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What do you call it when Batman skips church service? Christian Bail.
ba dum pshhh
Q: What does comma in CSS definition mean

KALWhat does this type of CSS definition mean? Note the first two classes are separated without comma but the last two are separated with comma. .Container .layout, .groupContainer { width: 100%; }

Can't believe I can't find a duplicate for this...
@TylerH op is really crazy (not sure if its less offensive way to tell dumb)
My script is this: 'http://app-odnk.com/test.php'
why you upload three images is loaded to infinity
All company now playing TF2 :D
Completely spontaneous :D
Team Fortress 2 ?
@TylerH weird, yeah, i cant find one either. most people are confused by spaces in selectors, not commas
Q: How to understand multiple classes in css?

RomanHere is an example that I do not understand: .container_12 .grid_6, .container_16 .grid_8 { width: 460px; } It seems to me that width: 460px is applied to all above mentioned classes. But why some classes are separated by coma (,) and some just by space? I assume that width: 460px will be...

how about that one? ^
@cimmanon that question already closed as dup
then i guess i can stop looking :p
seriously, though, that question needs a better title
working on it already
Windows 10 upgrade is free ... really nice move by Microsoft :)
@NullPoiиteя only for a year, only for Windows 7+
you mean they will charge after a year ?
@NullPoiиteя yeah probably
I'd assume that's what they mean when they say it's free for a year
@cimmanon that one's better AND older. CV'd the target of the first as a duplicate of that one that you linked
any twitter bootstrap people here
None of us helped write Twitter Bootstrap, no
!!afk lunch
I am confused on the grid system and why it uses padding
if you give a grid up to 12, it always just pushes the last item to a new row. So what is the point of a grid system if your divs always get pushed down a row when they added up to 12. jsfiddle.net/DTcHh/8352
@Austin i dont see any bootstrap css or grid system
@Austin its 16 man ... :P
bootstrap only goes to 12 doesnt it???
yupp and you have 16
<div class="col-sm-4">1</div>
<div class="col-sm-4">2</div>
<div class="col-sm-4">3</div>
<div class="col-sm-4">4</div>
4+4+4+4 == 16 , try col-sm-3
@TylerH no
@Loktar TylerH is afk: lunch
they clarified this
@NullPoiиteя they wont charge after a year if you have it
if thats what you meant
the free vs is only offered for one year is what they meant
if you dont upgrade for free within the year time period, then you have to buy it
so we are finely getting rid of that ugly home screen
heh I love it
there is an option to enable it, I'm going to :p
I <3 my fancy full screen start menu
hey guys just wondering your opinion on this ... should i use jquery or css for a simple opacity transition/animation ? just a bit worried if javascript is turned off
if you are going to type 'you' sometimes.... why 'u' others?
(FTR: we prefer 'you')
Hi all, when you angularJS or such JS frameworks, you get input data in JSON.
You* make http ajax get and post request to server. But how do you prevent other sites from making same request?
Is preventing cross site scripting enough security mechanism?
@HS make sure the posts only come from your domain, and ofc do the appropriate security measures on the server to ensure the data coming back isn't an attack
you can edit message
@PeeHaa honey
@HS read about same origin policy developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/… and CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery)
Blatter resigned! Holy hell, what a time to be alive
can someone eli5 the whole fifa thing?
dudes playing with balls.
I had asked similar question in programmers stackexchange. But the guy answered that its not possible for a client to connect to server privately. I am confused
Q: Separating front end and back end using private api php

H SI am using php only for basic CRUD operations with MySQL. I want to create private API in php. From what I came to know , these are the steps for a developer local server to get data from remote server using private api : Let the developer create a developer ID and one application ID beforehan...

