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I wrote a kinda not that but kinda shitty node command line tool.
what is it?
making a gif now
fyi, I'm drunk
it takes longer when drunk
be patient
We're sorry, PayPal doesn't allow residents of United States to ship purchases to Philippines.
anyone know whats wrong with this?
@Worf If Worf did stitching
@Worf ^^
@TylerH IF?
@Worf we all know you aren't good with needles
i've implemented adding commands, prompts, and all of the fancy shit
i just prefer alcohol @TylerH
@rlemon i tried to understand what it does but im drunk too
it adds 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
it's just a skeleton?
@rlemon is that Ubuntu btw?
@Worf yeah he's just been fiddling aroudn with it today
making an API for his music thingie
oi lemon:
6 hours ago, by Worf
btw i have an hammock. but before i can use it i need to have a diet. or get better walls
@TylerH yes
i actually have an hammock that i never set because i know for sure it wont hold me
anyway fyi, i lost 9kgs in the past months. but still phat
@Worf That's pretty cool!
@Kitler Yeah, I've watched all of it
@rlemon When it asks for input, I think it'd be nice to allow you to create a new playlist there too
@SomeGuy see the demo?
Oh, nvm, I misunderstood
What you have seems fine
@rlemon Nope! Show me!
i'm trying to make a robust interface for other uses
17 mins ago, by rlemon
user image
@Worf most hammocks will hold at least 90kg
I mean, don't go swinging in it if you're close to it
but if they're not some yard sale find, they should be okay with static weight around there
it's not the hammock itself, it's how you attach it to the wall
i have no idea how to do that
var CommandLiner = require('./CommandLiner');
var cl = new CommandLiner();
    name: 'adder',
    func: function list(args, finish) {
    help: 'adds arguments'
    name: 'echo',
    func: function list(args, finish) {
        finish(args.join(' '));
    help: 'echos arguments'
    name: 'fail',
    func: function list(args, finish) {
        throw 'I failed';
    help: 'throws an error'
what kind of wall?
why not just use two trees
@SomeGuy this is the app code for that
@rlemon Wow, that's all?
i am pretty sure i'm going to detach the bricks from the wall once i'm on it
well that and CommandLiner.js
Yeah, of course
don't know how you call those in english
var Promise = require('bluebird');

function CommandLiner(opts) {
    opts = opts || {};
    this.commands = {};
    this.stdin = process.stdin;
    this.stdout = process.stdout;
    this.verbose = opts.verbose || false;
    this.stdin.on('readable', this.processInput.bind(this));
    this.promise = false; // waits for next line then calls callback.
    // make sure the help function exists.
        name: 'help',
        func: function help(args, finish) { // this is a mess
@SomeGuy ^ complete source
i'll make a npm repo once I clean it up
@Worf Is that wood?
I can't tell what it is
nope it's a brick
@SomeGuy I'm also looking for input on how to use this with gmusic api
@Worf just use some brick screw eyelets or w/e
@rlemon What you'd pinged me with earlier seemed fine to me
so any feature requests are appreciated.
I assume you'll be adding support for something like JSON imports / exports?
(except get one for brick)
@TylerH i live in an old building. i know it's going to be a pain. i will surely need to modify the hammock to have several attach points for each side rather than just one
or i could grow two indoor trees
1 hour later…
@Worf hollow brick
posted on May 12, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

How to implement the following widget using BootStrap ?
Use HTML and CSS to make one
(look for Popover)
@AbdennourTOUMI its really simple
@NullPoiиteя : Could you help me , use for example : jsfiddle.net
@AbdennourTOUMI Have you tried anything yourself?
@AbdennourTOUMI That's a blank fiddle
At least make an attempt man
@MadaraUchiha , @StephanMuller ,, i will try.. thank you for your support
hey. I need a jquery plugin (or javascript lib) that rotates, zooms and saves and images (e.g. as data uri). Anybody has a decent one?
@PeeHaa rotating would be tricky
You'd need to have a canvas bigger than the original image, and then you'd have to save all pixel data, not just the rotated part
@Neil A canvas sqrt(2) times bigger than the longest side.
@PeeHaa why not do it yourself, all you have to write is 30 lines of code, all you need is image on canvas, rotate - export
@MadaraUchiha if rotated 45, yeah
@PeeHaa also will be working on the minifying thingy soon
I didn't mean the calculation is tricky, I meant you likely wouldn't expect to have a canvas twice as big if you rotate it once 45 and then back again -45 degrees
if the library was really good, it would let you specify a color to use as "background" that it can trim off afterwards if it can
Q: CSS transition on :after is not working

