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Hello, could you tell me if this sitemap is valid, or I don't need to create as many <url></url> elements? pastebin.com/GFTaRUMC
Ur mommas valid
:21434930 ?
@Phreak oooooooooooooo
@SecondRikudo thanks
@Sippy ?
@akn Please use google next time
Natural order?
Googling "validate sitemap" isn't hard.
He rather hear it from u rikudo with ur sexy voice
@SecondRikudo yee, but i think validators can sometimes check only structure, not the sense of placed code.
@Eirinn Oh right, can you like wire his car up with a bomb or something?
@Sippy using monikers like "science can't explain everything" doesn't help either
If nature meant him to survive it'd have given him a wider perspective on life (y)
:21435020 That means he can't visit his mother who's 12 hours away by car, because cars aren't "natural", right?
@SecondRikudo Sure he can, he just has to go by horse.
So job hopping is bad? What's considered job hopping leaving before a year. Also where does contract work fit in this
@Sippy Overseas?
"Go by dolphin"
Depends if his horse is amazing or not.
@Phreak take it with a pinch of salt.
I think job hopping teaches you how to adapt quickly make a difference and shoots up ur pay
And skill
@Phreak read the comments
@SecondRikudo Dolphins are sea rapists are you sure you wanna ride on of em?
@PeterStone Better than them riding you.
@Phreak well yeah, but it also tells a company that you're volatile and all the money they're going to spend on you are useless since you wont be staying for long anyway
@Sippy I have no idea about that guy man "i just smile and nod"
@SecondRikudo only marginally , i mean dolphin gets the everyman dream.... a prehensile penis
for days
@Eirinn Lol
The amount of time you have to spend to debunk bullshit is incredible
I don't even bother anymore
Worst part was last week I found out I have no vaccines what so ever and my mother believes in homeopathy
Someone gimme the mumps so I can get sterile already
@Eirinn O_O
Go get your fucking vaccinations
How are you not dead already
@KeyboardWarrior laugh at that again and I will hang you from your boxers from a baobab tree
@Sippy beats me, I'm going to get an MFR soon, just have to schedule it.
@Eirinn I feel you homie , my mother thought crystal healing would cure my phenomena at age 10.... thank god the doctor didnt
@PeterStone phiew, close one!
@Eirinn Fucking homeopathy wtf.
"Here's some water. You're cured."
no @Sippy its not that simple
how's it go anyway you dilute something so much it's not relevant anymore?
something like... 1g of something in 100L of water and then you dilute it 10.000 times or something?
its here this is water blessed by horny goat weed and brought down from the vines of existence by a fae wisp named Andrew , that should fix your terminal cancer
!!wiki homeopathy
Homeopathy (/ˌhoʊmiˈɒpəθi/; also spelled homoeopathy; from the Greek: ὅμοιος hómoios, "-like" and πάθος páthos, "suffering") is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann based on his doctrine of like cures like (similia similibus curentur), whereby a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure similar symptoms in sick people. Homeopathy is considered a pseudoscience. It is not effective for any condition, and no remedy has been proven to be more effective than placebo. Hahnemann believed the underlying causes of disease were phenomena that...
@Eirinn @Sippy , Personally I dont believe in anything you cant overdose on
The concept is something related to vaccines, introducing a lesser evil to bolster your health
thing is that vaccines are treatment via white blood cells and harmless vira
it's like putting ketchup in your onion soup and say it'll be fine because it tastes nice with fries cause they're both food.
@PeterStone crystal healing? phenomena?
You know what really makes me angry?
@Eirinn hahaha not the first time you posted this, and not this first time it made me lel
@SecondRikudo Muslims?
If people wanna believe that a crystal will magically make their cancer go away, that's fine by me.
@KeyboardWarrior I can't find the original "FWERGARBL"
@Eirinn hahaha
@KeyboardWarrior lol
But I'm really angry with people (usually in eastern cultures) taking things like rhino horns and use it as medicine.
@SecondRikudo Fucking thank you
I... I almost burst out laughing
Rhino horn has the same shit your nails have
and they are killing off our fucking animals
@KeyboardWarrior It's made purely 100% from that.
1 message moved to Orphan GIFs
THAT pisses me off the most.
At the very least just cut off the fucking horn, don't kill the animal
@SecondRikudo it is a worthless slaughter
fucking worthless
@Eirinn They do
@Eirinn NO thats worse
its fucking worse
Without anesthesia, without sanitation, leaving the animal for dead.
@KeyboardWarrior I'm not saying any of it is good
they cut off the horn leaving the animal there
and it dies anyway
so it suffers
Anyone read the article with the american and the young gaters?
These people should have their fingers plucked and cultivated for traditional medicine.