@NullPoiиteя I realize that mistake haha, so where is my current problem with as close of skeleton as possible jsfiddle.net/DTcHh/8377
I just want to make sure that if I prevent cross browser scripting, is it enough?
Why is it pushing last item to line below
xss is just allowing them to pass malicious code to you and potentially your clients. this is solved by good server validation.
the rest is covered by cross origin resource sharing unless you've opened yourself up to it
wrong chat
4 messages moved from JavaScript
Or does anyone else know why my last column is kicked to a new row? jsfiddle.net/DTcHh/8378
@Austin have you included bootstrap css files :P
they are on the left side under external files
use outline when testing fyi.
border adds to the size of the element.
oh okay, I did border just show the columns easier, I will swap it to outline
I use box-shadow, makes me feel 1337
that didnt fix it, lol was hoping it would
yea, I only added borders to see the problem easier
I just cannot figure out what I am doing with the grid system :(
@GNi33 yahoooooooo
col-md-3 will still be 3 on lg
they cascade up
so it is supposed to drop
you have it set for a 3 column grid. and have 4 columns
col-md-3 col-lg-4
how is it set for a 3 column grid?
make your classes like that
there are 4 columns
col-md-3 is telling bootstrap to have three columns in that container
so you get three.
I have a total of 12 though
don't they just need to to add up
3+3+3+3 = 12
did they change that again?
remove the div after 3rd colum and put it at last @Austin
bootstrap 3 has always been this way I believe
I haven't used bootstrap 3 much
ignore me then
@rlemon Corrupt organization can be bought with moneys. news at 11
yeah, the number in the class indicates how much space it will take up in a 12 column grid
Its outside of your row I think
I seem to recall a day when it gave you the division :/ maybe that is purecss now that I think about it
the last col-md-3
yeah, I think it was this way in the first bootstrap version
@GNi33 ohh I know bootstrap has changed their grid system at least three times
i used to use bootstrap a lot more
@Loktar Yup! thank you! Just trying to figure out why the application version still is kicking it down....
I really like the current system though
I'll have to go re-read their site I suppose
@GNi33 same here
my latest work project I just bought a template
I use it all the time
division didn't really work with mixed grid and started to get a real hassle
well react-bootstrap, so I can declare my rows and columns with <Grid><Row><Col></Col></Row></Grid>
looks like C# to me :P
@rlemon custom elements ftw.
still haven't found time to try react, on a related note, fuck Illustrator and doing projects in your free time that seem to blow up and blow up
i've spent 3500€ more compared to previous year just for the gas (hot water and radiators)
I like the idea, but I feel like it is going ot lead to a heap of mess in the near future when everyone and their dog is defining custom elements
working from home sux
but I could be wrong :/
@Worf write-off here.
if you can claim it is for work, you can write it off on your taxes
i am going to
I love some spam mails
i have a fuckload of taxes to pay within june
i'm screwed
ich habe ein
 großes Geschäft ... Bitte antworten

