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@GNi33 this particular room O.o
yeah, anyone having fun in here?
@rlemon take away my room ownership :( meanie
@DarkAshelin That bitch
Is there any simple reason why the bottom div isn't higher up?
She ate Bosko!
@Sippy did you clear your float?
@mikedidthis nein
I would need to see the code
Which... you should fucking know :D
As ever it's razor
But here you go
css n00b
.detail-section {
	float: left;
	width: 45%;
	overflow: auto;
	margin: 2%;

	.detail-section .attribute {
		text-align: left;
		padding-right: 1%;
		width: 100%;
dat is da css
I can't css
I fully accept this.
super css newb
fine! I will recreate it in a fiddle
that's why I asked for any quick tips
.detail-section .attribute is this for attribute elements inside a detail-section element or is it for elements of detail-section and attribute?
the first one
I don't think you can do what you want to do.
@KeyboardWarrior did you call?
@BadgerCat call what?
@mikedidthis uhh ..
It's just 4 divs inside a parent div
I don't see why they would force themselves into perfect square formation
@Sippy you just cant... mkay
@Sippy can you change the source order?
@mikedidthis I can change whatever I want
@Sippy do you always know the content?
The software doesn't
Can I have your bank account details and sortcode?
Youuu are parked on a yellow siiiiiiiiir!
friday and I'm home from work - nanannananananananananananananana
@skibbi_bizzle gimme your steam
@easwee Please kill yourself
@Sippy that is just how floats work. A div with float: left; will put himself next to the element before it, if it can. If it can't, it will put himself below it. Your 2nd element is the div on the right, so your 3rd element puts itself below the 2nd, not below the 1st
@easwee it is skibbi_bizzle xD
fuck sakes :/
_ skibbi_bizzle _
@KeyboardWarrior you forgot your basement
without the spaces
@easwee he is a hero though :/ I am a warrior :D
@mikedidthis ur a fukin magician
@Sippy IE10 +
still you both live in the basement
@KeyboardWarrior are you that feggit from before?
@mikedidthis uhhhhhhhhhhh
@DarkAshelin tsek
Oh my client for this said "Code it in whatever you want, we'll just upgrade the browsers."
I was like WHAT
@easwee I have an open room xD
I'm currently working on a product that only requires Chrome and IE11 support
@KeyboardWarrior doens't find that nick - gimme direct profile url
or latest nickname
@StephanMuller That must be nice :D
@Sippy LOL
does stackoverflow has a new UI or my eyes have problem?
Yeah it does
@easwee Getting it now
just ur eyes
although we do have to conform to ADA guidelines soon
@DarkAshelin meanie m8
skibbi left btw
ok good
@mikedidthis made him leave
font changed?
oh i have to check with doctor then
@StephanMuller A lot of stuff has
I don't see a difference
the fonts look very thin
The logo is different as well
some buttons are blue
@KeyboardWarrior 1,867 hrs on record
You fucking nerd
Dota 2 isn't even good xD
@SomeGuy you shit!
@Sippy Your masa poes son
Go play your wow
I'm in an insultive mood, time to go home
the Game of virgins
@KeyboardWarrior mkay done
Insult skib
and shut your mouth
@DarkAshelin you have hairy toes
how's that for an insult
@KeyboardWarrior What are you studying?
@StephanMuller D': runs away crying
@DarkAshelin You're a mermaid you don't have toes.
@DarkAshelin also your mother is a hamster
@StephanMuller I 2nd this
User skibbi_bizzle - Stack Overflow
Ain't that weird.
@rlemon sorry bro, I can't do beers tonight, I have been bullied into something.
@DarkAshelin hey cankles how's it hanging?
@mikedidthis tell your wife I bite my thumb at her
@rlemon haha
no this is skibbi
Masters of CSS transitions, is it possible to set a transition on the x-offset of a box shadow property ?
or should I use js ?
@dystroy transformX() ?
!!google lifeshadow.js rlemon
@rlemon The Google contains no such knowledge
ohh fuck off
It depends on what effect your trying to achieve I suppose.
@rlemon is the shadow master.
i broke it
@dystroy codepen.io/rlemon/pen/czDvu might be useful
@rlemon I want something simple... I have many elements and I would like to have a plain "background" swipe to the left on class change. I might have to use something else than a box-shadow
@Sippy haha I saw. you need to change the source order, as columns renders down, not left to right
@mikedidthis ohhhh
So it'll render uh .. 1,3,2,4?
This is far beyond my skills as a programmer.
Lol what a retard
1 - 2
3 - 4
I was actually considering changing the rendering code to render in that order then
Rather than changing which elements are in which div
@Sippy Feggit sloot
1 - 3
2 - 4
@KeyboardWarrior You are extra mad today
Did someone steal your goat?
@Sippy and @KeyboardWarrior secret lovers
He has crabs, but he's not into them ..
He's into goats.
who's not into goats? :D
when @KeyboardWarrior goes to a concert is always the best concert
user image
@dystroy something like this jsfiddle.net/webtiki/yb6gtyw6 ?
(hover the div)
that is his goat - he's the one in front row
For meat or milk, or silk?
who makes silk out of goats?
ignore me, I have no clue what's going on
@KeyboardWarrior You know that Australian guy with the goat
BioSteel was a trademark name for a high-strength based fiber material made of the recombinant spider silk-like protein extracted from the milk of transgenic goats, made by Nexia Biotechnologies, and later by the Randy Lewis lab of the University of Wyoming and Utah State University. It is reportedly 7-10 times as strong as steel if compared for the same weight, and can stretch up to 20 times its unaltered size without losing its strength properties. It also has very high resistance to extreme temperatures, not losing any of its properties within -20 to 330 degrees Celsius. The company had created...
@web-tiki EXACTLY, thanks
Gary the Goat, you should watch that
How is it old he makes new stuff all the time
Someone please edit that wiki and change transgenic to transgender
y well everyone know him :D celebrity goat
transgender goats?
@dystroy :)
CSS transitions are smarter than what I thought :)
@mikedidthis TY MIIIIIIIKE
that way both genders can give silk
Any see the error (resource)? X imgur.com/prN1oA8
No, language is to call to language-aaaa.png, language-bbbb.png... (Sass)
The name of the image is language-aaaa.png
It's trying to get an image named "aaaa.png"
If u use aaaa.png u cannot to use the call with Sass

