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Hi guys
I want to know the difference between classes ID's and names in HTML5
I couldn't understand the difference between them even they seem to be similar
@pentanol isnt the name attribute deprecated?
name is used for form submission to distinguish the data from inputs/controls
someone finally made a tl;dr gif out of this
2 hours later…
@StephanMuller dafuq man?
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal what? @SomeGuy has to know about this also? :))
yes, he enjoyes any detail about pooping
yeah, and @rlemon too :) ^^^
lemon even paints the poo
wait, what?
aw, caprica's dead
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal She needs her beauty sleep
anyway, lemon made a drawing of himself pooping with mspaint @CSᵠ
how to change the icon beside the url
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal f. loooong nickname u got
it's a memento of my idiocy @CSᵠ
going to bed, gn
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal then it's time to forgive, forget and move on
3 hours later…
gutten monday morning
@easwee Fuck your happiness
and fuck mondays
o and fuck mornings too
posted on January 19, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by HadesCH */

@KeyboardWarrior gutten != happiness
you still need your german lessons :D
hmm my laptop is at 0% battery, even tho it's been plugged in for like 10min (and it says "charging")
and it just shut itself down
@DarkAshelin snowing? huh
they are promising it here too for this week
but so far it all melted
it was finally getting warmer
I like snow
my ex office view
looks.... cold
@DarkAshelin snow hater :(
Better snow than rain
@DarkAshelin o/ @Easwee \o
@KeyboardWarrior don't like you anymore
@Eirinn Who the fuck gives a shit about who you like and not? Bra you are too irrelevant to matter
@KeyboardWarrior I would cri, but i haf no less tears for u
@Eirinn xD o/
@KeyboardWarrior \o
I opened up the electrical systems on the second floor of my apartment and what was inside made me look like this: Ò_@
Seems like ALL of the above ground electrical outlets are wired in series and the same with the ground outlets
both above and ground are wired together in series in one spot by coupling a loose wire from one outlet up to another @.o
I tried to install a light dimmer and saw three phases and three grounds coupled to the same outlet.
only power running through one of them
@KeyboardWarrior did you get to watch anything but TG yesterday? :)
@Eirinn I feel for you man
@SecondRikudo I got to episode 8... and it is fucking gripping holy shit... and nope only TG
Got 9 - 13 now...
then starting AOT :D
Tell me when you start AOT
And tell me against after episode 1
A fair warning though
I will most likely start it tonight
AOT is dark.
Chilled with me xD
I have a friend who still hates me for introducing it to him without that warning :P
@SecondRikudo But I felt so bad when they killed Hinami's mom and dad :(
I was like shouting "KENAKI FUCKING SAVE HER YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!" :(
@KeyboardWarrior Oh you'll have those moments in all 3 of the animes I recommended.
AOT, Parasyte, FMA:B
Only FMA's got to me though, as I mentioned yesterday
@KeyboardWarrior it's a man?
@easwee I have no idea what IT is... I am going with Transgender...
@SecondRikudo Well I am going to be sad when I finish TG :(
cc @easwee ^
@SecondRikudo this is amazing :P
how to change this one to image
Q: Custom Cursor Image CSS

Chris J AllenI have a number of heroshot images, that have a modal popup when clicked. I'm trying to get my cursor to turn into magnifying glass whenever it is moved over the image. The following CSS does not appear to work even though my magnify.cur is present in the right location. a.heroshot img { cur...

