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Anyone know what the code is to make a window resizeable=no for chrome?
@skibbi_bizzle <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,user-scalable=no">
tis called a meta tag
@PatsyIssa you so smart <3
@skibbi_bizzle me reads SO and googles :P
I was googling, she failed me...
please for the love of anything holy, don't do that.
Its for in-house :P
But still. I will find you and I will hurt you.
490 Chironia Avenue, Helderkruin, Roodepoort, Gauteng, South Africa, 1724
@mikedidthis Post me a bomb :P
@PatsyIssa get on it!
one dolla
Typical Arabs, won't even bomb a place without getting paid anymore
Let yourselves go
I just realized the address i gave is WAY to specific O.o
@PatsyIssa sent.
@PatsyIssa I have 2 dollhairs for you :) if you send @mikedidthis a bomb
@skibbi_bizzle psst delete your address
@PatsyIssa pssst it's not mine :P
Judging by the amount of times we've discussed bombs and sending them I m willing to be one for the chat regulars is an NSA agent in disguise and i m getting the full "treatment" the next time I head to the states.
@mikedidthis fyi - don't use edge animate for anything else except for an alternative to flash animated banners
the code it produces is a huge mess + way too much overhead for a simple animation
@PatsyIssa so this is not the first time O.o you are so fuckedbra
@PatsyIssa ahahahahaha
@easwee yeah, I had a quick play with it when it first came out. fuck that shit.
!!tell ME when you are going to be fixed !!damnit
@skibbi_bizzle Command when does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
@skibbi_bizzle That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@mikedidthis on friday I was hoping that the code is easily portable to any js implementation - seems like it just knits together some jquery and some of it's own code - you change one thing it all falls apart :S - good only for animated banners really
Dat typo though
haha nothing to see here :P
@CapricaSix rofl
epic typo
More like he can't spell for shit :P
Still waiting on !!juice :(
@skibbi_bizzle we did juice it
give up mate, you aren't getting any
@PatsyIssa my life in a nutshell...
That moment when a dev puts the link <>LINK instead of <link> :/
<> in the learn command means don't reply to the user
it is finding it and displaying
hahaha I am an idiot
yes, yes you are
any idea how to use bounce easing in velocityjs?
@easwee reading change log it states bounce easing has been removed
> The back, bounce, and elastic easings have been removed. Use spring physics instead.
@PatsyIssa yeah - that is exactly my problem - I have to recreate the bounceOut with spring :(
guess what i'm working on now guys?
Robocraft plugin?
the same thing of the last month. i haven't made not even a single step forward
kill me painfully please
i need to end my life
@WesleyCrushed less games/suicide talk, more programming -.-
@WesleyCrushed I know that feel. Hang in there.
i don't usually play much @PatsyIssa
^ I was just looking for that :D
@mikedidthis o/
I have a shitty week too
ohh god. google "hang in there" resulted in this: cdn-www.i-am-bored.com/media/hooks-in-girls-back.jpg
what is wrong with people
@rlemon also, she put them the wrong side
@rlemon you never know when you need a coat hanger bro, she's a thinker
makes carrying the shopping so much easier.
@rlemon exactly, what is wrong with people
1 message moved to Trash
that's an hammock?
have the decency not to onebox them please
^^ Sorry
I don't mind looking, I don't want to stare at it for the next 5 minutes :P
@WesleyCrushed so your css tool thingy
work with webkit?
seems good with Chrome when I tried it
i will complete it
:whine voice: but I wanna use it now!!!...
:D sorry
you know what you're making me do @WesleyCrushed
use jquery
you bastard!
i want to commit suicide even more now
@rlemon watched zombieland yesterday night, with emma in it
damn good movie
i loved it :D
I've moved on
I am still not over Horrible Bosses.
Emma is also in The End iirc.
WHEN are they going to make a Zombieland 2
ahahaha @WesleyCrushed was looking for a good pic of lindsey stirling for you
@WesleyCrushed twinkieesssssss
@rlemon I ain't even mad, still hot
I would love to see her in concert. and then again in my bedroom
Pulp Fiction is still one of the best movies ever made
well, my week started out shit
I know what feel.
2 space indent?
┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
I did it on purpose
you can't taint the dude man..
Sorry, I shall not taint the dude, or another other dude again.
keep your taint to yourself mike
roger that.
Q: velocity.js - recreate bounce easing with spring easing

