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Since you people taught me about responsive design, I've begun to observe how other people do it and...
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"design bugs"?
@ZachSaucier when you leave a layer in .psd hidden and send to client
I enjoy having music and video editing skills from my younger years
it lets me do things like take parts of a song I don't like much out with little effort
hehe nice
I have 5-10 songs on my music player that I loved most all the song, then this one part killed it for me
so I edit out that part and make it a smooth transition :D
DJ Zeaklous :D
you've heard a mix of mine before, haven't you?
I've just finished a file listing thumbnail preview script for my upload. subdomain
@ZachSaucier nope
@ZachSaucier The designer didn't account for where things hop to when you resize the window
@Gemtastic they hardly ever do :P
I'd say that's not a "bug"
@ZachSaucier I could kinda get it if it only fit to certain width, but they don't even do that on a lot of sites. It's all "Well hello there little button, why are you cuddling up on top of this unrelated CSS menu?"
@Gemtastic webdesigners should know html/css to avoid such problems
@easwee Yep
@ZachSaucier pumped :D
@easwee depends on the company
will do good for monday
@easwee haha, probably isn't your style
it's very much mine (for parties, anyway)
Though over here it's actually pretty much the norm that the designer also is the front end developer
outside of parties I don't listen to it all the time by any means
@Gemtastic depends 100% on the company
@ZachSaucier It's the norm of the business here. If you can't code in HTML, CSS and PHP you won't get a job as a webdesigner.
@ZachSaucier for party I dig
Though they are going away from calling it webdesigner to calling it web developer.
@Gemtastic in the last company I worked at the designers know the basics and can write it okay (eh), they just focused on design at work and gave it to us because we were way faster
lets them get more design done that way
@ZachSaucier Well, that's the US, I don't live in the US :P
Doubt I'd get hired there anyway XD
lol, why
why you have a criminal record?
I suffer from low self confidence :P
Not exactly improved by the inability to get one here
work remote lol
I'd love to do that
mayibuildyouaclassofjava.blogspot.se I thought you were a designer?
Well, I was
Then I decided to educate myself to work with programming instead
More jobs in programming here whereas it kinda feels like every twenty-something knows how to webdesign >_>
@Gemtastic not well, haha
@ZachSaucier Nope, but it doesn't change the fact that it's very hard to land a job as a webdesigner here
However, know a little RegEx and the jobs almost jump into your lap
Well, I can't say I'm the greatest designer ever, but I'd never let my sites end up looking like the ones I'm thinking of when I mentioned the topic of "design bugs"
I found a solution and made an answer for my IE7 extra spacing problem/question from earlier today: stackoverflow.com/a/27761599/796832 - Tricky IE CSS expressions to the rescue :P
posted on January 04, 2015 by Chris Coyier

I'd love to say I can choose a typeface based on its history, structure, form, characteristics and fancy stuff like that. But usually it's more like seeing examples like this, being all "woah that looks hot", and imagining how it would work in the project I'm working on. Created by @femmebot, with submissions by a bunch of folks. As part of this, which is chock full of good ideas. Direct Link

