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@Sippy gief tl;dr
Bearing in mind someone once mentioned spamming PRs on the git repo of a gamergate official sponsor and was subsequently banned from SO chat ..
it was a joke damn it
@Sippy bearing*
I don't want you to bare your mind at me pls
I'm a mind virgin
I missed the E faku
A: Do you think I was too harsh?

TylerHI think you were borderline appropriate, tonally. You didn't attempt to insult the user or their knowledge, and you wrote several comments, all trying to help the user understand. However, you did come off as immediately exasperated with your first comment: Did you even try to solve your prob...

Apparently someone disagrees that my answer is helpful
what do you guys think?
I obviously disagree with their disagreement, but I'm biased :-P
The jist is that some women used their vaginas to get ahead, and when someone went "Hang on a minute, that's not right ..." they screamed misogynist at the top of their lungs, declared gamergate a sexist movement and have gone with that ever since.
So they succeeded fairly massively in hiding their fraud.
Not that the games they were pushing really went anywhere I don't think, but the concept was still immoral.
nope, they were all trash
they all played the victim card in an attempt to gain attention for their product
Some of them were actually victims, trolls tend to take things too far on the internet
Felicia Day got death threats for example
thats "5 guys"?
lol what are you talking about hre?
I love Five Guys
their burgers are so damn good
my husband calls the chick who had sex with 5 game journalists in exchange for a positive review of her game "5 guys"
too bad it came out later that she had sex with 6 journalists >.>
i havent heard anything about this, gonna have a read now, but shows both men and women in a bad light from what you have said :P
posted on June 25, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by MonsieurLeMarquis */

ahem ... 6 guys
also, i have been to 5 guys (the burger place) and it was pretty terrible
which on did you go to?
I would rate 5 guys as average
in and out >
@cimmanon statement illogical, does not compute
the only one in the town i was working in at the time?
in and out isn't as good as five guys
You know nothing snow
GBK was pretty good
yea GBK is okay you know what you are going to get
and they have nice oreo milkshakes :D
never had em
didn't try a milkshake
gourmet burger kitchen
Gourmet Burger Kitchen
never heard of it
been to one in Liverpool and in London
oh, British
There's a place in lebanon called Frosty's palace, best damn oreo milkshake + really good burger, comes with a 50$ price tag though
If it ain't from the South, it ain't real!
best burger place ever is a little mom&pop place in cookstown (small town just off of the 400, north of toronto)
@cimmanon no, the best place for a burger ever is my stomach
har har har
I had a burger in London that was top notch, can't remember the name of the place though
was in Camden
is that sour cream
or mayonnaise
either way, ew
They have a different burger each day
mixing ingredients and such
'She’d been in a dust-up with Wizardchan already, a forum for male virgins, who she claimed in 2013 harassed her over her game Depression Quest.' LOL
@probablybest are you reading encyclopedia dramatica?
im reading about this gamergate thing
@cimmanon ED is more reliable than wikipedia
hmm... my project managed to have more javascript than haskell: github.com/cimmanon/mpq-website
hi guys can you help me with this please i tried posting but until then noone looked into it so here the main 3 blocks on the home page behave weirdly on safari browser can you look into this and at least tell me something regarding the matter? here is the link please check on safari and google chrome for the right behaviour intended cleodis.ravendt.net
@StephanMuller don't be ridiculous
ED is just as bad as Urban Dictionary
any help?
Sorry, I'm on a PC
@LilzVotcaLove Can you describe the problem in words?
Preferrably with interpunction?
this issue is dreiving me crazy and i spent last 2 days trying to figure it out
can someone help?
Q: Carousel duration not working properly even the interval is set to 15 seconds

Alundra the dreamwalkerHere's my code: $(function() { $('#bannerImg .carousel').carousel({ interval: 15000 }); }); $(function() { setTimeout(function() { $.each( $('#bannerImg ol li'), function( index, elem ) { $(elem).attr('data-slide-to',index); }); },3000); }); $('[data-to...

