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tl;dr I setup a tunnel, now I need to send shit back down the other way. it should already be a reverse tunnel, but I don't seem to be able to send shit
I am shocking with networking, servers and the command line
servers and command line I'm getting better at, networking i avoid at all costs
how do you guys feel about quitting a job without notice
I've only done it once.
manager stole from me.
well i've gave notice by not accepting a raise and a stay bonus.
I've left one job with only a week notice. felt pretty bad about it.
but i didn't leave
i feel terrible i said i'll help out remotly
work the notice, unless you have a really good reason to leave early.
contract roles want you to start immediatly
the place I left with only a week notice, I worked the week, but I couldn't give any longer because the new company needed me to start by a certain date.
since it's in the <a> I made it like this ... $('#button > a').on('click', function(){ right ?
i know this company want me to start monday
@Ricky you changed <a> to have the ID tho yes?
yes you told that it's better to have it inside the a...
so I changed it
@Phreak explain to new company that its really short notice, ask to start a week later. If no, explain to old company you have asap, you tried to work around it.
@Ricky well really that is upto you. I myself think it is more semantic to listen to the click on the actual anchor, not its container.
<li><a id="button" href="#">Log in</a></li>
@mikedidthis yup thats what i'm doing and i'm willing to stay remote to help out for as long as they need
<a id="button" href="#"></a> is simply #button or if you wanna be specific a#button
@Phreak I wouldn't offer.
first it was <li id="button"><a href="#">Log in</a></li>
yup, I remember
@Phreak first week at a new job is tiring.
I'm explaining how selectors work now
ok I will try them both with the right js each time
but i'll have to suffice i need to do something as not to burn the bridge
even though its pretty burned already
I wouldn't want to ruin the new job by worrying / working the old one.
man i feel icky
What you offering is a nice jester, but it puts you in a really sticky position.
Congrats on the new job
thanks :0 shit i feel bad but i guess i gotta do whats best for my future
seems selfish
well don't, you should feel happy
i'm leaving a FT role for contract because in my FT role i'm not coding cuz it just got out of bankruptcy
and everything is in the shitter
okay yea thanks fot the advice.
@mikedidthis pretty hacky, but it works: jsfiddle.net/kelunik/xd6w2vLt/2 ;-P
@rlemon I tried this... instead of a <a> i tried with a button tag <button>... which worked pretty good. So I was wondering if there is any way to replace the <a> ..
yea you can use a button for sure
without runing the style (the <button> is working but is runing the styling )
well yea, it has other default styles.
you can change those in css. most often you just need to remove the border, padding, margins, outlines, and set the background color and color
I think these are in agent. style if not defined in css..
they are defined in the computed style
because I don't remember defining anything about it ..
browsers give 'default' styles to tags
how do I bypass this ? adding a class?
adding a class and overriding it
and adding to button?
ok .
or overriding all tags (that is often called a css reset)
ok thanks for your help so far... much appreciated
so it all works now?
still working on styling.. and then I have to check for the mobile version too (the small screens) dear lord :( :'(
@rlemon nice catch :D
just wondering.. when I have the the button inside the <li> then how do I make the hover thing work? .loginn: hover {color: #fff;}
<li><button class="loginn" type="submit" id="button" >Log in</button></li>
because color doesn't auto inherit
if you make .loginn { color: inherit; } it should take.
err, nvm
ignore that
nevermind I'leave it white :P :)
@BasementKeyboardHero you
holy... I learned how to write markdown links, finally...
I tried this .loginn li:hover {color:#F00;} but since the button is inside the <li> it won't work.
@BasementKeyboardHero don't say
hahahahah touche
you have your selectors wrong
can i get that site link again? don't remember the markup
as an update @basement .. since we couldn't find a solution i thought of replacing the <a> with button
but Now styling must be applied in order to make it work .
.loginn li:hover a {color:#F00;}
there is no <a> though.. does it matter?
or just #button:hover a
replace the a with the tag that's in use
.loginn li:hover button {color:#F00;} ?
the button tag is used
I know but we can't use <a> at all.
only button
the live site is not updated
it's the same thing -.-
I know but it didn't work
that's what I am telling you
<nav id="nav">
<li class="current_page_item"><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
<li><button class="loginn" type="submit" id="button" >Log in</button></li>
your button's class is loginn
yes ..
of course it's not going to work
that's what I told you before :)
that there is no li inside button
li:hover .loginn { color:red; }
Come on these are basics
mea culpa.. if had almost 8 hours like me here in front of the screen then everything is possible :)
@ZachSaucier can we have a link to your resources ?
@Ricky I v been at work for the past 12 hours :P safe to say my brain is cooked
@Ricky I presume you are new to the web development?
no ... I am a graphic designer who in less than 1 month had to learn all these things :)
Ohh kkk makes sense
Interested in some getting started tutorials?
@Ricky so you are a web designer turned 1 month developer?
I need a resource
I am not a web designer :) I am a graphic designer :) I didn't even know basic html code a few months ago..
for design inspiration - particular for animation on websites
A: Good place to start learning web design?

