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the term depends on how they're display
so... how are they displayed?
what you described is just "categories" and "filtering"
like "www.indonufood.com/home". i meant filtering
looks like they're trying to give CSS the same capabilities of the <picture> element and then some
from The Future of CSS (slides). Use arrow keys to navigate
oh I found this, isotope.metafizzy.co/filtering.html. This is the one I am looking for.. haha..
do you have any similar jquery like this? isotope is looking difficult.
isotope can use jQuery?
sorry i mean js
it's a JS plugin....
You can still filter with functions if you don’t use jQuery.

  // item element provided as argument
  filter: function( itemElem ) {
    var number = itemElem.querySelector('.number').innerText;
    return parseInt( number, 10 ) > 50;
but but but but! jQuery is magic! it does things javascript cant do!
@cimmanon the second part is half true
well, vanilla js anyway
um, how do you figure thats true at all?
hello anyone familiar with drag & drop ?
jQuery is so awesome! just last week it found me a wife and killed my enemies
!!urban drag
@rlemon drag Inhaling smoke from a cigarette or joint. Having a puff or hit.
dropzonejs.com --> for drag and drop :)
@mikedidthis nice selfie
and what is drop
@rlemon Your mom asked for it. She picked the outfit.
!!urban drop
@rlemon [drop](http://drop.urbanup.com/838049) v.
1. To knock someone over, usually associated with the first hit in a fight.
2. To spend (generally a lot of) money; to buy something.
3. To release an album.

1. An expensive car/convertible. (see [\[whip\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=whip))
@mikedidthis I know, she got it from my closet
@rlemon haha
how's it going mate? you're so K111ky lately
here is mine
@rlemon releasing themes on all the platforms, eh.
@mikedidthis so when you gonna be on more?
@rlemon one week every month?
posted on December 11, 2014 by Chris Coyier

Treehouse has been a long time sponsor here on CSS-Tricks. You know them. They do online training for web and mobile design and development. Here's a couple of things that I think are especially cool about Treehouse: There are conference videos in there you won't find anywhere else. I was just poking around and found three videos of me at conferences I was recently at! There are of course ton

@user3470815 so you are asking who knows how to smoke and knock someone over?
@mikedidthis so you're on SO only while menstruating?
@rlemon something like that! :D
@BasementKeyboardHero exactly that
That will be the brits in the room
was trying ..when i drag n drop from green box to red box it copies instead of moving the element and after it finishes change the green box background-color
@BasementKeyboardHero uwot m9
rek u
@user3470815 show us
Attention people seeking help: If you have a question and you have code to go along with your question already, post that first. Don't make us ask for it please and thankyou. We are not mind readers and we do not know what you've accomplished so far. Help us help you! Pancakes.
@user3470815 we can haz fiddle?
@rlemon Did you just call them all pancakes?
Now I'm hungry.
working in chrome dont know why it throws error on firefox... It moves the drag to the drop, but i wanted to copy it instead of moving the element
+1 for pancakes
!!caniuse drag and drop
yessss, hahahahaha
@ZachSaucier lol
@ZachSaucier lol
such a great link
Ooo it's looped!
@CapricaSix i.imgur.com/mWSxrjn.gif Heyyyyyy
@rlemon your avatar is famous: tumblr.com/theme/39436
where is my christmas one?
where is my regular one :(
mike buttery, lol
sounds dirty :P
@rlemon I awoke on Fri, 05 Dec 2014 21:47:38 GMT (that's about 5 days ago), got invoked 719 times, learned 270 commands, but forgotten 9 commands
@BasementKeyboardHero ditto
@Loktar saw it last night :P
@rlemon caprica won't let me do shit :(
love that one, the way he just smoothly gets his worm on
@BasementKeyboardHero try again
@BasementKeyboardHero I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Basement Keyboard Hero
because you're not allowed :P
you can use other commands tho
well yeah that's what i m bitching about :P
@BasementKeyboardHero I should get to yours this week.
i can has crabatar?
@mikedidthis <3 no pressure
@sippy_bizzle yes! I am looking forward to yours!
Also who ever wanted to be a chicken.
No, someone in the JS room I think.
@skibbi_bizzle BUKERK
Awkward moment when DAL tells you database fields don't exist
I think they do Mr. DAL.
Or I could be using the wrong database like a retard.
I'm gonna guess Mr. Dal wasn't lying.
posted on December 11, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} I'm the dialog writer for this game!

