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@Kitler you got a mac finally?
had it for a while now
@JonathanMusso hell no
the new 13" with 1 usb port?
posted on June 19, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by alb404 */

@cimmanon seems like OP needs a code guide.
@Kitler why XD ?
13" with 1 port not enough reasons not to get it?
It's an overpriced laptop for teenagers
well, what would you recommend in that same class ?
for development? or personal use?
both, I need something portable though
If you can afford it get the newer 15" otherwise go with an ubuntu laptop
I checked out the ASUS 305, looks pretty slick
DELL XPS 13 is supposed to be decent.
The 13 inch is an ultra book, right?
Stahp getting ant-sized screens for work sheeple it's bad for your eyes
yes that 13" is really cool @mikedidthis
well I don't mind a 15" I just hope it's lighter than this blockbuster
@JonathanMusso its good for hitting people with.
well i have the mid 2014 15" it's just fine
        function show_comment(index) {
            var commendObj ={
                _851: "ramu kaka marsi",
                _852: "ramu kaka aaj fer aasi",
            var newIndex = "_" + index;

            if (commendObj.newIndex) {
            } else {
how to do this in js ?
ramu kaka ajahaahahahaha
@mikedidthis lol
@NullPoiиteя that is js bro
@Mr.Alien but its not working :(
@JonathanMusso I think I have the same model. Its a beast.
@NullPoiиteя commendObj.newIndex isn't a thing?
@NullPoiиteя because newIndex is not an index of commendObj
@mikedidthis I would keep it but the logic board has failed from overheating and now the power cord is pretty much finished.
its not woring even if index is 851
@NullPoiиteя can you tell me what you want to acheive?
index names cannot start with a number
thats why i have added underscore before it
yes they can x.x
@Kitler no they cannot wtf
he already put "_"
@Mr.Alien "_" is there
@Kitler awesome why i need to use object like array in that case ?
because your key is retarded :P
but when you have retarded keys use the object as an array it's the same thing
@ZigmaEmpire kitler said keys can start with a number
and this one is for @Mr.Alien jsfiddle.net/z3vr8ot6/1
@Kitler thanks ;)
@NullPoiиteя commendObj._852 will also work
they can, it's shit practice but they can -.-
@Kitler oh actually they can, objects cannot have special characters if we dont quote them
@ZigmaEmpire but i am getting it dynamically so not useful in that case i tried it , thanks
@Mr.Alien yes it will work
@Mr.Alien I couldn't hear you over the sound of suck my balls
@Mr.Alien but you cannot access with "." operator
you have to use obj["21"] array operator
@Kitler ahaha
{hi: "there"}; isnt {45: "there"}; both h1 and 45 are string :/
make quotes
where are you getting that info from
45: "there" .... 45 is not a string
its mentioned no where
it is
var happy = { "birthday": "to you" };
jsonlint.com yo shit bro
@NullPoiиteя it is mentioned...
also welcome to the room @ZigmaEmpire
check the deleted message ^ @Mr.Alien
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson I do I do now...
what does that even mean
in C#, 36 secs ago, by Squiggle
Project Mangler - A project manager whose effect is worse than having no project manager at all.
@Mr.Alien you looked a bit depressed when you left me that message
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson yea cuz I've stopped working on any projects apart from the job which is kinda boring
most of people hate their jobs. actually, nearly the totality of them do
try to find some time for the things you like
and play less if subliminally that makes you feel guilty for not working enough :P
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson No one I know IRL hates their job lol
Cos normal people stop doing jobs they hate.
well they must be very young then. i don't think you can just "stop doing job you hate" when you have to pay loans or have a family to maintain
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson I used to hate than I started loving :p cuz I got used to it
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson agreed. when you have responsibility, you can find yourself on the hamster wheel just spinning to feed the debt ;)
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson You're assuming that all people hate their jobs ..
Also meh.
I can't imagine everyone hating their job tho
@Sippy most of
My Dad always had to deal with debt etc and he's never stuck with shit he hates longer than he had to
@Sippy cuz he works for himself and he earns shit load of money
If he started hating it he'd figure out a way to get out of it.
@Mr.Alien i hate my job as well
it's all up to the person I think, some are natural go getters and will venture to paths untraveled . others, can't even contemplate it because they are too scared to do so
No one just up and quits their job, but if you stay in the job and don't even look for alternatives that's just lazy.
well the "working for other people" part
venture capitalism ftw!
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson and get a mode where I can ping you anytime.. I often ping pats...cuz he uses hangouts
because i like programming, but i don't like programming for other people :P
I don't give a shit about working for other people as long as I get what I want :)
@Mr.Alien also i don't earn shit loads of money
If one day I decide I want my own business then I'll work toward that
For now I don't even know what I want next week.
in fact i earn by far less now than when i was employed
i mainly didn't consider the expense of working at home, bills are like 4x times they used to be
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson doesnt matter till you feel happy with what you are doing
everyone hates their job
give it time
i don't feel happy @Mr.Alien :P you have no idea how much crap i get every day
Like I said if I ever do hate this job I will find a better one. xD
it's months that i'm trying to get a vacation
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson what is happiness :p JADEN
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson yea fly to India... lebanon guy just ditched me
mofo I said might go to india :P
but gf wants a warm chill place no walking etc this year
'a warm chill place"? So a lukewarm place?
gonna head to south africa
still working out the $$ details
damn tickets are 1.2k
gonna need to take on 1-2 freelance projects
@Kitler might doesn't work bitch, assure me
I mean I said I might go to india in the first place, tbh I want to go to india, gf wants south africa, she heard of @Katler's legendary micropenis
Q: JQuery Click Event Not Firing on button