 Grüße, Sheug
"I have a big business, please respond. Greetings, Sheug"
@PeeHaa around? was thinking to separate normal case tests from exception testing in phpunit. basically two test classes. thoughts? i'm getting sick of reading $this->setExpectedException()
@TylerH shouldn't be "How do you call it..." ?
@Worf TylerH is afk: lunch
@PeeHaa halp pls
brb @Worf. Dinner is ready
Sorry :)
lulz, way to reword. that totally makes this CR question on topic now: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/92483/revisions
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
When Microsoft created “Windows for free”
@Loktar I meant charge for new copies after a year. If you have it already it remains free. I should've been more clear.
@Worf No, the American colloquialism for that joke template is "What do you call [...]"
"Please stand by"
Yeah they are doing their convention announcement thingie now
I never played a Fallout - game. Am I missing out?
@Loktar now... if you cloned that to Canvas it would be picked in a second :P
200 hearts
@rlemon is the "please stand by" title a fun joke, or is the page just not loading for me?
it is a countdown to the game release
look at the timer
yeah, that's what I'm asking. I just see a blank page and that title
nothing else
hehehe I'm listening to "standing by" right now
that was .. not planned.
ok thanks. my tab is not that exciting
@rlemon iknewit, evil, kicked, nope, killit Other bookmarks porn
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by Sterling Archer
What happened to that rude goat guy?
@Kitler ?
I have no porn on my computer and no porn bookmarked.
in the modern age of streaming why bother
@Worf nah Katler
seriously. who wants to watch the same porn more than once.
I like variety in my nudies
How do I deny from all in a virtualhost in Apache 2.4? I tried Require all denied but it replies: Syntax error on line 3 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf: Require not allowed here... I'm going from 2.2 to 2.4...
unplug the ethernet cord
that'll do it
@TylerH I assume humor... #stoneface
of course
@TylerH Am I in the wrong chatroom?
I am the local jester when Worf and Katler are not here
@HelpingHand not necessarily. It's not explicitly on topic here, but much of our conversation isn't
@TylerH Okay...
Just no guarantees that someone will be able/available to help you
@TylerH Yeah... copy&paste to php chat
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by rlemon
47	public boolean wellHasItThen/*?*/() {
48		return ohYesItHas;
23	boolean ohYesItHas = false;
forgot that :P
@rlemon what's with the horse
He is our overlord
I'm not sure how to answer this? snide sarcasm or?
Don't comment about his looks
@rlemon Exactly! I can hardly believe I'm speaking to a horse...
@rlemon More remarkably, he's replying to my insults... Must be delirious with coding...
@TylerH regarding my meta question: i am mostly looking for a community consensus for closing those kinds questions. if the asker wants to repost on CR, that's fine, i just dont want them to be migrated over there only to have them rejected and go into limbo.
@Worf Do you really have that much that throws?
@cimmanon I did agree with and upvote your self-answer
@PeeHaa What do you expect, it's Worf
@cimmanon I agree they shouldn't be migrated. I was just saying mostly that I don't think they should be asked here in the first place
@TylerH most of them, yeah
lol, typed in a search query on google, some top results were 'Dreamweaver, the missing guide'
Sure fire way to tell you need to rewrite your query...
@mikedidthis @SomeGuy COUNTDOWN!!! WOO
I wish it weren't post apocalyptic
@rlemon yep yep yep. I will try and finish the bubble tiles off tonight, then you got 3 different areas.
I might get into it then
anyone watching silicon valley?
but I've only seen to ep5
I've seen that baseball stadium scene
@PeeHaa it's a core library, lists, maps, sets, stuff, so i have lot of exceptions yeah
no spoilers
but that's it
Nope, still sad I finished Brooklyn 99.
oh, ok then ^^
@rlemon they all die
except the one dude, who turns out to be gay
the last episode was so stupid ><
but marries robyn and has kids anyway
at the end of the show
@cimmanon I think I'm two behind
then he gets on a plane and ross chases after him
and they finally come back to live together forever
@rlemon ep5 of season 1 or season 2?
seems I'm three behind
season 2
they are on ep8 now right?
i dunno, my husband downloads it. the episode where they start hiring developers was pretty gold
But then Jon is bedded by a white walker and he stays inside the rest of the season
out of shame
yea I saw that. where the chick fucks with the other two guys (#notASpoiler)
"what if my friend's name is Cunty?"
"so I can't have Cunty come visit me at work?"
figured out why my grids kept getting pushed down, apparently they need to also be display: border-box
@Worf Yeah sorry. cannot really comment on it. I never write stuff the throws everywhere
God, vh and vw are such awesome things
i think shes a great addition, i just wish theyd maybe picked a different stereotype. she has a lot of personality overlap with gilfoyle
what a name
@PeeHaa oooh aren't you special :-P
@PeeHaa but apart from that, what problems may i have not having tests all in the same class?
"I don't write code that throws errors"
@cimmanon I think they will play well off eachother.
i'm not actually skilled with tests enough to see what could be the problem
@TylerH I don't
my code is flawless
@TylerH hehe
Yeah well you're the horse vapor god
@rlemon did you see the SCRUM board episode yet?
your compilers/interpreters suck.
the rest of us are just puny mortals
@cimmanon sounds right.
threesome with gina's hot mom
@TylerH he's right, ideally you should have as few exceptions as possible
wait. the last ep I saw was where they are doing the extreme sports thing
I've seen upto that
@Worf Besides the fact somebody else looking at your code and thinking WTF does this have two test cases instead of one?
doing the live stream for double-A?
but in this case it's runtime errors / programming errors, not actual "exceptions"
yea, where they uses scrum to see if they should tell the dude
positive: get to bang his GF
yeah, that's that episode. one of the postit notes was "threesome with gina's hot mom"
ahh yea, I vaguely remember that now
I may have been, or may have not not been drunk.
youre going to love the next episode. richard slips into a conference and the names of the companies represented are pure gold
i had to read them to my husband because he wont go get glasses :p
I still crack up at "I'm sorry sir, it's Apple Maps bad"
@Worf yes I'm aware
Is there a simple way to have all my column div's content vertically align together in the row? jsfiddle.net/DTcHh/8382
that doesnt do anything in grids I dont think
cause the columns dont go full height of the row
it works on inline and table-cell elements. "grids" arent a thing
what about border-box?
grids are just inline-block with a static width.
bootstrap turns it all into border-box
seriously, what happened to just learning how to use CSS?
@Austin vertically align? There's only one piece of content per vertical line...
@TylerH make it bigger
Well I have ti have tried to vertical align, the content, the columns, the row, the container. its not working...?
@cimmanon is it me or it seems that bootstrap creates more problems than it claims to solve?
@Austin you need to understand how vertical-align works and what related properties are needed.
@Worf no. Lack of CSS knowledge causes the problems, framework regardless.
@cimmanon the number of women who have told me that...
right, the problem is that the columns only size to their content, leaving non-padded nor margined spaces to the height of the row. Since they do not touch the row, when I try to align them it does not affect its height in the row. Trying to align the row or content doesnt affect it either from what I have tested.
You can buy a pre built army, unless you know how to command an army, you are going to make a mess.
@TylerH shit, my husband says that all the time about my boobs >.>
next time just look down and say "ditto"
@Worf people just need to stop treating it as anything more than a theme they buy off of those theme sites. if they dont know wtf they are doing, they should just go hire a designer to do the modifications.
well it looks like I was right, you cant use vertical align. Has to be done with manual heights or with flexbox. >.>
@Austin so did you try searching that before or after you asked this room how to do it?
Q: vertical-align with bootstrap 3