this is a pretty n00by question though; when a parent div is positioned with
`position: absolute;`
And you want its child to move 10px to the right when hovered, what do you do?
@Gemtastic .parent:hover .child { position: relative; right: 10px; }
@MLM Thanks! I tried applying that to the child on hover, but it didn't work for some reason O.o
Could it have to do with that the child has these properties:
	display: table-cell;
	vertical-align: middle;
@Gemtastic This works fine for me: jsfiddle.net/ckwo0nhr
@MLM When I run this nothing happens when I hover O.o
@Gemtastic Works for me in chrome.
But not for me in firefox
Funny... I tried in in my chrome and it works fine there, but not in firefox O.o
@Gemtastic I would just add a inner wrapping element: jsfiddle.net/ckwo0nhr/1
@MLM That works. Now to the question of why doesn't firefox move it, but chrome does?
The only problem with your fiddle though is that when you hover the parent, all the "asdf" will move
@Gemtastic That is the point? Parent-child relationship
I'm a bit borked
No, my question is legitimate.
I can't get it to work with several elements :/
Can you try to show me with my fiddle?
@Gemtastic You did forget the quotes around the class names
@MLM add them and nothing happens
As in there's no difference
@Gemtastic You are also using multiple of the same ID
But I only hover 1 at a time.
Yes, now it works!
It doesn't matter if you hover one at a time, etc. Even it does work with the same ID all over the place. You shouldn't be using ID's for what you are doing and they should never be the same
So the class are more suitable for when multiple divs are gonna share the attributes, as opposed to ID which should refer to only one div?
@Gemtastic Yes, you should style everything with classes
When should I use ID then?
Only for specific divs?
Use id's for url hash navigation ex: http://domain.com/index.html#myid
I see
@MLM Thanks, I really appreciate your help.
@Gemtastic You're welcome. You should be more descriptive off the bat. Saying it doesn't work in Firefox right away, etc
@MLM Well, I didn't know it was a ff thing until you said it
Which means that what I tried first should have worked, it just didn't in firefox so I thought I did something wrong
On the other hand, now I managed to fix that bug so that it won't come back and bite me in the hind later
Still, really, thank you. I'm terrible at describing what I want and what's not working >_>; So I appreciate you taking your time.
@ZachSaucier @StephanMuller Copy Editor does not count retags. But yes, if you are mass editing questions just to fix one or two issues while ignoring the rest, or worse, just to add whitespace, we will judge you
If all your edits are substantial, more power to you. But if you're taking your time to make your edits count, then you probably don't have to worry about flooding the front page ;)
1 hour later…
@BoltClock So how are tags burned then? On the ones that I saw much to improve I did but some didn't need anything more than burning the tag
Can you shift the position of a li element 10px to the right using only css?
@Gemtastic if it has anything to do with positioning, it's CSS.
or how it looks
@ZachSaucier Thing is when I google it I get a lot of jQuery answers :/
javascript can only manipulate CSS in certain ways
it can't make it look a certain way or position it without CSS
Do you know a tutorial or something I could look at to learn how to do it with css?
short answer: sounds like you want margin-left:10px
but depending on what you want that may be different. If you're looking to get help with something in particular, provide a minimal example on something like jsFiddle and we'll be glad to help :)
margin-left did the trick :)
going through that site linked would be very helpful to you
I would love to hear the theory behind why this fiddle isn't working, but if I change the .specialsChild a:hover ti .specialsChild li:hover it works.
I hate when I push enter too soon >_>
I think you forgot to save? I don't see any :hover
from a UX perspective, it's not good to move buttons on hover
@ZachSaucier haha XD
@CodeFlava welcome!
@ZachSaucier but I changed it to table-cell
honestly I don't work with tables much
makes sense for a table cell not to respond to margin though
@ZachSaucier only removing the display thingy made it work with the shifting, but then the size of a collapsed
display:block fixes it but you'd need to do the text vertical centering a different way
@ZachSaucier Was just gonna say that I'm only using it for the centering.
It's not really the end of the world since you can solve it with padding
I was mostly curious to how you do when you want a set height
so long as the font size doesn't change it's find
Which is why I wanted to know how to center it vertically without the table-cell :P
there are other ways to do it dynamically as well
For what I'm gonna use it for, the font size can vary almost as much as it wants, it doesn't really matter
absolute positioning with transforms, flexbox, etc.
@ZachSaucier oh? Do tell!
the "specials" div is positioned absolutely in relation to its parent in the original code if that matters
Thank you @ZachSaucier
Y'all have a good night.. I've just been reading through the transcript
Are you still around GA, @CodeFlava?
I sure am
sweet, doing programming work for a living then?
Sure am. .NET web dev
ew, haha
I am currently using Bootstrap for a asp.net web forms site
not for me :)
at least not all of the time, I can do it for a piece
in ATL?
What's your favorite thing to code? or your specialty?
Warner Robins actually
I specialize in web animations, front end
Are you around GA?
@CodeFlava that surprises me!
Haha, why?
I'm at school at UGA currently, worked in Woodstock last summer (north of Atlanta)
Nice, that's my home town!
Lived for 16 years there
it surprises me even more now, haha
most jobs I see are around ATL, though I know of and have worked at others outside
Do you use javascript for your animations?
depends on the animation
A: What's the best way to animate an illustration for the web?