Liane StevensonI've got a JQuery click event that doesn't seems to be firing at all. If I am missing something I'm almost certain it's something trivial. I've tried debugging the code via Chrome but the button click on the Filter button is not even hitting the breakpoint. $('#filter').click(function () { v...

my eyes
ok now I wont debate en
the place you showed me looks amazing, I totally want to go there x.x
I m guessing sometime next year
You ever been to nepal?
@Kitler Oh my god her bio
whenever you drop here just let me know I'll join you
She's been a developer for 3 years apparently.
Wonder if she did the javascript for this place ..
After seeing your code I smell something bad — Mr. Alien 7 mins ago
explain why ffs! :)
There's a lot of stuff I wanna see in the East :(
Need to get rich first :D
You don't tbh
just need a plane ticket
everything else is dirt cheap
our entire nepal trip (15days) cost us 900$/person including tickets
@Kitler why so expensive?
15 days aah its cheap than
450$ ticket
most expensive thing we did was paragliding = 85$
yea cuz nepal is 1/2 of our money so if I give them a rupee I get 2 nepal rupees
@Kitler life's a bitch
I love steam reviews like that one :P
I read them often
they are funny
@Thenn you are welcome
anyone playing city skylines?
ok I need another subtle prank for a colleague who left his pc unlocked
all I got is wallpapers made out of dicks or something similar
1 message moved to Trash can
@Sreenivasulareddy k bro
TIL: myspace is still around
@Kitler omg that was beautiful
@Kitler they are also putting more money into it
iirc a major bought (part) it
iirc yahoo bought it
@RonaldUlyssesSwanson i thought someone famous bought it
famous like justin beiber
woot justin timberlake
Myspace (stylized as myspace, previously stylized as MySpace and my_____) is a social networking service with a strong music emphasis, owned by Specific Media LLC and Justin Timberlake. Myspace was founded by Chris DeWolfe and Tom Anderson and was launched in July 2003. It is headquartered in Beverly Hills, California. Myspace was acquired by News Corporation in July 2005 for $580 million. From 2005 until 2008, Myspace was the largest social networking site in the world, and in June 2006 surpassed Google as the most visited website in the United States. In April 2008, Myspace was overtaken ...
yeah, a major owned by someone famous?
> Specific Media Group and Justin Timberlake jointly purchased the company for approximately $35 million.
well i was close, i knew it was a justin :p
i could have bought it too
no i couldn't
with bacon?
with wesdollars
which are banknotes made of bacon
@rlemon let's be neighbours ei? careers.stackoverflow.com/jobs/90132/…
> We Collaborate...

<span< span="">
@Kitler actually, youd be 3 hours away from him :p
well I m a few thousand miles away atm :P
if you moved there, you would be closer to me than you would be to rlemon
And I d totally drive 3hours to chill with the lemon
I d totally visit you as well :P
and lemon would drive over and we d hit the bong, sounds like a good plan
I applied to the job
@Kitler Now just hope they don't visit the chat and look at your messages! :D
Kitler Does Kanada.
tbh I couldn't care less
My profile is a damn nazi cat
they ll either love it or hate me
If they hate me = not the kind of people I want to work with
They're canadian
They're not capable of hate.
@cimmanon hour and a half tops
I can make it to TO in an hour. So depends on where he lives within
I ll be living in the office bathroom D:
I doubt I ll get the job though :P
was a half assed application
Even though I m probably the perfect fit for it :P
If you do I'll have you over for "beers"
you movin houses soon?
Am right now, just taking a break.
@rlemon it takes an hour to get to toronto from toronto :p
@cimmanon not if you drive like an asshole
@rlemon i dont drive like an asshole
posted on June 19, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by UCCDev */

wth, just got a -1 on stackoverflow.com/a/29371024/731947 would've loved to address the issue if it were a comment instead of an anon -1 ...
too long
is it possible to identify who voted?
posted on June 19, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Pop */

@Feeds, I could also use a release, if you know what I mean
@CSᵠ 99% sure it's a revenge downvote. You pissed somebody off
Upvoted for great justice
-1 not enough css4
if i could count the hours, i think my client and i discussed for about a month about literally nothing
things like, why isn't our logo rotating
why there is no music on the site
why there are no girls in bikini near our products
stackoverflow.com/questions/19632323/… some ahole dved me because he couldn't figure out how to use it -.-
luckily some plumber upvoted u
thank you plumber
rep makes no sense
http://github.com/opal/opal "Ruby to Javascript compiler" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH Oh shit, I peed my pants... So fucking sad, it's hilarious.
anyone knows bootstrap here?
I've seen one or two of her movies, yeah
ugh please tell me it's not too late for questions like these stackoverflow.com/questions/…
A: What is the history of the use of "foo" and "bar" in source code examples?

ColinYoungerThe New Hacker's Dictionary has a very good entry on this - and I consider it to be a better resource for this kind of thing than Wikipedia: metasyntactic variable /n./ A name used in examples and understood to stand for whatever thing is under discussion, or any random member of a class...

> pippo, pluto, paperino
Italy. Pippo /pee'po/ and Paperino /pa-per-ee'-no/ are the Italian names for Goofy and Donald Duck.
@Worf you use that?
he changed name again?
damn its 3.04AM
Hi Member
@RupomKhondaker you understand this is the web design room, not the php room, right?
Ok sorry guys
1 hour later…
#programmers' logic: drank too much coffee. Can't sleep. Let me drink more coffee then, so that I can work more
@easwee now he is Ronald Ulysses Swanson
@easwee first time i read that
i use 3-4 letters words like foo bar baz lol rofl bam boom
@kitler doos
your beard is shit :P
Anyone interested in creating a canonical?
dont know what that is
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