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Some sites (incl. StackExchange) use <div id="header"> or <div class="header"> . Is it a better practice than <header> tag?
Similar thing with footer.
5 hours later…
posted on May 09, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

2 hours later…
@Worf Thanks for the explanation!
1 hour later…
I'm leaving you guys. I'm going to become a Python ninja so no more time for silly JS. I can already print strings in python and do basic arithmetic so I'm well on my way to becoming a master
Ok everyone calm down I'll stay
1 hour later…
That's about as funny as "The sky is blue"
gaaargh completed 12.5km run of triplets - 1h:24min - 6 km uphill 6 km downhill
now I can rest till next year
> <Sonium> someone speak python here?
<lucky> SSSSS
<Sonium> the programming language
var fBtn = document.getElementById('myBtn1').textContent.toString();//Label for the button is All
if('All' != fBtn.valueOf()){
        	alert('All != '+fBtn);
unfortunately alert is coming !
what am i doing wrong?
what is fBtn.valueOf supposed to do?
what happens if you console.log fBtn and fBtn.valueOf() before the if statement?
both returns value All
valueOf is js, it's the method for converting boxed to primitives
If your alert doesn't show and you see no errors in your console it probably evaluates to false.
i wonder why abusing it so much tho
So fBtn.valueOf() is 'All'?
then look at your if statement reaallly close and tell me why it evaluates to false
@StephanMuller yes. i have put an alert and i got All
yes i suppose
!!> "All".toString().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().val‌​ueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valu‌​eOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().value‌​Of().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueO‌​f().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf‌​().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf().valueOf()
@Worf "All"
In plain language it says "If the fBtn.valueOf() is not equal to 'All' then show an alert"
@Worf "All"
but it is equal to 'All'
so it will never show your alert
but the problem what i have is, alert is showing
Also, learn how to use console.log to debug instead of alerts
acutally it shouldn't be
oh, haha sorry
I totally misread
now i sounded condescending
my alert output >>> All != All
@StephanMuller don't say sorry you should be surprised that you didn't lost interest as i did after 0.003ms
Crazy Ninja can you reproduce this problem on jsfiddle.net?
ok. i'll try. Thanks for your attention :)
when i see no jsfiddle it's like my brain builds a wall made of titanium
@StephanMuller i started watching "the last man on earth" it's lol
I'm fairly certain something else is wrong with your code that you didn't share with us yet
let me see...
In addition, look at this version. Your code is overly complex:
That's actually not a rickroll/blackroll, fyi
!!afk chores and shopping ugh
@StephanMuller and the feeling you got realized it's all about a single space (embarrassing )
@CrazyNinja StephanMuller is afk: chores and shopping ugh
Apologies for my mistake
Q: Passport "Hello World" always fails

Madara UchihaI have the following: import {Router} from 'express'; import passport from 'passport'; import {Strategy} from 'passport-local'; import pg from 'pg'; import {pgUri} from '../environment'; let loginRouter = Router(); passport.use(new Strategy((username, password, done) => done(null, true))); //{...

If someone is familiar with passport ^
@Worf I have a feeling it'd have ± the same process on your dick, as salt water have on a pickle.
@MadaraUchiha I figured out what you meant by that, and then I immediately wished I had not
@Neil Point in case. Get clean, don't bathe in margarita.
Cleanliness is next to godliness
The only time the word incorrectly isn't spelled incorrectly is if it is spelled incorrectly.
@MadaraUchiha AHAH
3 hours later…
omg, been trying to get a custom sort function to work for a good 20 minutes now
And I've been trying to figure what the jizzfest about intelliJ is all about for 3 months now...
forgot to assign the result to a new variable
sort doesn't alter the array, it creates a new output
@Gemtastic Can't speak for IntelliJ, but WebStorm is by far my favorite IDE for web stuff
php strome is also good and do every stuff webstrom does
does it have spell checker?
@StephanMuller :D
thanks worf, glad someone got it
lol i am really bad at picking up jokes :D
strange because i usually don't get anything :P
I'm bad at picking up chicks
we all have our flaws
anyway phpstorm is terrible
i am bad at that too :D
but i know that intellij and things aren't that bad
it's just phpstorm
you're talking crap
why phpstrome is terrible ?
phpstorm and intellij are almost equal
except for native support of PHP over Java
@StephanMuller except having to invalidate cache every 10m
refactoring that messes up code
cache in an IDE? Why/when/how?
refactoring <---that
and yeah, refactoring is messy sometimes
I try not to hit F6
@StephanMuller Yeah, I'm not doing web-stuff in intelliJ, unless you count socets and server-client communication through the internet
@StephanMuller file > invalidate caches
when autocompletition doesn't work (basically always) you use that
hmm, never used that
in phpstorm 8 i couldn't even change the color scheme
@Worf what ide do you use than ?
i had to edit xml manually
never had problems with autocomplete, then again I'm on webstorm
@NullPoiиteя phpstorm 7
8 is just useless
@Worf why ? i can change color scheme in 8.0
are you sure? :P
edit colors manually i mean
single colors
90% of times it doesn't save anything
the gui is broken
btw has this been shared yet? sitthetest.com. Scored 84% on JS Core and 92% on CSS Core
not speaking of auto closing " and '
which never work
i once wasted a good 10 minutes
because phpstorm added a closing " automatically at the end of the file
no idea why lol
i don't think it's my own computer problem @NullPoiиteя
Darcula theme for president
because it did the same on two computers
i can change theme, color scheme on php storm 8 , reinstall ?
i feel like shit today
cold + allergy + everything
!!afk dinner
StephanMuller only theme which looks less creepy ( sublime themes are really awesome in compare to this )
@Worf have some hot milk with ginger + rest :)
i had chamomile + honey
didn't work
now i'm abusing mint sweets
i'm coughing so hard that i'm getting headache because of that
here we boil milk with Cloves and ginger + Holy basil and have it , it helps
we boil milk with ginger, cloves, and cinnamon because it tastes damn good
^that too :D
With.. cloves?
isnt there only one type of clove ?
We mix ginger, cinnamon, honey and lemon in hot water. Milk causes the mucus membranes to produce more mucus
I thought you meant clover, never knew what cloves were called in english
'til now
Q: Server Error in '/webvalidators' Application