Got suspended lol
@StephanMuller normally, when the mouse hovers on the div, it rotates 90 degrees and the image inside it rotates too to adjust. if you have google chrome you can see on the home page 3 blocks,one is orange the middle one is violet and the last is green..on chrome it works perfectly and on firefox too...i havent tested it yet with IE but my client told me on safari the images pop out of their div container as if overflow hidden didnt work there and on Hover they all spin like crazy
@Alundrathedreamwalker I don't think anyone can help until you actually describe the problem and create a minimal example of the erroneous behavior
@cimmanon '5 guys' is hardly a victim, all the people who played her game are the victims imo.
@LilzVotcaLove they don't spin like crazy here, looks fine (Safari 8)
but the images do overflow the borders
@Alundrathedreamwalker look for 3000.
@StephanMuller i just updated the question with html code
@StephanMuller i am on safari 5.1.7 i think that the code isnt supported then
@mikedidthis it doesn't matter if we change that , i just inherited that code the comment said that line was added to fix a bubble issue in the carousel (the image weren't rendering correctly)
I will try to create jsfiddle and see
any help or lead is much appreciated
i am kind of desperate right now
@StephanMuller thanks mate...do you have any idea for the overflowing images ?
@LilzVotcaLove only idea I have is used background images instead
sorry, no time to dive into it, I'm a bit busy :)
@StephanMuller thanks you hinted me i know now that this is a problem of browser 's version so ill disable animation for lower version of the browser
@StephanMuller for the images i will do as you say background is the easiest
@sdd Why are you inviting people to rooms?
@sdd If you are looking for someone with particular expertise, consider posting a job listing on Stack Overflow Careers
mass chat-invites are not appropriate
@TylerH Ok I'm sorr
@rlemon 83kg
but i do need doing some exercises now
took me 2 weeks just to lose the last 3kg :| it's getting too hard
woop woop
You can do it fatass
we believe in you
btw I was 85 before I decided to loose weight
Stop eating shit food and stick to water
You ll loose ~5kg that way
No soda at all
shit food? me?
Yup soda is the devil
my body is a temple. my problem is that i eat too much, it's not the quality
I went down 5kg without exercise or changing my diet, just stopped drinking pepsi and started drinking water all the time
and i eat once a day
then eat less lol
that's bad
Yeah that's not good for you.
try to eat 3-4 times a day smaller portions
now i'm eating something every hour
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson there, I found one of your problems
that's too much
snacking is a cunt as well
@Kitler depends what you eat.
@Kitler works for me
eat 3 times a day
the 6 meal a day thing works well.
if you're adding training you could consider eating about every 4 hours though and watch your intake closely
consider that i lost 18kg in the past months
something I'm struggling with right now
that's what I do
every 4h or so I have a portion
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson Eating every hour is fine as long as you don't over-eat.
Depends how much more weight you wanna lose.
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson those were the easy weight
@Sippy yes
i know @Kitler it's getting super tough now
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson You might need to switch it up again then.
i think i found the source of my problem
User error?
what would this function do : $(function(){setTimeout(function(){$.each( $('#bannerImg ol li'), function( index, elem ){$(elem).attr('data-slide-to',index);});},3000);});
At 85kg if you've not got much muscle mass you should still be able to drop weight pretty quick with the right diet.
@Alundrathedreamwalker Induce vomit
@Alundrathedreamwalker Put that on line by line and fucking format it
i'm worried that if i start doing some sport i will need to eat too much and fail
^ for real?
$(function () {
    setTimeout(function () {
        $.each($('#bannerImg ol li'), function (index, elem) {
            $(elem).attr('data-slide-to', index);
    }, 3000);
@Sippy at what height?
i mean, how tall are you?
what about now
@GNi33 6ft
damn americans
I got you
I'm not American :)
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson stop eating pasta if you aren't doing cardio
85kg for 1,82 is perfectly fine
@Alundrathedreamwalker what don't you understand about that function?
@Sippy ;)
carbs will make you fat if you sit around
On document ready it sets a timeout that runs after 3 seconds and iterates over each bannerImg ol li and adds a data-slide-to attribute
it's adding attributes to element inside my carousel
anyhoe I m off for the day, laters guys
something like that
@Alundrathedreamwalker on dom ready after 3 seconds cycle each li in affected selector and apply data-slide-to with given index.
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson that's awesome
@Alundrathedreamwalker that's what it's doing yes
@GNi33 yeah
what i cant understand is why it's preventing my carousel from setting an interval
lemme explain
But it depends what goal you want lol
85kg at 6ft is still a lot if you don't have muscle mass.
$(function () {
interval: 15000
If you do, then it's probably right.
@GNi33 not really
better get some muscle mass then ;)
i have that line before the 3 seconds one
@Alundrathedreamwalker Why are you asking what these do?
I am not asking what's the second one do
i understand that
just trying to fix a problem i've been working on for 2 days now
Did you ask in JS?
Q: Carousel duration not working properly even the interval is set to 15 seconds

