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I mean that if it were to be an issue, it would always be memory, not performance
even if you could choose, you would never (unless you didn't know otherwise) choose the wrong implementation performance-wise just to save a few bytes
That's just silly
ah, yeah
btw, what's the point of Bag? that's even less useful than sorted maps and sets @SecondRikudo
it is implemented using arrays, right?
@Worf Bag?
Bag is a Set that allows duplicate values
basically an "unordered list"
hi, I think I owe you a nice bounty @rlemon
I was wondering if you guys knew of any chrome extensions or userscripts to download the images you view from imgur without re-requesting it from the server, if you understand what I mean.
@Worf mainly for iteration purposes I guess
shopping cart is a good example
@Nik The normal browser save-as won't request again if you have it cached.
regular lists are just as fine
Hit CTRL+S while on the image.
@Worf Unless there's a performance advantage to losing the order.
yeah i see reindexing/reordering big lists can be expensive
@SecondRikudo Yeah, I know that, I just want to know if there's some extension to relieve from clicking that button. Yeah, I need a lot of files.
@Nik CTRL+S, Enter?
You could just create a simple node script that accepts an array of URLs and downloads the images to disk
You see Bag used in C# sometimes
@SecondRikudo Ah, that's what I'm looking for. Do you have a tut on how to do that?
I think it's just a collection of some sort, without knowing too much how it is implemented
@Nik It's pretty trivial, how familiar are you with node?
Node is easy.
Google says.
@SecondRikudo Node.js? Not at all
@Nik How familiar are you with JavaScript?
And "I know jQuery" is the wrong answer.
"I know jQuery" around these parts will earn you death by stoning
@Neil Death by camel, if some people are here.
@SecondRikudo I finished the codecademy course for it and did several independant projects using it. I left the jQuery track... because idk, it just didn't feel right. It felt like highschool physics equations.
Not sure how death by camel would be, but I'm fairly sure it would be an unpleasant way to die
@Nik Node.js is JavaScript
If you're familiar with the concepts of JavaScript, Node.js is pretty simple to learn
@Neil I lived in the Middle East for a while I can tame camels, warlords and warlords on camels and vice-versa
Of course it doesn't have to be Node.js
Practically any language can do that pretty trivially.
@Nik camels on warlords being the most difficult of all to tame
@SecondRikudo Yeah, I still haven't experienced the power of programming languages where you can manipulate actions on browsers and things. (I've taken a course in highschool C++)
@Nik You don't even need the browser in this case.
Before we proceed, any particular reason you want to avoid requesting the image from the server again?
the beauty (and curse) of node.js is that nothing is done automagically
There is plenty of library support, but nothing will make your application right out of the box
@SecondRikudo As I've mentioned in this room, I have cwappy internet data limits.
@Nik What OS are you on?
@cimmanon Stop bothering us with those duplicates
Get your own mjolnir already!
@SecondRikudo ... Windows 8.1
@cimmanon Don't get sassy with us
@Nik You can try to look up where chrome (or whatever browser) keeps its cache
@SecondRikudo There's only one and only a few can wield it. Odin must see you worthy
@Nik I don't see what you mean. I have 4 mjolnirs.
Although I totally preferred Index's Mjolnir over Marvel's
(It's okay if you have no idea what I'm rambling about, but if you do, good for you!)
@mikedidthis i have the most impossible clients - a client wants responsive <imgs> that must be lightweight when the mobile site is loaded at 1:1 resolution, but when zooming in, images must increase their quality, basically i'm supposed to load different .jpgs accordingly to the zoom
do you know a lib for that?
maybe polyfill-ish
i already told him that there's already the lightbox for that, he doesn't care -__-
@web-tiki lol
,function(){featured.remove()}); -> ,featured.remove);
el.animate(sequence,120,mina.linear, function(){runAnimations(el)});
el.animate(sequence,120,mina.linear, runAnimations.bind(null, el));
mind you .bind is es5
@Worf nope, just server the largest res?
@mikedidthis this is a nightmare because larger images i have also have a different aspect ratio -__-
@Worf just say no
will need to meet him and explain why this is plain stupid
wanna know how clients work
coffee and ideas.
many, many, stupid ideas.
they meet a total stranger
the stranger is totally envious of their success
picture element has the ability to check if a device can load a high res image.
I love that.
why are we not funding this
so he critics what is the public face of the company
which is the website
oh i can't zoom images - your site sucks
my client thinks he's right
    media="(min-width: 650px)"
    media="(min-width: 465px)"
    alt="a cute kitten">
@rlemon *prehistoric
and i have to do the work
also, how did he manage to zoom in since i'm using initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no
ah i just noticed it gets ignored by android chrome
whys life so hard
thx @rlemon I'll go read docs about the bind() method
@SecondRikudo 35 more upvotes on sass answers for her to have a mjolnir for that tag
very close
> Short people. When you've finished using a car, put the f**king seat back, so humans can use it afterwards.
cc @Worf
however I don't think he lost 133kg in 6 weeks
"in just 12 months"
the title is a little ambiguous
"six weeks" seems to refer to how long the friend texted him "fat f***"
love such friends
shall we all text mario ?