HarishThe value '12/31/2010' of the MaximumValue property of 'RangeValidator1' cannot be converted to type 'Date' <asp:RangeValidator ID="RangeValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox6" ErrorMessage="RangeValidator" MaximumValue="12/31/2010" MinimumValue="12/3...

@Neil btw ginger + cloves + cardamom tea also test damn good
@NullPoiиteя cardamon for sure, though it's a little harder to come by here
Cloves are the aromatic flower buds of a tree in the family Myrtaceae, Syzygium aromaticum. They are native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia, and are commonly used as a spice. Cloves are commercially harvested primarily in Indonesia, India, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. The clove tree is an evergreen tree that grows up to 8–12 m tall, with large leaves and sanguine flowers grouped in terminal clusters. The flower buds initially have a pale hue, gradually turn green, then transition to a bright red when ready for harvest. Cloves are harvested at 1.5–2.0 cm long, and consist...
It's not entirely unlike cinnamon I find
@Neil we drink barolo. it works
@Worf depends on what you mean by "works"
good choice though by the way
do you also drink barbera?
actually, i don't drink much wine
i prefer beer :P
@Worf abandoned hangouts?
@Mr.Alien told you it's broken. tried reinstalling chrome, the extension and etc but no way it works
i can only access it when i'm on gmail.com
@Worf so you not doing it right
no. it's google that can't do it right
Googs is awesome...
i have to buy a domain asap. do you know where i can get a domain active very fast?
anywhere? I have bought domains from namecheap and godaddy
my usual provider gets at least 3 days
it's italian. lots of espresso between the request and the job
haha nah you can get a domain in like 10 mins
really? :|
including the propagation of the name?
whats so much in just buying a domain
hows that possible
why is that not?
or am I missing something, all you want is to buy a domain right?
i want it active and accessible
i believe it takes at least 24 hours for the dns to propagate on all root name servers
but i might be wrong
@Mr.Alien man did you see the movie se7en? the one with freeman and pitt
@Worf nope, I buy, I put in the name servers, boom, online in 30 mins...
@Worf nope
@Mr.Alien watch it
@Worf downloading it right away
yay, liberia announced that they are now "ebola free"
they were infected?
liberia was the ground zero yeah
zzz I should read some world news now
actually not sure if it was considered the actual ground zero, but central africa is
googles doodle is so good
how these kinda disease comes up
humans are spoiling the beauty
does anyone have a good way to do this it screws up when resizing -- oh and it needs to work in ie8 :(( here is what i got so far. jsfiddle.net/qkks9z4r
1 hour later…
thedailywtf.com/articles/The-Speedup-Loop i thought i've invented it
@Phreak wth is that
you said that like it doesn't look messy when NOT resizing
> Nothing – and I mean nothing – in IT takes less than 80 hours, and whatever you think it’ll actually take, multiply it by 20, and tell management that. You see, 80/20.
Haha, I like his definition of the 80/20 rule
The insurance loop thing is golden lol
@Worf Lots of times I read TDWTF and think holy crap what stupid people are there on the planet
But this Wayne guy is awesome!
it's brilliant
youtube's dead
@Worf False.
works now
Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
I love when my phone randomly restarts /s
@Worf Latest reports of ground zero was likely a big hollow tree serving as a bat nest in Guinea
(circa January)
they border each other
i assumed it was liberia because iirc it got most ebola cases and deaths
I wonder if Sierra Leone had issues with it
> But, sadly, in Sierra Leone and Guinea, new Ebola cases among those not on the contact list have still been emerging.
@Worf You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
@Worf also delete the messages
@worf what was that?
IT does look messy when resizing.
I don't want to use floats
@Phreak I think he was saying that it looks messy even before you resize it
oh lemme see one sec
i coded it quick.
why don't you want to use floats
cuz i fukin hate floats!
and whats wrong with my method
did you read a css random holy man tutorial
no i mean i just don't like all that clearing stuff
like it or not you can't always achieve the same with other layouts
jsfiddle.net/qkks9z4r/1 is that better?
i think i could for this layout no?
you should be able to achieve that layout with inline-block and padding
aka no floats
please no inline block
i am using inline-block. why you say no inline-block?
@Phreak what are you trying to make it look like?
@TylerH its fine full screen just resizing it is the issue, need to be responsive
and i can't use flex or whatever cuz of ie8
you want it to look like it does now?
yea.. but when you resize it screws up
its going to look fancier but thats a basic skeleton
i wish i could search jsfiddle links easily
y u no use <ins>css</ins> tables
no nth stuff unfortunately.
