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@CSᵠ define "wrong"
discussed it in the js room
it's standards compliant
and is appropriate in some cases
not recommended in all cases still
also use textContent :)
and QSA
(@rlemon I'm learning and passing it on to others)
innerhtml is 100% compatible
if i need to protect for xss i'll use some regex coz` i luv regex
@ZachSaucier IE8 supports qSA
isn't qsa slower than just picking up the id?
refer to the lemon there
not by much is the short answer
@rlemon ?
@CSᵠ rlemon is afk: be on later tonight. if you miss me ping @BenjaminGruenbaum he is also lonely.
I've never heard of any of those definitions of flog except #5
@CSᵠ qsa is less convenient than using getelementbyid if youre after a single element because qsa returns a collection
and in theory, more data, or at least more processing
@cimmanon qs
@BoltClock getelementby id is still faster :p
@cimmanon Yes but I'm saying that the fact that qsa returns a collection is irrelevant considering there is a single-element equivalent
btw howto xpath select?
need to test or see implementation and test
i'd bet on getelem than on qs
even for a uniq id
Performance wise, getelementbyid is undisputed
querySelector is intended for complex selectors
(not that it's terribly useful at the moment considering relative selectors aren't implemented yet)
client code should always be performance oriented 1st (and ofc 100% working)
@CSᵠ no one cares about performance (see: all of the people who use jquery :p)
Q: change other childs when hovering nth-child(1)

riograndeI have 4 divs (.box) that are children of one parent div (.cont) CSS .cont{ width: 100%; height: auto; } .box{ width: 25%; color: #fff; text-align: center; padding: 50px 0; background: #333; float: left; } HTML <div class="cont"> <div class="box"> ...

Let's play find the duplicate
that's all I'd do if I was active on the Q&A (hence why I don't do anything on it)
I only edited the crap out of this question as practice for the new Help and Improvement queue
@BoltClock Found it
in SO Close Vote Reviewers, 2 mins ago, by gunr2171
Can you flag your own post for closure when you are under 10 rep?
cc @BoltClock
Well we regularly get "plz help me" custom flags from 1-rep users, but I don't know if they see all options or just the custom option
@CSᵠ nah, it should look pretty and then maybe work on weekdays
Hello. I am working with Bootstrap on my site (planhw.com), and I see the xs view in my browser window when I resize it, but it doesn't work with my phone (iPhone 6). Google also sent meant an email telling me to fix it.
google sent an e-mail?
yeah, webmaster tools
@penne12 not sure sorry, have you got the viewport meta tag?
What's that?
(having a mobile layout now majorly affects your rankings in mobile searches)
was about to say that
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
it's a tag that goes like this <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
If they can address some of the issues with THIQ, I can see myself spending a lot of my SO time there
just put that in the head?
if it's missing
I didn't put it there, yet. Seems like I found my problem
thanks so much!
no worries, make sure you learn what that means
Ok. I will! (I understand the importance of that, don't worry)
also your site has a horizontal scroll
that's not supposed to happen...
I think it's the parallax.
I'm going to redesign the homepage when I actually have the product done :)
So that should fix it
It worked! Thanks soo much!
@penne12 if you are still having trouble with it the easiest way I've found is to delete elements using chrome dev tools until it goes away so you can figure out which element it is.
Yeah.. I don't care that much, and I'd like to focus my efforts on the actual product :)
I want to do a redesign, anyways
fair enough, do you want some design feedback?
I would make "Elementry Schooler" "Middle Schooler" etc all the same height
also in that area the grey text is a bit hard to read (just make it slightly darker)
Ok. I'll keep that in mind :)
and don't make the headers change colour when you hover over them unless they are clickable (as that's usually what a hover state means)
well actually it depends, but just keep that in mind
Awesome, you guys are amazing, I'll pop in here if I need any other help :)
@penne12 cya, also try and help other people out when you can, that's how this works
If I can, I defiantly will (paired with my extremely busy schedule and limited knowledge)
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
Mobile browsing in 2015
@TylerH We have some stale DefaultStyles for Internet Explorer 9 that are no longer needed. So we can rip out some logic to determine the document mode, and provide nothing but the default ua-styles for a handful of elements.
hey @joshhunt, is there an alternative to chrome dev tools in safari?