@Kitler roffflll :D
on a totally unrelated matter @Worf what's your phone number?
ddos him for 6 weeks now that he has internet back
@Worf work on NEON you f*ck!
^ expect this every day for the next 6 weeks
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Unfair Monday
@Feeds who starts at 9am?!
the company i used to work at
and the 2 before it
or 9-5?
I've always worked 8-5 with an hour lunch
1 was 9-6 2 were 9-5 but you never leave at 5
I start at random
all included a 1h lunch
depends on evening events
I came in at 3 pm today :P
usually here around 11-12
I'm usually somewhere between 8-9
I hate waking up
even though I don't ride bikes
So i don't put an alarm and just show up when I wake up
@rlemon I start at 9
I started at 9 last summer
@rlemon lol
@rlemon would make a cool movie, the duck apocalypse
@rlemon Gangs of New Quack
> Sir, we ran out of duck sized horses, so you'll just have to fight the ducks.
@TylerH cool
about time
i care of my health. if i were fatter i wouldn't wait for anyone's help to get fit
lol, my school's internet is great for testing this image loader code. It takes forever to load xD
@rlemon ETA is 2032
actually, it's May 2032
setInterval(ping('Worf').then(function() { return emit({ message: "WORK ON NEON YOU F*CK!" }); }),1000*60*60*24)
Neon is that really cool text effect you had up?
@Kitler yeah it's that gas they put in business signs to light up
yayyy, busy work! "here download all of these webforms into PDFs and create a file structure that matches the webform structure"
200 PDFs here I come
@TylerH only in the red ones
good job
didn't know they taught chemistry in Italy!
@Worf no, Greece did
well, the first unified theory
we did not, greek did, but lolling at thinking that tyler is going to search chemistry history on wikipedia
6 messages moved to Trash
there's always babylonians and stuff before them
@Worf nah I know about Epicurus and Aristotle's works with that field because I was bored in Borders one day and there were all these books on them and other classical romans/grecians
and at the time I was obsessed with ancient roman and greek mythologies and civilizations
Thanks a lot, Caesar III
@Worf also AP Chemistry kicked my ass in high school
too much math
I always did better in AP Biology
partly because there were only 8 students in that class and the teacher was hella awesome, so it never really felt like a class
i used to like mythology a lot too - for a period such stories were my bed time stories. lol
wonder why
i forgot everything about math and co the day i got my diploma
Is there a free plugin which allows me to use sass ( which I am using already ) and a way to refresh my chrome browser automatically after making changes?
@Worf I took survey of calculus twice... don't remember a single thing about it
but the worst was french. i did two years of french
i don't remember literally anything of it
@Duikboot live reload
But livereload is not free I guess?
I remember some spanish
took it for two semesters
mostly I just remember the pledge of allegiance in Spanish because it was first block for me so we always said the pledge in the morning
me gusta flag of murica
8 mins ago, by rlemon
that's spanish
"Yo Prometo le altad a la bandera de Los Estados Unidos de America, y a la republica que representa una nacion bajo dios entera con libertad y justicia para todos"
I will remember that until my dying day, I bet
> we pledge allegiance to the border coyotes of america
@rlemon love that shit
"Yeah boy" "It's 2009"
questions like this
it's shit, but the site they link is full of ads
is that considered spam?
> here, look at my site and fix it. ohh yea, and I'll take those impressions on my 6 ads, including a popup
I removed the link from the title, but just wonderiing for the future how mods view these
Has someone a suggestion how to become this? jsfiddle.net/duikboot/d9g2jm39
( The example is in the JS code )
yea, you're going to need to do better than that
how the hell did you figure out his question from that?!
do you think the best way to submit an article to codrops would be their contact page?
Oh stupid me :D
what number am I thinking about?!
inline-block ofcourse
That was insane fast :D
or flexbox
announcement: php7 is too cool, i don't need another language anymore. i could still study one tho, but just for learning purposes
@ZachSaucier I just asked them, but that's what it says in their about us page "if you want to be featured, contact us!" and it links to the contact form
announcement: this weekend I will program a fridge in JS
@TylerH I was about to ask :P
@rlemon nice, what model?
or is it proprietary/for work
@Worf Pfft, real PHP devs still use PHP4 :-D
@TylerH lemonModel #1
I'm making my own fridge and programming the arduino controller in js
@rlemon is that the one with the automatic lemon slicer dispenser?
no, this one will control the temperature of my beer while it ferments
they are even going to alias the functions with consistent naming!
ohh neat.
last batch of beer I made didn't turn out because it got too hot during the second fermentation step
I need to keep it at a steady 12C
@rlemon DO IT
wait - were you serious? xD
I started working on it last night
ahahah lol
2 72W peltier's a controller, a power supply, and two pc fans
a box and some foam insulation
man, the natural world is a weird one
just that stuff can happen at very precise temperatures or times or whatever
i once used a peltier for a cpu @rlemon didn't go well
life/reality is just weird
the heatsink went red hot, the cpu broke down because of vapour turned into ice i think
@rlemon You should set up a picture blog or something for it on rlemon.ca so we can follow your progress
all that in 30 min running
then add it to the feeds here :-P
@TylerH i subscribe this
@rlemon dataset works in IE9 just fine for obtaining values, correct?
