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That motherflippn thing again...
posted on March 06, 2015 by Chris Coyier

I just recently took CSS-Tricks "HTTPS everywhere". That is, every URL on this site enforces the HTTPS (SSL) protocol. Non-secure HTTP requests get redirected to HTTPS. Here's some notes on that journey. Why do it? General security. When you enforce HTTPS, you're guaranteeing no information passed between the server and client can be intercepted and stolen or messed with in any way. That's

independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/… <--- read that instead of about the frigging dress
^ western media and allies propaganda.
i need my own drone.
@Phreak what kind? hobby drone or predator drone with missiles?
I've been thinking of spending my saved up money on a drone instead of a new laptop.
i know right!
what do you plan to use it for?
I have this idea *looks to see if Zuckerburg is around*...where I patent a new crowd dispersal system for tyrannical governments like Turkey, America, North Korea, etc. Where the drone swoops over said crowds and releases skunk spray.
Otherwise I'd just use it to spy on people.
I can have an evil mind at times >.<
lmao yea.. evil
i'd get a drone and just let it loose, like a free bird and it will live amongst the birds and mate and produce more drones.
or just have my drone always hover over my head.
i like the idea of having a drone hover over my head. i'd probably have to reprogram some things.
I've also been thinking of getting a roomba, I hate having to clean all the time with pet fur everywhere. I wish they had a drone you could by to fly around and dust the room as well.
^ idea guys!!! get to work on such a drone!
dyson is in the process of it already SUCTION
NASA Dyson drone technology
@crypticツ you just gave sukerberg an idea
I also have a great idea for a business
i fee like pining everyone in chat :D just for funzy but it'll probably get me axed so i defer to you @StephanMuller
Google glass + facial recognition + a vast database of amateur porn. Walk around town, get instant notifications if you see a girl that has done dirty stuff on cam. Also link it to social media so you can get a list of her interests and topics to start a conversation with her.
is width='100px' the same as width='100' ? Or is the first invalid? Tumblr seems to be making code using the px. I thought that was invalid.
as an element attribute, leaving px out used to be valid
not sure if it still is
@StephanMuller that's really creepy, but also pretty genius.
Guys I need help for webhosting.
I need to host my blog, few subdomains, few other websites ( may be upto 5 ). I don't care about bandwidth, it is only for sideprojects. Can you guys suggest me what are my options for web hosting?
@StephanMuller HookGirl tm
srry that's as creative as i get :D
@RakeshJuyal VPS tilaa.com
@crypticツ VPS or shared hosting?
Siteground will fuck you over if you have process-heavy stuff running though. Just some simple sites will do fine
@Phreak let me check that. Tx
@RakeshJuyal digital ocean
i use bluehost
I ran a wiki with 3k pages and 10k users and it was way too CPU heavy for siteground, even though we used very little bandwidth etc
You can have all of that on a 5$ droplet
I never do shared hosting. Always VPS if you can, since you have full control and don't need to share resources as you have dedicated resources. But only do so if you know how to manage an OS and server.
^ exactly, it's not noob stuff
95% people who want to run some wordpress sites should go shared
@BasementKeyboardHero heard some bad words for digital ocean, but let me see.
Like what?
Wanna use my ref link and get 10$ of credit to try it out?
@BasementKeyboardHero damn greenpeace, they must have misunderstood it again
@BasementKeyboardHero Yeah, share your ref link. If I will go for digital ocean I will use your ref link. :)
I get 25$ when you reach 25$ of billing which isn't bad :P
@BasementKeyboardHero do they allow porn?
@StephanMuller lol
Why wouldn't they
Serious question, I'm running some blogs over at amerinoc but they suck
many don't allow it
@StephanMuller i'll let you host on my server just to get access :D
My God, Jeff Attwood and John Resig says DigitalOcean is good.
It's just auto-posted images scraped from tumblr which I repost to another tumblr :P
Hmm lemme check
I v been on DO for ~1year it's awesome
Just make sure you pick a server close to you if you have a shitty connection, so you can avoid cmd lag
If I will go for DigitalOcean, then what plan should I go for $5 or $10. I need to host my blog, few subdomani, around 5website ( not much traffic )
I v got a 20$ droplet that hosts everything I work on
@RakeshJuyal go with 5$ and monitor performance, if you find that it needs it upgrading is a few clicks
iirc they removed the droplet downsizing
So you can only go up
@BasementKeyboardHero I think I will go with DigitalOcean and will use your ref.
Oh downsizing removed :)
Need some help setting up ?
That will be amazing. Let me buy it first. If I need some help, will find you. ;)
!!urban Double Dutch Rudder
@easwee [Double Dutch Rudder](http://double-dutch-rudder.urbanup.com/3754683) The double dutch rudder is the process or action of two men standing facing each other, each with his right hand around his own penis, then they place their left hand on the elbow of their friends right elbow, then they simultaneously move the friends right elbow back/forth with their left hand causing the friend to masturbate.