LeoI am trying to create a custom switch checkbox. Here it is when its un-selected and when it is selected Which is okay, but I can't seem to get CSS transition working, it jumps when switching. I have put together a JSfiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net

Your fiddle is empty — Mehdi Brillaud 53 secs ago
no shit, the URL doesn't point to a saved fiddle
@Neil If you want to give the user free rotation powers, that's how large it needs to be to account for all cases :P
@MadaraUchiha That solution sucks if you just want to rotate 10 degrees though
@Neil You can't know that though
@BoltClock I had commented previously that no matter what SO releases for code snippets but people are going to use external services anyways
@MadaraUchiha Sure you can. The user tells you how much he wants to rotate the image
@Neil I was under the impression he needs a Gimp-like tool that allows for free transform.
Meh, I interpreted that to mean that the library would do it for you
@Mr.Alien Sure. It's called choice
Damn free will.. always keeping me one step away from total world domination
@Mr.Alien \o/
@Mr.Alien It's that easy?
@PeeHaa completely forgot about that, I screwed up my local php so will setup tonight and forkout repos to work with...
@PeeHaa afaik yes... if you want to check, than checkout out fabric.js
am not suggesting you to use that lib but its better if you put the image, rotate and export the data uri....
posted on May 12, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by JoLabrycol */

@Mr.Alien Cool. Let me know if you run into issues. I also have broken my server atm btw :P
Are arrays immutable in JavaScript? Can you add entries to an array after it's been created?
@Gemtastic Should be easy to test?
Well, probably, if you're not a total n00b like me
I'm learning how to script google docks...
@Gemtastic var arr = []; arr[arr.length] = 'test';
You mean to ask if the instance gets replaced with another immutable array with the new addition?
More like can I append to an array
That works too
Seems you can:
var person = [];
person[0] = "John";
person[1] = "Doe";
person[2] = 46;
There you go then
@Neil Why are you using arr.length? O.o
@PeeHaa To append
Why not push?
@PeeHaa It's faster for larger arrays believe it or not
Because tricks
Cool. TIL
To the JS perf machine!
hmmm not really a difference I would change syntax for :|
It's funny 'cuz arr.length is the new slot in the array since index begins at 0
@Gemtastic It's funny because arr.length could be anything
Because well javascript sucks
@PeeHaa well, that's the risk you have to take when you want it loosely typed
and dynamic
@Gemtastic This specific thing has nothing do do with weak typing
No, but JavaScript is a hippie language. In this case .length will represent the length of the array, but when you put that number into the array it will be a new entry in the array because the array starts at 0, so the array index is one number less than the count in length. I assume this is why it's faster.
And I will be generating a big array
how is it a hippie language because of something like this?
It's a hippie language because it's cool with a lot of things. "You want this? That's cool man, I'll do it for you"
arr.length being one off of the last index is absolutely logical
everything else would make no sense at all
@GNi33 That's exactly my point
I'm just bad at expressing myself.
@PeeHaa You won't learn until you break it :D
Pretty sure that's true of any language with 0-based arrays
@Gemtastic now I'm confused :D
@GNi33 It's ok, never mind me if you don't understand me
@Nacimota It is. At least the ones I know of
but dynamic length arrays are something super common
that doesn't make js special in any way
Never said it did
@Gemtastic var foo = []; foo[6] = 'wut' @Gemtastic
You were saying?
it's the fact that the array content can be anythign that's interesting
and if I'll ever need to allocate memory for my arrays again, I'll probably jump off a cliff.
oh, okay
well, yeah, there are no strict types in JS, so there's that
Now on to the next interesting thing; reading JSON into JavaScript
semicolons are optional as well.
That can make or break your experience :P
optional in the way that the interpreter adds them automatically if you're too lazy to do so
I never understood why this was such a big deal
if you don't like it, just add the semicolons like a sane person would :
Shame you can't just do myArray[] = 5 to push, like in PHP
yeah, it's just a little bit more to write
@GNi33 Isn't allocating faster?
What are arrays in JS btw? Also hashtables I assume?
but I just don't want to care about that anymore
Yeah I get that. I also almost never allocate in PHP
because you don't need to
In 99% of the cases nope
of course, you need to be cautious with what you're doing in JS, but at least the low-level stuff is something that you usually don't need to care about
var arr = [];
arr[99] = "hi"'
arr.length; // returns 100

