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@Gideon rightfully so at times
duuuurrrr, sass isnt reading my mind, what do?
Q: How to define a class attribute as the composite of multiple labels?

Rafael WinterhalterI am trying to create a CSS class that allows to style an element based on its current style rather than overriding existing properties with fixed values. What I want to do is basically stlye elements of: <div class="foo">1</div> <div class="foo red-tone">2</div> <div class="foo red-tone">3</div> <

oh that doesn't show inline. no rebecca, I swear
I already got a design, It's a techie what I do need
I have a project, but to build the website it will be very complicated
So I guess I need some indian guy
They're pretty smart
This ain't going to end well.
I am jsut telling how smart they are..
You damn racists
Is there by any chance anyone in here that thinks he is able to handle a complicated websites that involves databases and php?
or she.
I doubt that
If it is a she I will marry her
what's that supposed to mean?
I like smart girls?
So how complicated is this website anyway? And what's your budget?
It is an international project, there is a complete team involved. No one is getting paid, the agreement is: Each team member is going to set up and introduce the website in their own country(Each team member lives in another country or state)
I already have a web developer, But I am not sure he can handle it on his own
@DNC calls us racist, is sexist. hooray
we're kinda racist sometimes though. it's okay, it's okay
complicated websites that involves databases and php?
@GNi33 are you living in a cave? That was like 10min ago
yep, I do. great temperatures, bad internet connection
So what's this massive project about
Can't tell because of Darwin
"Monkey see, monkey do"
well good luck
Thanks, how come there are no pro's in here?
Are they having a party at the PHP section or what
not sure if troll or cockjockey
Not sure if nazi or just german
He reminds me of that Dan guy
The failed entrepreneur with bad ideas
And worse manners
You remind me of that failed brother from two and a half men
There's some really irritating guy who keeps emailing the entire 2000 odd staff members about his file sharing problems.
The one that kicked you?
You get banned yesterday?
Yeah I said a naughty word.
What was it? For science.
I'm not saying it again cos science will kick me in the face.
Can you illustrate it?
Point on the doll where they touched you.
It's illustratable.
Sounds like? Rhymes with?
I used the shortened version of mongoloid to describe people who blindly side with women because they are lonely.
And it was very bad of me and I am very sorry.
I have no idea what you are going on about.
It was when we were talking about gamergate lol
Why it gained the traction it did
I only learned about white knights
@DNC You gonna behave now, Dr. Evil?
Hey guys, I'm going to start a project with already millions of people waiting in line. I just need everyone to do it for me. no pay. No women. Only indians.
indians are overrated
I like @Rvervuurt more and more each day
Nah bullshit policy here, You tell opinion, all fine, I tell opinion, muted for MINUTE?!
lol, you're not telling your opinion
@DNC I just said you reminded me of someone.
I can mute you for longer if you want
Exactly me too?
you're one of those "they should lock all blacks in cages. It's okay to say that, I have a black friend"
This ain't no democracy.
That's what the sippy in two and a half men said
haha, did he get kicked? Or just left?
wow did you see how DNC flew?
Kicked lol
nice animation
I'm guessing @Kitler
he flew all over the screen. Still bouncing around in my mind
I think he left
css3 ftw
didn't kick him :P
though he is a douche
what kind of idiot was that?
I can answer that
Don't :P
Quick delete!
He was a 'big-thinker' with an inability to think.
I think it was Cyianide and Happiness that made the following cartoon once: "All jews should burn in an oven. It's okay, I can say that, I have an oven myself"
Hence Dr. Evil.
that was a fun guy
there it is
remembered the joke a bit differently :') But you get the jest
Poor guy
444 answers and 2k rep lol
@Sippy ive seen him polishing quite a few turds
you see how pathetic his edit was?
Nah let's see
Why do I feel like that accurately represents the education industry in the UK ..
he added a useless tag to a question yesterday
jewjokes are outdated
oh wait, that was someone else
@Sippy high rep usr :D
posted on June 26, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by MrNeutro */

@Sippy who is this
he just quotes
A: Update Database-Context in Android when Activity changes?

Brian Tompsett - 汤莱恩@Hoan Nguyen wrote: No, you don't have to.

@RonaldUlyssesSwanson well, he has some very high quality answers and those CV answers are great for the quality of the site. he's doing a good job
@GNi33 yes, but that's not really an answer. the OP should have tried it with/without, rather than asking this low quality question
A: QOpenGLContext from GLFW Context

Brian Tompsett - 汤莱恩@Sebastian Cabot wrote: You can't directly mix the two context objects using QT. QT is great but in order to keep itself portable it also has some limitations - mainly accessing the low level handles of the objects and manipulating them directly. So Even trying to use a QOpenGLContext from a ...