easweeLooking through velocity.js changelog I read: ... 2) The back, bounce, and elastic easings have been removed. Use spring physics instead. ... I was wondering if there is any simple way to recreate the easeOutBounce effect that is available with jQuery animate using the spring easing, that a...

if anyone has a clue if this can be done with spring?
@easwee easings are "just math", no?
@WesleyCrushed yes - my math sux
	// t: current time, b: begInnIng value, c: change In value, d: duration
x is null; because jQuery
@rlemon y I know how to do that with custom function - I'm asking on what to pass to velocity.js - so I can just input the [tension, friction] in the animation parameters
since it's bounce effect got removed in 1.0 and it specifies in the changelog that spring should be used to achieve it
function(progress) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - progress, 4); }
this should be an ease out
4 is the strength of the effect, you can tune it
progress is 0 to 1
let me think about bounce
posted on September 29, 2014 by Laura Franz

    As we refine our methods of responsive web design, we’ve increasingly focused on measure (another word for “line length”) and its relationship to how people read. 
The popularization of the “ideal measure” has led to advice such as “Increase font size for large screens and reduce font size for small screens.” While a good measure does improve the reading experience, it’s

or you could look at the math behind greensock
i'm not good with math either
@CapricaSix you are good with math, help @easwee
@WesleyCrushed fu :P
I love how no one hates on Cap
yay, FF 32.0.3 has position: sticky enabled
Still makes me think of @WesleyCrushed each time i see it :P
that's a perfect reproduction of wes
I hate windows
cd \d h:/
Y U NO \d
or better yet, -d
stupid windows
@rlemon why are you on windows? O.o
target platform
Servicing a retirement home?
@PatsyIssa Are you unfamiliar with the global OS metrics of today?
@TylerH Are you unfamiliar with the global definition of sarcasm of today?
When there's no previous context or in-line indication upon which to rely, I think it's unreasonable of you to expect anyone to detect it :-)
I was talking to the lemon, not regular folk :O
the sexy girl that sells me the pizza was very pleasant with me before i made her notice that she was trying to sell me a pizza that was just a bit more cooked that necessary. you know, with "black prevailing over red". so i'm not eating pizza anymore. and i'll be alone forever
@WesleyCrushed racist
black pizza has rights too?
I have access to full mod tools on WD now because I have <1000 rep. Will that remain the case until the site is out of beta completely or just out of private beta?
@ZachSaucier just private
limit then increases to 3k
unless you are a mod
kk, thanks!
posted on September 29, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by John Pham */

do you keep the rep once beta is over?
I'd assume so, haha
that'd suck if not
posted on September 29, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} There are now exactly 22 general admission tickets for BAHFest East

rockstar pack is back on sale, if anyones interested gamersgate.com/campaign/48/rockstar-week
@PatsyIssa obv you do
@PatsyIssa No time for pleasure reading :(
Oh, MKUltra!
I remember reading about that
@Mr.Alien makes me wanna play gta1
@rlemon that was epic, its for free now...
ooh I want to play gta
oookay, coding love just started using ads or did one slip past my adblock?
just added it most likely
ok why the fcuk does everybody call this bounce jsfiddle.net/paulrouget/9GrYX/14
that is not a bounce
@easwee well, it sort of does bounce off the side
@easwee I'm with you
but it also scales
why is that upside down/so fast :-(
the example I posted is elastic
@TylerH because it's an out bounce - you have an in bouce and an in/out bounce
oh, I only see the one
but it's dumb because half of the internet is naming the elastic easing as bounce
which it is not
the other one is right side up but still backward X-P
here you have all the possibilities
@TylerH it's just a function drawing - it's not related to animation
posted on September 29, 2014 by Chris Coyier