I cringe when i see color/background-coilor: white;
Inconsistency kills me
what if they put it like that everywhere?
not really getting what you mean xD
as in stick to hex
site is bound to have colors that don't have a css name
might as well define all the colors using hex
I use white and black sometimes when I get too lazy to type hex
only for those 2 colors tho
did you get used to git btw
though we have 2 interns and they are also having a ton of issues getting it to work xD
seems like it's just really hard to get into properly (without errors)
and without constantly fucking up your repo's
you guys give them access to the repo?
have them fork it
let them fuck up their own repo :P
no it's a branch
I don't even know
they can't fuck up the main thing tho
fork the repo, work on a branch and Pr from that
Should write a git for dummies guide
well it's their own branches that keep fucking up
(and my own for example)
How do you fuck it up btw, as in what happens
yes pls git for dummies, without any hard words
you get errors, fail to commit/push/pull, end up with conflicts unable to fix them because the thing is bugging out
and then you end up stuck with your changes on local branch, unable to commit/push
and also unable to pull
only way is to hard reset your branch, losing all your changes
happened multiple times to me so far
by failing to push do you get the remote branch is ahead of your own ?
mostly ref errors
on other branches (which you don't even have locally)
next time it happens can you save the error message and steps you took to get it?
oh lemme dig it up
got it today
hmm does sourcetree have an error log?
no idea, i don't like guis :P
@BasementKeyboardHero ah well it's this error stackoverflow.com/questions/11796580/… however the answer does not solve the issue
this answer does solve it stackoverflow.com/a/3046478/2539335
problem is that I keep getting the same errors again, usually on branches that I haven't even cloned
and today I got it on the main development branch
I have designed the navbar of my webite using bootstrap. However even after modification in CSS the active element does not have round edges
@Wally your site is loading for ages
I'm able to open it well
*I wonder what the problem is
still loading
@Wally you just added css to .inactive a only
in your main.css on line 104, change .navbar-default .navbar-nav > .inactive > a to .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a
@DarkAshelin was heating up food
@DarkAshelin what idiot on your team is force pushing
@BasementKeyboardHero noone, that's the thing
it's just throwing these errors for seemingly no reason
it doesn't just happen for no reason, there are commits that are going missing
I looked up all the possible reasons for these ref errors, but none of them apply
also, it's happening mostly on branches that I haven't even cloned/forked
yet it gives me error for them and blocks my pull/push
hmm next time it happens ping me
git ain't magic :P
what's the point in building an OS/browser in HTML like FF is trying to do?
Just because they can i guess
I have copleted the nav bar on my site. i need opinion on how it looks
looks fine
@Wally don't use border radius like that IMO
"STD codes" heh.
please space them x.x
it doesn't look good tbh
@Wally looks ugly/amateur
I don't know how to space them
NumbersIndia is not vertically centered on my screen
@ZachSaucier mean!
the font could be better for the buttons, depends on functionality of site
@DarkAshelin ¯_(ツ)_/¯ he asked
not going to lie
see this is how ppl get offended and you get called "bold" xD
I agree tbh with @ZachSaucier
it's okay it's my first attempt
It looks amateurish
What should i change
@BasementKeyboardHero @ZachSaucier
@Wally make us a jsfiddle to play with
please :)
What is a jsfiddle?
^^ (better @DarkAshelin? :)
@Wally jsfiddle.net put the minimal amount of HTML and CSS to recreate your nav in there and click Save
give us the new URL once that's done
@ZachSaucier yeah that's better. imo never say "that's ugly" but give constructive criticism, and always mention what is good about it
not just pointing out the bad things
ain't nobody got time for that ;)
but seriously I have a hard time spending more time saying what's good for randos in chat
esp with a link drop like that, not an actual question
Did I mention this was made in bootstrap. So can I still do js fiddle
clientsfromhell.net/post/104072326761/… oh god I would be so offended
@ZachSaucier I get ur feels
@Wally you can either import it yourself or use bootply.com/new which is pretty much the same as jsfiddle but imports it for you
ughh I dislike the default bootstrap mobile nav so much
cool, thanks
I dislike bootstrap
Shitty css, encouraging shitty practices
but it's fast and cheap
Do you hate the ugly navbar
So it has it's usage
but I wouldn't use it everywhere
So @ZachSaucier Did you do anything cool with it
working on it, takes time
Ok! ping me when it's done
nice effect
actually looks good
in most cases I'd say not
IMO image choice should be better than a city like that
As for the guy, I think it looks better without blur
i'm not talking about the images, but about the smoothness of the blur
I see, I thought you were talking about the effect in general
Does anybody know how you can increase the gap between links in a bootstrap navbar
don't forget that it still has to fit for ppl with a smaller resolution though
I personally would make light square menu items
but that's just a completely different style ^^
btw @Wally, you don't need prefixes for border-radius anymore
!!caniuse border-radius
posted on December 11, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Guick */