can i use display table and displlay table column etc.
just look at the jsfiddle
thats css3 right nth-of-type(1n)?
yes but not necessarily you have to use that, you can use class names
ugh this is so simple and i have to use js 0o
are you gonna be using Bootstrap?
no lol
because you have Bootstrap classes
srry about the lame div class names
it's okay
I was just asking
@worf to avoid js for something this simple would floats work?
the js is just a temporary fix because of a chrome bug (cc @BoltClock)
with float nope you can't
unless you hardcode each box height
that seems painful to code lol.
caniuse is being lame
oh wait no
it's just the microwave in the kitchen that's killing my connection
Does anyone know what causes this extra whitespace in ASP.NET MVC? i.imgur.com/Y6UncD9.png
@TyMorrow indentation? :P
@TyMorrow probably whitespace in the markup, but the C# room would be better place to ask
@Worf Holy crap.
the TextNode contains also the surrounding whitespace
from > to </
Probably shouldn't put them on different lines then
why care
you should minify the html anyway?
how about display table, display table cell and then on media just make it all blocks. jsfiddle.net/qkks9z4r/2
Hi guys. What's in your opinion the best css framework for overall use?
Haha true, but if you would be forced to pick one :D
@JakobMillah foundation is good, bootstrap is easy to pick up.
i'd quit my job.
Hahhaa ^
@Worf how about the latest fiddle?
don't listen to @Phreak no offense but he is a noob :D
bootstrap is liquid turd
so worf?
So @Worf, whenever you're doing a quick project, you start completely from scratch?
Use suzy :D
@Phreak i already told you once but you didn't take my very important tip seriously
@Worf srry i missed your tip.
Bootstrap is great if you just need to mindlessly crank out fabricated layouts all day long
you will never understand how css works if you don't provide yourself some kind of visual feedback (like, borders, background color)
okay let me add that.
if you work on infinitely nested transparent elements you will never understand what's actually happening
@Phreak yeah, any time I open up a fiddle to see what's going on, one of the first things I always do is to add borders to stuff
^ same
@JakobMillah yes, ish. but i can get bits from previous works
It gives you an instant visual cue for the size and position of elements so that you know what the problem is
like form controls
@Worf aight cool
@JakobMillah @Worf has his own framework
What a gangsta!
It's called blank.css
So for you hardcore web devs, what editors do you use? I have studied some web development but more into hardware dev. Kinda interesting what professionals use
seriously baking potatoes in the microwave this is killing my wireless
just potatoes? :P
well burgers are on the grill but that doesn't send out radio waves
ofc haha. But ye, microwaves are pretty... messy
No idea how they pass through all the radio active tests and such
@JakobMillah sublime atom webstorm notepad++
So you are going clean. Aight :)
lol so borders added. If i remove the link border, see (048), it hides the right-border end. whys that?
The padding for the a tag is hiding the red border ( i want the red border to show always)
Does this make sense?
whats the padding issue with mine just curious?
you are using display:inline
well yea i need all the numbers inline
basically you shouldnt have padding or margin on inline elements
li {} > inline
li a {} > inline
what if you need more clickable space for a link tag
btw what did this do becuase i removed it and it did nothing table-layout:fixed;
i'm pretty sure display table is fine for ie8 could you guys confirm i already checked caniuse
it's fine for ie8
@Phreak wrong link jsfiddle.net/dz6v8ote
so you added a display block
i get it.
!!mdn table-layout
and removed the display:inline off the li.
oh so fixed is about rendering it faster.
it's two nested tables
no table-layout:fixed is for not having the content changing the size of the table cells
got it.
basically if you have 4 cells in a row and you have fixed you will always have each of them exactly 25% large
if you use auto instead the larger cell gets the larger width
Got it.
Okay thanks for your help @Worf it really did help :D
I'll be back to clean up the code and fully make sense of all this haha.. gotta go eat
Hey guys Im interested in getting to grips with HTML, CSS and Javascript, are there any beginner projects you guys found useful for starting off?
what do you mean with beginner project ?
a simple website which I could build using HTML,CSS and javascript
you mean an example website that is already built, or a simple challenge that you could take on yourself ?
a I think a website that is already built which I could replicate
do you know any javascript ?
no i'm a complete newbie
this is pretty basic, but uses dart instead of javascript
or this one
awesome thanks Kasper
in PHP, 2 mins ago, by Worf
imagine finding some hair in an used notebook. only thinking that COULD be pubic hair would make me throw it out of the window without thinking it twice

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