Apparently some cunt in the Us went out and cut off the tails from 5 alligator youngs because he wanted it as food for super bowl.
he got caught 2 hours before super bowl started
no food, no super bowl and prison time
@SecondRikudo how does cutting off the horn (like a nail) kill the rhino?
well I mean
@DarkAshelin they leave him to bleed to death
@DarkAshelin Bluntly speaking: It leaves them with a giant, bleeding hole in the middle of their forhead.
if they actually cut in his flesh I understand why it kills the animal
but couldn't they just clip the horn?
they first shoot him
@DarkAshelin That's wasting valuable resource though, isn't it?
@DarkAshelin They want it all
More horn = more money.
I could show you guys images
but I rather not
taking less horn = more horn to take in the future
@KeyboardWarrior nah I've seen
they just want to get the job done fast - shoot animal, cut, run
@KeyboardWarrior I have them burned into my headalready , so please, don't.
@DarkAshelin They don't grow back
stupid chinese
who buy that
@Sippy oh they don't? I thought all nail-like bones do
chilled... but it is disgusting and we try do our utmost to protect them
but we can't protect all of them all the time unfortunately
@KeyboardWarrior because you waste time here on chat - go protect the rhinos dammit
@KeyboardWarrior If hunters were subjected to exactly the same kind of cruelty they induced on these animals, illegal hunting would drop by 95% within a month.
@easwee lol!
^ if you know what I mean :P
@KeyboardWarrior Those are yours?
@KeyboardWarrior they cut your horn?
@easwee feggit
lol this oke
@DarkAshelin pneumonia * and yeah that wasnt a typo people really do believe in crystal magic removing lung infections
@KeyboardWarrior poor jayden smith ...
@PeterStone People also believe in an imaginary friend that listens to them read from a book when they are alone. #shotsfired
@KeyboardWarrior Lol wat
@PeterStone but crystal magic how?
If guns don't kill people, people kill people, Do toasters not toast toast, toast toasts toast?
bone != nail
two very different things
sorry, ninja edited
@DarkAshelin since i am really biased on this one all I understood was here hold on to this chunk of pink quartz and boom you'll be fine... there could be more to it but Im afraid I'll get more ignorant just by researching it
@BoltClock Is sourpuss when a girl doesn't shower for 2 days? cc @DarkAshelin
@KeyboardWarrior no idea lol
@KeyboardWarrior PLEASE
@SecondRikudo Hahaha <3 that gif
@KeyboardWarrior anyway 2 days doesn't sound that long
@DarkAshelin 48 hours no shower is somewhat grim
@DarkAshelin O.o
@KeyboardWarrior HEE HEE no more RO for you!
Humans r gross
@SecondRikudo WHYYYY
@PeterStone oh lol I used to have a piece of pink quartz in front of my pc when I was a kid, my mom said it would take away some of the radiation of the pc screen xD
@KeyboardWarrior Really?
@SecondRikudo WHY you Trolls me :(
@Sippy showering daily is bad for you
posted on February 09, 2015 by Amaan Cheval

.spoiler { color: black; background-color: black; } .spoiler:hover { color: white; } Read the Wikipedia article here, but note that this article is not for the weak. You may want to skip reading this one if you're sensitive and / or are eating right now. Carry on if you have a morbid curiosity, though. I've laid the article with tags like these, which you'll have to hover

@DarkAshelin O.o
@DarkAshelin I almost never use soap :)
@DarkAshelin Showering daily with crappy soaps* is bad for you
@Sippy do Englishmen shower? or does the unrelenting cynicism keep you clean?
@PeterStone hah :D
Sodium and the such
@DarkAshelin myth
Unless you rub yourself with salt every day
s/with salt//
Don't do that.
@CSᵠ Sounds legit
anyway I hope u guys know that standards on showering / wearing different clothes are actually very different in different countries
downloads .exe (i was curious)
for example in America (and some other countries) it's considered very dirty to wear the same clothes for more than 1 day
@DarkAshelin You don't have to make excuses. If you don't like showering weekly we're cool with it, really.
awesome part "scan and identify Windows Errors on Linux"
@CSᵠ too legit ! download it! nothing bad will happen trust
but here in Belgium u can wear the same clothes for 3 days or even more and noone cares
I wear the same clothes until they're dirty.
that cracked me up bad, had to download
I shower every day though ..
Cos humanz get dirty quickly.
I don't roll in mud every day like you do
@Sippy 1st rule of jeans , Clean until proven dirty
@DarkAshelin same here, I actually have to swap attires so people don't grow suspicious. I almost never sweat and it's nearly scentless. When I actually DO smell I smell like soup...
@Eirinn ahaha soup
@DarkAshelin You don't even realize how many openings you're giving me that I never take advantage of. It's hard, you know.
how do u even
@PeterStone I went through the whole of uni and only ever washed jeans when they got shit spilled on em from going out
@SecondRikudo hahahaha
@DarkAshelin I dun fuckin know
One pair survived 3 years without being washed.