great answer
@NullPoiиteя he didn't convert that one to community wiki though
IEs not broken, everything else is!
@Sippy hats off to you sir :P
Anybody here familiar with Polymer? I am having hard time understanding its media queries.
Why can't you accept the fact that your opinions are not definitive answers to everything? Stop being an arrogant twat. As I stated, there might be a different way to do something similiar, but you just closing the question prevents anyone's opinions but your own from being heard. — zyklus 6 mins ago
@Sippy Sadly, that was exactly MS's approach with IE up to 8
@cimmanon Why do people do that?
@MadaraUchiha Mmmmhm
Not flaming over the internet,
This whole a-1 a-2 a-3 b-1 b-2 b-3 crap
Hello? .a.1 { solved?
Have you already forgotten you can use multiple classes per element or per selector?
@cimmanon butt hurt?
@mikedidthis much
The second answer of the original duplicate solves his question verbatim, dunno wtf he wants.
tears, sweet internet tears.
@cimmanon 37k user lol
You'd think he knows how the site works
Hey IE11's debugger is actually not bad
I quite like that
Shame about the browser.
i dont get why i got banned for 30 min
Did you?
It should've given you a link to something
Was it an auto ban?
and all i said was that jokes against jews are outdated (and i meant that they are not funny.. to be clear)
but fuggit - gay marriage is now legal in the US! mashallaaa hello there modern civilization
congrats america
All of the US?
looks like he is supermad. he opened a duplicate question: stackoverflow.com/questions/31076310/…
Hi everyone!
can i ask a js question here?
@CrazyNinja you would have better luck getting an answer in the javascript room
it's been more than 10 minutes now i've posted it there. no one cares
@MadaraUchiha @mikedidthis @Sippy he created a new question, should i dupe close it, too? :p
@cimmanon do it
he is not a very bright person
posted on June 26, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by PhoenixTalon */

@cimmanon Yep
Sup sippy :D
@DNC Sup
nm, just watching two and a half men
Shit show
People should be ashamed of how much money that show made lol
i want to show the class name (challenge) in a alert()
but now i'm just getting a blank alert message
So I think I'm going to go native but just in case. This shouldn't be too hard to code into a webpage. I'll have 49 of these pages (at least while I focus on just tab 1) so it should be pretty easy. I'd probably pull the info from a database I create. So then i'd really only have one page (tab 1)
posted on June 26, 2015 by CommitStrip

Hi everybody! As you may know, CommitStrip participated to the DockerCon2015 in San Francisco this week and we come back with a surprise! For this conference and in partnership with a california animation studio, we animated CommitStrip and created the first episode of a potential CommitStrip Animated Serie! Here is what we can call a pilot episode : “It’s ISO?” And discover a

@CrazyNinja your selector is wrong
but when i use .innerHTML it is showing the content of that expected div :( when i use className, it's showing blank
@Sippy can you please point my mistake on it?
@CrazyNinja hmm. I'm not sure. How is it supposed to work?
@benlevywebdesign i have a id of a grand parent html element. I am going to change a css class name of a grand child element. (div class named as 'challenge' to someother css class name)
why do you need the class name?
@mikedidthis i'm going to change it in javascript
so just use the current class name to find the item?
@mikedidthis no. In my actual case, i have many elements with the same class name. I have only that unique ID
Well good luck with that!
As suggested, ask in the JS room.
didn't work out. :(
I mean, they gave me some helpful answers. But they didn't solve my problem
ask on main
@cimmanon -- stop being such an asshole. Or maybe you can't. How about this -- just don't bother responding to anything I ever ask, since you're too stupid to realize that your opinions are not gospel and that there are ways to do things that you haven't thought of. — zyklus 25 mins ago
aww, a helpful mod already deleted it
he is still butthurt over me closing one of his questions from a couple weeks ago as a duplicate. he had 5 of his buddies reopen it
i am disappointed by how much support there is over showing a political cause
Q: Can Stack Overflow and Meta's logos be changed temporarily to the "#LoveOverflows" logo?

TimStack Exchange just tweeted this image: #LoveWins #LoveOverflows Please can this be made the logo for a couple of days? I'm thinking Stack Overflow and the localised ones. I've made a SVG format - here it is. And here is a toned down one for Meta.

posted on June 26, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Mulder */

@cimmanon But rainbows
Nobody likes a Sterile Overflow
(double entendre entirely intentional)
Using utility classes such as FloatRight, whatever you name them (suitCSS uses u-floatRight), is a well established principle in CSS design, even for very simple, one-property cases. As for BEM, I completely support using such frameworks. I see no contradiction between what I have written and BEM. Personally, I am not excited about all its double hyphens and double underscores and extreme flatness, but in fact, PaddedGrayBox could be exactly a "component"-type class, including its naming scheme, in a system such as suitCSS. — torazaburo 6 hours ago
He could have picked a much better example than FloatRight
Some day CSS4 will handle much of what it now does for us, including variables.
Are CSS variables being commonly referred to as CSS4 already? Now I'm interested in seeing how the vernacular will determine which new modules constitute "CSS3" and which ones constitute "CSS4". — BoltClock ♦ 41 secs ago
oh hey, did you see that ive got a new fan?
@cimmanon I did
i wish we could ban BEM questions :p
but no one could give a definitive answer either way about whether or not questions about naming conventions were on topic
@BoltClock suitCSS does it, that means it is a good practice >.>
What even is suitCSS
I've never heard of it
"suit yourself" CSS
something i never want to use? :p
Did I walk in on the anti utility crew?
brb posting "How do I recreate the rainbow Stack Overflow logo in pure CSS?"
brb awaiting the upvote train.
any help on this css problem?
is SO having problems? i cant access any pages on it
Seems fine here
guess its just me, having problems accessing my email too
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson php is slow :p
2 hours later…
@BoltClock something dumb, probably
@Sippy you're like three years late
@TylerH you're like 6 hours late :P
@mikedidthis better than three years :-P
true true!
I just upvoted a jQuery answer. I feel dirty.
Share your shame?
2 hours later…
A: jQuery: Select grandparent's h1 tag

AmmarCSE Use closest() to traverse up to the grandparent Use find() to select the desired elements You can use hide() in place of css('display', 'none') as they are equivalent var grandparent = $('.myclass').closest('.grandparent'); grandparent.find('h1, .otherstuff').hide(); <script src="https:/...

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