I've had some disparate thoughts regarding pagination lately, so I thought I'd attempt to organize them in a post. That's how blogging works right? Consistent Positioning If there is any way to make sure your pagination buttons don't move, do it. It's such a nice experience to be able to just click-click-click (or tap-tap-tap) and the same thing happens each time. And when you get to the e

guys, I have a weird problem; I have a sprite, .cstm-icon has background: url(...) no-repeat; while the .icon-home has background-position: -84px -2px; width:24px;height:24px; though the element <span class="cstm-icon icon-home"></span> shows up as having 0px 0px of height and width. What am I missing?
@MoshMage demo us. And check if the styles are being applied in dev tools
@MoshMage fiddle
@ZachSaucier I was on an old-folks ultimate team at a tournament this weekend. We won :-D
good, good
Also I strained the A2 pulley on my right ring finger last night, so no climbing for me for a few weeks :-(
@ZachSaucier @TylerH I didn't fiddle because it was really all that I have xD but here's a fiddlemethis jsfiddle.net/28ktqqax
@MoshMage spans have display:inline by default - thus width and height don't apply. Give it display:inline-block or display:block for them to apply
Thank you, @ZachSaucier :)
I love when in talking with you guys I find the right keywords of what problem I'm having.
One of the biggest things being on a SE site provides is how to ask good questions including how to find the answer yourself before hand if possible
Hi room !
;) Zach
@Mr.Alien Not a big fan of rockstar :P
any one can help for this problem ? stackoverflow.com/questions/26086716/…
@Will nice
@Will: Gr8 man
@ツツツ I feel ya bro, arabic has always been a pain in the ass to develop x.x
If only I had somewhere I could use it
@Will wow.
@PatsyIssa: Sure !!! O.o
I just broke your cloth. WHERE THE NEEDLE AND STRING?! :D
ugh, I hand off something to another person and they totally change the styles and markup and don't say a word about it when they hand it back X-/
@TylerH That and when someone removes a class that's working as a directive because "this class wasn't in the css file" :D (inb4 i knew I could just use "attributes" as "directive")
"let me add a parent container and then set that class to height: 0 and then play dumb when it destroys the site layout"
and this is supposed to be delivered today
@MoshMage too much angular :D
I should try out angular at some point
@mikedidthis Nah, I know that those are called directives because now I've been reading and trying some angular buuut, I didn't knew that name at that time so I used classes instead and called them "module control classes" x)
@PatsyIssa It's pretty neat
@MoshMage pssttt come to the dark side we have cookies
I haven't really used it practically yet, though
@SomeGuy Don't think I ever will :P
@PatsyIssa oh, Yahoo is hiring a senior ember person
I might use Angular at some point
I really like the look of: vuejs.org
Looks interesting
Data binding only?
Or does it do more?
60 rep today... I'm whoring soooo hard right now :D
Congrats, haha
how are you guys doing?
@SomeGuy data binding, live updates etc.
Busy, and I do not like it.
Wordpressing and its depressing.
Hey ACP here....
group hug
:) thankyou @ group
Hearing you loud and clear, ACP. Over.
@mikedidthis what did you do to the room's owners list, btw? :p
@Billy hit it with a sledgehammer
he kicked me out
that's what he did
@GNi33 Me too :(
Blame @WesleyCrushed
I'm not convinced
Check the transcripts :D
Dirtbag Discourse says Free and Open Source but you have to go to GitHub to download it for free... only options on the website itself are the business plan at like $200/month and the enterprise at $1000/month
not very friendly, Jeff Atwood
Standard practice, I believe that is how vanilla forums works as well.
Its free if you host it yourself, but its well hidden.
Yeah, as Mike said, it's free to host it yourself
They have paid options to host it for you
How else would they make any money?
@mikedidthis Can't find it..
Aside from "it's free" kind of being the point of FOSS, @SomeGuy I would say maybe ad revenue? Additional hosting services are fine and all, no problem with that
Sep 25 at 10:22, by mikedidthis
And again, to anyone I removed, I really am sorry, I still <3 you. Blame @WesleyCrushed for wanting to purge.
posted on September 29, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by BTK */