Alundra the dreamwalkerHtml: <div id="bannerImg" class="col-md-9 col-sm-12 pad-x"> <div id='carousel' class='carousel slide'> <!-- Indicators --> <ol class='carousel-indicators'> <li data-target='#carousel' data-slide-to='0' class=''></li> <li data-target='#carousel' data-slide-to='1' class=''></li>...

no he means the JavaScript chatroom
no i didnt
maybe i should right
@TylerH i lost the first 10kg relatively easy, then it got really challenging :|
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson dat plateau
when you set goals for yourself, like weight loss or physical improvement etc.
you reach plateaus
parts of your "journey" where progress is slow
until you change something up
as in, it levels off, like a plateau
yeah, that's one of those moments
is that funny?
it is not @StephanMuller
@Alundrathedreamwalker no, you should add an example.
lol was for the way of saying
ah ok. I thought you thought he was joking, until I saw your next comment
it's true
i think my problem is with the second function
that's why a lot of those fitness programs (Crossfit, P90X, Insanity, etc.) all use "muscle confusion" which is basically just their buzz word for cross training
somehow it override interval: 15000
@TylerH atm i don't even do training
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson lol
walking counts
walking? what's that? :P
omg just got an email that we're going to do this as a team building exercise tomorrow with my colleagues... might as well call in sick :/
oh no even on thursday now
@StephanMuller but it's not friday yet
@StephanMuller fu Stephan, fu.
user image
@TylerH Thanks, bookmarked!
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson I'm confused
Anyone encountered this in Chrome before?
Error in event handler for (unknown): SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'insertRule' on 'CSSStyleSheet': Failed to parse the rule '::content #RhsIsland_DeferredAdSpacediv, ::content .ml-adverts-sidebar-random, ::content .adBoxContent, ::content .ad-sponsor-text, ::content #ad300top, ::content #ctl00_ctl08_ctl00_tableAdsTop, ::content #swfAd1, ::content #Ads_Special, ::content lobal_header_ad, ::content #ad_300x250_container, ::content #side-content-ad-2, ::content .adsense-heading, ::content .ad_leader, ::content .inline_ad, ::content .topratedBoxAD, ::content #adFrame, ::content .adcenter, :
@TylerH i've read your tweet xD
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson oh hahaha
yeah Angelina Jolie's eyebrows are nothing special
i just find strange "date eyebrows"
Hahaha, yeah, that's what made it so funny
posted on June 25, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Vooodoo */

your mom
Hi, really quick question. How do sites such as placeit.net acctually work? Is the place your content part built with CSS or JS?
@Rahul that site is a monstrous pile of javascript. but it is unclear exactly what youre referring to
@cimmanon The part where you can place any image onto say a laptop screen.
I just need to know how to create the canvas? on the screen. JS or CSS?
I've tried CSS, although It's very hard to use transformations.
@Rahul i dont use canvas, thats in the realm of javascript. you can overlay text on top of an image using css, though. it just wont be part of the image
@cimmanon I'm just wanting to know how to create the shape.
@Rahul ok, so you have your answer?
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson Sips A magnificent Canadian bastard that makes funny gaming videos on YouTube. Part of the Yogscast; sometimes known as The Real Guy, The Best Guy.
@cimmanon Kinda, but my shape isn't going too well.
Can't get that last corner to strech.
@Sippy did they aired the last episode of topgear? or will it be this sunday
Dunno I don't watch it
i really wish we could close as duplicate when the original has no answers :-( stackoverflow.com/questions/31055860/…
Do people even bother with docs anymore?
prepros is a stupid gui that will compile sass for you
you know what ive learned from following the sass tag? all of these tools people insist on using that attempt to make our lives easier (gulp, grunt, prepros, etc) only complicate things to the point where i cant see a compelling reason to use them at all.
Hi webdesign!
Is Bootstrap an optimal framework to build websites that have vertical columns such as the above image?
@mikedidthis I try to visit my doc somewhat regularly, to keep up with my health, you know. Early prevention for disease and all that
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson awesome
@JonathanMusso sure, but I dunno what universe that story is actually "top news"
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson sauce?
@TylerH Thanks man, good to know. Need to start working on the front-end very soon with many projects.
@cimmanon a build tool is awesome if you are building more than one thing and like versioning.
posted on June 25, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Frank Rice */

