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"Annoying" is subjective, so
Most of the shit people talk about in here is short and pointless.
@Sippy true, but it has context, e.g. it's part of a conversation
if it annoys you, ignore him :D
Or anyone
If I just randomly should BRITNEY SPEARS six times a day it would get pretty annoying
Speaking generally
He isn't breaking any rules by confessing his undying love for Enrique
@Sippy I have to just deal with it, because I don't want to ignore him due to the 99% of the time his chat messages are normal (for an Italian, anyway) and enjoyable
No one should judge him for his sexual preferences :D
just realize the more you bitch, the funner it is for him
he's trying to get under your skin
if you take away his fun he'll stop
classic 4 year old mind games :D
I just want him to know it's annoying to me and if a RO finds it annoying that's enough for action
posted on April 30, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Don Billbo */

Made me sick a bit in my mouth tbh
@TylerH so you're going to stop correcting grammar and spelling? :D
@Sippy I'm already sick, unfortunately :-/
@rlemon that's not spam, that's education :-D
@TylerH even looking at your face annoys me, but i don't complain for that
by your definition anything annoying is spam
@TylerH But are they short, pointless, annoying messages? :D
why you guys always have to turn everything in a matter of life or death
@Worf I can't help you have bad taste
@rlemon nah, it's not pointless, it has context
@Worf Nobody's trying to kill you yet :-P
@TylerH and so does his (debatable) - also I could argue yours is also just noise.
at the end of the day this entire discussion is pointless. everyone be a fucking adult.
I'm malleable WRT the definition of spam. I think a good replacement for "pointless" is "not productive"
or "no productive point"
@rlemon sadly lots of people feel that way about important stuff so we can't have nice things :-(
Nothing in here is productive :L
like standing desks at work
I wonder who Worf's favorite singer is
but seriously, nobody has said anything in the lines of "Please stop saying that, it's annoying". We just get kicked without owning up to it.
@StephanMuller hopefully Pavarotti, if he's any kind of Italian
Call it childish, but yes that only makes me want to say it even more
@StephanMuller Well I think Zach has said it's annoying, I know I've said it's annoying, but like I've also said, I haven't kicked anyone for it
I just don't want people to think they're being kicked for nothing
i know it's nothing, and i know that i get kicked for fun
at least that's what i hope
and i didn't even complain that i got kicked
You'd rather be kicked for fun than kicked for annoying messages?
i deserved it
it's part of the fun
Weirdo :-P
i'm sorry if you guys don't appreciate the opportunity to kick me
Well do you wanna be kicked or nah?
I don't want you to get banned
i just said that if you kick me too much i'll probably get banned
You're alright even though you're a klingon
3rd kick and mods get pinged
at the very least, stop annoying the mods
or this room will be under scrutiny
Pfft this room is under constant scrutiny
i use bootstrap. How can I make all the dropdowns all the same size?
Actually that's probably room 17
@Alon that's too vague. provide a JSFiddle example if you have a code-specific problem
hold on flagging every single message in this room
@Sippy Do you use try-catch statements?
@TylerH if a regular annoys you with spam ignore him
don't kick
@Kitler that's not a good corrective action especially when 99% of their messages not spam
You find the enrique thing annoying I find it funny
Like I said to worf I can't help you have bad taste :-P
But I agree don't kick the first time and don't kick without saying why
yeah but that doesn't mean it's cool to kick him
just saying that regulars are not above being kicked just because they're regulars
which is the part I disagree with
I'm obviously ok with not kicking Worf for his Enrique love because I haven't kicked him for it ever
Thing is regulars are familiar with one another, talk it out don't kick
That's what we were (sort of) doing before you joined, actually :-)
Then rlemon got mad because we're distracting him from writing that script for Caprica :-(
getting a reg kicked for over 1min is kinda of a dick move :/
especially if the room is split on the reason
Kitler you've made your point three times in a row now, and we all agree :P
That's indicative of another problem, this room has like 4x the number of ROs of other rooms :-P
rule#1, don't annoy the lemon
Is that a problem?
but it's not about how long they're kicked for (1 min is actually nothing, IMO), it's about the behavior that caused the kick
@TylerH Yus
Not all the time though
Exceptions r expens1ve
@rlemon annoy you? never
®lemon is the command still haillemon?
@StephanMuller That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: learn
@Sippy Kk. I just saw them in this code so I was wondering if I should use them or just an if else
@TylerH If you have code that could quite conceivably error, catch it
I don't know ASP.NET programming well enough to know if something could make an error
I often get upset with companies when their products have errors or don't work
try("anything that microsoft has ever written") {
 // should never happen
} else {
Sometimes it's heat of the moment, but other times I actually want some justice like when my router just stops working and I have to unplug it and wait 30 secs
@StephanMuller try isn't a method
I'm not even a programmer
then stop pretending to be
I feel like this is a weird way to do this check
Trying to sort by month, this woman has logic for finding the first and last day of the month and if its within that month, it counts
@TylerH you aware that i will never stop saying ENRIQUE Iglaesias anyway, despite the uproar? :D
@rlemon you seem salty. now all that's missing is tequila
Why not simply match it against the monthname in the database?
@StephanMuller I thought that was sugar on the rim
is it salt?
on the rim? you're confused with margaritas I think
oh that's also salt
@StephanMuller I don't think that's a duplicate
I think that's asking a totally different question
but it's hard to be sure because freakin' php
Oh hmm, you may be right.
he's trying to get the ID programmatically, not display the contents within the <option> tag
The code in the answer will be very similar, but yup.
thanks for checking
php wrinkles my brain