my only problem is you can't download it for free on the website itself
it doesn't even tell you that you can't download it for free on the website itself
Which I feel like is an oversight at best or underhanded at worst
!!afk lunch
I think it's okay. Anyone who knows how open-source works and is capable of hosting it themselves is probably capable of figuring out how to download it too
^ that. The installation process isn't straight forward iirc. An experienced dev will hit da fork button in no time.
fair do's @mikedidthis
I heard someone call my name
Does anyone have a decent knowledge of laptops?
is there any way to wrap text inside a custom shape ? -- i tried using svg but it break each line in a different tag...
Man.. jquery-ui sucks hairy balls.
It feels like a failed attempt at making a bootstrap thingy
but.. what does my boss want me to use? Jquery-ui, ofc!
@MoshMage yes. Yes it does.
posted on September 29, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic.

@MLM yea great article already read it, but that is the future :( -- very little browsers support ATM.
@Feeds @Loktar ^
posted on September 29, 2014 by Wes + Tony

WHO WOULD YOU RATHER INVITE TO A PARTY, GOD or SATAN ? WHAT THEY’D BRING: GOD: A huge list of rules to ruin all of the fun for everyone. SATAN: Probably a giant bag of skulls to help decorate. ADVANTAGE: SATAN. WHAT THEY’D TALK ABOUT: GOD: Odds are he’d spend the entire time complaining about [...]

Soooo... anyone knows how I can test locally to load a file directly from file-system using ajax? I'm geting the good'ol Received an invalid response. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access
nvm, i forgot i could be running easyphp :x
@WesleyCrushed haha
I was wondering what that comic was getting at
does Shrek really carry onions wherever he goes
What's better: Delegation of the clicks or assign new event-binders after page being ajaxed?
@StephanMuller I'm catching up ;) could vote on it to make it equal to yours :P
@ZachSaucier thx
Poorly Drawn Lines
And should I delegate to body oooor the nearest in-page element?
@Feeds y u so ugly
@MoshMage that, my friend, is out of my knowledge base off the top of my head and I'm too lazy to search
@ZachSaucier lol, np, I'll just googlefu
Thank you all, going home. \o/
hey people
@WesleyCrushed Room 29074 @mikedidthis' massacre :-D
only the strongest survived
Imma print a tshirts I died in the room 29074 apocalypse :P
Damn once again it terribly quiet in here :(
/me blames @WesleyCrushed
it usually quiets down around this time. People going home in Europe
It's 19:30 :P About time people went home :D
20:33 here
Your timezone is weak!
yeah :(
Come join the darkside
do you have cookies?
Are hashbrownies cookies?
FATALITY :>":{()(&)#%
i fixed it this morning
@PeeHaa for the record, I didn't remove you :D
@Asko what?
@mikedidthis I was just j/k
@CSᵠ The bash vulnerability
@PeeHaa I know, but that was one cull I couldn't make, blame the italian.
/me calls back the hitsquat :)
@Asko umm, what bash vuln?
Oh nevermind, I'm too tired ..
saw { and : and ... nevermind
@mikedidthis The Italian's are *always to blame
Anybody in here knows of a fun low end game I can play to kill time?
IT'S URGENT!!!!!!! ^
Prince of persia the original
Not that low end :P
RPS :)))
@PeeHaa on you phone?
Low specced laptop
@ZachSaucier wow tnx for reminding me my eye/hand coordination sucks like a five year old :P

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