Jeans actually take a lot of damage every time you wash them. It's better to freeze them :)
@Sippy hahaha ! , i get that , the darker the jeans the cleaner they are :P
anyway yes it's stupid, I hear from people in America that they switch clothes every day, but they don't wash them yet. They just put them on again the next week and wash after 2-3 uses. That's the exact same thing as just wearing them 2-3 days in a row
@DarkAshelin Yeah it is
@DarkAshelin except for underwear
Americans are stupid though we all know that.
@Eirinn obv
@DarkAshelin Depends
@DarkAshelin bras not included
Bras included
@Eirinn +1
Boobsweat is grim
If you're keeping them in a breezy place, you can get rid of some of the smell
no bras not included. Boobsweat rarely happens really
If you keep them in an enclosed space, you only make things smellier.
Boobsweat only happens when it's 40°C+ or you're doing some insane sporting
^^ it really is
otherwhise your boobs sweat as much as your... arms
@SecondRikudo D':
:21435908 "hahahaha"
@DarkAshelin My boobs don't sweat
@Sippy ur a feg
Ya'llz crazy
@Sippy they produce mucus instead?
@DarkAshelin trelelelel
anyway yeah, girls' boobs sweat just as much as male boobs do. which is rarely ever. you don't need to switch bras daily
Didn't say that
@DarkAshelin unless you are oprah
The underboobs and the sides get some exposure though
Unless you don't have underboob
@Sippy exposure to what? sweat? not really
@Eirinn hey! anything more than a mouthful is a waste
@Eirinn having the opportunity to try make a vacuum does :P
@PeterStone a handfull, let's say a handfull
Underboob > Sideboob
<3 underboob
I was too slow
my day is ruined now
@KeyboardWarrior underboob> all<3
@SecondRikudo how informative!
@SecondRikudo AH AHAHA!!
I hate not been able to see deleted messages :'( cc @secondrikudo
@FrontpageExpert AOE this weekend bro
can't @Mr.Alien deadline
@SecondRikudo STAHP!!!
@FrontpageExpert zzzz
o my lord
fuck you all :(
user who removes his messages will be kicked out of the room
@Mr.Alien Naaahhhh
@SecondRikudo <3
I saw that coming
@FrontpageExpert is this how it's going to play from now on? :P
i don't care (i am eating spaghetti)
youtube.com/watch?v=XIAM41gKPmk @FrontpageExpert related, replace donuts with spaghetti
@SecondRikudo you just gonna let him eat that in your face?
ahahahahah @DarkAshelin
lol, murica
xD trying not to burst out laughing at work
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i figure its a bad idea having my real name up here
@PeterStone why, are you a terrorist too?
im all for real names :D
@DarkAshelin - Paranoia will destroy ya
@Persijn yeah me too, that's why I use "Ashelin"
Ashelin your real name?
it's a dildo brand
@PeterStone why?
@Persijn what do u think
wel atleast boltclock has his face as profile picture
i just realized that Ashelin must come from pokemon's Ash. is this correct?
@FrontpageExpert no
!!tell DarkAshelin ead
Random fact of the day: never say "ching ching" when you're holding a champagne glass in China, because you will have said "dildo" twice
@DarkAshelin Eat a Dick™
!!tell easwee ead
@easwee Eat a Dick™
!!tell secondrikudo ead
@ZachSaucier well what if you ruin somebodies life by giving them some asp.net code that gets them fired , its only one simple click from here to doorbell stalking and serial murder
@secondrikudo Eat a Dick™
!!tell sippy ead
@sippy Eat a Dick™
@DarkAshelin so it's a dildo brand
@eirinn you are now my only friend
I use an Alias because I'm the only person in the world with that name
@PeterStone if someone is that determined to do something to me they'll find out where I am anyways
@KeyboardWarrior well... about that
@KeyboardWarrior Come at me bro
@Persijn who are you?
@ZachSaucier ... comforting ..
this room has lost it's purpose
@Eirinn I dont have to be your friend as long as you are mine :P
@Persijn that's exactly what it's from, thank you
@easwee I still help people daily
@easwee never had one
@KeyboardWarrior deal
@KeyboardWarrior (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
just not when everyone is on
@ZachSaucier I try but spam is too strong
@DarkAshelin you shouldn't be proud of that
@easwee lets go back to IRC
@FrontpageExpert why not :/
@KeyboardWarrior I never left
@Sippy just being a di** XD
@KeyboardWarrior Only if I get ~! :D
ima go back to that... screw this room
@ZachSaucier makes sense
coz not even my 5 yo nephew would be @DarkAshelin
@KeyboardWarrior how'd your interview go?
@FrontpageExpert I chose the name when I was 11 :/
@SecondRikudo went really well :) now just waiting on that call >.<
@PeterStone I am still hungover btw
That's great!
You'll be cleaning those servers/toilets in no time!
@Feeds Anarchy!
servers/toilets i thought they where servers=toilets
@KeyboardWarrior they won't call you
they'll come in the night, drug you and traffic you to western europe
"If too midgets are fighting, could one of them be the bigger person and stop it?
@Eirinn His life would be a lot better if they were to traffic him to western europe XD

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