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9th was awesome
@SecondRikudo She got rekt though
lost a hand and an eye hahaha
but fucking spartaned on son
bitch wouldnt stay down
anyone bower install polymer?
lets bring back the religious debate
I have sweaty underboob because my heater is on too high, but it's too inconvenient to change it =o(
@crypticツ i don't know if i'm turned on or grossed out lets just hope ur not a fat guy that likes cheetos
@Phreak lol, neither, but moobs are a serious thing to be concerned about these days.
whoa at least d cuppers wears a bra
what's good homies?
forgot my water bottle AND gym shirt
had to wear the shirt I was wearing and drink from the fountain
@ZachSaucier not bad so far
rlemon i can't help out in io.js its confusing
@Phreak get smurtr
lol yes... thats a challenge
yea that might be too big for me..
3 hours later…
How do I make a button redirect to an area on a page on the same website? I've used anchor tags before, but only on the same actual page.
@nosille href="#id"
or if you mean of a diff page /pageURL#id
so let;s say the button is on "http://example.com/blog/main"
isis this going to do the trick?
you have to use an anchor tag
not true
hash anchors map to id's on any element
so the button on the initial page is going to redirect me to an anchor tag on that other page, which will lead me to the sections?
how should the url for the destination page look like?
<div id="foo"></div>
this will work
I am using a CMS
@nosille anchor on first page directs you to any element on the other page
@ZachSaucier doesn't work
you must be doing it wrong then.
don't make me write an example
here's what I do, as I already stated. I use href="http://example.com/blog/main/view/1#something" (where one is the id of the specific post )on the button, which is in "http://example.com/blog/main" . It's an anchor tag.
then I can't help you any further given the information
I'm available for hire on CodeMentor if you want 1 on 1 help
@ZachSaucier Not really.
you made me write a demo
don't make me explain it. I'm drunk
@rlemon you're too kind
I waited for him to reject you
I was about to paste the link when you offered codementor
then I waited :P
It's not working, but I don't want to bother you anymore, thanks for the example
the example works
not sure what your code is
one.html links to two.html#foo and the <div id="foo"> is the red block. notice it loads to that block.
you go into more detail when drunk, it seems
@rlemon It's my bad, because I didn't disclose one detail
I'm more patient. catch me early morning before coffee and i'm a scruge
This is the actual a tag of the button
that doesn't make sense
href="/blog/view/<?php echo $singlePost['id'];?>#comment-section", where the php is echoing out the id of the specific post
.php extension at the end doesn't work
it's not an actual page
it's one page with many ids for content on it
the concept is the same
I'm going to stop here, unless you have an example of your not working code
Ok, let me make that example
JSfiddle doesn't accept PHP
better hurry, I'm on my fifth beer. the sixth will render me useless
problem is I'm having issues conceptualizing your setup. you asked about anchors on two pages, now you're talking about one page. maybe make a pastie of both pages?
@rlemon Are you familiar with CMS?
content management systems are nothing new
however, everyone has their own spin on them
Right. It uses 1 page to render all the posts there are. All that's different is the content. And the content comes from the database and is invoked in the page by calling it's id
href="/blog/view/<?php echo $singlePost['id'];?>#comment-section"
like I said. I'm not in a state to conceptualize your issue
I need to see code
PHP isn't the issue. you are working on a HTML mechanism
I don't know where to make an example since JSfiddle won't work with PHP
so I don't need to see the php, I need to see the rendered HTML for the pages you're working with
ok, let me see
OK, it's working now. Thank you
wrong window
@KeyboardWarrior AHAHAHAH for once it wasn't your fault
you are right @SecondRikudo did. so he is the BEEP :D
I expect you to learn this
memorize it
next time we have a hangout you must join and say it
record it
or you can join as well
sure, if I'm available
@rlemon learn italian!
because it will be the only language i will use :D
@Mr.Alien Good Morning
How is your job?
not yet started the dev side, still in training
training? which programming language?
it is not to train the languages, its to make assignments, go through their workflow and so on
Send some pics of the company whenever you have time
wat pics?
Is there a way to make my social bar pop up after the user has selected text on the page?
@nosille by using onselect event?
@FrontpageExpert morning bro
@FrontpageExpert I got an interview :D
decent increase as well but it depends on experience... and I think I am experienced enough to get the max they are offering :D
@KeyboardWarrior at Radio MassiveCocks 102FM?
@KeyboardWarrior you should spend more time learning new things
@Mr.Alien Can this be used only as an inline attribute? I'd like to put it in my styles file.