@each $language in aaaa, bbbb, cccc, dddd {
	#language-#{$language} {
		background-image: url('../img/#{$language}.png');
I haven't used Sass much, but that call to the img url is wrong, I'd guess
Because it's trying to find "aaaa.png" which is not there.
sass doesnt look for anything
Look at my screenshot again - compare what it's trying to find and what is actually there
it just compiles to css, so look at your compiled css
Sass to CSS!

#language-aaaa {
  background-image: url("../img/aaaa.png"); }

#language-bbbb {
  background-image: url("../img/bbbb.png"); }

#language-cccc {
  background-image: url("../img/cccc.png"); }

#language-dddd {
  background-image: url("../img/dddd.png"); }
It looks for "aaaa.png" or whatever, not "language-aaaa.png"
@Firedrake969 thats what you told it to do
1 of 4 Sass is God. X
@cimmanon What did I tell who?
@Firedrake969 you only specified part of the image name
@cimmanon You mean he did?
This isn't my code; I'm trying to tell him that only part of the image name is in there
Making it invalid
Add "language-" before the # character in your sass
That'll fix it
@Firedrake969 I have two language with #
@UlisesContreras how do you not get this?
@Firedrake969 language-#{$language}.png now! :)
posted on January 16, 2015 by kbironneau

/* by Arekibian */

Yay, finally
gtg, bye all
@easwee Ssssshhhh dont tell @BasementKeyboardHero I have a goat :( he will steal it :/
And whoever keeps kicking me... fuck you
Does javascript accept a forloop that looks like this:

var i =1;
for(; i < 10; i++){
//Do stuff
@Gemtastic yes
@ZachSaucier Ok, thanks. I know Java does, but wasn't sure about JS
in C that's what you have to do :P
Interesting. So C doesn't accept for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++){}?
wtf are this new blue buttons on SO?
@Gemtastic no, has to be int i; for(i = 1; ...
Oh, it has to be initiated outside of the loop. Interesting :)
me today
why did i started my own business again? ah right, because i'm an idiot
What to use Sass --> CSS in this example is error?

background-image: url('../img/language-#{$language}.png') no-repeat;
background-image: url("../img/language-GitHub.png"); no-repeat}
Invalide propietary value
@UlisesContreras try using the validator.
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal ^
I wish there was a way to force absolute elements to respect parent's padding other than calc
i really fucked up this time
4 hours ago, by Jecebahn Yaledimac Ondestal
i totally forgot to make a work that i was supposed to make in the last 3 months
@cimmanon I/O Error: Unable to contact target server localhost:80 after 3 tries.
@ZachSaucier use margin?
@UlisesContreras why do you think someone other than yourself will be able to access a document that is only local to you?
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal I'd need another container to do that
using the transparent border trick... (so ghetto)
well depends ,what's the code?
I know my CSS :P
One moment. :)
what's wrong with the transparent border? :P
This is my problem imgur.com/PpnS5Of if I use no-repeat in Sass, is ok in CSS but in my browser Chrome, say this.
it doesn't work D:
just tried it
did skibbi left?
@ZachSaucier ?
@UlisesContreras thats because you either overwrote it somewhere else or it is invalid css.

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