this one is though, so vote that one instead :P
I already did yesterday
Q: HTML5 datalist value vs. inner-text

user2012720I have an issue that is manifesting between Chrome and Firefox's handling of the HTML5 datalist element. I may be abusing it, which Firefox is handling the way I expect, but Chrome is not. I have not tried it on Opera. This is for an in-house page, so I can control the browser being used. I set...

This one too
yeah partially, but also has another question in it
sorta yeah
it would be good if yours was expanded to include (current) browser implementations and how the spec says it should be handled
that way it could be used as a dupe source for even more
@StephanMuller mini heart attack there
pulled out my old coils
couldn't find any wire to make new ones :/
ended up having an emergency stash in the car
now it is time to go vape it
How can I set a title to select tag ?
I use the simplest http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_select.asp
I want that at the begining no the first value will select. that will be a title in the box..
So I can I do this?
I didnt find in this pag
boo its not called Spartan anymore :(
Microsoft Edge.
@Loktar Yeah, EdgeHTML.dll so no surprise there :-/
Project Spartan was a cooler name
though harder to tie into their vision I suppose
"A noble but ultimately doomed product" doesn't sound as good :-P
@Loktar want to do me (and Stack Overflow) a favor? Approve my tag-wiki edit (creation) of and my update of so that people don't use it anymore? :-)
Im a nub, where to I approve it from?
All I see is an option asking me to create me own
try clicking the create your own and see if it shows you mine
nm found it
it said edit pending
\o/ nice
now a tag exists for Edge
posted on April 30, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Frankie */

@Feeds lol
he came right on cue
I logged on just to post this for you.
would someone like to create a new design for my videopoker? (current: prntscr.com/6zye29)
Btw mobile chat is awful
i would like to pay ^^.
@maria you don't like the windows 95 solitaire look?
that design is retro as hell, and retro is totally in
@Loktar then you should see my total design for my textbased game instead haha.
@Loktar my full (prntscr.com/6zyjoj) ignore the red dots (missing design).
the rapist is a terrible handle.
Folks, I'm in need of an event that fires whenever an image is loaded, even when that image was added through javascript. I honestly can't find a decent answer on SO. Any ideas?
note: doesn't mean it's always ajax. $('body').append("<img src="img.jpg' />") could also occur
oh yeah, I forgot to add I really don't want to use the inline onload attribute if at all possible to avoid
But reading through the answers, I couldn't find that one. Thanks.
no problem. hope you finds something. what are you creating @StephanMuller ?
A canonical answer :P
but I think I may have already found one
meh, nothing good so far
@easwee ahahah +1
@TylerH aww I wanted to create that tag
I have problem on bootstrap 3 navbar active link design
this is jsfiddle
on .active li neeed to be rgba(0,0,0,0.5)
and here is rgba(0,0,0,1)
anyone help me please
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Microsoft unveils the logo of Internet Explorer’s successor, Edge
FireFox users, jsfiddle.net/4mdpforc/4 does this crash your browser?
I feel like such an idiot when the 'fix' for my bug is to restart the browser
@shalvasoft what makes you think it's rgba(0,0,0,1)?
@StephanMuller soz
@rlemon no crashf or me
but it is a little laggy
For all of you CSS3 experts: quiz.egersand.se
@simpe we saw that a month ago I think
oh, it was just an html element quiz that time
This is for CSS3 properties only
a bit harder, I think
umm it's not accepting text-outline or text-stroke
were they explicitly added in CSS3?
According to W3C it was removed? w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_text-outline.asp
I add this new css now
background: transparent\9;
zoom: 1;