Use .addEventListener
hi guys if your not busy can i write php code in href link llike to execute this php when some one clicks href link
@farooqshaik no
no again
php is server side lang and js is client side, when you want to get something processed on click yoi need to send a request to the server either via post or get and than server will send back the page
these many times no. so how do i do that. its like i wanna count how many times file is downloaded by clicking the href link then how do i do that
on the other hand you can also use ajax as an intermediate to send a request via js and than getting response from php back via json
@Mr.Alien this is JS, not jquery. does it have a select trigger?
eventlistener is not a jquery thing
you can add an event listener using vanilla js
@FrontpageExpert please correct me if am going wrong anywhere here
addEventListener is DOM
!!mdn EventTarget interface
@FrontpageExpert funny enough... even though you think I do nothing, I do a lot... I also learn as much as I can but when I take a break... i watch anime and do nothing :)
@KeyboardWarrior defensive mode makes me think that you think i am right :D
Not defensive, just setting the record straight :)
It was great chatting with all you people... GTG bye.
@ShaU Cheers man
have a good one
this guy didn't chat at all
plus was banned few days back
@KeyboardWarrior dont take it wrong, he often beats me as well and its kinda good
i don't like slackers
me included, clearly
@FrontpageExpert Well slacking is a choice...
I doubt anyone slacks here
and its not your problem :P
@Mr.Alien he is just jelly that I get a lot of free time :P
What he doesn't know is that I can multitask....
@KeyboardWarrior nope, he is a pig(pun intended, don't freaking flag)
@Mr.Alien hahahaha
I have never flagged in me lifes
@KeyboardWarrior i've been accused of being a slacker so i have to point out the slackery of everyone
@FrontpageExpert I am pretty nervous though, I am going to be in talks with my boss again today about an increase... got my yearly now want an actual increase since I havent gotten one since starting...
thing is this other company is offering more... quite a bit more...
So I ain't sure if I tell him I have this interview set up and use it as leverage to negotiate the amount I want...
I fucking hate been an adult -.-
the thing is. even if the other company is offering more you don't know how much work you will have to do
maybe you will be paid 10% more but you will have to do twice of the work
^^ yes
also you are new so expect some headbangs as well at the start
hi alien how u doing buddy
Yeah true... true... but at the end of the day, i will rather work more and get the extra cash than sit around not having work getting paid less
can i ask a question here if i am not disturbing your conversation
@Mr.Alien dont need to tell me that twice :P
I just feel I can use it to my advantage saying "they are offering this and want me to come for an interview"
i have created a php page . it does some data base update after that i need to open a link how i do that in php
@farooqshaik do I know you? and you can drop a question, will reply when I get time
tell your boss about the interview, but also tell him that you like your current job a lot and that you would like to keep it
you can always know me .
@FrontpageExpert I really would prefer to stay here... but personal things have come up and if I don't get an increase... I wont be able to work here anyways... so he needs to match or top what they are offering... :/
And its simple work... POS systems techie...
it's normal asking for more money @KeyboardWarrior tell him simply that you are growing up and you want to start thinking about buying a car, a home, etc.
hence he is not shaving
it really depends about how important you are for the company
if anyone is interested in Unity course with this coupon your get 75% off - udemy.com/unitycourse/…
tell him you want to work more and have more responsibilities
@FrontpageExpert At this point in time I am very important in terms of being the only person that knows the hardware in our systems. the one that runs the day to day networking and support problems... So I am valuable... but I also cant over think my value... meh this is stressful
A: Prevent removal of DOM elements on the Tumblr dashboard

Marco BonelliHijacking Tumblr dashboard behavior Disclaimer: completely legal things going on here, don't panic! What you're asking is something that is not really easy to do, but you can actually stop Tumblr from hiding the posts while scrolling when they get out of the viewport. More precisely, an advance...

Dat answer is amazing!
@KeyboardWarrior what kind of company is? government? private web agency?
voted for efforts
cuz I know shit about tumblr
@FrontpageExpert Private IT company that does system development for NPO's that are affiliated with gvt...
that is the side I work with
@Mr.Alien doesn't really have must to do with Tumblr, its just the platform the javascript runs on
@mikedidthis already an article
Meh I just get nervous about these because I have never really done it
@easwee phew! Yes, its well written. My original comment on the question was no, use the api. Seems Marco wanted to show me I was wrong :D
@mikedidthis i meant to say - he wrote it so good that could be posted as article somewhere
@KeyboardWarrior why get nervous? no one is born informed, you learn right as we move ahead?
