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I just love windmills and fields.
@DarkAshelin hahaha well played :P
you used it perfectly
@BasementKeyboardHero You like goats.
posted on January 16, 2015 by Mark Bowytz

"Cool! Amazon now apparently offers a battery that comes in various flavors to enhance the experience," writes Evan C.   Niels R. wrote, "Finally. A website for when you absolutely, positively need a mouse that rates 2.1428571428 stars out of 5."   "With many systems that get butchered over the days/weeks/months/years certain columns, once used solidly for single responsibil

Holy shit this movie looks fucking EPIC
@skibbi_bizzle -.- I shared that article yesterday :P
@BasementKeyboardHero Well sorry
but it looks sick thogh
I got no one to watch it with me though
i am trapped, i can't stop watching this youtube.com/watch?v=DGRmVuhPSjA
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal What the fuck.
10 hours version pls.
@DarkAshelin "look at you smiling at your phone, you crayon eating motherfucker"
Thanks Ash <3
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal mario pls.
@DarkAshelin Me as well xD
@DarkAshelin @skibbi_bizzle "...today you should send a message to a f* up friend..." <--- stay cool skibbi
@easwee You are the best friend a guy like me could ask for xD
@skibbi_bizzle -.- :(
@skibbi_bizzle here's some more crayons, the yellow ones are so you don't need vaccines.
I let you touch my goat man the fuck
@BasementKeyboardHero hahaha It was sarcasm :P
@BasementKeyboardHero And you have the bestest goat in the world :D
Rearranging words are fun: "I let you touch my man, fuck the goat"
@easwee But you are a female... so its hetero
@easwee you do have long hair #justsayin
@Eirinn Disturbing
@BasementKeyboardHero I still dont know what it is :/
@Eirinn I hate cats with a passion... NEXT
@skibbi_bizzle your future will be just as accurate if you imagine the cat not being there
@skibbi_bizzle this then 9gag.com/gag/apoZw15
!!meow oh that's two things skibbi hates - gifs and cats - in ONE!
1 message moved to Trash
Remember when you fuckers made my pc bomb out and lag by spamming gifs -.-
@skibbi_bizzle lol
@Eirinn That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
this should be a thing
@Sippy They tortured me when I first came here
@skibbi_bizzle That sounds familiar.
@skibbi_bizzle y u no Zulu?
@Boltclock Rule 78... I am sorry in advanced
@Eirinn Why are you not a yellow?
@Sippy Got a lot worse than you kiddo
@Sippy a yellow what?
@skibbi_bizzle Lol
Cos ur a nerd
Yeees...yessss.. let the gold flow through you and into my pockets /wow
yesterday, by Basement Keyboard Hero
@Eirinn most of the time I have no idea what you are saying...
I do not operate with this thing called context, it's too conformist for me.
i should probably have capitalized though /WoW would make a bit more sense
JavaScript doesn't care if it's ' or " surrounding a string?
@Gemtastic no in most cases not
@Gemtastic They do have to be the same though.
@Sippy Yeah, that wasn't my question though
In other languages, C# for example, ' denotes a character literal whereas " denotes a string literal.
And it will whine at you if you do it wrong.
Yes, I know Java so that's why I was surprised that JS doesn't care which it is
After all, Java is short for JavaScript? :P
You want a dick up your butt? ;P
@skibbi_bizzle does
I can only agree with that JS is a little bit of a hippie language. It's not really that bothered by much. You can get away with a lot of things XD
PHP cares as well, but... differently
Also noticed that arrays in JS doesn't seem to mind being altered after its creation?
however be careful because some functions will alter the array and some won't
nothing in js minds being altered after creation
And I stick to what I just said; JS isn't really bothered with much so you can get away with a lot of things XD
@mikedidthis Now, that exactly the kinda thing I would want to know in a tutorial
storing functions in variables is a wonderful thing
try changing a global like undefined :P
you can actually redefine it
@Gemtastic everything is an object and everything can be altered.
although redefining undefined will get you shunned at
I see
I haven't really looked into undefined yet. Google time!
it's really just what it says it is
although sometimes you'll get an empty string instead of undefined or an object :P
or uh null
have fun!
Why would you get shunned for redefining undefined?
if(obj.yourdata == undefined){ do this}
oooh sorry i redefined unefined into "fuckyou" so now nothing works
^ that
when you mix libraries and data, redefining "globals" is really bad taste
but isn't the purpose of an if statement to see if it's one or another case? If you use if, it means it could be something else and you check for it...?
trying to sort out the logic
@Eirinn Now that makes sense
if you want to check if you data is undefined
ah ok :)
if you need to check if your data is undefined or not, doesn't that mean that it could be a case of it being something else?
imagine this, you have a global that everyone knows what is and it's a global called get_time, get_time returns time in unix time, but you only use dates so you redefine get_time to output 02/06/2014, 11:45
some other library depends on get_time and asks for the time and gets your reconfigured garbage :P
