okay so im having issue with iOS devices only works fine on android, desktop browsers ths share button is like on bottom except middle jsfiddle.net/tysvvzjn top and bottom same issue
@ZachSaucier I am using prefix notation and added an extra suffix notation for special reasons. I am taking a java class. FEEL THE WRATH OF MY KNOWLEDGE
82% of market uses server side programming in php. I would like to understand when Javascript is highly used as front end framework, why market uses PHP instead of Node.js on server side?
@joshhunt written by different people for technical reasons? Because am learning full stack web dev course udemy.com/complete-web-developer-course/# Am new to web dev
not sure what you mean by technical reasons but there is so much to learn about the web that it takes a long time to become an expert in both frontend and backend
so it is usually better for a company to have an expert front end developer and an expert back end developer rather than two developers who are both average in front end and back end
@joshhunt I need an advice, as am new to web dev with C(imperative)/CoreJava(OOP)/python(FP) background, I have 2 options to learn web dev with quality content.
@joshhunt what sort of job am I looking for? This is a difficult question for me. I would answer this question with an intuition only after completing some hobby projects in the given courses. I currently work for NMS products using snmp proto written in C/Java
you couldnt pay me to do web development in javascript. its a shit language, and its unfortunate that's our only real choice for client side languages.
Here is the div to which I am trying to add class
<div id="sidebar" class="addthis_recommended_horizontal col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12""></div>
and this is the script I am using
{var width=document.getElementById("#sidebar").clientWidth;
@PeterStone I remember an old Danish show where they'd do a large array of prank sketches. One of them was to call a gas station and ask them to describe amounts of things on arbitrary scales that made no sense, like: "from a scale of disappointing to very satisfying, how many liters of milk to you have stocked?"
@Eirinn I love the freelance feel but I feel like most "business" people have no Idea what they want, yesterday some guy offered me a job without pay to write a facebook clone because he thinks . he can do social networking better than those infinitely better funded :/
Center Sandholm, or Sandholm, is the public institution for asylum seekers in detention located in Sandholm, Denmark. It is a former military barrack and the largest reception center for asylum seekers in Denmark. The center is located north of Blovstrød in North Zealand and is operated by the Danish Red Cross. It serves as both a receiving and departure center, both for newly arrived asylum seekers and asylum seekers that have not received asylum and will eventually have to leave the country.
Separated from the Red Cross facility Sandholm also offers a section of the Immigration Service, t...
@SecondRikudo how do you design aggregates? say i have "Product" which is bound to a "Category", $product->get|setCategoryID() / $product->get|setCategory() / both?