@Sippy I have to just deal with it, because I don't want to ignore him due to the 99% of the time his chat messages are normal (for an Italian, anyway) and enjoyable
Sometimes it's heat of the moment, but other times I actually want some justice like when my router just stops working and I have to unplug it and wait 30 secs
I have an issue that is manifesting between Chrome and Firefox's handling of the HTML5 datalist element.
I may be abusing it, which Firefox is handling the way I expect, but Chrome is not. I have not tried it on Opera. This is for an in-house page, so I can control the browser being used.
I set...
How can I set a title to select tag ? I use the simplest http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_select.asp I want that at the begining no the first value will select. that will be a title in the box..
@Loktar want to do me (and Stack Overflow) a favor? Approve my tag-wiki edit (creation) of microsoft-edge and my update of project-spartan so that people don't use it anymore? :-)
Folks, I'm in need of an event that fires whenever an image is loaded, even when that image was added through javascript. I honestly can't find a decent answer on SO. Any ideas?
note: doesn't mean it's always ajax. $('body').append("<img src="img.jpg' />") could also occur
I have problem on bootstrap 3 navbar active link design https://jsfiddle.net/giasoft/gmvyzghL/ this is jsfiddle on .active li neeed to be rgba(0,0,0,0.5) and here is rgba(0,0,0,1) anyone help me please
http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2015/04/30/microsoft-unveils-the-logo-of-internet-explorers-successor-edge/ CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers Microsoft unveils the logo of Internet Explorer’s successor, Edge CommitStrip 1430414629
I add this new css now background:rgb(0,0,0); background: transparent\9; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#7f000000,endColorstr=#7f000000); zoom: 1;
To do this without adding an inline onload attribute to all the images you will have to observe the DOM for changes. Then on every change, you have to fetch all the images and add the onload event to them from the callback. To prevent checking each image every time, once they've been loaded you c...
I bet I can easily find 20 duplicates of that without even trying
RGBA is extremely fun, and so is -webkit-gradient, -moz-gradient, and uh... progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient... yeah. :)
Is there a way to combine the two, RGBA and gradients, so that there's gradient of alpha transparency using the current/latest CSS specs.
I to make radio button and I want to put the radio button in the left of the text. But If I try to do it <label> text <input type="radio" name="semester" id="r2" value="r2"> </label> this is not work well..