes are
I would assume tags are too
@NullPoiиteя which city
i removed the h6 tag and used span instead
does not make any sense...it should work with either
i shouldnt need to use the style hack
nor change the h6 to a span
also there's no such thing as position: glue;, Kitler was pulling your leg
I deny everything
looks exactly like you want yours too and has lots of the extra stuff removed
because nobody likes busy fiddles
@TylerH I know I thanked him for trolling
(I said that because you're using it in your fiddle)
@TylerH Thank you for tidying up the CSS
Looking at it was making me dizzy.
position: exactly-where-i-want-it;
I also liked `/*progressbar*/
.progressbar {`
Like, thanks for that comment :-P
really helpful
should have used super-glue
That's what she said?
A: Unexpected Token } Javascript

Özgür Ersilonclick and onmouseover functions needs " " like that onclick="foo();" <img class="rightDino" src="dino3.png" onmouseover="getDino('dinoThree')" onclick="selectDino('dinoThree', '22', 'Bitey')">

8 upvotes for a damn typo
i forgot to remove it. I admit to using it. I was sleepy damnit
i have an excuse x_x
@TylerH why did you remove the animation?
Where the hell is @rlemon
@Skullomania well it wasn't relevant to your positioning problem
so it was extra
also the keyframes were incomplete so it wasn't playing anyway
you need more than just a 0% keyframe
you also need 100%
The best fiddles, bins, and pens include only the code necessary to reproduce the problem
how is @Tyler in this room
with 1rep
i fixed it
it's my future self coming to warn me about something
I just know it
@Kitler almost reversal
@easwee not even halfway :-P
reversal is a +20 answer IIRC
@Kitler and people call me repwhore ffs
I sort of understand the dilemma though
new users can't really get rep without answering some questions that probably exist somewhere in some fashion
@TylerH the worst offenders are the ones that link to the question where they got their answer from.
@cimmanon lol yeah that is pretty bad
"Here, do X according to this answer from two years ago"
If they don't at least write the answer in their own words/code I downvote usually
thinking of writing a new canonical for sass related to using colors. so many people are confused about colors :-(
mainly the colour blind
here we go, one more
Q: onclick return confirm is not working

Kiran Kumar DashOverview: I am using an anchor link here in my code to navigate to my delete script but before running the script I want javascript to come up with a popup that says are you sure to delete, and thus on confirmation goes and delete the data by running the script I wrote in delete_subject.php. Pr...

@Kitler zing
That was such a @TylerH thing to say
@Kitler un-zing
I meant the colour blind comment
no I would never say that
mainly because that's not how color is spelled
color = murican, colour = brit no?

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