@mikedidthis I like normal pages when I'm searching for articles tutorials and anything I may bookmark - for news feeds and fun stuff I prefer endless stream - than I can just set my scroll to automatic and read through while taking a smoke or something
why is having multiple forms in the same page cause the first form to be the only one that get used independently on which form's submit button I click ?
I'll be in London this week (Thus Feb 12) and Amsterdam next (Tues Feb 17), and thought it'd be a perfect opportunity for another The Daily WTF meet-up. Here's a pic from a previous year's London meet-up: The London Meet-up will be at The Counting House near Bank station, on Tuesday, February 12th at 7:00PM. If you're interested, please RSVP to the London Software on the Rocks meet-up gro…
And not only did she stole! Since I haven't heard "OMG IT'S AMAZING" or "OMG I HATE YOU SO MUCH", she hasn't even started watching what she promised she will over a week ago.
@SecondRikudo how do you design aggregates? say i have "Product" which is bound to a "Category", $product->get|setCategoryID() / $product->get|setCategory() / both?
http://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/comments/2v25vl/greyit_knows_best_hes_been_here_the_longest/ someone explain to me what a Hackintosh is and why it's not good?
@DarkAshelin definitive answer: if an employee has a €250 per hour salary and something goes wrong with their It equipment causing them to be unable to work for hours it's a huge monetary sinkhole.