You could have googled that, just saying
@SecondRikudo That segment got so much shit from the lgt community
@Neil Like he gives a fuck
I'm sorry that I don't like dating girls with male genitalia. But I don't. Are you going to force me?
Neither do I, though it is always impressive to me that if something is funny, you can be sure that there is someone out there furious and writing a letter of protest
@Neil Even when it's not funny, someone out there will be furious and write a letter of protest.
@SecondRikudo Not necessarily
For example, the shirt on the scientist on the comet mission.
I dont' think you can be furious over watching cement dry, no matter how daft one may be
@Neil That's not what I'm saying
@SecondRikudo Oh yeah, poor guy.. wtf was that about
I'm saying that it doesn't have to necessarily be funny
@Neil I will be fucking furious!!! It is a waste of my time
@Neil vOv, he wore a shirt a friend gave him. Shirt had sexy women on it. Feminazis went on a wild trip
@SecondRikudo No I know what it was about.. I meant.. "wtF" was that about?
@SecondRikudo lol
Seriously, if you give a fuck about a fucking shirt, you're not a "strong", "independant" or "woman".
I'll stop there because this topic makes me angry and I spew shit out of my mouth fingers when I'm angry.
I don't mind feminists, but true feminists.. not ones who's definition of feminism is "we want men degraded and beneath us"
@SecondRikudo this
TL;DR: Fanaticism is bad m'kay?
@Eirinn People just need to chill the fuck out
Getting really tired of the company IT policy. Let's block all ports that can be used for gaming because this is a work place.
Yeeeeah... so if you have a fringe case that uses a few of those ports you're fucked.
It goes with extremes of all parties. Feminists, Muslims, Jews, Morons
@Eirinn See, this is a huge fail.
If someone is playing against the rules of the company, he should be fired.
Can anyone recommend me a good book on Bootstrap (free also)
You shouldn't hurt the other 99% who want to work.
@nosille The official docs?
I suppose that's the point isn't it.. someone is always upset
Trying to log in to SecondLife to check how they handle stereoscopy in a non-made for VR application that's seriously hardware demanding and nooope, can't handshake. Thx, IT, thx.
@Neil Just because someone (or a lot of someones even) is upset, doesn't mean that the rest of us, sane (sorta) people need to give half a flying fuck.
Steam servers are blocked as well so I can't download 360 video material that's exclusively sold through there.
@Eirinn VPN home?
@SecondRikudo he actually even broke down crying in an interview :/
@SecondRikudo It's a fine line. It's not democracy if you don't let minorities express their opinion
You kind of have to put up with it
Don't tell me, VPN ports are blocked too.
@Neil They can express their opinion all they want
But we don't have to give a fuck about it.
@SecondRikudo I don't think they are since remote is so heavily used here.
Like I would say this is funny but I happen to know for fact that I have some friends that this would greatly offend
@Eirinn Here's your solution then.
@SecondRikudo I know, it's just sad :(
@Eirinn Yeah. Every time I spoke to an idiot feminist about it, and she started going on about how his shirt was horrible, I told her that that opinion made a person cry because of what he wore. That generally shut them up.
@SecondRikudo :')
Most of my female friends (2 of them even actual feminists) agree with me.
And you managed to drag me into the topic again!
Let's discuss how badass @DarkAshelin was in Vindictus the other day
@SecondRikudo Lets talk about how @DarkAshelin tried to make us watch her play games in hangout :P
posted on January 19, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@KeyboardWarrior I dunno about you, I watched.
@SecondRikudo I was slightly drunker than I thought
@Feeds I don't get it?
@SecondRikudo Disorder of fries
as in "this order" -.-
its a pun :D
Puns are fun... fun time pun time
@SecondRikudo lol
@DarkAshelin If you don't hurry up, @KeyboardWarrior here will watch FMA:B before you do.
LOL wth!
@SecondRikudo good for him?
@SecondRikudo and the race begins D:
@DarkAshelin YOH someone is cocky this morning
@KeyboardWarrior is it me?
@DarkAshelin You? no never :P
On a fresh installation of SecondLife I get this: Display settings have been set to recommended elvels because your graphic card changed from 'ATI GeForce Lulz' to 'Nvidia Corporation GeForce GTX980/PCIe/SSE2'
I'm confused, also tired
and slightly hungry
that's an official message
'ATI GeForce Lulz'?
Late resolution: Do not read youtube comments, they ruin your day
@DarkAshelin Let's have a remote lunch together
@SecondRikudo does that still mean you are paying or... ?
@DarkAshelin Do they accept bitcoin?
@SecondRikudo hahaha
@DarkAshelin if you have lunch with him you need to have hangout supper with me... We can have lettuce and wine
@BasementKeyboardHero \o
@KeyboardWarrior you just wanna get me drunk
@DarkAshelin mebe :D
@DarkAshelin Anything wrong with that?
If it's any comfort I'll probably be drunk at around the same time
lettuce and wine has to be my favorite skibby pick up line
hangouts tonight ? :D
Sure, if I'm available
Although I want to hear @DarkAshelin today too <3
I don't think I have a working mic
@DarkAshelin You have several hours to get one :D
Badum tisss
also your phone's mic is working
phone's mic?
@DarkAshelin Yeah, that works too
I don't have a smartphone
posted on January 19, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Ciprian */

  _   / __ \
 (_) | |  | |
     | |  | |
  _  | |__| |
 (_)  \____/
@BasementKeyboardHero xD
@SecondRikudo Stop hitting on my woman!
@KeyboardWarrior I propose a duel. But think carefully, you're being challenged by Madara Uchiha.
@SecondRikudo Madara can EaD :P
This is what I estimate to be about 10% of Madara's total power.
@KeyboardWarrior Don't watch it if you plan on watching Naruto through to the end
@SecondRikudo Not watching then :P
20min way too long :P
@SecondRikudo lol who plans that :D
it's neverending
@mikedidthis you forgot location
@easwee works without
If you ever feel useless I can tell you a friend of mine just majored in philosophy
Nothing wrong with that, but job selection?...eeeeh
Why does my image appear egg-shaped, even though the image itself has a 1:1 ratio and I've used border-radius: 50%;
we are eggsperts in here
ello ello
@nosille whitespace?
@Eirinn Better than English.
9gag.com/gag/aNoNoPv sorta..maybe nsfw
@mikedidthis That last bit would probably be worded better like "But please feel free to [email us]"
hi there guys i actually have an issue with my css
i have a form that expands instead of shrink when the page is resized
anybody can find out why?
have you defined a height on the form?
@Eirinn don't feed the vampire - make him post sample code
@Sippy agreed
@easwee * hiss *
@easwee i totally will if it's not something as simple as defining height :)
ive tried setting height 100% to no avail
Sample code is like garlic
its alittle weird
For code vamps
its like it starts shrinking when i continue resizing
but for the first few resizes
@Eirinn you have so much to learn my young padawan
@hacker that's what height 100% does
it actually expands
ive tried using max height too
@easwee getting the feeling I should have listened by now
to prevent the form from expanding out of its parent
@Eirinn ikr
formulate a question, post related code in a fiddle or other online code viewer please
another point is the form is in a floated div
@hacker again, example or we can't help.
<section id="main" class="container">
<div class="row uniform 50%">

