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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

19 mins ago, by Dark Ashelin
anyone ever worked with a NamedNodeMap (js) ?
not me
maybe you'd still like to try and help me out? x.x
I got this huge object and need to get 1 attribute from it... I just don't know how I can get to it, the structure doesn't seem like a usual object
whimpers silently in corner
@DarkAshelin :<
reference.sitepoint.com/javascript/NamedNodeMap trying to follow the info on this site
I think I should do something like oimg.attributes.getNamedItem("src").ownerElement.exifdata but it doesn't find this
I feel like I'm just sitting here listening and not knowing what to do and feeling mega bad about it
it's christmas evening and I just wanna go home from work =P
stupid thing
y u no simple
Your first mistake is in thinking JavaScript would be simple
On the bright side, everyone makes that mistake. Everyone.
Yo html / css / webdesign room
@PeeHaa This really isn't a HTML / CSS / WebDesign room, despite labelled as such.
lol ^
Merry Christmas!
ok... thanks for sharing I guess :P
it's a html tavern lol
@easwee <span> yes. </div>
Seriously chat markdown. Fuck you
@PeeHaa ... I want my four minutes and fifty two seconds of my life back, please.
No can do. No refunds
walks away in sorrow, whimpering about peehaa sharing links to pointless videos
It's not pointless! It's rebecca!
eh I give up v.v merry christmas all
@DarkAshelin merry christmas
@DarkAshelin hallo, merry christmas :)
Downvoted and cved the hell out of it. BAM christmas spirit in yo face!
posted on December 24, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by toretto460 */

@PeeHaa I sent you a hardstyle song in jamexchange
To the jamexchange mobile!
@DarkAshelin want the simplest solution? just use imagemagick :p
sigh why do people do this? stackoverflow.com/questions/27639726/… <- shitloads of css, no markup.
for the vapers:
@StephanMuller thats a joke, right? it is so hard to tell anymore these days
@cimmanon I'm not sure
There's a couple of gross stories here though about the effects of smoking in the house for decades:
I'm starting a project that needs a javascript code editor of sorts. The code to be compiled is in a bunch of <pre> elements. If I use Google Code Prettify or something similar to style it, what should I use to recompile? Could I just concat the innerHTML of all of them and run eval or something on it?
i am developing a website which would show news from differernt media channels using there rss feeds.... it will be all free... will this website come under non-commercial category? ..coz all the feeds which I am willing to use say that 'the feed should not be used for commercial use'... please help
@G.Akshay Are you going to make money in any way from it?
Because well... that is kinda the definition of commercial
no money making... its all free
but on a wide scale... kinda like feedly (chrome extension)
Also no advertisements?
no advertisements
IANAL, but that sounds a lot like non commercial to me :)
one of the feeds which I want to use has following terms: "These feeds are available for use by any Web site provided that no content is published full-text or altered in any way. We also require that this content be clearly attributed to Hindustantimes.com. "
Sounds fair to me
so is that a green light to me
Well I cannot tell whether that is "green light" for you because I cannot possibly know whether you do that
bit confused now
How can I possibly tell whether you are clearly attributing "Hindustantimes.com"? Or whether you do any of the other stuff? I have never seen what you are doing. The only info I have is "it's free" which has nothing to do with the above :)
so, will it be enough to provide a link to actual page of hindustan times article... with no full-text article details
Only Hindustantimes can answer that
hmmm.. I have sent a mail, seeking permission about the usage of the same to the concerned autorities of RSS feed owners .. lets see what they reply
HoHoHo Merry Xmas to you all...
HO HO Merry X-mas to all
reminds me of my country people... they copy and modify lol
Merry Christmas \o/ @Mr.Alien
@PeeHaa o/ ayyyyy ssup bro
Nothing much. Sipping my drink and waiting for my food to be ready :)
so no holiday for you?
This is my holiday :)
ahaa... and I have some minor fixes for op, will pull req soon :)
oh coolio
btw am still waiting for your cms
Me too :P
A new client just signed today for a new project which should start in february so it needs to be workable by then
so its kinda custom system
Custom but easily extensible / modifiable (at least that is the idea)
nice... wish u luck with that..
and google has a cool doodle today
@Mr.Alien tnx :)
ya welcome.. :)
really nice doodle
Indians not sleeping today
How can I make a CSS background change constantly (loop) with multiple images?
ha ha.. uts xmas night bro
I'm from the UK.
But I am Indian…
@RahulKhosla yea we are everywhere
Anyone can help me with JS? ^
I don't write JS, although I understand it a little.
find online, you'll get tons of scripts out there
try searching for sliders or something like that... or make a single long image concatenating all of them into one and use css animation to linearly move them with customizable speed
@Mr.Alien I tried, I got to this: stackoverflow.com/a/6514099/3395049
And here comes his french articles where I don't get a thing written in there
Although I don't know how to add multiple images.
@RahulKhosla and?
Could you assist?
I assume I need some sort of delay if I just copy and paste the style edit line?
ok think technically
have an array/object of your background image urls in js
and use settimeinterval
Oh ok I see!
or a loop with delay and iterate over each and change the background url
@Mr.Alien @G.Akshay Can you help me write this? I understand JS but I don't know how to write it.
then have a condition like count the array/object length, say 3 bg images
keep the path of all images in an array and after specific interval pick the image and replace in the container
now if x == 3, reset to 1
try or you will never learn, this is just the logic am writing to make you understand... even I don't know much js and also I can try to write one for you but that wont help you in any way
It will :)
Please :)
It's Christmas.
also you can do that with pure css
use position absolute, stack your images one above another and animate the opacity
But it's not industry standard.
here u go
var images = ['banner1.jpg', 'banner2.jpg', 'banner3.jpg'];
var i = 0;