Zach SaucierThe best way to learn how to create websites and applications is to actually do it, meaning you should create projects, and to do it all the time. This short video conveys the emotions of a newcomer and gives some good advice on the subject. However, just as you can't speak languages you don't k...

@Ricky ahh ok, I was in the same boat fwiw.
but I am learning really quick...
but some thing are really advanced.
you what is cool
is that this profession has the resources that it does
Also if you don't mind signing up to a site code.tutsplus.com/articles/… << is a really good tutorial
I mean, tell me where else you can INSTANTLY get feedback from other professionals around the world potentially
and on the top... I paid a developer to make a responsive table with scrolls and everything .. only to find out that he made everything wrong and I had to correct his code :/
this chatroom and the ones like it here are amazing if you thnk about it
@Ricky Want help?
right now?
or like 20min, gonna shower
the only issue remains .. the problem in my site which is still live with the old code had the <a> not working properly..
in the login button
do you use hangouts ?
if you add a hyperlink in the login then - magic - it works!
hangouts? never heard of it.. what's this a developer workspace?
nope I will install in my tablet ..
No one uses google+ but it's still a good chat interface :P
@Bubbas are you ok?
!!doge emotions, chat, help
               much emotions
                        such  chat
many  help
the only chat I used is this one :) . Idon't even chat in facebook cuz I don't have time .. I have to make things fast :) and the better way to learn things is by doing them. :)
well brb gonna shower, if you're still around and need help I ll be on for the next 2-3 hours
ok .
@BasementKeyboardHero is that you?!
this is so frustrating.... I am thinking on quitting the whole popup sign-up form and just add a f*** link to a sign-up page :/
@SecondRikudo epic bear :D
@Ricky it's very easy if you know what you're doing :P
did you download hangouts ?
no no it's not about that basement .. We tried we rlemon to resolve the issue with the <a> link with no result . I know that it's easy to style the button but the thing is that I have make many changes to the code ( wide menu - menu for phones ) .. So I think it's better to make a independent sign up page that will be easily accessible from the sql developer for further work :)
*with rlemon
bro gief code and lemme do my thing :P
email me at [email protected]
the thing is for me to learn though :P :) .. I will download hangouts now that you mentioned it
I ll comment it :P
and forget the sql developer :P
remove your mail
I am not sure but I think I just texted you in hangouts .
I am thinking about starting a new project which will be a GUI for PHP code quality tools (think unit tests and other tools) and I need some html / css / webdesign people to make it not suck. Ping me tomorrow when I am not drunk if you feel like contributing
@KeyboardWarrior o/
posted on March 06, 2015 by Fonder

This seems as good a time as any to mention that multilingual powers have now been extended to include French, Russian, Spanish, Italian and Greek (with more to come). You’ll find the archives for these languages to be more or less completely up to date courtesy of the following awesome fans; French – Céline Dethier […]

@PeeHaa I m interested
What does the html specification have to say about img tags that specify alt but not an image location?
my browsers support it, but i'm not sure if it's standard
@Blob validate it and find out
@cimmanon thanks; it's required
This is the new WAT.
@rlemon turned out to be the empty href
@StephanMuller amazing..
@StephanMuller takes talent to do that
4 hours ago, by rlemon
a href="#" <- tis why we do this
I didn't see that O.o
And was still broken in his code
fucken hell it drove me crazy for almost an hour
Good thing I had a j :P
well 2 :P
$('#button').on('click touchend', function() {
ended up working regardless
touchend registers
filled href made it work
with a prevent default
touchend works without filled href
also turns out on mobile he's using a plugin that takes the href and sets it as a new link's href
just FYI
I got that
it is terrible in any case
stupid mobiles need to get their shit together
how's the little lady?
his hand?
she says hey
we're watching house of cards
she hasn't seen season 2 and I wanna start season 3 asap :P
I'm still only like 5 or 6 episodes into that show
good stuff, and how's the goat
awesome getting better in the sack
also makes a great lawn mower

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