<div class="7u left">

<form id="ideaform">
<div class="row uniform 50%">
<div class="6u 12u(3)">
<input type="text" name="ideaname" id="name" placeholder="Give Your Idea A Title"/>
<div class="6u 12u(3)">
<input type="email" name="email" id="email" value="" placeholder="Email" />

<div class="row uniform 50%">
<div class="12u">
<input type="text" name="subject" id="subject" value="" placeholder="Video Link" />
@hacker Use jsfiddle pls.
Also no one is gonna read unformatted code, even if it is only html. :)
give me a second ill try dumping the code there
problem is my css files are everywhere
You only need to include relevant CSS, it doesn't need to look pretty.
@hacker could be part of your problem ;) also ^^
yeah eirinn
@Eirinn see how much useless chat messages just because no code was psoted in the begining
i think so
@easwee i feel filthy now
ii suspect its all the css causing the issue, without all the pretty css, it should work
We'll find out once we have something we can debug
since all the height were in percentages, should be no reason why the form would shrink
Function over form, fam.
i mean expand
@hacker that would actually be one reason why it would resize
but it should shrink
shouldnt expand
We'll see once the code has been posted
WTB chat system like the one they use in Durarara
...actually.. I should make that
Every think just looks working .. jsfiddle.net/y9yL58pm Could you clarify your problem and what are you working on .. — Mujtaba Fathel 20 hours ago
@hacker the width is the problem?
As I see it, it's doing exactly what you've told it to do
@hacker the html code in your question looks ugly and hard to read
good point
perhaps width
the issue is actually the height
expands out of parent
@hacker did you clear your floats?
yeah i tried using overflow hidden
on the sectino container
clear: both;
after the floating divs
yeah i tried the other method of putting the clear div just after floating divs and before the container closing div
@DarkAshelin What does clear:both; actually do?
@Sippy magic
gets the correct parent height i figure
@DarkAshelin i will fite u
yeah i added a cleared div just before the section closes
still have the issue sighz
@Sippy no, it is pretty much magic.
@Mr.Alien we need your float answer :D
I also need a bottomless cup of tea.
@hacker we really need you to make a JSFiddle of your issue
yeah i think so too, if not i myself think this is very weird too
@mikedidthis Now what would be the point of a bottomless cup?
i figured it is a css conflict
That just wouldn't be a cup of anything.
You're silly, Mike.
a resize expansion of the page works just fine
@mikedidthis o/
only w hen its minimized
@hacker I often solve css conflicts while making a JSFiddle, just because you remove the unnecessary code and suddenly the issue is gone
@BasementKeyboardHero \o
@Sippy it would never end. I would be in tea heaven.
@mikedidthis Too subtle? :(
@Sippy tl;dr - make me a fucking brew!
Or are you ignoring my fantastic analysis
yes sir, right away sir, step to sir
@mikedidthis It's in the post.
@Sippy aka, its gone missing :D
Quite possibly.
O God, The Queen and her filthy subjects have taken over HTML room
I declare that we may only have one of each nationality in this room...
@Mikedidthis obviously of @sippy
@mikedidthis haha provided
@Mr.Alien thank you sir.
you busy these days? don't see you around often
@mikedidthis I meant you over him :P I like you more <3
@KeyboardWarrior harsh
@mikedidthis xD
When did EAD become a room tag :D haha
!!tell sippy ead
@Mr.Alien kinda. Christmas was odd, plus trying to get some stuff out instead of binning it :D
@mikedidthis great... xD
@Mr.Alien you ok?
@mikedidthis yea pretty much, engaged in some work since last week... hoping to get free by this weekend.
@Mr.Alien ha, I read that as you were engaged. Who is this lucky woman!?
@Mr.Alien ty man ^_^
@mikedidthis engaged in some work .. lel I ain't gonna marry till I turn 29 30
@Sippy you welcome :) and glad you had patience to read that (if you actually did)
btw who posted here that I got engaged :O
It's interesting :D
yea its a weird concept where am sure beginners fail to get that

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