Zach SaucierGIFs For most simple animations, a gif a good way to go, especially when the creator is more comfortable making them and they don't require much interaction, are as detailed as the illustration you linked, and don't need to have a dynamic width (gifs, like any image, can be blurry at times if t...

I need to add video to that...
@ZachSaucier tbh I don't really know. I'm not aware off the top of my head of a meta post discussing this either, though I'm sure someone has asked. I know I've done mass retags before, but I figured I was doing it in the capacity of a moderator (aka glorified janitor) and so it would be OK
Yeah, there are plenty of opportunities in ATL. Still some good ones in Warner Robins. Low cost of living down here
@BoltClock All I know is it hasn't been done for months after meta said to do it :P
so I started a bit today
I'm outta here @ZachSaucier best of luck to you at UGA. God Bless
sleep well!
Tags are a mess. It's what happens when a site becomes popular
most my meta posts are on tags
Dec 7 '14 at 5:51, by BoltClock
tries to think of something Zach will not agree with
you're just too reasonable
I should start making controversial statements
That will surely rile people up
I darenot really consult w3c schools so I ask, what is the current norm to put the font size in? px? pt? em?
@BoltClock like a good mod
@ZachSaucier Actually, it's true
@Zach also, thanks for helping me. I 'preciate it :)
@Gemtastic depends on who you're talking to
You aren't a good mod until someone has invoked Godwin's law on you
@ZachSaucier Let's imagine I want to use the responsive way
personally, @Gemtastic, I use em primarily. Sometimes I use px for small sites or rem for certain things
Alright. :) Thanks
don't use pt.
I don't really like it anyway :P
posted on January 04, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

posted on January 04, 2015

Dilbert readers - Please visit Dilbert.com to read this feature. Due to changes with our feeds, we are now making this RSS feed a link to Dilbert.com.