It's universally accepted as not homosexual be(snip)
ofc it's dutch :P
heh that's from Zack and Miri Make A Porno
funny movie
bunch of stoners
@StephanMuller you can have porn on DO as long as it's not illegal
I might use your referral
@BasementKeyboardHero define "illegal"
woop woop
@crypticツ underage, child, beastiality etc
@crypticツ illegal = !legal
Hello. I need your help guys... :/
but what country's laws are applied?
@RakeshJuyal !=
I have a menu with some menu buttons on the top of my website.. .. I've added a popup message into one of the which seems to work pretty fine...
Probably sates
generally US
They're main offices are based in NYC
but on my tablet I can't click on that button unless I point its border or something
@Ricky can we see it anywhere ?
US laws are world laws okay!
usually they only come down hard on stuff like child porn etc, if you just post copyrighted content they'll just send a DMCA
It will be online in a few. I asked a friend of mine to upload it to his website.
There are international laws about that as well
@Ricky link us whenever, or if you can reproduce it in a fiddle
if i programmed a porn site there would be no programming done!
Heh. I worked for one for 3 years
after a while work starts to look interesting again
9 in the morning, half awake, first cup of coffee and gaping holes on screen
not always as fun as it seems
and we only did straight, which was a blessing
@StephanMuller goatse?
we had one guy who would handle the gay section on the forums
@crypticツ that's not porn, that's art
@easwee intentionally wrote = ! instead of != . ( Assignment operator instead of compare operator ;) )
@crypticツ do you know about swap.avi?
@RakeshJuyal oh ok :)
@StephanMuller nope, but I'm guessing it has to do with snow balling.
@StephanMuller umm how did "developing a porn application with over 100k users" load balancing both technical and not look on ur resume
some dude over at somethingawful found himself with a spare $1000 or so. Wondered what the sickest porn would be he could make with that. Went to brazil, hired a few girls, made the worst scat/puke/snot porn clip ever
get it "load balancing"
@Phreak Heh. Puns aside, it looks great. Interviewers always look weird/curious at first, then I tell them about the amount of visitors (3m/day) and how big the project was, and suddenly they forget I even mentioned porn :P
I'd have to be at a very low point in my life to ever partake in such a video. Like I would have to hate myself and my life.
Plenty of people like that going around though
@StephanMuller rofl
the story
is that SFW?
wait lol
> After less than a day, Metis announced that he had received a response from the Brazilian custom video company.