corinemhttp://jsfiddle.net/corinem/CQstd/ I'm using bootstrap 3, and I have problems when I want to align vertically two div, for example <!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <!-- Optional...

first result on google.
Yes, and when I saw that article I figured bootstrap shouldn't need a duct tape fix for that so I ignored that, and figured I'd ask you CSS wizards to see if an alternative had arised.
Is adding a class to your css file a duct tape solution now?
Seem soo...
1) Wizards don't use a framework 2) Its not a duct tape solution, simply the framework doesn't support something you need, so you add it yourself.
But since they are running more responsive grid framework, I assumed they would be aware, and be able to handle the issue of content-sizes within those grids.
Maybe that is just my naive CSS understanding. :/
AFAIK the bootstrap people specifically tell you to add your own stuff
@rlemon hah yea
someone will
heh I assumed it was flash or an mp4
but its done with css animations
i made some customized share buttons with knockout: jsfiddle.net/9puqc9eb
you have to run it for it to work, i think because the framing in jsfiddle
@Loktar irssi: is there a plugin/script that will notify me of a new message
I have the terminal open in another workspace
hate having to keep checking it
I have one that collects them into a single place, but it is just in a new window
still have to alt + arrow to it
holy hell, your avatar lmao @rlemon
that is the most messed up, amazing thing i've seen this week
you should have been there for the live show
@rlemon itll turn yellow
the bottom area
in the blue bar
thats the only way I know of :/
@Austin what you want is super easy to achieve
Just add height: 24px; to the div[class*="col-"] selector.
@TylerH I just went with the flex-box layout for now to keep em aligned. :)
okay well the form elements make the spans 24px tall so as long as your font-size is default then the spans with just text in them will be smaller
so you can just set the height to 24px and not have to worry about bandaids to support IE10 and down
or certain other browsers
With bootstrap (and yes I googled SO already), shouldn't new columns get pushed to a new row once pre-columns hit 12?
hmm okay, I shall make a note of that!
anyone have a suggestion for me to get all the pink boxes on only 1 row? codepen.io/anon/pen/yNMaEx
Change the width to 1px.
or 87px :P

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