you should also learn some shorthand for CSS properties
no need in putting border-radius: 33px 33px 33px 33px;, border-radius: 33px; is just fine
@ZachSaucier that effect is cool if you don't have a tilt-shift lens - which are quite expensive and rarely useful- to capture "miniature cities", you can fake it in photoshop
@Feeds most retarded caption gif combination ever
@BasementKeyboardHero The only time I use white or black instead of hex values (or any named color) is when I'm throwing a demo together or testing something in a fiddle
yeah exactly
that shouldn't be in production code
off to see the hobbit laters guys
have fun
@Wally Don't put navs in a .container xD
use the <nav> element
you can put a container in the nav if you want, don't do the opposite
ughhh too much work
div class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top">
<div class="container">
the container is after the navbar class
@Wally Summary of how to make it look better: add a background color to the whole nav if you're going to have one at all, not just the buttons. It looks weird to have floating colored buttons like that. Remove the border radius. Vertically center the image. Add a feint outline/border for the buttons. Add hover and active states for the buttons. Fix the spacing so it can behave responsively. Fix the mobile menu.
wow, havent posted in here for 150 days... Hi again haha
eh, doesn't seem like a big deal to me
plus the questions may actually be bad, they just had reason to look through your questions and saw them (this happens with me when I view new user's pages often)
i wish more sass questions were this well asked/thought out:
Q: What is $experimental-support-for-svg in sass and why is it needed?

NadineI've just upgraded SASS and Compass to fix a problem where the CSS wasn't compiling. All I did was: gem uninstall sass gem install sass --no-ri --no-rdoc gem install compass After doing that and executing grunt, the CSS now compiles but with the following warning: WARNING: Compass has changed...

Is MDN down for you guys too?
nvmd it's back
CSᵠ has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
CSᵠ has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
@ZachSaucier do you have a link w/ info on that?
> Common sense is obviously a rarity these days...
I liked what that guy said
:local-link (css4) is interesting but not sure where it would be useful
@mikedidthis man, long time, where have you been
@joshhunt breadcrumbs / navigation etc.
true, good point
@Mr.Alien making that gif. Lost three good birds.
@crypticツ I laughed so hard ahahaha
Subject of a selector with Child combinator "!subject > selector" will be a useful selector.
indeed it will be
Essentially a parent selector?
Yup but not limited to
I assume you could use it for things like div + div as well
Yeah. Check the children qualify, do something on the parent.
and things like !img + a:hover
dunno why you'd want that selector, lol
I think we discussed this before?
selecting images is not all that handy :P
previous child is, sure
just meant that particular example
a !label + input:focus is a better use of the parent selector
@ZachSaucier scratch that
I remember needing it in something like that but can't quite remember what
cinn's answer is probably the best use case
I think maybe i had two <a>'s where I wanted to connect the :hover effect and I couldn't change the markup
so I could have used !a + a:hover
that wouldn't work? a:hover would have to be the child of !a?
no, + is next sibling
I know silly.
! in CSS4 just means "select this element regardless of what comes next"
Ahh right
so its a step back, rather than a parent?
makes it more useful
or... !label:after + :required { display: inline; content: '(required)'; color: red }
is it weird that I watch lectures to relax?
@ZachSaucier yeah that does make more sense. Thanks for the clarification.
And no, its no weird.
Well I don't think it is.
@cimmanon yeah the :required :optional elements are going to be really useful
it's so much more entertaining to me than something more mindless
and since I'm not worried about remembering everything it's great
Hey, as long as it not Towie or Made In Chelsea, your good with me.
both of those went above my head
Yeah, I am trying to source the US equivalent.
seems like a crappy TV show
I am sure the concept is based on a US show.
Jersey Shores
@joshhunt silly me, I clicked "try out an example" and was miffed when it didn't work
obviously my browser doesn't support it yet
@mikedidthis I was thinking that but I don't know shows well enough to say
@TylerH psst I did the same thing.
@TylerH :P
Based on the comments on this answer, I think a comprehensive guide to moderator tools and features available somewhere for moderators would not be remiss. — TylerH yesterday
@ZachSaucier it was basically half a dozen moderators going "hey we can do this? I didn't know that"
> Internet Explorer does not care if you are a man, a woman, or a Cylon. It hates you regardless. Just remember that.
jeez, bold IE
Cylons are dangerous
posted on December 11, 2014

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com title: "The Biggest Fish In The World" - originally published 12/11/2014 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

and gn

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