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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

@TylerH of course!
not if nested anyway :P
<label> is for form controls what <a> is for urls
well I knew the spec was very explicit from the other perspective
Each label element is associated explicitly with one form element
but I didn't know if a form element could be associated with multiple label elements
@TylerH you shouldnt be able to? the for attribute is supposed to point to an id, and ids must be unique
id="" must be unique
but in the label it is for=""
w3.org/TR/html5/forms.html#attr-label-for Nothing in here about each label needing its own unique for attribute value
Hi again. Can anybody explain me why in Bootstrap an "row" class elem inside an "container-fluid" elem inside an "page-wrapper" is positioned wrong? (content is halvely pushed inside the top border)
code example or it didn't happen
@TylerH sure... pastebin.com/MDUiqZ4a
jsfiddle.net/TylerH/tmfnwqbw this doesn't exactly tell me much
you need to include your CSS as well
oh wait, sorry...
@TylerH pastebin.com/15vtQwT0 ... copied the custom css into there
so this is what your page looks like? jsfiddle.net/TylerH/tmfnwqbw/1
@TylerH nah, i also commented out the navi, etc ...
@TylerH this is what it looks like:
what you need to do is take that jsfiddle link I posted and edit the code (add in the missing bits and pieces) until it looks like your image
we can't help you if we can't reproduce the error exactly, after all :-)
@TylerH never use jsFiddle - do i have to save or something?
@TylerH i have simply coppied in the produced html code from my site :)
hit "run" whenever you make a change
in html you can use <base> to create a relative directory for all links
it will save it in your temporary cache
if you want to save a change permanently so you can show others, hit "update"
@TylerH did hit run already
is there something similar to this but in CSS??
@IPAddress I don't understand the question
@TylerH thanks, updated
what do you mean by "relative directory"
all the relative links on the webpage are relative to the base url
but absolute links are not
you want to target only relative links with css somehow?
<base url="URL_HERE"></base>
need the same result for css
@IPAddress you cant change it for css, the relative urls will always be relative to the css file that made the request
@TylerH thats really interesting. i coped the exact produced html 1:1 into your fiddle, added the custom css and the produced result looks like it should: the "test" text is positioned properly. once doing the exact same thing on my local side, it just misplaces it :D
oh boy - how to fix something that i can't reproduce on jsfiddle? :
you can't, dependably
copy 100% of your HTML and CSS into JSFiddle (make sure you don't have any relative links for local files... use absolute links. And you can use the JSFiddle sidebar to manually upload things like bootstrap.css and bootstrap.js)
that should give you a full reproduction of your site
then start deleting code that isn't relevant to your problem
until you have a code set that is as focused and minimalized as possible
for example: if your problem is in your site header, you probably don't need all the images and the code for the footer
well i did copy everything 1:1 and added the external style.css inside <style type="text/css"></style>
add all that into the CSS box
don't add it into the HTML box
oh ye, sry
fuck it, i give up
cant reproduce this, and cant get it to position properly on my client
do browsers start processing before receiving all the html?
@TylerH thanks anyway for your help
@Shiuyin sorry you couldn't solve the issue
what is wrong with my transition jsfiddle.net/TylerH/km2mtpr8/1
I think the origin is wrong but it is so confusing
I don't want to have to ask a question on main because that will steal my thunder
@TylerH whats wrong with it?
it doesnt work :p
its works(ish) for me on chrome
it's supposed to rotate like this one does on hover: codepen.io/TylerH/pen/pJwRwo?editors=110
for starters, when the checkbox is unchecked (default state and when the "question" tab is selected, the question image is supposed to display
and it's not doing that
oh I see, it is performing really badly for me in Chrome
really really jerky but fine in Firefox
second, when I toggle the tabs, the two images are moving at the same time, rather than the discussion image following the question
oh god, yeah I just loaded them up in Chrome and that's awful
I guess I will just have to do a slide animation instead
I wanted two sides of a 3D cube :-/
You should be able to get it to work, this works fine in Chrome: codepen.io/jkneb/pen/qJBIl
Also your tabs are slightly flawed, if you click on the active tab it switches tabs
yeah I know
I haven't looked at how to make it ignore the default state until first click yet
I don't think it's possible with CSS
well, I could fake it by making it opaque or placing a dummy div over it or something
you could make two checkboxes
scratch that, you could use two radio inputs?
radio buttons
wtf didn't I think of that
anyway I fixed the tabs jsfiddle.net/TylerH/km2mtpr8/2
I am probably just gonna do a way simpler slide animation
yeah I think radio buttons would have been a lot simpler :D
yeah I'm just an idiot :-D
haha don't worry I didn't think of it at first either
home time
now that I'm 40 minutes late -_-
Anyone wants a free Super Meatboy key?
Bought a bundle but I already have that
@MadaraUchiha sure
anyone know how to fix background-image so when you scale it it doesnt blur itself
@Darkstar ?
image rendering
for the background image of a page
what does "blur itself" mean
something to do with the rendering
an HD image
isnt full quality because of browser rendering
I'm not sure what you are talking about, do you mean for hi-res screens?
I guess, you mean pixelated which you can add as another rule (and maybe add -moz-crisp-edges). — Xufox 21 hours ago
did that link not work
i have a question on it
I'll try to explain it the best I can
So I have a large background image that has lots of detail, but in some browsers, Safari especially, it isnt displayed to its full quality and doesn't look good. I know it has something to do with image-rendering
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