and now it is working
thank you at all.
stop using w3schools
and don't recommend it to people
the resource is, at best, mediocre and there are many many better alternatives
nothing happens at the end of the quiz
now, someone tell me how to center a <h1> tag vertically on a page.
I wanna see which ones I missed
@rlemon fiddle
is it the only tag on the page?
@StephanMuller did you read this theonion.com/articles/…
it's quite old but i heard of it for the first time now
@TylerH you may have to press a key or something.. gotta get that fixed
@TylerH the only one in the document flow.
Heh, I hadn't Worf
@Worf psst it's the onion
I can't read the onion
I want like 60% of the articles to be real
ah, it's fake
it's still super funny
srs, why can't I vertically center this without display:table
fuckity fuck I hate css
can flex?
using Canvas, so support is already bombed
proper news
@Worf you want this: reddit.com/r/nottheonion
@rlemon jsfiddle.net/y9cn4tfL/1 the classic position hack
you actually don't need the height property either, it seems
decided to put it in a container with fixed dimensions
but thanks!
just flex align-items
it's really op
a single animated canvas used as a repeating background image
now I just need to figure out how to make scan lines and still keep it 60fps
hmm, maybe I shouldn't have posted a canonical answer on a question by a user with 3 rep that already accepted another answer
Thoughts? I could move it to a better suited question, or I could keep it there and hope OP will see it and check mine..
A: JavaScript generated content event on loading?

Stephan MullerTo do this without adding an inline onload attribute to all the images you will have to observe the DOM for changes. Then on every change, you have to fetch all the images and add the onload event to them from the callback. To prevent checking each image every time, once they've been loaded you c...

I bet I can easily find 20 duplicates of that without even trying
and this is just the non-jQuery version
There, now the user has 8 rep :-P
that's not what I mean
I wonder if he'll even come back
yeah I know :-P
Best we can do is hope he sticks around
vote up your answer, etc.
yeah or I put it somewhere else and we mark this as duplicate
preferrably my own question of course 8-)
he did respond to comments on the accepted answer
give it a day or two
let's give him some time
agreed, thanks
I'm often hesitant to CV questions I come across in the queue for the same reason
yeah, it could come across as a bit too much repwhoring
it'll have 3 CVs but only be like 40 minutes old, and all the OP needs to do is add some code from a Fiddle to the question or something
Also, should I add jQuery versions too or should I put that in a question actually tagged as jQuery?
the question doesn't use jQuery or the tag so I'd leave it out
of course, if you want more rep, add a jQuery section for passersby
is there a way to produce linear gradient opacity?
like, faded from the outside in
in css*
clip filters or something?
Q: CSS3 Transparency + Gradient

JourkeyRGBA is extremely fun, and so is -webkit-gradient, -moz-gradient, and uh... progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient... yeah. :) Is there a way to combine the two, RGBA and gradients, so that there's gradient of alpha transparency using the current/latest CSS specs.

that is gradient colors with transparency
I have two backgrounds layered on the same element, I want the gradient to fade away parts of the underlying background. :D
I should have been more clear.
hang on let me unwrinkle my brain
how do you have two backgrounds on the same element?
background: a,b,c; :P
you never seen this?
I think so, I just didn't understand it based on how you described it
I'm also pretty sleep deprived this week so that could be it
like 3-4 hours a night
which is probably why I feel like I have the flu today
(I also could actually have the flu)
@rlemon and you want the pizza background to be faded at the top?
and bottom yes
I'm thinking background-clip: uhhhh???
try background-clip: -photoshop-is-easier;
great. photoshop doesn't run on my webpage :D
good guy chris
Chrome sucks
they prefix all their stuff
I to make radio button and I want to put the radio button in the left of the text.
But If I try to do it
<input type="radio" name="semester" id="r2" value="r2">
this is not work well..
what is the right way to do this?
@Alon put the radio button before the text
truth or dare
Q: Need to know scope of node.js in future

shreejith nairIs node.js the next big thing? Need your opinion please don't vote down this question? I want your suggestion Thanking You

I it not possible anymore to receive emails when a new question is asked in a certain search?
oh, nice
Trying reallll hard to find all those dupes, eh? :-P
Just cleaning up the html-datalist tag
I prefer patrolling niche subjects over answering front page questions
aww, my canonical image loading answer won't be accepted. OP has to support IE8
to the refactor mobile
is there a css filter that magnifies the content underneath it?
A: Can you blur the content beneath/behind a div?

DrePossibly a duplicate of this question, in which case: you can pull this off with canvas and the StackBlurforCanvas library. See this

I like Bumblebee Crumblypants
only just started watching Sherlock, it's great
Seasons are short though :(
you can binge all 3 seasons in a day
> Cabbagewank
meh, >1h per episode is pretty long
I prefer to watch one or two a day
linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,0,0,0), rgba(255,0,0,1) 90%, rgba(0,0,0,0))
work in FF ??

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