!!caniuse dataset
When you have an HTML structure like : ul > li > a > img
yep, getAttribute
What is then the best way to put an opacity layer to the img tag when hovering?
@Duikboot ?
ul li a img:hover { ... } doesn't change anything.
I want to put a black overlay to my image when hovering. :)
@Duikboot make a jsfiddle
@ZachSaucier what everyone else says
use get/setAttribute
if you want to blend it with a solid color you can do a{background:red} a > img:hover{opacity:0.5}
elm.dataset.foo isn't supported until recent IE
@Duikboot use pseudo elements (::before and ::after)
even for get??? :(
@rlemon maybe using defineProperty you can polyfill dataset?
!!caniuse defineProperty
looks like there is a shim
I still use get/set because.. ugh.
IE needed to get their shit together for dataset
I'm looking to provide hyphen support for a web-application, which requires the lang attribute on the html tag for webkit browsers. However, the application contains user-generated content in any number of languages, so setting lang="en" seems misleading. Any recommendations?
just recently did they start supporting it fully.
please don't use class="block"
ok :)
jsfiddle.net/TylerH/nr1fw040/1 here's one method that I like for overlays on images
can't believe I don't have a simpler one saved to my dashboard
oh wait, I do: jsfiddle.net/TylerH/m4v71m4q @Duikboot
That's also a cool approach :D
@rlemon soon you can say "I only support Spartan"
or IE11 for legacy
I support modern standards
if your browser doesn't, get a better browser
Nice @TylerH
and yes I tell clients that
@Duikboot the drawback of using a pseudo element like that, if you add text that way, is you can't select it because it's not added to the DOM
(try to select the "Hello" and you'll see you can't)
you want cutting edge software, you need at least modern hardware
so it's not good to do that if the text is important for your site's content
because then impaired users (eg screenreaders) won't be able to see/read the text
but that's only for the content:"" property of pseudo elements
Nice man
any other implementations would probably have you entering text in the markup, or maybe JS in weird implementations
but, like @Worf said, please don't use "block" as a class name. It's not very semantic (meaningful), and it's also a common value of the display property, so it can lead to confusion
@rlemon You must not work with huge corporations. The amount of bureaucracy involved in even allowing an update in ANY software can be ridiculous.
try to not let your css change your markup
@Shmiddty he works for one company more or less
@TylerH I know :)
Well, sort of. I mean, I know @rlemon fairly well.
we're the innovators in our industry
I really enjoy being able to 'make the rules'
haha fair enough
Imagine a dystopian future where crops are controlled by a world gov't organization, with everything controlled by AI, robots, and programming, all development done in-house.
In that dystopian future, rlemon is your god.
I know. I make fun of his grain dryers all the time
I just like to use that description when I can :-)
It's a good one
Now I feel inspired to make a short sci-fi film on that premise
a world where all crops are controlled by a single software entity, programmed in node... by rlemon.
"Two hundred years in the future, grain has become mankind's most precious resource. One man stands alone, protecting the world's remaining crops from would-be pirates and outlaws. He is... the lemon..."
You'd probably sneak in a back door to initiate fermentation of the grains as a gag. "This'll get everyone drunk. It'll be hilarious"
Hmm, could be just as good as a spaghetti western
grain is already one of our most precious resources
we just don't think about it
@rlemon blah blah movie blah blah artistic license
I'll also have the person playing you be uttering lines like "THE HACKERS IN OUR MAINFRAME" and have three people helping you type faster on your keyboard
IE9 doesn't support classList either T_T
!!s/breakupwith/rm -rf/
Hackers was is such a badass movie
@CapricaSix You dirty slacker.
@Shmiddty s// only works in JS room
uses the DOM
PSA: Please stop using Abstractions if you can reasonably get by with a polyfill.
@rlemon We could have her cache the last N messages per room
@Shmiddty we could. submit a PR
*grumble grumble*
PSA: please someone make a super simple parallax scaffold using CSS. All the "simple" examples that are out there are too damn complex D-:
@TylerH there is discussion of making it more native in www.style
not much, but some. I don't remember what they talked about. @BoltClock may have a better idea
that's not the one I was thinking of. Busy now though

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