> "A scat movie with 2 girls costs US$350 plus shipping and you can pay US$ 150 for additional girl. This is the price for you make your own video. What do you think about it? Please let me know..."
"They are all disrobing. Each of them is ugly in their own unique way. I take some small consolation from the fact that nothing beautiful will be ruined by this video.09:12" ROFL
I doubt I dare to read to the end
the real question is did the article link the video
@Basement here is the link.. goo.gl/EdnSmU As you can see when you click at login there is pop up message - a sign up form. But if you try this on tablet then the button is not working properly.
JK gross i think i wound't be able to handle that
the viewer would be = to the actor
only if you point at the border or somewhere below the text will work.
if you point directly on "log-in" then nothing happens :/
(on tablet)
Can i start off by saying, never use document.write
@Phreak I can post the magnet link.
@crypticツ "I see myself in their eyes. We want to die"
best part
good friday tal
it was suggested by the community in order to make the pop up work better
@crypticツ i'm good :))
Q: Hide div class on page load

RickyHello I have a sign up form which is visible and I am trying to hide it when the page loads. So what I did was to put the whole form in a div class named "signup" and then hide it with a script code. UPDATE: html <script> document.write('<div class="js">'); </script> <span class="button">...

@Ricky its old.
which one is old?
@BasementKeyboardHero yea?
mis ping?
Nope, document.write in this case doesn't seem harmful, is it?
Guys I understand what you say. But I am not that expert I made some effort on working on a pop up sign up form and it was suggested from a high ranked member of the community
@Ricky one problem at a time ^^
document.write can open a can of worms.
because it calls document.open
if the document isn't closed yet, it isn't an issue. if it is, document.open clears the document
ok so you think that this is causing the thing that I can't click on the login button on the top bar ? (on tablet)
Why not just do <script>document.body.className += " js"</script> or something similar
so, in this case document.write is done before the dom is finished parsing. the document is still open, it doesn't re-open and therefore is fine.
I personally still wouldn't use it because I hate document.write, but in these cases it is 'legit' use of it
Ok . so in this case is this what causing "click" to fail on tablet? (on a specific button)
@Ricky can you toss it into a fiddle so we can tinker with it ?
don't toss it into a fiddle
document.write breaks jsfiddle.
I am intrigued with what rlemon said. Should we start from my recent question about the popup sign up form? so we can remove the document.write?
@BasementKeyboardHero @Ricky jsbin.com/tefiyupemi/1/edit
ps: I posted a link a few lines above to the question (which I made today)
notice how the first document.write just writes it inline with where the script tags are located
clicking the documentBody writes after the document is closed, opening it again clears it
ok. guys I see your point. Document.write must be annihilated
Can you help mee find a better solution for the popup form then? and then I guess we'll have less things to worry about :)
Yup gimme a minute
Finishing up some work
my initial problem was that I had the sign up form which was always visible on page load. I tried many methods to hide it on page load before calling it but not all of them were successful. The problem was that in some cases the form was permanently hidden. or permanently visible. It was suggested to use document.write to better make the suggested modified script work.
@Ricky again, it is valid in the answer provided. it is also a valid way to, say, write a script tag to the page (you see jQuery being included this way if the CDN fails all the time)
but, I urge anyone using it to fully understand how it works.
!!mdn document.write
^ read this link
Yes but if there is a change of having problems by using this method I guess it would be better to improve it. :)
not the method .. the solution :)
The pen works fine on tablet
there is no problem with the solution, like I just said. but you don't understand the solution you might think document.write is safe to use in places it is not
this is all about knowledge.
you will have more problems to solve in the future, on this project or another, why not learn about them now
There's a problem with his implementation, it's buggy on his live site
@basement I just removed the document.write.
to see if this is causing the button not to work
and it seems irrelevant to the button
for some reason the button doesn't work properly. I can't click directly on it. I have to point somewhere below it.
Yeah it's reproducible
only the login button - the home button it works just fine :/
what is the actual issue?
Open up his site while emulating a tablet
and try to click on login
close the sign up form first :)
what site?
I see no links
because I removed the document.write just in case..
ok, I clicked it
what is the expected behavior ?
@BasementKeyboardHero you know how annoying it is to have to pull teeth to help someone. :P y u do dis to me?!
it's not working right.. If you point direcrtly on the login button (on text) it doesn't work..
@rlemon I m helping him as well :P
you have to point below the text//button ..
lol. ok let me ask one more time
what is the expected behavior, and what do you see right now
step by step instructions people
the expected behavior is to bring up the sign up form
clicking on login should open a modal, on tablets it doesn't show the modal unless you click around the edge of the button
put you SQA hat on
any tablet emulation mode?
or a specific one
any tablet (for me ) emulation and real one
Step 1. Go to site
Step 2. Emulate a tablet with chrome dev tools (I used nexus 7)
Step 3. Reload
Step 4. Click on login
Step 5. Modal only comes up if you click around the edge of the button
and show me the code that attaches the click handler
if it is attached to the LI, there is your issue