@mikedidthis yea saw that in the later part
@Mr.Alien Yeah I guess so... suppose I just need to be confident, direct and know what I want and then just put it all out and say this is what I need/want, can you do it vibes?
and stop being a drunk
@KeyboardWarrior tbh, I think hardly anyone knows this.. I had a old so profile where I asked a question of my elements collapsing.. <== 2 years back and than someone answered it used clear: both; so its not really impossible to learn anything, yea .. time differs but you can make it if you want to
@easwee You literally kill my buzz every day
just don't be pretentious. that's the most important thing. no one likes pretentious persons, even if they are extremely valuable
why you hate me so much?
haa, I also remember I used to use custom tags like <vaibhav class=""> (my name)
cuz it worked anyway so I was fascinated ...
@KeyboardWarrior I do it 'cause I luv you
^ that's lacist
@easwee You lucky you are my brobeans... brobeans
I hate beans
I really do :)
@easwee I aint a bean lover either, makes me fart smelly fartts
@KeyboardWarrior the unit of measure of a man are the farts and the burps. the more you fart and burp the greater you are
@FrontpageExpert not the louder you fart or burp?
also that yes
different firefox builds
@easwee i'm getting seriously tired of the weather lol
yesterday we had like 15°, weather was quite enjoyable... now it's snowing again... wtf?
no matter in what company you go in my country, they are all weird
@Mr.Alien what happened already? :D
neh not talking about this, am talking in general xD
!!youtube she has got issues offspring
cuz I was in cafetaria and I was watching the office in the opp floor so that kinda reminded me of usual office stuff in my country ...
yea i was free so was peeping around :p
what's the "usual office stuff in your country"? :D
like goats running through the hallways or something :D
@FrontpageExpert "Can't justify giving me more than a 10% annual increase as all staff adhere to the same standards"
didn't go well? dammit
@FrontpageExpert guys watching girls .. less work more idiocracy ..
isn't like that everywhere?
@FrontpageExpert Nope... not at all...
Now I have to shave my beard for this interview >.< I AM SAD NOW!
@FrontpageExpert more in my country.. haven't you seen random hi's to girls in this room by people of my country?
this is not that easy right? stackoverflow.com/q/28361610/1542290
@Mr.Alien it's not necessarily a bad thing. also here women have a privileged treatment talking about manners. the civilized world instead want all genders to be equals at any level. but that doesn't mean we are doing something wrong. it's just culture-specific manners imho
as easily he is asking for? cuz I think one needs to wrap the selected text in some tag and assign position relative and then he needs to use an absolute positioned box for that
@FrontpageExpert they also help them more compared to they boy - friends
I am trying to hide the caret of a readonly mode input text box in firefox
Here is the fiddle
works fine in chrome but not in firefox
why would you hide the caret?
because it should be a readonly textbox field
@FrontpageExpert dafaq aahaha
@Mr_Green go with pointer-events then or <input disabled> if you know the difference with readonly
@Mr.Alien @FrontpageExpert it should also work in IE9
ohh ok
then use disabled
no dont use disabled
but disabled doesn't get sent to server when you submit a form
ahh it should also get focused.. can't use "disabled"
wrap the element, use :before for that element than position relative -> :before -> absolute, height width 100% z-index 1 job done
@Mr_Green wat? what are you trying to do? why do you want an input disabled but focusable?
Actually, I am using this textbox to show a calendar
the user should not be able to insert anything in it but through the calendar only
ahhhhh, so better not using a input in this case
when the user focus through click or tab, the calendar should open. which is happening now
<span tabindex="0">2015-02-10</span>
this is focusable and not editable
ahh yes
complications is a way to go
don't ease up
while(true) nah while(true === true)
@FrontpageExpert thanks.. also to @Mr.Alien
@Mr_Green I did nothing,...but I felt bad that you didn't thought of that
even you didn't think of that :P
I didn't knew what you are exactly looking for
@SecondRikudo where are you sir?
I can't cure an headache if patient says his stomach is aching ....
^^ If I was so good at english than I would be writing articles on the blog
you are good man.. just nitpicking you
but still I hate how firefox is acting by showing a caret to a readonly mode textbox :/
why showing caret when user can't enter anything in it??
to show that its an input field and not a normal element?
ohh @FrontpageExpert I think I can't use span here because I need to submit that data (wrapped in a form element).
so use js to pass the span node
ok will check
@Mr_Green you can't have a field that is focusable that shows no caret
use an hidden input
<input type="hidden" value="2010-10-20">
but that's poorly accessible
now he will say that he wants to show :D
i would not care of the caret
haha even I don't.. but I should care when a bug is filed :)

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