Aye everyone :)
2 hours later…
I have another question if someone wanna try and help me?
The issue is shown on this image: i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae213/GeminiJuSa/weirdborder.jpg and this is the fiddle with code: jsfiddle.net/Lg5a0ksg Why do I get that dotted border so weirdly around the image?
(I know what the border is, but why does it have such weird shape?)
@Gemtastic are you talking about the doted border?
@Gemtastic I believe you are using FF. To remove the border add :
if you want to keep it but make it respect the image margins, add :
hello anyone here?
@user4269367 Nope.
goodmourning everyone
@easwee i'm so tired of campers and crap teams
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal :D
What does <%= someObject.name %> mean? In particular, what do the <%= ... %> designate?
I recognize javascript inside the <>'s, but that's it.
that's probably some kind of templating engine
I know underscore uses that as template syntax
it's within the code of a web chat client
Does that make sense?
@user1770201 it's ASP code
defines a start and end of asp code block
same as <?php ?> in php
@easwee Oh that's also possible
@user1770201 can you share more code/context?
another idea is it a js templating syntax - we use such code at work - depends on the context
Here is a snippet:
<div class="col-sm-6 col-xs-8">
<input class="input" name="host" value="<%= defaults.host %>">
It's from an IRC web chat client I just downloaded which is written -- as far as I know -- entirely in javascript
give a download link
Could still be either but js templating engine seems more likely
which client?
Github: https://github.com/erming/shout
Overview: http://dailyjs.com/2014/09/09/shout/
@user1770201 you need node.js to run that
it's a npm module
and yes - it's entirely javascript
I've got it running
Don't know what I'm doing tho :)
I'm trying to convert this
<input class="input" name="host" value="<%= defaults.host %>">
to not be a user input. Instead, the variable "host" should just be set to the value defaults.host
I tried <meta name="host" value="<%= defaults.host %>"> but it didn't work.
Hello guys,
I'm having a strange problem: I have an `a` element styled with a specific width and height and `display: table-cell`. This element has a `href` attribute, however clicking on it is very strange: If I click the text, nothing happens, but if I click on the empty space around the text, it works.
how do you grab the corresponding column id of a table
if lets say you are in row 2
and you want correspodning column in row 1
Oh never mind, found the error
@Kroltan please try to recreate this in a jsfiddle.net example?
@user4269367 with css? you cant. you can only select items after the current element, not before.
@easwee :drool:
i see nevermind i created an array
@DarkAshelin LOL
@BasementKeyboardHero photos bitch, make an album asap
haven't gotten them off the gopro yet :P
fak no card reader
downloading the gopro studio app now
@BasementKeyboardHero You're back!
And I'm stating the obvious!
missed me? :O
btw nepali people don't like indians :P
@BasementKeyboardHero No, but my mom did
I don't even know why
@BasementKeyboardHero Haha, really? Why?
I've never been to Nepal
Most of them think you guys are thieves :P
Also next trip i wanna hit up india :D
Awesome! When will that be?
@BasementKeyboardHero wb man - seen your photos on fb :)
nice trip
user image
@SecondRikudo u around for some oop very annoying questions? :D
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Sure
@ZachSaucier Reinforced concrete.
such a great idea the nokia :D
so, i am refactoring the data access layer (i'm trying to use proper terminology, but i'm probably wrong)
and in particular the layer containing application level transactions
function deleteA($id){
just a random example
the problem i have with method like this is that it carries a lot of information
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal What's AChildsMapper?
If you have tables with foreign keys, you can generally tell the table what to do in case the foreign key changes/deleted on the original table.
a mapper containing references to the A being deleted that must be deleted as well
i don't use foreign keys yet because i still have a ton of myisam tables
but that's not the point
Okay, what is the point?
the problem i have with method like this is that it carries a lot of information, for example an instance before an update, the instance after a successful update, and errors found (like an id not found, or model domain errors)
i want to give the best feedback to the user of those methods
but i don't know how to make available all this "reports"
I don't understand what kind of information do you need and where.
say also number of rows changed and things
Ah, you want information about the transaction.
the controller uses that method, no? that method is the public interface of the DAL
and i want to return as much possible information to it
The controller shouldn't use the deleteA method directly.
For instance a user wanted to delete a comment he made on my blog post
His client sends a DELETE request to /posts/postID/comments/commentID with the appropriate credentials
Router invokes the appropriate Controller, which has PostService as a dependency.
PostService has the capability of removing the comment you want from the object graph (for instance, $thePost->getAllComments(), and then map it back into the database.
As for the information you want
Most DB engines can return the number of affected rows pretty trivially.
So you use that return method to communicate back to the controller (and subsequently to the view)
i didn't understand the PostService thing
is it a service that handles POST data and invokes controllers?
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Your Controller doesn't speak to the DAL or the Domain Objects directly.
It speaks to the Model layer through a series of Service objects which expose methods you can do on the Model layer in that context.
yes i was planning to do that
i have something like that already. but very random
For instance, $postService->addCommentOnPost($postID, $userID, $title, $body)
And then addCommentOnPost will take the Post ID and User ID and map them into Domain Objects
Will create a new Comment Domain Object and fill it with title and body
Then use the mapper to map everything to storage.
ok let's say i have this
what addCommentOnPost should return to the controller?
All the controller does to add a comment is to call $postService->addCommentOnPost
Well, whatever you want.
It could be the number of rows affected.
It could be a boolean to indicate success or failure
It could be the Comment object, or an Exception object
that was my question
i have lot of info to send to the controller
i don't know how to do it properly
So create a TransactionInformation class, and return an instance of that.
i was thinking to do that. but i felt i could avoid it
what do you usually return in a method like that?
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal Nothing.
If nothing happened, it worked. If it threw an Exception, it didn't.
But I didn't need information back from it like you do.
well for example now i have "save was successful" even if no fields in the db were changed
i would like to show instead "nothing was changed"
and detailed information like this
anyway, talking of layers, i would like to know how to name my DAL layers
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal if nothing was changed, your mapper should detect that and avoid the database transaction.
yes it does, but problem was notifying the controller about that
anyway thanks for the help :P will do with the TransactionInformation class
will bug you in future about that service layer you were talking about
i'm not sure i need it everywhere
i used something like that for user permissions
what happened to your oop blog?
@SecondRikudo how should that PostService class look like?
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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