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@ZachSaucier can't you go for top/bottom and left/right values?

   background-image: url('../img/language-#{$language}.png') no-repeat;

#language-CSS3 {
  background-image: url("../img/language-CSS3.png") no-repeat;

#language-jQuery {
  background-image: url("../img/language-jQuery.png") no-repeat;

#language-GitHub {
  background-image: url("../img/language-GitHub.png") no-repeat;
@web-tiki trying to fix the width of the absolutely positioned elem
I'll just use calc...
@ZachSaucier code dammit :D
don't let me cite the lemon
I mean then you don't need to give the element a width anymore
I don't want your help :P
go do your project you forgot, @JecebahnYaledimacOndestal :P
i'm having a short break because my eyes were bleeding
Haemolacria isn't fun to live with
that sucks dude
@cimmanon I can to see my img (repeat), but is I do no-repeat in Sass, this rewrite in my browser.
@UlisesContreras i am done helping you. i dont care what your sass looks like because it is irrelevant. you dont provide enough information and you seem to be unwilling to help yourself.
@rlemon especially in a very religious country
if you cant figure out how to use the validator to check your css to make sure it is correct, you are beyond help
suggest some brutal death extremely cruel metal music please. i need it
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal achey breaky heart!
!!youtube walk pantera
!!youtube through the ashes of empires machine head
pantera are too soft
damn, I was hoping tog et the entire album
i'll go with slayer
Without no-repeat http://imgur.com/BRZQ9pd
With no-repeat http://imgur.com/KCloMGv
calc won't work for me either
screw this
I guess I have to add another container :(
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal pantera is too soft buy slayer isn't?
you make no sense
I'm doing it for fun now :P
@ZachSaucier this is what I was talking about jsfiddle.net/webtiki/kmyxdqee
@rlemon pantera are softer than slayer
i can explain you why
I don't see it
I'm a big fan of both
@web-tiki oh, remove the width... lemme try
man, you guys don't know metal
firstly because phil anselmo has less range than araya
secondly because dimebag darrel is a fan of transistors
and guitar is not as good as it should be
@web-tiki close, but won't work because my content doesn't take up the whole parent width most of the time
dimebag was the shit
never been a fan of dimebag darrel anyway, even if like pantera
!!youtube irreversible mechanism the betrayer of time
i prefer metallica and slayer rhythmics more
!!youtube raining blood slayer
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal I only like early metallica
!!youtube animals as leaders tooth and claw
everything before load
inb4 Zach moves this all to jam exchange
metallica were fine till the black album
yeah, i'm stoping now :)
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal black is my favorite album
Haha, the solution

		-webkit-background-size: cover;
               -moz-background-size: cover;
                       background-size: cover;
@rlemon I was going to give it a bit
then master of puppets, then ride the lightning, then and justice for all
my fav album is kill em all
kill em all is good.
even if i probably prefer songs in and justice for all
but was badly recorded that album
instruments are flat
everything is flat
it's a shame
master of puppets has my favorite songs, black is all around my favorite
it's just such a good fucking album
!!youtube metallica battery
@web-tiki Thanks, I ended up doing some variation of that technique... it almost works the way I need it to, haha
@KeyboardWarrior skibby ?
@BasementKeyboardHero took you long enough <3
kicks him again
nice @ZachSaucier couldn't think of a neeter way than a transparent border as you said or adding an other child to the absolute element
who's keyboard warrior
3 hours ago, by Basement Keyboard Hero
is this guy for real ?
he's not a true warrior - doesn't live in the basement
@BasementKeyboardHero This made me lol
@easwee Fuck you douchebag
^ keyboardwarrior
@web-tiki it's just a mucky situation all around xD
I love you too
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal thats what i want to know >.>
haha its for "raging" :D
@easwee \\:D//
code is clean, behavior for the element is not
@BasementKeyboardHero Please dont steal my goat :(
someone is obligated to change their name. we cant have 2 people here with "keyboard" in their name. too confusing!
2 hours ago, by easwee
user image
This is MY goat!!!
!!tell rlemon youtube metallica anesthesia
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Command yourube does not exist. Did you mean: youtube (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@cimmanon -.- I am the one and only
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Yourube doesnt exist noob :P
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Good song though, I shall listen to it
Metallica are my favourite band
More goats?
@Firedrake969 I will cut you if you take my goat!!!
My favourite metallica song
my favorite band isnt around anymore. lead singer died from skin cancer :-(
@cimmanon Bob marley?
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal GO LISTEN!!!
@KeyboardWarrior bob marley isnt a band >.>
@cimmanon But he HAD a band :P
@KeyboardWarrior wtf is this shit
everyone has a band >.>
that's not metallica
like The Dave Mathews band xD
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Yes it is -.-0
Shitty Metallica fan you are
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal I, I have lost faith in you sir
My baaaaaaaby's gone
i'm sorry for you @KeyboardWarrior
!!youtube sweet amber metallica
@rlemon Great song, but sweet amber is amazing
What am I even saying, every metallica song is great
except their later stuff
garage inc was a fucking joke
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
What bug? There is no bug
@rlemon Not all the songs were bad, Astronomy Tuesdays Gone Die, Die my darlings and loverman were legit
wasnt really a fan of the rest
no, it all sucked
i don't even know how the last album is named @rlemon after listening to st.anger i lost all my hopes
imo Load was okay but it def was a disappointment after self-titled black album. reload and everything that followed was a POS
I still bought the albums, but I wasn't happy about it
i have the vinyls @rlemon :P the very first recordings
bought them on ebay and i believe they are authentic
paid them a lot
(so bad i don't have a vinyl player anymore)
anyway time to get this slacker's ass back to work
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal if you plan to do any future record purchases try discogs
usually you can find lower prices there
for vinyls that are much more costly on e-bay
is costly a word?
cost·ly (kôst′lē)
adj. cost·li·er, cost·li·est
1. Of high price or value; expensive: costly jewelry.
2. Entailing loss or sacrifice: a costly war.
oh it is
I try to be creative with my english :D
but I mostly fail
@easwee me too, as you know
@BasementKeyboardHero I lolled irl
the pope is badass
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal you are creative with your italian :D
"dio scalzo nella valle dei chiodi" was best ever
i didn't invent it :D
well I first heard it from you
told it to a friend he almost died laughing
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal translation? :P
better not, some people can feel offended :P
> god barefoot in the valley of the nails ~ quote from somewhere, I have no idea where.
'god' is ambiguous anyways. whose god?
I would like to visit the valley of the nails
sounds like narnia
@easwee come visit me :(
everyone should come at the same time xD
and then never leave me
fuck that
come visit me
I don't go to that country
nothing wants to kill you in my country
I vote we visit the canadian
they got good beer and snow
@rlemon exactly
Canada is too expensive for me :(
@KeyboardWarrior no, they just want your garbage
@rlemon beelzaboot
I cant afford it even after 5 years of working
you guys are naming gods, I said whose god? not which god?
goose god
Goat God
Honestly we should all go to Europe xD
Like Amsterdam
Its central
And I can afford that xD
come to slovenia - it's like amsterdam but cheaper
cops here don't care
@easwee Slovenia it is :)
Then we can road trip too Italy too see That feggit
I would be ok meeting up in the UK
maybe everyone crashes at @mikedidthis's
yeah - eh's near the border anyway
have to meet him for a beer some day
what am I talking about, I would have to fly either way
@rlemon that is an option - I can get there for 25€ regular line
@Neil I didn't think he could look less impressed than normal. but here I am proven wrong
I will promise to try and save for end of year
@easwee it's probably the cheapest flight for me
if we all keen

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