it's a thought of scenario, get_time doesn't exist in that sense in JS, it's just to get the point across
I'm not asking about the globals, I'm asking about undefined
sometimes you explicitly want to check if data has been set or not and thus you check for undefined
concept is the same :9
let's say you ask for data through a dynamic call from another page or site. It's been JSON'ified and outputs {'test':'undefined'}
I am fully aware of the importance of globals being what they are supposed to be, but why do you check if something's undefined or not when it can't be changed?
undefined IS a global and CAN be changed :)
As in, to me, the logic is that if you have an if case, you need to have an else case too
you don't have to
@Eirinn yes, but it's shunned to do that you said
anyway to return to my previous undefined example
Or did you mean that it's only shunned to change globals?
Because then things makes sense again
to answer your question yes that would trigger an else clause if there is one
TL;DR: don't change shit that everyone relies on being static
> although redefining undefined will get you shunned at
But what if it's a local and not global variable?
undefined can't be local
Ah, so that's the thing then?
it's a global variable
I see. I thought you could apply it to all variables
I think we're having a communication issue based on preconceptions :)
Global and local
you can't mark JS as being local or global
@mikedidthis I love me a good read
@Eirinn You cant? O.o
you can define a local variable, but you cannot change a global locally
@Eirinn Aaah
@mikedidthis sadly I have no money to buy stuff :/
well ok you can, but it'll be applied onto the whole scope :)
I'm beyond poor right now
@Gemtastic the first one should all be online
@mikedidthis Yeah, but the second one wasn't
if you do undefined = "lol" it'll be applied globally no matter where you define it is what i meant
@mikedidthis This is also worth a read: http://jsninja.com/resources
@Gemtastic yeah the second one if just for fun
in that document
@mikedidthis I see.
@SomeGuy troll is troll.
@Eirinn Interesting
@mikedidthis :D
I've heard JSNinja is actually pretty good, though
Now, I learned more useful things here in 5 min than I've done reading/watching the tutorials >_> They don't mention this stuff.
@SomeGuy heard the same about your... mom.
I actually have a scenario where it could go horribly wrong if someone redefined undefined cause I'm sending an object {'data':'undefined'} through postmessage
@SomeGuy mikedidthat
if the receiver has redefined undefined to "lol" I'd do this comparison = if(obj.data == undefined) it would return false
because undefined contains "lol"
undefined == "lol" is obviously false
@Eirinn Oh I understand how undefine works like that
ah kk :)
I was just curious why you were shunned if you changed undefined specifically
ah only because it's constantly and widely used
But since it's global variables it makes sense
if you redefined null it'd be bad too, but less so
still shunn^
tl;dr - don't redefine globals
I redefine globals for lols
@Sippy haters gonna hate
Hmmm... how would one reinstate undefined?
if already changed?
let's say some crab changes undefined = "lol"
It will probably take some time before I find a use for undefined though
how'd you revert it?
@Gemtastic yeah about 5 minutes
I don't think you can? cc / @SomeGuy
@Eirinn Well, in my own code. I don't really understand why I'd need something to be undefined
@Gemtastic passing arguments.
if you want to check if a variable has been set you need to check if it's undefined
Most likely because I haven't encountered the situation
@Eirinn Yes, but why would you wanna do that if you're not gonna be able to change it?
(I'm going in circles here because I'm missing something...)
yeah you are
look at this
if (dSpeed != undefined) {
		speed = dSpeed;
you don't change undefined, you check against it
but... why?
depends on your use case, lemme see if I can find something more... real
@Eirinn The use case is what I don't understand
function HTMLRoom( mike, gem ) {

  if ( mike === undefined ) {
    mike = '31';

  if ( gem === undefined ) {
    gem = '21';

  return 'mike is ' + mike + 'gem is' + gem;

@mikedidthis But, aren't you redefining them there?
it's a comparison
@Gemtastic only if there aren't defined in the first place
he's checking if the left hand is the same as the right hand
Hello chaps! I need a little help... I have a very quick LESS query. Supposing I have a variable @colour: #fff
if you haven't passed the age of mike and/or gem then mike and gem will be set to a fixed age
you can call the function HTMLRoom(), HTMLRoom( 21 ) or HTMLRoom( 21, 21)
@mikedidthis Oh, so you mean that it's only shunned to redefine a defined variable that was defined to undefined? Ok, then I'm game
do you understand what gem === undefined does?
and I want to set another variable to @colour so @background: @colour
how would I do that?
== and === are comparisons
@Eirinn Yes
@PrimeByDesign doesn't what you just typed out work?
no doesn't seem to
yeah it does
unless I'm doing something else wrong...
@Gemtastic you're not redefining undefined in his example at all
@color: #ffffff;
@background: @color;
okay... I will investigate further... problem is I don't have access to the LESS compiler output on the server

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