@FrontpageExpert We have IE 9/Win7 images here: modern.ie/en-us/virtualization-tools#downloads
@penne12 Safari also has their own developer tools.
@penne12 mobile or desktop?
I mean as he said to delete the elements, I know about safari dev tools, just not about all of them
as far as I know they are pretty similar to Chromes
they both use webkit's dev tools
Which apple wrote iirc
yeah. Now I feel dumb...er
@JonathanSampson nice, and I finally watched that MS video about Project Spartan with you holding the Surface Pro :-D
Jonathan you hold that surface like a pro
do you have an IMDb page yet? you're a great actor
It seems like you really enjoyed using that thing. First class acting.
@mikedidthis Retweet
@TylerH favourite
Now, repost the exact same content to Tumblr, Instagram, Vine, Facebook, and Pinterest
oh and your WordPress blog
You know I can't.
How about your ghost blog, too? And your ello, path, app.net, evernote, google plus page?
I mean the content is lacking. Vine = video. Instagram, Pinterest = Photo.
I should really get my own Ghost blog running, Ghost is awesome.
user image
Ghost is awesome.. I love using it
do you use digital ocean?
You can do a 1 click install, and $5 gives you a server that can handle it well
I have a few ghost installations running on one droplet
yup do iz the shiz
The $5 one? Wow. It really is a great software
Anyone here got CS:GO?
@Sippy I think @Mr.Alien and @FrontpageExpert have it
i got it as well
@Sippy Computer Science: Garbage Optimization?
@Sippy i wish, my computer doesn't have a dedicated graphics card. I play LOL though
@TylerH Can I get four of those? Why wait till your arm falls off.
@Jonathan Four?
I'm late to the party but QSA is useful for people who think in selectors, or come from a jQuery rich world.
the speed difference is moot.
@TylerH For 6 arms in total
@Jonathan I feel like one would last you until there's a better model out
iif you are making that many DOM calls for speed to be an issue you have other problems
ah you want doc oc
Don't tell @JonathanSampson we just crossed into Spider Man territory ;-)
I would rather be goro
Imagine all the women you could spank simultaniously
@rlemon how are you going to type with those massive fingers?
get a bigger keyboard
two actually
double the productivity
To hell with typing
you only have two more fingers though
With that many hands you can have people type for you
I only use three on each hand as is (I don't often use my pinky, I could adjust without) and I could figure something out for the space and use my thumb as my ring finger on each hand.
like pinky on the right hand is for ['/ and everything else to the right of that
left hand it is for ctrl shift tab and backtick
but just doing so now, I can manage that without using my pinky at all
glad we got that sorted, you can turn into goro now :D
hurry up and chop your pinky off already
@StephanMuller how did you setup npm, through brew ?
naw just downloaded the installer
but brew should work
macports probably too?
Installed and npm lists stuff
brew install node
but npm install just freezes
hmm, that's weird
I do always have to use sudo, but it never froze on me
Yeah i m installing without sudo
nice cheers guys
@BasementKeyboardHero he brewed a gem with cauldron.js and then used the toil library to avoid and trouble with double values boiling over
nowadays I just use vanilla.js
the 0-byte js library
also pretty neat: eleks.github.io/js2js
Yeah we use ember the fuckton byte lib :P
lolol Croucklas Dougford
Ember is for noobs
Any opinion on Angular 2?
for noobs
how come there is no love for chocolate.js?
Glad I asked :P
has anyone here ever read a whitepaper?
most of the paper I've read has been white, what do you need to know?
har har
so funny
Anyway all the frameworks are looking the same nowadays
@StephanMuller I read a few science white papers on interesting subjects
from time to time
I'm writing one
ur writing a white paper?
@StephanMuller :
my work is facilitating this whitepaper writing course, which is really nice
faggot (ˈfæɡət) or fagot
1. a bundle of sticks or twigs, esp when bound together and used as fuel
and they encourage us to write one, seems interesting
but I'd never read one
@BasementKeyboardHero yea, for noobs
Faggots are a traditional dish in the UK, especially South and Mid Wales and the Midlands of England. It is made from meat off-cuts and offal, especially pork. A faggot is traditionally made from pig's heart, liver and fatty belly meat or bacon minced together, with herbs added for flavouring and sometimes bread crumbs. Faggots originated as a traditional cheap food of ordinary country people in Western England, particularly west Wiltshire. Their popularity spread from there, especially to South Wales in the mid-nineteenth century, when many agricultural workers left the land to work in the rapidly...