attach it to the anchor.
I did that too.
it didn't work .
change this:
to this:
$('#button > a').click(function(){
no reason to lie ...
hold there :)
no ..
I have some avatars with rounded corners. If I add a white background to support transparent avatars, the antialiasing gets worse, anyone any idea how to have a white background for transparent avatars but still have a good looking border? Just have a closer look at the border:
heading home let you know when i m back online
too small to see any difference
@kelunik is the border on the image or parent?
@Ricky do me a favor, remove the entire index.js file.
I wanna test something and your jQuery is cock blocking me
and the call line too?
@mikedidthis the border is on the parent.
@Ricky no, change this <script src="js/index.js"></script> to this <!-- <script src="js/index.js"></script> -->
i'll warm my coffee while you do that
@kelunik can you replicate it on jsfiddle?
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
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done. The strange is that it goes highlighted when hovering with me pen/mouse.
I don't see any logic behind this problem :/
I am gonna put a href in the login just to see what's happening
it shouldn't work I guess
kk back
let me test this
@rlemon I added a href and it worked normally..
what the heck..
the click event isn't being registered on the button period
ahh because <a>'s without hrefs are silly.
a href="#" <- tis why we do this
<a> without href is a named anchor. in the old days it was a the location in the document you sent #hash links
yes I know .. common practice in Muse websites .
@Ricky hrm, that is strange indeed.
document.body.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
  console.log('clicked on', e.target);
add this to the console. and click on the page.
this should log anything you are clicking on
works for everything but that damn button
found it! fuck yes
does this showcase the problem?
cc @BasementKeyboardHero
the header?
in css?
what about it?
looks like the element for the testing link overlaps the other links.
and then why the home works ?
silly question ?
let me go back to it then
maybe I jumped the gun
and notice that If you add a normal hyperlink to the login it behaves normally
you can even click directly on it (on tablet always)
@kelunik its due to the gap where the border ends and the border-radius of the image starts. There are some sub pixels.
it's like there is an offset or something :/
Unfortunately, they're only there if there's a (solid) background color.
@Ricky ok last one. click isn't registered for hrefless a's on mobiles (not on all)
$('#button').on('click touchend', function() {
register the touchend event as well as click
if that alerts twice, you will wanna chance the click to mouseup
can't remember if that is an issue, I don't jQuery
hold there :)
yup works for me
just tested in the console.
cc @BasementKeyboardHero
so you changed it to mouseup?
left it as click
and ?
pasted the code I have above into the console and clicked login
got the alert
ohh ok
yea it does click..
so ?
what I do ?
you change your handler in your index.js to match what I have above.
$('#button').click(function(){ is actually $('#button').on('click', function(){
You can even make it worse: jsfiddle.net/kelunik/xd6w2vLt/1 ^^
given that, you can modify it to include the touchend
@kelunik don't put border on the image :D
@mikedidthis together we will take over the world.
@rlemon seems so.
now, if only someone can solve this for me.
I'm creating a ssh tunnel from DEVICE:A via ssh -R port: -l username ServerIp -N to SERVER:A so I can proxy stuff on SERVER:A to DEVICE:A at now I wanna ssh to the device, however this does not work. I also know the ip of the device, and the ssh port it leaves at (I think that is what I see in lsof -nPp <pid of the ssh session on SERVER:A>)
I find it is a hard setup to explain. ping me if you have suggestions or questions about it
ohh, I currently use the tunnel to proxy websocket requests from the server to the device.
c/p'd from the ask ubuntu room.
Good luck!

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