typical footballer behavior
Hey guys long time no chat!...
What have I done wrong? background: url('../imgs/screen.png'), radial-gradient(at bottom left,rgba(50,50,50,.3),transparent,transparent);
What have you tried @rahul? Do you have a fiddle
Fixed it!
I put the image last, and gradient first.
Great, what was it?
I never knew it worked a bit like layers.
Hi all - assume you haven't had ssd / his like back for a bit?
What do you mean @Jon ?
ahh - if you don't know what I mean - that's good - chat spammer
I'll leave you be - sorry to interrupt - have fun
ssd = Solid State Drive
(or a very annoying chat spamming account that frequent this room earlier today)
hm, guess i was asleep when that happened
only disruptive person i remember is an annoying help vampire from last night
several flags - lots of inviting random people etc... anyway... their chat account has been suspended
keeping an eye out, but I'll let you be to your room.... bye for now
sorry to have bothered you
I'm working on a mobile app concept and now I am at the point where I'm trying to pick the best way to go about bringing it to life.
Native, Hybrid, Web App, Website packaged as an app(PhoneGap or cordova) etc.
@benlevywebdesign does it need to be an app?
Well, it's not really a website design. I mean it could be but I'm only focusing on a mobile design
If I went the webpage route it would be responsive, sure but the layout would stay pretty much the same it would just stretch horizontally.
What a polite young man.
Yep, I like Jon.
@cimmanon I like the more "app" ideas because then I can view it with out internet or data.
Anyone else want to throw their two cents in?
@benlevywebdesign I guess one would ask which technologies are you comfortable developing with?
@Jonathan I am good with html, css, php, JavaScript, jQuery, some sass. I do know a little bit of Lua and Corona SDK(cross platform) but it lacks in some basic native features and the way to do text weather it be single line or paragraphs, sucks. You really don't get that much control over any stylization options such as line height etc.
@Jonathan that makes sense right?
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson I agree
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson whats the matter, php got you down? :p
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson Woodworking not going as planned?
@Rvervuurt kinda
was using en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyurethane foam and made a mess with it
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson OMFG when I was a kid and was playing at some construction site I totally fucked up my hair with PUR once
not to mention that i will do a brazilian on my arms because of that
@PeeHaa exactly
Good times
you was playing at some construction site? wtf????
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson Wut? You never did that?
doesn't sound a safe place for a kid :D
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson like you were safe as a kid :-P
i was a good kid. all school and church
no i lie. i was terrible
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson Totally wasn't, but it was awesome
i.imgur.com/eCNei39.jpg i've done worse stuff
apart the brazilian
I almost set fire to a house once (not mine) and when I got home, I sat in PUR with my new pants. Lost new pants and a week of play-dates that day.
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson "ectoplasm"
^ accurate
sigh its really too bad we cant migrate good old questions to CR
Q: Cleaning up Snap Route Handler (Haskell)

Stuart NelsonI'm working through making a site using the snap framework for haskell, and I'm still new to haskell (and snap). I am hoping to find a "better" way to write this route handler. possibleMatches :: Snap () possibleMatches = do peptideSequence <- getParam "peptide_sequence" foundWeight <- g...

anybody can help me with this problem please: stackoverflow.com/questions/31060168/…
2 hours later…
@PeeHaa the PUR is starting burning my skin
i'm dying
it melted the gloves i was using and then everything went bad
note to self: never DIY again
lol that is good. It gives you the feeling you have actually done something!
had to do that because i found an attempt of a beehive last year. now i'm thinking it would have been better

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