!!define faggot
@Phreak faggot (rare, dated in US) A burning or smouldering piece of firewood.
go away integrated systems guy
(does this bother anyone else as well?
lol syntax error so yes.
this page is shaking for me for some odd reason
@StephanMuller I'm foaming at the mouth
@Phreak try this:
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = atob("KiwqPip7LXdlYmtpdC1hbmltYXRpb24tbmFtZTonc2hha2VpdCc7YW5pbWF0aW9uLW5hbWU6J3NoYWtlaXQnOy13ZWJraXQtYW5pbWF0aW9uLWR1cmF0aW9uOi4zczthbmltYXRpb24tZHVyYXRpb246LjNzOy13ZWJraXQtYW5pbWF0aW9uLWl0ZXJhdGlvbi1jb3VudDppbmZpbml0ZTthbmltYXRpb24taXRlcmF0aW9uLWNvdW50OmluZmluaXRlOy13ZWJraXQtYW5pbWF0aW9uLXRpbWluZy1mdW5jdGlvbjpsaW5lYXI7YW5pbWF0aW9uLXRpbWluZy1mdW5jdGlvbjpsaW5lYXJ9QC13ZWJraXQta2V5ZnJhbWVzIHNoYWtlaXR7MCV7LXdlYmtpdC10cmFuc2Zvcm06dHJhbnNsYXRlKDJweCwxcHgpIHJvdGF0ZSgwZGVnKTt0cmFuc2Zvcm06dHJhbnNsYXRlKDJweCwxcHgpIHJvdGF0ZSgwZGVnKX0xMC
omg! shake attack
what the hell is atob()
the opposite of btoa()
!!> btoa("hello world")
@rlemon "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ="
!!> atob("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=")
@rlemon "hello world"
you're speaking in code again lol
my chat is still shaking
phreak stop masturbating for a second
see if that helps
!!> var a="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890.",i=18,j=0,b=[a[i++],a[++i],a[++j],a[--i-‌​1],a[i],a[--i-1],a[++j*(j+j)],a[--i-(j+j)],a[j*j+j]].join(""),f=function(x,y){switc‌​h(x){case 1:o=y;break;case 0:l=y;break}return y},o,l,c=[a[b](i+j)[0],a[b](i++,i),f(1,a[b](--i-++j,i- --j)),f(0,a[b](--i-(j++ +j),i++-(--j+j)))].join(""),e=o+l,d=c+Array(++j+j).join(e);d;
@rlemon "trolololololol"
@StephanMuller but my daily 2000 calories -- i'll stop for the last 10 when i'm walking
@rlemon have ya been checked?
yes, but I'm not a fan of white so I moved out
also, I wrote that by hand in 2012
I was super bored that day
0o well where have you moved to then.. not more option unless you yourself are white.
lets begin breaking that code down
lost here b=[a[i++],a[++i]
!!> var a = "abcd", i = 0; console.log(a[i++], a[++i]);
@rlemon "undefined" Logged: "a","c"
that should explain how I do the entire thing basically.
then I make it more complicated than it needs to be
@Phreak did this around the same time.
reminds me of jsfuck
!!> ["fgevat"].map(function(a){return(a=(a)?a:this).split("").map(function(b){if(!b.‌​‌​match(/[A-Za-z]/)){return b}var c=b.charCodeAt(0)>=96,k=(b.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0)-96+12)%26+1;return String.fromCharCode(k+(c?96:64))}).join("")}).join("");
@rlemon "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable c"
@StephanMuller i don't feel safe opening anything that says fuck at work regardless of its prepended by js
it's safe
like sex with daytime hookers
ugh... damn strict mode
@rlemon "string"
!!> ["string"].map(function(a){return(a=(a)?a:this).split("").map(function(b){if(!b.‌​‌​match(/[A-Za-z]/)){return b}var c=b.charCodeAt(0)>=96,k=(b.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0)-96+12)%26+1;return String.fromCharCode(k+(c?96:64))}).join("")}).join("");
@rlemon "fgevat"
rot13 folks
clever boy
I hear that in Dr Who's voice.
which season 2032?
