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@carb0nshel1 We are weird like that
Because not only could Goku turn SS3, He also developed in CSS3
@carb0nshel1 On a Anime note... Tokyo Ghoul is awesome
@KeyboardWarrior Not the first I'd recommend though :P
@SecondRikudo Finished High School DxD so now wanted to try something else
going for the shorter ones first
@KeyboardWarrior Watched anything else other than those?
bleach one piece and naruto still on my to do list
and FMA
(I keep mixing up people which causes me to ask the same questions several times, so excuse me if that happens)
nope not yet
oooo who remade me RO xD
If you liked Tokyo Ghoul, watch the following in order:
Attack on Titan, Parasyte, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Heard loads about Attack on Titan
well I am on episode 3 now
will probably watch till 6
of Tokyo Ghoul and finish it tomorrow
@KeyboardWarrior I have 4 anime in my books that deserve at least a 10/10
FMA:B gets an 11/10
Well I am going to be watching as much as possible xD
Attack on Titan, Death Note and Code Geass all get a 10/10
FMA:B is long though
If you're looking for something shorter, Definitely go for Attack on Titan
24 eps
Death Note too, 30 something eps.
FMA:B is 60 something
And the first time, it was so good I burned through it in 3 days
Literally couldn't stop watching
hahaha well this is what is happening to me :P
You see I want to get through the shorter ones before getting on the longer ones
heard Bleach and one piece have like 500 episodes each
o and naruto
@KeyboardWarrior Parasyte has 12 episodes currently, but it's ongoing.
Bleach's anime ended, and manga continues
@SecondRikudo You still haven't watched High School DxD hey :P Get your ass on it!!!
Naruto's manga ended, and anime continues
One Piece's manga and anime both ongoing :P
I ain't really the manga type though -.-
If you liked humor you'd love Naruto in part 1
And you'd LOVE FMA:B
Seriously, I cannot recommend FMA:B enough, I have never ever heard anyone saying a single bad thing about FMA:B.
It's the one anime where they've done absolutely everything right, from music to plot to humor to powers.
I am really keen on it
But shit dude... You get some emotional shit
in DxD I almost cried I wont even joke
felt like I had a lump in my throat
@KeyboardWarrior Oh yeah, you'll cry like a bitch in FMA:B
@SecondRikudo >.< haha fucking feels man
I never get emotional
I mean, I've seen heads get torn off, main characters killed, funerals attended
Nothing gets to me.
FMA:B got to me twice
As an extra incentive, I'll wathc HSDxD when you start watching FMA:B
How's that sound? :)
Sounds good...
54 episodes for AOT and Death Note
should be done by the weekend
Anyone interested in spending a little time looking over my project? It was originally a code challenge in a interview process I did a year ago but I am now redoing it with better practices. Code review or architectural critique would be great. I am using Gulp, Sass, and even have a styleguide, etc. The site is available live on GitHub pages.
@MLM the two buttons/tabs you have fixed on the left of the screen are really buggy on a narrow screen; it goes under and above different elements on the site.
@Gemtastic Those are tacked on so people can discover the other parts of the project(not actually part of the design). I can change the z-index so they behave better.
Please do, because it's fugly when it's hiding behind the elements on the page but not behind the background.
Try to resize your window when you're designing to notice such things :)
I did see it before and I am fixing now.
if you saw it, then why hadn't you fixed it O.o
@Gemtastic Fixed, empty cache
The site is not responsive(per design given) but I could add some media queries for the tabs to make them look better on scrunched sizes.
@MLM are we critiquing the design or the dev part?
@ZachSaucier dev
design is ugly, lol
provided via psd
I read... just still ugly, lol
weird error: if you click on a content section the whole thing gets a blue outline (most noticeable around a title like "Browse Categories"
@SecondRikudo IT IS SO GOOD!!! Fuck me it is amazing
@KeyboardWarrior Which? :)
@SecondRikudo Tokyo Ghoul
On episode 6 now
and it is amazing
@ZachSaucier Nice catch, It is because .main-content is tab-index="-1" for skip-link. I'll fix it now
@MLM do you want critique of the style guide's appearance or no? From what I can tell your project looks fine :P depends 100% on who you're working for/with to say if it's adequate
@ZachSaucier Styleguide could use some critique if you have suggestion on splitting up overview, etc
@MLM you should use the HTML number (ASCII in HTML form) for symbols like &. Ex: github.com/MadLittleMods/crispin-mulberry-fe-nat/blob/master/…
kk &amp;
I might break up the "overview" section of the styleguide to make different parts link/navigable to
that's about it from my quick once over. If you have any specific questions ask, 'course
Is it up to a professional standard?
man don't you guys love it when you don't have to wipe after you poop?
TP came out so clean I could blow my nose in it
Depends on the standard, but would you be happy if I came back with this result
@MLM hard to say because you wouldn't be doing just this page and likely would be working with other people
from what I can tell it looks good and clean
I do have the extended.html page but that is a very basic alternate layout for testing extendability a bit
Fixed outline :focus bug on content and using HTML ampersand entity
Is there any module that you think could be added to the styleguide?
TBH I didn't look at it enough to give more help/feedback. I'm doing my own stuff :P
No worries, thanks for help :)
@KeyboardWarrior my top 3 are FullMetalAlchemist, FMA Brotherhood, and Samurai Champlooo. You think I would still enjoy Tokyo Ghoul?
@carb0nshel1 I am new to anime, just started to watch but this is amazing
@StephanMuller hahaha this is disgustin :P
You should watch those 3 immediately then, followed by DeathNote.
So someone said this code looks stupid: document.getElementsByClassName( 'something' ).classList.add( 'somethingElse' ); How do i fix this crap?
@carb0nshel1 it doesn't look stupid besides the fact that you aren't selecting an element
need a number after ('something') to select an element
yeah but I want to select all of them
and give the all a new class
you'll have to iterate AFAIK
need a loop then eh
or each
isnt that jQuery?
ok. Thanks for caring. You're a good human being.
lol, that's not what makes people good human beings
but yw
knowing a little JS makes the world go round
@carb0nshel1 Playing around with that. It looks like it isn't a true array so you have to use call or apply from the Array prototype to iterate with forEach, like this:
Array.prototype.forEach.call(document.getElementsByClassName('carousel-thumbnai‌​l'), function(element) { element.classList.add('somethingElse'); });
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