delete arr[99];
arr[99]; // undefined
arr.length; // still 100
because delete is not for arrays
and arrays start acting weirdly if you just smash something in there at a random index, that's not what arrays are for
just shows how easy it is to mess things up
I would have assumed that push would be faster than arr[arr.length]
not sure
It eliminates any sort of input that might prevent the job from being done in the most efficient manner
var ar = [];
ar[-10] = "hi";

ar; // []
ar.length; // 0
ar[-10]; // still "hi"
will heavily depend on what happens in the background, but arr[arr.length] doesn't come with a function - call overhead directly. But I don't know how the runtime handles it behind the scenes though
Whereas doing arr[arr.length], it could be any index, so you can't just assume it's the last in the array unless you first check, which would make it slower anyhow
@StephanMuller negative array indexes are fun
because the value you assign is not part of the array
that's why length 0 is perfectly valid
I don't see all this need to have arrays allow things like var ar = []; ar[5] = 'five';
When I use an array, it is because I need one 99% in the traditional sense
@GNi33 Yeah, they're properties of the array but not contents
like how ar["pop"] outputs the pop() method
like arrays were implemented using an object
Hi i'm getting SCRIPT445: Object doesn't support this action in html page.
Which they are, iirc
how to resolve it?
That's the strong impression that I got at any rate
A: Are Javascript arrays primitives? Strings? Objects?

Šime VidasArrays are objects. However, unlike regular objects, arrays have certain special features. Arrays have an additional object in their prototype chain - namely Array.prototype. This object contains so-called Array methods which can be called on array instances. (List of methods is here: http://...

@GDP you need to be more specific.
That makes sense
Not sure if I would do it that way though
Seems like a rather trivial thing to do rather than wrapping the functionality of array as a sophisticated object in order to save programming time
Of course you would no longer be able to do arr[-10], but that's fine by me
I think javascript started out as a POC and was never refactored before it was put in production and grew out to what it is now
The sucky thing about making your language do things like arr[-10] is that you can't backtrack later
You have to support it or you risk to lose programmers that have used it in that way
@Mr.Alien fabric looks cool
HI All,
I'm very new to web devl and currently trying to plot real time graphs
I have a csv which keeps on appending new values to columns. I need to display its realtime plot on my web page. Could anyone suggest steps to follow. I found many javascripts on the internet that show up when I google but I'm not understanding how to implement them. Do i need to first create a local server to first test it? I am trying to plot something like this http://canvasjs.com/editor/?id=http://canvasjs.com/example/gallery/dynamic/multiseries_line/ however here, data is coming through function, but my dat
berrisford.azurewebsites.net <- why does the navigation cause the iphone to scroll (it should be hidden)
@PeeHaa tons of features
posted on May 12, 2015 by Dan J.

Government Department prided itself on the precision of its process and procedures. Every function in the organization had its functionary, at least in theory. Joe had only been on the job a month when he discovered that figuring out which functionary would actually function wasn’t as easy as it looked. The Department used a database known as CAS to track all its financial data, including

!!> var x=[]; x[-2]=1; console.log(x, x[-2]);
@crl "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable x"
@crl "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable x"
@crl "undefined" Logged: [],1
Can someone tell me name of this font qoncious.com/sites/default/files/q_a_images/2014-04/…
seems like opensans
that or Roboto
Doesn't look like roboto to me
definitely not, compare the lower case g
wild guess was wild, I based it on the OS.
ead bro ead
I know, right!
Rabbits jump high but live for 6-7 years.
dogs run fast but live for 15-16 years.
Turrtles do none and live for 150 years.
Lesson learned.
i got aim of my life :D
I'm trying to get waves animation in my project
without JS.
does anyone have any links which can help me out?
"waves" animation?
uh, Android's button animation
I have 3 buttons in a div. Trying to fill the div with color on button click (with the button as the origin of the animation)
@MadaraUchiha I believe this: thecodeplayer.com/walkthrough/…
i found quite a lot of links regarding the waves effect, but i'm not able to understand shit.
If you can't understand the examples, I am not sure how our examples will help you.
trying to find a simple solution like add class
@doodla I don't think it's possible without JavaScript.
I'm fine with simple javascript.
tbh I'm fine with anything as long as it works.
It involves creating a round div at the place of the click, and CSS animate its scale and opacity
@MadaraUchiha Never thought of it that way.
@mikedidthis That example implements it badly btw
Click multiple times in quick succession
@MadaraUchiha meh, I was just showing the desired visual
Basically what I want to do, is on clicking any button, fill the white space with the color of the button.
Mice taste bad and live about a year
Rabbits taste okay and live about 6-7 years
Giant tortoises taste amazing and live ~100 years