I'm an eccleston fan, but mike reminds me of tennant
who is also good. smith reminds me of joe camel.
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
@rlemon you are an asshole
I have been watching king of random videos for the entire night now
ohhhhh just wait
@PeeHaa ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
<^> ^_^ <^>
do you think clouds look down on people and say stuff like "that one's shaped like an idiot"
maybe about you....
@rlemon Awesome
these guys are awesome
@rlemon when ya going to start mentoring me?
give me a task -- lets start simple.
ask questions
what are you interested in doing?
Well my goal is mastering JS :D
my goal is to shit in a toilet made of solid gold.
no one can brag to you after that.
well the gold wont be the only solid thing in the toilet am i right HAR HAR
@rlemon just spent five minutes watching a rupert drop
I am interested in ummm the web ? or is that too broad
@rlemon all the little moving parts, too?
can we coat the inside with polyurethane?
I don't want the poop and stuff to mess with the gold
!!define that word @TylerH just said :D
@Phreak No definition found.
@Phreak it's a water sealant
i see
don't you hate it when you're a t-rex and a hamburger crushes you and you lose your teeth
@StephanMuller wth are u doing lol
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
@CapricaSix fuck that
@CapricaSix doesn't like you she just whispered in my ear.
the information super highway!
alright look for some design advice here... I am using this BIGASS ampersand as part of the background of my site. this is the result of a "happy accident" where i accidentally set the font-size to a large number... and then liked the result.
but where im needing advice.. is.. should i make this an image instead? because what is happen is it is make the size of the page much larger. the div in which the ampersand is small but the page itself doesn't "clip" the text. jsfiddle.net/b21kepuz
@StephanMuller that'd be a fun project. Make some type of navigational system out of a snowboard or something
and im okay with making it an image - im just curious on what the process might be. i'd probably just use GIMP or something to create it - but I want to make sure I replicate the ampersand (and it's styles) accurately if i do.
any ideas/questions/advice would be appreciated
bubbas, set it as content on a :before on the body, make that 100% height and width, pos absolute, overflow: hidden
what do you mean "as content" ?
ohhh nvm
i think i know what you mean
I wanna build this
but I dunno
could kill the lemon
    new CSS rule of
body :before
height: 100% . . .
something like that? @StephanMuller
@Bubbas why space
but with the content: & property/value as well?
say what @ZachSaucier?
oh oh good point ;)
thank you
does the value of the content property need to be in quotes?
unless it's a data attr
yea ok, so i am always doing some animations from a JS lib on this ampersand
can i still reference it in JS if it is content from css?
i suppose that would depend on what the library could do, huh?
js can't access ::before afaik
it can change the CSS for it. but I don't think it can select it, no
how could it change the css if it can't select it?
@BoltClock Have any references for the rotate(90deg) not showing but rotate(89.999deg) works issue? I just know it happens, not what causes it stackoverflow.com/questions/23548612/…
@Bubbas changes the stylesheet
oh like swapping the stylesheet out completely?
like injection?
you can work around it by affecting the parent's data attr or classes, etc. Or by just using a regular element with a special class, etc.
or loader i mean
@Bubbas injection
oh yeah, no open tickets left for me
of course I'll probably have a dozen by Monday D-:
!!afk home
@TylerH I know that feel. Have a good weekend!
hello all , can any body help. i want to host 3 different websites on linux vps where i have installed nginx. i already have three different domains , so now how i can host 3 different website in 3 diiff domain names on a single vps service
@santosh Just define your domains in the config
which file
What distro are you on?
@PeeHaa linux ubuntu 14.04
ok got it
@PeeHaa thanks
it's snowing again
@StephanMuller All credit goes to my agent, and my coaches for training me so well. We spent weeks studying the various forms of human-object interaction to ensure my use of the device was natural, and winsome ;)
@JonathanSampson vms are 4gb each. that's why i was suggesting to provide a single vm with several snapshots (a snapshot each msie version) :P
@FrontpageExpert The appropriate person to reach out to regarding that is @molant on twitter.
He works near my space, so if you want to ping him on twitter I can catch up with him later to discuss further.
@rlemon "We are safe now."
This guy is fucking insane
also what if i have an italian keyboard and the os is en-us? can i install the key map without downloading language packs or something?

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