$('yourContainer').css('background-image', function() {
if (i >= images.length) {
return 'url(' + images[i++] + ')';
}, 5000);//time im ms
Again, thanks so much!
now tell us what you learnt in that
@cimmanon I think imagemagick is already embedded into the project, but I can't figure out how to get the stuff either with it
@DarkAshelin heyo...
@Mr.Alien rawr
I'm off work now until monday though, so not continueing on this until then
woah you got a new job?
I don't like it already
@Mr.Alien How to use arrays, how to edit my css div, if i>image.length (i assume that's counting the images without me manually changing a number) reset, then return, do some AI stuff, wait 500ms to redo.
You guys all work in 'code' related things?
anyone happen to know if there is a torrent of full season 4 korra available?
@RahulKhosla yes
@RahulKhosla image is an object, use the .length property returns you the number of elements in that object
@DarkAshelin find on kat . ph
@Mr.Alien Kind of what I said, but just didn't realise it's an objet, thanks
@DarkAshelin What's your job title?
@Mr.Alien can't see any there. talking about the full season in 1 torrent, not 13 seperate episodes
@RahulKhosla webdeveloper
thank rahul, anyways... you can go ahead with that.... :)
@RahulKhosla both front-end and backend for me
@DarkAshelin I'm still at University, I study Graphic Design.
@DarkAshelin so whats the issue, download them separately
@Mr.Alien that's what plebs do!
@DarkAshelin Looking to get a job in design, but web-development is always a hobby for me.
@DarkAshelin pleb reminds me of that guy I forgot his name...
Also they're relatable nowadays
we used to make his meme's
and wes used to tease him so much by calling noob
good night folks
that cake lover.. I just can't recollect his name
@DarkAshelin see told u
twas hidden in the comments section
i wanna change my login email on kat
they are not letting me do so
"your email is ours forever"
nah I change and they send an email on the old id
and shit
I don't have any access to that id
I had such a good virtual name, have an fb page with so many fans and I wanted to get rid of all that so changed my name :p (secret)
nyt ~
Hey guys! I just had a quick question about implementing a recommendation system for your website. I tried looking around but couldn't find anything particularly useful. When we implement the recommendation system is done server side via python or something?
@Mr.Alien how should I be defining a path for that snippet?
var images = ['imgs/background-1.jpg', …
@JeelShah did you mean "php" instead of python?
@DarkAshelin I guess? :) I took a course on machine learning via Coursera but nowhere did the prof explain how to actually implement the thing on your website. So, I guess we have to use php? Is that the only option?
@JeelShah uhm there are multiple options. is this for a school assignment?
@DarkAshelin Nope. I just wanna make a recommendation system to test my skills; so whichever is the best option, that's the one I'll be going with.
@DarkAshelin I have experience in python and Octave but hardly any in Php. I know how to define variables =/ haha
@JeelShah err... well you'd have to learn an entire new programming language, it's going to take a lot of effort and time
php is very complicated
@DarkAshelin Dang it. So, Amazon uses PHP for its recommendation system?
I don't know what exactly you mean with recommendation system. can you link me?
@DarkAshelin Like when it says "you like this so you may like this too"
well I don't know how they'd make that, very complicated database queries I suppose
I wouldn't pick that as a first thing to make. I'm programming for 5 years now and I'd say that's still too complicated for me
Is it done via PHP though? Like, I have an understanding of how a simple recommendation system works and I'm not looking to make something complicated like Amazon but just a simple one. I have done a simple system in python but I don't know how to translate that to website.
I don't know what language they use
and what is your meaning of a "simple" one? they would all be complicated to make I think
you need to link things from a database
Simple meaning it has a bunch of user ratings and it has your ratings and then it compares and suggests a few things.
If it's a data base then can I just node.js or something?
"just use"
you speak as if you can learn these things in 1 day
anyway sorry, I can't give you a good recommendation for this
I'm sorry for the confusion. I have learned how to implement a simple algorithm via the course I took and I was looking for an opinion on how to do it on a website. :/
I've never used python in webdevelopment, I don't know if it's possible to implement it. Maybe it is though, I don't know
I'm going off now, merry christmas ;)
Merry Christmas :) Thanks for your time! :)
1 hour later…
i highly doubt amazon uses php for anything.
1 hour later…
@cimmanon Even back in 2005, when PHP was more popular, Amazon's languages were C++, Java, and Perl
some JavaScript (obviously), Ruby, and Haskell as well
Here's a SO question on it, actually stackoverflow.com/questions/415360/…
@Mr.Alien thanks for suggesting ace
it works even better than I expected it to :D
@TylerH Mjolnired
@rlemon That is genius :D
And evil
@TylerH i dont see php in that list now :p
@cimmanon You're hallucinating.
@SecondRikudo You're saying that as if there's something wrong with hallucinating
in JavaScript , 51 mins ago, by rlemon
t'was the night before christmas, and all through the house
not a coder was coding, no hands on a mouse.
the designers were busy making snowflakes with care,
in hopes that the client will not be unfair.

The game designers were nestled, all snug in their beds,
while visions of steam-sales danced in their heads.
My git commits are low, and I'm taking afternoon naps,
I'm ready for work again, enough of this crap!

Then out on the cloud, there arouse such a clatter,
An announcement from Sony, I wonder what's the matter?
@StephanMuller I never said that.
posted on December 24, 2014

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com title: "Holidata Wish" - originally published 12/22/2014 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

why does it hurt when I pee?
cleaning up questions in the sass tag?
i am always cleaning up questions in the sass tag :p
if it were a more popular tag, i wouldnt have to beg for close votes here :-(
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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