LPT: taste good
So, any help please? Like I said, I'm fricking dumb. And still learning.
@doodla why not try what Madara told first ?
@NullPoiиteя I don't actually know how.
Just started web dev about 4 months ago. And haven't dipped my feet into CSS at all. Basic stuff. Animations scare me, tbh.
Here's a very simple, very opinionated example
@MadaraUchiha was thinking of making that effect today
And because it's scale and opacity you animate, the transition looks very good on mobile as well
@Mr.Alien can you make it in only css ?
well, I can try
@NullPoiиteя I don't think you can
You can't know the mouse coordinates with CSS
no I cannot get the mouse coordinate obv but can try the ripple effect
like seriously this morning I thought of making that same thing cuz its been a long time putting something new on codepen
You can't wave twice noob
@Mr.Alien broken arm
@Sippy its on a loop ... fu
@easwee that's the right way, rest all arms are broken
maybe in asia :P
@MadaraUchiha jsfiddle.net/b14pv17q/1 On clicking the list item, I want the div to get colored with the list item as origin. How do I do that?
@easwee that is what asian people do with broken hands bro stackoverflow.com/q/30190953/1542290
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
@StephanMuller I that read wrong.
What I if told you
you read the
first line wrong
in Python, 29 mins ago, by Some Guy
@tristan Has anyone ever been so far as to want to do look more like?
omg really?
I didn't even read that
wasn't stealing your joke
Haha, that's fine. Read the rest of the conversation :P
I'm just hoping that we confused some people in the process
Most likely
We do this in the JS room every now and then too
We fooled Octavian once. That was hilarious
in JavaScript, Apr 25 '13 at 13:12, by Billy Mathews
@zirak Seriously I've just read this loads of times, makes no sense
@MadaraUchiha I tried to do something. Can you fix teh coordinates please? ( Also add comments if possible. )
Anyone else?
@SomeGuy the fallen one. I miss him.
Me too
@OctavianDamiean You should come back!
1 message moved to Trash
@MadaraUchiha Help?
@MadaraUchiha ur such a kid
> @RaviPrakash is there a reason for this?
man cake php is such a shit framework
what retard minds went behind it
pets suck
You have a pet?
I am house sitting for these people and they have two dogs and five cats
started last night and already one of the cats has peed in the corner and pooped on the floor in two spots overnight
Tell them to get another animal and start a zoo?
well it might only be 4 cats, but still
@Worf You're imitating a spammer
That makes you a spammer.
It genuinely annoy me by this point, I ask you to stop (at least when I'm here)
cats are usually clean, is the litter box blocked ?
They may not be well-trained
#lol {

    0 0 0 1em red,
    0 1em 0 1em red,
    -2.5em 1.5em 0 .5em red,
    2.5em 1.5em 0 .5em red,
    -3em -3em 0 0 red,
    3em -3em 0 0 red,
    -2em -2em 0 0 red,
    2em -2em 0 0 red,
    -3em -1em 0 0 red,
    -2em -1em 0 0 red,
    2em -1em 0 0 red,
    3em -1em 0 0 red,
    -4em 0 0 0 red,
    -3em 0 0 0 red,
    3em 0 0 0 red,
    4em 0 0 0 red,
    -5em 1em 0 0 red,
    -4em 1em 0 0 red,
    4em 1em 0 0 red,
    5em 1em 0 0 red,
    -5em 2em 0 0 red,
    5em 2em 0 0 red,
@SomeGuy You don't need to train them, they're cats :P
does your litter box have sand in it or is it just a box?
looks like a giant diaper
@easwee I get the crystals, gives off a minty smell when they pee
@Kitler fo real? I need this. Our cat recently became a house cat and its driving me mad.
@Kitler there's 4 of them. I haven't inspected the litter boxes yet but the couple said they cleaned them before they left a couple hours before I got there
@Kitler Our cat was pretty...messy
anyway you shouldn't need to clean a litterbox every day, none of the cats are young or new to the house
@TylerH not that they are full, check if access to them isn't blocked otherwise you ll get piss everywhere
My sister's, that is. I don't know shit about cats
It might just be stressed that I am a stranger in the house
@Kitler yeah they are in the spots they have always been in, they are not blocked or near their food/water or anything
@mikedidthis walmart.com/ip/… <<< something like this
@Kitler ta
it is gonna be a rough 3 weeks
Q: Short name chat pinging

Nick DuggerPinging the user "nick" will also ping me, since my username starts with "Nick". This is a duplicate, but I am asking that this "feature" be removed. In chat, every few months, someone with the name "nick" comes in, and I have to deal with many, many pings to that user. I get notifications on my...

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